예제 #1
            public PairwiseGenerator(int[] counts)
                this.counts = counts;

                dimensions = counts.Length;

                coveringTables = new CoveringTable[dimensions][];
                for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
                    coveringTables[i] = new CoveringTable[dimensions];

                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        int[,] coverings     = new int[counts[i], counts[j]];
                        coveringTables[i][j] = new CoveringTable(coverings, false);
                        coveringTables[j][i] = new CoveringTable(coverings, true);

                tieBreaker = new Random(0); // Note: Uses a constant seed to be deterministic.
예제 #2
            public bool Next(int[] indices)
                for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
                    indices[i] = -1;

                bool foundUncovered = false;

                for (int firstDimension = 0; firstDimension < dimensions; firstDimension++)
                    if (indices[firstDimension] >= 0)

                    // Find the value in the first dimension that produces the best score over all values in all other dimensions.
                    int firstCount     = counts[firstDimension];
                    int bestFirstScore = 0;
                    int bestFirstIndex = 0;
                    int ties           = 0;

                    for (int firstIndex = 0; firstIndex < firstCount; firstIndex++)
                        int firstScore = 0;
                        for (int secondDimension = 0; secondDimension < dimensions; secondDimension++)
                            if (firstDimension == secondDimension)

                            CoveringTable coverings = coveringTables[firstDimension][secondDimension];

                            if (firstDimension < secondDimension)
                                int secondCount = counts[secondDimension];
                                for (int secondIndex = 0; secondIndex < secondCount; secondIndex++)
                                    if (coverings.GetCoveringCount(firstIndex, secondIndex) == 0)
                                        firstScore += 1;
                                if (coverings.GetCoveringCount(firstIndex, indices[secondDimension]) == 0)
                                    firstScore += 1;

                        if (firstScore < bestFirstScore)

                        if (firstScore == bestFirstScore)
                            // Randomly choose which of the ties to keep with equal probability.
                            // This helps to reduce the variance between covered pairs.
                            ties += 1;
                            if (tieBreaker.Next(ties) != 0)
                            bestFirstScore = firstScore;

                        bestFirstIndex = firstIndex;

                    if (bestFirstScore != 0)
                        // If the best score is non-zero, then we know there exists an uncovered pair that will be
                        // covered by this choice of first index because we always prefer indexes that produce new coverings.
                        foundUncovered          = true;
                        indices[firstDimension] = bestFirstIndex;
                        // If the best score is zero, then it makes no difference which index we choose so we
                        // pick one at random.  This helps to reduce the variance between covered pairs
                        // as otherwise we'd constantly be choosing the 0th element.
                        indices[firstDimension] = tieBreaker.Next(firstCount);

                // If we did not find any uncovered pairs, then there are none to be found.
                if (!foundUncovered)

                // Mark all pairs that were covered.
                for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < dimensions; j++)
                        coveringTables[i][j].IncrementCoveringCount(indices[i], indices[j]);
            public PairwiseGenerator(int[] counts)
                this.counts = counts;

                dimensions = counts.Length;

                coveringTables = new CoveringTable[dimensions][];
                for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
                    coveringTables[i] = new CoveringTable[dimensions];

                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        int[,] coverings = new int[counts[i], counts[j]];
                        coveringTables[i][j] = new CoveringTable(coverings, false);
                        coveringTables[j][i] = new CoveringTable(coverings, true);

                tieBreaker = new Random(0); // Note: Uses a constant seed to be deterministic.