protected ModPrefab_Craftable(
            string techTypeName,
            string friendlyName,
            string description,
            TechType template,
            TechType requiredAnalysis,
            TechGroup groupForPDA,
            TechCategory categoryForPDA,
            EquipmentType equipmentType,
            QuickSlotType quickSlotType,
            CraftData.BackgroundType backgroundType,
            Vector2int itemSize,
            ModPrefab_Fragment fragment
            : base(techTypeName, $"{techTypeName}.Prefab")
            TechTypeName      = techTypeName;
            FriendlyName      = friendlyName;
            Description       = description;
            PrefabTemplate    = template;
            RequiredForUnlock = requiredAnalysis;
            GroupForPDA       = groupForPDA;
            CategoryForPDA    = categoryForPDA;
            TypeForEquipment  = equipmentType;
            TypeForQuickslot  = quickSlotType;
            BackgroundType    = backgroundType;
            ItemSize          = itemSize;
            _Fragment         = fragment;

예제 #2
 private static bool PatchBackgrounds(CraftData.BackgroundType backgroundType, ref Sprite __result)
     if (BackgroundTypeHandler.BackgroundSprites.TryGetValue(backgroundType, out Sprite value))
         __result = value;
예제 #3
        internal static CraftData.BackgroundType AddBackgroundType(string name)
            EnumTypeCache cache = cacheManager.RequestCacheForTypeName(name) ?? new EnumTypeCache()
                Name  = name,
                Index = cacheManager.GetNextAvailableIndex()

            CraftData.BackgroundType backgroundType = (CraftData.BackgroundType)cache.Index;

            cacheManager.Add(backgroundType, cache.Index, cache.Name);

            Logger.Log($"Successfully added Backgroundtype: '{name}' to Index: '{cache.Index}'", LogLevel.Debug);

예제 #4
        protected ModPrefab_Craftable(
            string nameID,
            string iconFilePath,
            TechType iconTechType,
            string friendlyName,
            string description,
            TechType template,
            TabNode newTabNode,
            CraftTree.Type[] fabricatorTypes,
            string[][] fabricatorTabs,
            TechType requiredAnalysis,
            TechGroup groupForPDA,
            TechCategory categoryForPDA,
            EquipmentType equipmentType,
            QuickSlotType quickSlotType,
            CraftData.BackgroundType backgroundType,
            Vector2int itemSize,
            string gamerResourceFileName,
            ModPrefab_Fragment fragment
            : base(nameID, $"{nameID}:Prefab")
            NameID               = nameID;
            IconFilePath         = iconFilePath;
            IconTechType         = iconTechType;
            FriendlyName         = friendlyName;
            Description          = description;
            PrefabTemplate       = template;
            NewTabNode           = newTabNode;
            FabricatorTypes      = fabricatorTypes;
            FabricatorTabs       = fabricatorTabs;
            RequiredForUnlock    = requiredAnalysis;
            GroupForPDA          = groupForPDA;
            CategoryForPDA       = categoryForPDA;
            TypeForEquipment     = equipmentType;
            TypeForQuickslot     = quickSlotType;
            BackgroundType       = backgroundType;
            ItemSize             = itemSize;
            GameResourceFileName = gamerResourceFileName;
            _Fragment            = fragment;

예제 #5
 protected CraftableModItem(
     string nameID,
     string iconFileName,
     TechType iconTechType,
     string friendlyName,
     string description,
     TechType template,
     CraftTree.Type fabricatorType,
     string[] fabricatorTab,
     TechType requiredAnalysis,
     TechGroup groupForPDA,
     TechCategory categoryForPDA,
     EquipmentType equipmentType,
     QuickSlotType quickSlotType,
     CraftData.BackgroundType backgroundType,
     Vector2int itemSize,
     string gamerResourceFileName
     : base(nameID, $"{nameID}Prefab")
     NameID               = nameID;
     IconFilename         = iconFileName;
     IconTechType         = iconTechType;
     FriendlyName         = friendlyName;
     Description          = description;
     PrefabTemplate       = template;
     FabricatorType       = fabricatorType;
     FabricatorTab        = fabricatorTab;
     RequiredForUnlock    = requiredAnalysis;
     GroupForPDA          = groupForPDA;
     CategoryForPDA       = categoryForPDA;
     TypeForEquipment     = equipmentType;
     TypeForQuickslot     = quickSlotType;
     BackgroundType       = backgroundType;
     ItemSize             = itemSize;
     GameResourceFileName = gamerResourceFileName;
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Allows you to edit inventory background colors for TechTypes.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="techType">The TechType whose BackgroundType you want to edit.</param>
 /// <param name="backgroundColor">The background color for that TechType.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="CraftData.BackgroundType"/>
 public static void SetBackgroundType(TechType techType, CraftData.BackgroundType backgroundColor)
     Main.SetBackgroundType(techType, backgroundColor);
예제 #7
 protected void setBackgroundType(CraftData.BackgroundType backgroundType) => CraftDataHandler.SetBackgroundType(TechType, backgroundType);
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Allows you to edit inventory background colors for TechTypes.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="techType">The TechType whose BackgroundType you want to edit.</param>
 /// <param name="backgroundColor">The background color for that TechType.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="CraftData.BackgroundType"/>
 void ICraftDataHandler.SetBackgroundType(TechType techType, CraftData.BackgroundType backgroundColor)
     CraftDataPatcher.CustomBackgroundTypes[techType] = backgroundColor;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Allows you to edit inventory background colors for TechTypes.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="techType">The TechType whose BackgroundType you want to edit.</param>
 /// <param name="backgroundColor">The background color for that TechType.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="CraftData.BackgroundType"/>
 void ICraftDataHandler.SetBackgroundType(TechType techType, CraftData.BackgroundType backgroundColor)
     AddJsonProperty(techType, "backgroundType", new JsonValue((int)backgroundColor));
        /// <summary>
        /// Safely looks for a modded Background Type from another mod in the SMLHelper BackgroundTypeCache and outputs its <see cref="CraftData.BackgroundType" /> value when found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="backgroundTypeString">The string used to define the BackgroundType</param>
        /// <param name="modBackgroundType">The BackgroundType enum value of the modded. Defaults to <see cref="CraftData.BackgroundType.Normal" /> when the item was not found.</param>
        /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the item was found; otherwise <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
        bool IBackgroundTypeHandler.TryGetModdedBackgroundType(string backgroundTypeString, out CraftData.BackgroundType modBackgroundType)
            EnumTypeCache cache = BackgroundTypePatcher.cacheManager.RequestCacheForTypeName(backgroundTypeString, false);

            if (cache != null) // Item Found
                modBackgroundType = (CraftData.BackgroundType)cache.Index;
            else // Mod not present or not yet loaded
                modBackgroundType = CraftData.BackgroundType.Normal;
 /// <summary>
 /// Safely looks for a modded Background Type from another mod in the SMLHelper BackgroundTypeCache and outputs its <see cref="CraftData.BackgroundType" /> value when found.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="backgroundTypeString">The string used to define the BackgroundType</param>
 /// <param name="modBackgroundType">The BackgroundType enum value of the modded. Defaults to <see cref="CraftData.BackgroundType.Normal" /> when the item was not found.</param>
 /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the item was found; otherwise <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
 public static bool TryGetModdedBackgroundType(string backgroundTypeString, out CraftData.BackgroundType modBackgroundType)
     return(Main.TryGetModdedBackgroundType(backgroundTypeString, out modBackgroundType));