protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Course_elearnDAO cdao = new Course_elearnDAO(); int id_int = Convert.ToInt32(id.Text); Boolean check = false; DateTime exp = new DateTime(); if (expiry != null) { if (expiry.Text != "") { exp = Convert.ToDateTime(expiry.Text); check = true; } } Course_elearn c = null; if (check) // if no expiry date { c = new Course_elearn(id_int, name.Text, provider.Text, DateTime.Now, status.Text, desc.Text, "Leadership"); } else // if got expiry date { c = new Course_elearn(id_int, name.Text, provider.Text, DateTime.Now, exp, status.Text, desc.Text, "Leadership"); } //check pre req here //pull pre req from model, check the course object here before creating the entry in the database //create the course object //now insert into database by calling DAO Course_elearnDAO cDao = new Course_elearnDAO(); Course_elearn res = cDao.create_elearnCourse(c); Session.Add("res", res); Response.Redirect("WebForm1.aspx"); }
protected void submitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Validate("ValidateForm"); if (!Page.IsValid) { } else { Course_elearnDAO cdao = new Course_elearnDAO(); //int id_int = Convert.ToInt32(id.Text); Boolean check = true; User user = (User)Session["currentUser"]; Course_elearn c = null; string type = Request.QueryString["type"]; string name = nameOfModuleInput.Text; string fromDate = fromDateInput.Text.Substring(3, 2) + "/" + fromDateInput.Text.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + fromDateInput.Text.Substring(6, 4); string toDate = toDateInput.Text.Substring(3, 2) + "/" + toDateInput.Text.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + toDateInput.Text.Substring(6, 4); if (check && moduleType.Text != "") // if no expiry date { c = new Course_elearn(name, user.getDepartment(), DateTime.Now, DateTime.ParseExact(fromDate, "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), DateTime.ParseExact(toDate, "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "active", descriptionModuleInput.Text, Convert.ToInt32(moduleType.SelectedValue), user, Convert.ToDouble(hoursInput.Text), txtTargetAudience.Text, ddlCourseType.SelectedValue); } //check pre req here //pull pre req from model, check the course object here before creating the entry in the database /*List<int> allSelectedID = new List<int>(); * int counter = 0; * foreach (GridViewRow row in gvPrereq.Rows) * { * CheckBox chkRow = (row.Cells[0].FindControl("chkboxPrereq") as CheckBox); * if (chkRow.Checked) * { * int prereqID = Convert.ToInt32(gvPrereq.DataKeys[counter].Value.ToString()); * allSelectedID.Add(prereqID); * } * counter++; * }*/ //create the course object //now insert into database by calling DAO Course_elearnDAO cDao = new Course_elearnDAO(); Course_elearn res = cDao.create_elearnCourse(c); Course_elearn course_with_id = cDao.get_course_by_name(res); List <int> prereqIDlist = (List <int>)Session["selectedPrereq"]; int id = course_with_id.getCourseID(); if (ddlCourseType.SelectedValue.Equals("Online Learning")) { foreach (int prereqID in prereqIDlist) { cDao.insertPrerequisite(id, prereqID); } //create dir string file = "~/Data/"; string add = Server.MapPath(file) + id; Directory.CreateDirectory(add); } //set audit User currentUser = (User)Session["currentUser"]; setAudit(currentUser, "course", "create", res.getCourseID().ToString(), "course name: " + res.getCourseName()); Response.Redirect("viewModuleInfo.aspx?id=" + id); } }