public void Show() { CqaLabel.FormLabel(_label); CqaLabel.FormDescription(_description); _selectedValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup(_selectedValue, _possibleValues); CqaLabel.FormGroupSpacing(); }
public void Show() { CqaLabel.FormLabel(_label); CqaLabel.FormDescription(_description); string newValue = GUILayout.TextField(_value); if (newValue != Value) { Touched = true; } _value = newValue; if (Touched && newValue.Length == 0) { CqaLabel.FormError("This field can not be empty."); } else if (!HasInitialValue() && newValue != _initialValue && _providePotentialClashes().Contains(Value)) { CqaLabel.FormError("This name is already taken."); } CqaLabel.FormGroupSpacing(); }
public void Show() { CqaLabel.FormLabel(_label); CqaLabel.FormDescription(_description); _scroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scroll); string newValue = GUILayout.TextArea(_value); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); if (newValue != Value) { Touched = true; } _value = newValue; if (Touched && newValue.Length == 0) { CqaLabel.FormError("This field can not be empty."); } CqaLabel.FormGroupSpacing(); }