예제 #1
 public void Clicked()
     Variables.Checker = "Black";
     if (Variables.Moved)
         move = GetComponent <RectTransform> ();            // zapisanie RectTransforma do zmiennej move
         //przeliczanie pozycji pionka
         positionX  = GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition.x;
         positionY  = GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition.y;
         MyPosition = Variables.ReturnIndex(positionX, positionY);
         //odnalezienie obiektu kreujacego guziki, ktore pozwalaja na ruch pionka
         CB = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <CreateButton> ();
         // tworzenie guzikow, przesylam do funkcji initialize referencje zmiennej move
         CB.Initialize(MyPosition, ref move);
         Variables.Moved       = false;
         Variables.LastClicked = MyPosition;
     else             //jezeli nie chemy ruszyc tym pionkiem wystarczy ze nacisniemy inny pionek i guziki zostana usuniete
         GameObject[] ActiveList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Active");
         foreach (GameObject Act in ActiveList)
         Variables.Moved = true;
         positionX       = GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition.x;
         positionY       = GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition.y;
         MyPosition      = Variables.ReturnIndex(positionX, positionY);
         if (Variables.LastClicked.x != MyPosition.x || Variables.LastClicked.y != MyPosition.y)
예제 #2
    public void Clicked()
        Variables.Moved = true;         // dokonalismy wyboru ruchu
        Destroy(this.gameObject);       // niszczymy nacisnietego active buttona
        CB         = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <CreateButton>();
        StartIndex = CB.StartingPostion;
        positionX  = GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition.x;
        positionY  = GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition.y;
        CB.MoveYourAss.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(positionX, positionY);
        BoardPresence = Variables.ReturnIndex(positionX, positionY);

        if (Variables.Board [StartIndex.y, StartIndex.x] == 311 || Variables.Board [StartIndex.y, StartIndex.x] == 312)
            KingJumpin = true;
        }         // Jezeli król bil
        if (Variables.Board [StartIndex.y, StartIndex.x] == 31 || Variables.Board [StartIndex.y, StartIndex.x] == 32)
            NormalJumpin = true;
        }         // Normalny pionek bił

        // wyszukuje wszystkie zaznaczone pionki i zmieniam je na podstawowe
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                if (Variables.Board [i, j] == 31)
                    Variables.Board [i, j] = 1;
                if (Variables.Board [i, j] == 32)
                    Variables.Board [i, j] = 2;
                if (Variables.Board [i, j] == 311)
                    Variables.Board [i, j] = 11;
                if (Variables.Board [i, j] == 312)
                    Variables.Board [i, j] = 12;
        WhichOne = Variables.Board [StartIndex.y, StartIndex.x];
        Variables.Board [StartIndex.y, StartIndex.x]       = 0;
        Variables.Board [BoardPresence.y, BoardPresence.x] = WhichOne;

        if (Variables.Checker == "King" && KingJumpin)           // Jezeli skoczyl to zbij pionki
            if (Variables.Turn == "White")
                Variables.Board [BoardPresence.y, BoardPresence.x] = 311;
                Variables.MarkedForDeath(StartIndex, BoardPresence);
                GameObject[] CheckerList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ButtonTag");                  // w taki sposob się dostaje do obiektów
                foreach (GameObject Checker in CheckerList)
                    positionX  = Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition.x;
                    positionY  = Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition.y;
                    CheckIndex = Variables.ReturnIndex(positionX, positionY);
                    if (Variables.Board [CheckIndex.y, CheckIndex.x] == 62)
                        Variables.Board [CheckIndex.y, CheckIndex.x] = 0;
                        //Destroy (Checker.gameObject);
                        Checker.gameObject.tag = "dead";
                        Checker.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                        Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(Variables.graveyardX[Variables.graveyardK], Variables.graveyardY[Variables.graveyardJ]);
                        if (Variables.graveyardJ > 5)
                            Variables.graveyardJ = 0;
            else if (Variables.Turn == "Black")
                Variables.Board [BoardPresence.y, BoardPresence.x] = 312;
                Variables.MarkedForDeath(StartIndex, BoardPresence);
                GameObject[] CheckerList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ButtonTag");                  // w taki sposob się dostaje do obiektów
                foreach (GameObject Checker in CheckerList)
                    positionX  = Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition.x;
                    positionY  = Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition.y;
                    CheckIndex = Variables.ReturnIndex(positionX, positionY);
                    if (Variables.Board [CheckIndex.y, CheckIndex.x] == 61)
                        Variables.Board [CheckIndex.y, CheckIndex.x] = 0;
                        //Destroy (Checker.gameObject);
                        Checker.gameObject.tag = "dead";
                        Checker.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                        Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(Variables.graveyardX[Variables.graveyardKBl], Variables.graveyardY[Variables.graveyardJBl]);
                        if (Variables.graveyardJBl < 1)
                            Variables.graveyardJBl = 6;
            // Wyrzuć guziki które są już nie potrzebne
            GameObject[] ActiveList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Active");
            foreach (GameObject Act in ActiveList)


            if (KingJumpin)               // Jezeli istnieje nastepne bicie to wylacz wszystkie mozliwe guziki
                Variables.Destroyed = true;
                GameObject[] CheckerList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ButtonTag");                  // w taki sposob się dostaje do obiektów
                Button       temp;
                foreach (GameObject Checker in CheckerList)
                    temp         = Checker.GetComponent <Button> ();
                    temp.enabled = false;
                CB.Initialize(BoardPresence, ref CB.MoveYourAss);
            else                                                                           // Jezeli nie to włacz guziki, zmien ture
                GameObject[] CheckerList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ButtonTag"); // w taki sposob się dostaje do obiektów
                Button       temp;
                foreach (GameObject Checker in CheckerList)
                    temp         = Checker.GetComponent <Button> ();
                    temp.enabled = true;
                if (Variables.Turn == "White")
                    Variables.Board [BoardPresence.y, BoardPresence.x] = 11;
                else if (Variables.Turn == "Black")
                    Variables.Board [BoardPresence.y, BoardPresence.x] = 12;
                ActiveList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Active");
                foreach (GameObject Act in ActiveList)
                Variables.TurnChange = true;                 //zmiana rundy
        else if ((Variables.Checker == "White" || Variables.Checker == "Black") && NormalJumpin == true)             // Jezeli pionek nie jest krolem
            if (Variables.Checker == "White" && Variables.Turn == "White")
                Variables.MarkedForDeath(StartIndex, BoardPresence);
                Variables.Board [BoardPresence.y, BoardPresence.x] = 31;
                GameObject[] CheckerList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ButtonTag");                  // w taki sposob się dostaje do obiektów
                foreach (GameObject Checker in CheckerList)
                    positionX  = Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition.x;
                    positionY  = Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition.y;
                    CheckIndex = Variables.ReturnIndex(positionX, positionY);
                    if (Variables.Board [CheckIndex.y, CheckIndex.x] == 62)
                        Variables.Board [CheckIndex.y, CheckIndex.x] = 0;
                        //Destroy (Checker.gameObject);
                        Checker.gameObject.tag = "dead";
                        Checker.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                        Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(Variables.graveyardX[Variables.graveyardK], Variables.graveyardY[Variables.graveyardJ]);
                        if (Variables.graveyardJ > 5)
                            Variables.graveyardJ = 0;
            if (Variables.Checker == "Black" && Variables.Turn == "Black")
                Variables.MarkedForDeath(StartIndex, BoardPresence);
                Variables.Board [BoardPresence.y, BoardPresence.x] = 32;
                GameObject[] CheckerList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ButtonTag");                  // w taki sposob się dostaje do obiektów
                foreach (GameObject Checker in CheckerList)
                    positionX  = Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition.x;
                    positionY  = Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition.y;
                    CheckIndex = Variables.ReturnIndex(positionX, positionY);
                    if (Variables.Board [CheckIndex.y, CheckIndex.x] == 61)
                        Variables.Board [CheckIndex.y, CheckIndex.x] = 0;
                        //Destroy (Checker.gameObject);
                        Checker.gameObject.tag = "dead";
                        Checker.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                        Checker.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(Variables.graveyardX[Variables.graveyardKBl], Variables.graveyardY[Variables.graveyardJBl]);
                        if (Variables.graveyardJBl < 1)
                            Variables.graveyardJBl = 6;

            GameObject[] ActiveList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Active");
            foreach (GameObject Act in ActiveList)


            if (NormalJumpin)               // Jezeli istnieje nastepne bicie to wylacz wszystkie mozliwe guziki
                Variables.Destroyed = true;
                GameObject[] CheckerList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ButtonTag");                  // w taki sposob się dostaje do obiektów
                Button       temp;
                foreach (GameObject Checker in CheckerList)
                    temp         = Checker.GetComponent <Button> ();
                    temp.enabled = false;
                CB.Initialize(BoardPresence, ref CB.MoveYourAss);
                GameObject[] CheckerList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ButtonTag");                  // w taki sposob się dostaje do obiektów
                Button       temp;
                foreach (GameObject Checker in CheckerList)
                    temp         = Checker.GetComponent <Button> ();
                    temp.enabled = true;
                if (Variables.Turn == "White")
                    Variables.Board [BoardPresence.y, BoardPresence.x] = 1;
                else if (Variables.Turn == "Black")
                    Variables.Board [BoardPresence.y, BoardPresence.x] = 2;
                ActiveList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Active");
                foreach (GameObject Act in ActiveList)
                Variables.TurnChange = true;                 //zmiana rundy
        else             // jezeli nie występuje bicie
            Variables.Destroyed  = false;
            Variables.TurnChange = true;             //zmiana rundy