public Department() { InitializeComponent(); admin = new Admin(); department = new Departments(); counts = new Counts(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { param.n = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text); param.maxtime = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text); = Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text); param.e1 = Convert.ToDouble(textBox4.Text); param.e2 = Convert.ToDouble(textBox5.Text); param.Uratio = Convert.ToDouble(textBox6.Text); Counts.paramset(param.n, param.maxtime,, param.e1, param.e2, param.Uratio, ref param1); if (param.n != param1.n || param.maxtime != param1.maxtime || != || param.e1 != param1.e1 || param.e2 != param1.e2 || param.Uratio != param1.Uratio) { param = param1; textBox1.Text = param.n.ToString(); textBox2.Text = param.maxtime.ToString(); textBox3.Text =; textBox4.Text = param.e1.ToString(); textBox5.Text = param.e2.ToString(); textBox6.Text = param.Uratio.ToString(); label6.Show(); } else { this.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Calculate the inserted, updated, deleted and unchanged counts for the given nodes /// </summary> private Counts GetCounts(XNode[] original, XNode[] updated) { var counts = new Counts(); // Check for attribute changes foreach (var child in updated) { if (child.Match == MatchType.Change) { counts.Updates++; } if (child.Match == MatchType.NoMatch) { counts.Inserts++; } if (child.Match == MatchType.Match) { counts.Unchanged++; } } foreach (var child in original) { if (child.Match == MatchType.NoMatch) { counts.Deletes++; } } return(counts); }
public void AssertCounts(Counts expectedCounts) { AssertCount(Counts.Index.Element, expectedCounts, "elements"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.Sequence, expectedCounts, "sequences"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.Choice, expectedCounts, "choices"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.All, expectedCounts, "alls"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.Group, expectedCounts, "groups"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.SimpleType, expectedCounts, "simple types"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.SimpleTypeRestriction, expectedCounts, "simple type restrictions"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.Length, expectedCounts, "lengths"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.MinLength, expectedCounts, "minimum lengths"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.MaxLength, expectedCounts, "maximum lengths"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.Pattern, expectedCounts, "patterns"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.Enumeration, expectedCounts, "enumerations"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.MinInclusive, expectedCounts, "minimum inclusives"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.MaxInclusive, expectedCounts, "maximum inclusives"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.MinExclusive, expectedCounts, "minimum exclusives"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.MaxExclusive, expectedCounts, "maximum exclusives"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.TotalDigits, expectedCounts, "total digits'"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.FractionDigits, expectedCounts, "fraction digits'"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.WhiteSpace, expectedCounts, "white spaces"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.SimpleTypeUnion, expectedCounts, "simple type unions"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.SimpleTypeList, expectedCounts, "simple type lists"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.ComplexType, expectedCounts, "complex types"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.Attribute, expectedCounts, "attributes"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.Any, expectedCounts, "anys"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.AnyAttribute, expectedCounts, "anyAttributes"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.SimpleContentExtension, expectedCounts, "simple content extensions"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.ComplexContentExtension, expectedCounts, "complex content extensions"); AssertCount(Counts.Index.ComplexContentRestriction, expectedCounts, "complex content restrictions"); }
private static Issue77.Branch CreateSourceBranch(Counts counts) { var branch = new Issue77.Branch(); var product = new Issue77.Product(); for (var i = 0; i < counts.Warehouses; ++i) { branch.Warehouses.Add(new Issue77.Warehouse()); } foreach (var warehouse in branch.Warehouses) { warehouse.Branch = branch; for (var i = 0; i < counts.WarehouseProducts; ++i) { var warehouseProduct = new Issue77.WarehouseProduct { Product = product, Warehouse = warehouse }; product.Warehouses.Add(warehouseProduct); warehouse.Products.Add(warehouseProduct); } } return(branch); }
private static void CheckLabelCounts(GraphDatabaseAPI db) { using (Transaction ignored = Db.beginTx()) { Dictionary <Label, long> counts = new Dictionary <Label, long>(); foreach (Node node in Db.AllNodes) { foreach (Label label in node.Labels) { long?count = counts[label]; if (count != null) { counts[label] = count + 1; } else { counts[label] = 1L; } } } ThreadToStatementContextBridge bridge = Db.DependencyResolver.resolveDependency(typeof(ThreadToStatementContextBridge)); KernelTransaction kernelTransaction = bridge.GetKernelTransactionBoundToThisThread(true); foreach (KeyValuePair <Label, long> entry in Counts.SetOfKeyValuePairs()) { assertEquals(entry.Value.longValue(), kernelTransaction.DataRead().countsForNode(kernelTransaction.TokenRead().nodeLabel(; } } }
public StartUpViewModel(IScreen screen) : base(screen) { IsDbAvailable = App.Features.InAppDatabase == Infrastructure.Features.FeatureAvailability.Available && App.Features.MultiUserEnabled == Infrastructure.Features.FeatureAvailability.Available; Identifier = new TestIndentifier { ImpulseRate = _minimumImpulseRate, Correction = false }; NavigateCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(StartTest); NavigateToturialMode = ReactiveCommand.Create(StartTurotial); Quantums = QuantumTypeLookup.Load(); Counts = TestCountTypeLookup.Load(); SelectedQuantum = Quantums.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item == Quantum.TwoHalf); SelectedCount = Counts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item == TestCount.Sixty); Representations = RepresentationTypeLookup.Load(); SelectedRepresentation = Representations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item == RepresentationType.UI); SelectedUser = UserManager.GetDefaultUser(); SuggestedUsers = new ObservableCollection <User>(); this.WhenActivated(disposables => { this .WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedRepresentation) .WhereNotNull() .Subscribe(x => Identifier.RepresentationType = x.Item) .DisposeWith(disposables); this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SearchTerm) .WhereNotNull() .Subscribe(term => Search(term.Trim())); }); }
private static void ProcessMetadata( IEnumerable <MarkdownMetadata> metadataItems, SourceInformation[] items, Counts counts, ConcurrentBag <Result> results ) { var exceptions = new ConcurrentQueue <Exception>(); try { Parallel.ForEach( metadataItems, metadata => { WriteOutput($"Checking {metadata.SourceInformation.SourcePath}"); foreach (var link in metadata.Links) { ProcessLink(link, items, metadata, counts, results); } } ); } catch (Exception e) { exceptions.Enqueue(e); } if (exceptions.Count > 0) { throw new AggregateException(exceptions); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldAccessRelationshipLabels() public virtual void ShouldAccessRelationshipLabels() { // given IDictionary <int, int> counts = new Dictionary <int, int>(); using (RelationshipScanCursor relationships = cursors.allocateRelationshipScanCursor()) { // when read.allRelationshipsScan(relationships); while (relationships.Next()) { Counts.compute(relationships.Type(), (k, v) => v == null ? 1 : v + 1); } } // then assertEquals(3, Counts.Count); int[] values = new int[3]; int i = 0; foreach (int value in Counts.Values) { values[i++] = value; } Arrays.sort(values); assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 1, 6, 6 }, values); }
public FormSSS() { InitializeComponent(); admin = new Admin(); sss = new SSS(); counts = new Counts(); }
public FormPositions() { InitializeComponent(); admin = new Admin(); positions = new Positions(); counts = new Counts(); }
public static void TraverseProper(string dirSource, string dirTarget, long countTotal, List <string> logs) { Terminal.Fore.Line(""); Terminal.Yellow.Line("Traversing proper..."); Counts count = new Counts(); count.countCurrent = 0; count.countTotal = countTotal; if (!Directory.Exists(dirSource)) { throw new Exception("Source directory doesn't exist!"); } if (!Directory.Exists(dirTarget)) { throw new Exception("Target directory doesn't exist!"); } ProcessDirectory(dirSource, dirSource, dirTarget, ref count); Terminal.Green.Line("\n\nDone traversing!"); Terminal.Green.Line("File copies: " + count.copied); Terminal.Green.Line("File overwrites: " + count.overwritten); Terminal.Green.Line("File no actions: " + count.noaction); logs.Add(string.Format("{0,30}{1}", "File copies: ", count.copied)); logs.Add(string.Format("{0,30}{1}", "File overwrites: ", count.overwritten)); logs.Add(string.Format("{0,30}{1}", "File no actions: ", count.noaction)); }
public SpecProgress(string id, Counts counts, int step, int total) : base("spec-progress") { = id; this.counts = counts; this.step = step; = total; }
public FormPagIbig() { InitializeComponent(); pagIbig = new PagIbig(); counts = new Counts(); admin = new Admin(); }
public void ReloadSeries() { var views = items.Where(p => p.States.IsStateDoneWithDate(StateEnum.Finished)).ToList(); Series.Clear(); Counts.Clear(); foreach (var t in MovieViewModel.TypesDict) { int c = 0; var points = new List <DateTimePoint>(); for (var dt = FirstDay; dt <= LastDay; dt = dt.AddDays(1)) { var count = views.Count(p => p.FinishDate == dt && p.Type == t.Key); points.Add( new DateTimePoint() { DateTime = dt, Value = count }); c = c + count; } var a = new StackedColumnSeries() { Values = new ChartValues <DateTimePoint>(points), Title = t.Value, Fill = ConvertFuncs.TypeToBrushFunc(t.Key) }; Series.Add(a); Counts.Add(new CountClass(c, t.Key, t.Value)); } Totals = Counts.Sum(p => p.Count); Reloaded?.Invoke(null, EventArgs.Empty); }
public void ReloadSeries() { var views = items.Where(p => p.IsFinishedWithDate).ToList(); Series.Clear(); Counts.Clear(); foreach (var t in MovieViewModel.TypesDict) { int c = 0; var points = new List <DataModel>(); for (var dt = 2012; dt <= DateTime.Today.Year; dt = dt + 1) { var count = views.Count(p => p.FinishDate.Value.Year == dt && p.Type == t.Key); points.Add( new DataModel() { Year = dt, Count = count }); c = c + count; } var a = new StackedColumnSeries() { Values = new ChartValues <DataModel>(points), Title = t.Value, Fill = ConvertFuncs.TypeToBrushFunc(t.Key) }; Series.Add(a); Counts.Add(new CountClass(c, t.Key, t.Value)); } Totals = Counts.Sum(p => p.Count); Reloaded?.Invoke(null, EventArgs.Empty); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are ignored unless the option to convert to C# 7.2 'in' parameters is selected: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void checkCounts(org.neo4j.kernel.impl.api.CountsAccessor counts, final reporter, org.neo4j.helpers.progress.ProgressMonitorFactory progressFactory) public virtual void CheckCounts(CountsAccessor counts, ConsistencyReporter reporter, ProgressMonitorFactory progressFactory) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final int nodes = nodeCounts.size(); int nodes = _nodeCounts.size(); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final int relationships = relationshipCounts.size(); int relationships = _relationshipCounts.size(); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final int total = nodes + relationships; int total = nodes + relationships; //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger nodeEntries = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(0); AtomicInteger nodeEntries = new AtomicInteger(0); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger relationshipEntries = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(0); AtomicInteger relationshipEntries = new AtomicInteger(0); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.helpers.progress.ProgressListener listener = progressFactory.singlePart("Checking node and relationship counts", total); ProgressListener listener = progressFactory.SinglePart("Checking node and relationship counts", total); listener.Started(); Counts.accept(new CountsVisitor_AdapterAnonymousInnerClass(this, reporter, nodeEntries, relationshipEntries, listener)); reporter.ForCounts(new CountsEntry(nodeKey(WILDCARD), nodeEntries.get()), CHECK_NODE_KEY_COUNT); reporter.ForCounts(new CountsEntry(relationshipKey(WILDCARD, WILDCARD, WILDCARD), relationshipEntries.get()), CHECK_RELATIONSHIP_KEY_COUNT); listener.Done(); }
public FormPhilHealth() { InitializeComponent(); philHealth = new PhilHealth(); counts = new Counts(); admin = new Admin(); }
private static Counts CountResults(Stream output) { Counts res = new Counts(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(output); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { string l = reader.ReadLine(); // does not contain \r\n l.TrimEnd(' '); if (l == "sat" || l == "SAT" || l == "SATISFIABLE" || l == "s SATISFIABLE" || l == "SuccessfulRuns = 1") // || l == "VERIFICATION FAILED") { res.sat++; } else if (l == "unsat" || l == "UNSAT" || l == "UNSATISFIABLE" || l == "s UNSATISFIABLE") // || l == "VERIFICATION SUCCESSFUL") { res.unsat++; } else if (l == "unknown" || l == "UNKNOWN" || l == "INDETERMINATE") { res.other++; } } output.Position = 0L; return(res); }
public void saveUpdateCounts(Counts obCounts, SqlConnection con) { SqlCommand com = null; SqlTransaction trans = null; try { com = new SqlCommand(); trans = con.BeginTransaction(); com.Transaction = trans; com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "spSaveUpdateCounts"; com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; com.Parameters.Add("@CountID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = obCounts.CountID == -1 ? 0 : obCounts.CountID; com.Parameters.Add("@CountName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = obCounts.CountName; com.Parameters.Add("@CompanyID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = LogInInfo.CompanyID; com.Parameters.Add("@UserID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = LogInInfo.UserID; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public List <XMProductAddCount> GetXMProductByIDsCount(List <int> IDs, int CombinationID) { var query = from info in this._context.XMProducts join count in this._context.XMProductCombinations on info.Id equals count.ProductID into Counts from counts in Counts.DefaultIfEmpty() where info.IsEnable == false && counts.IsEnabled == false && IDs.Contains(info.Id) && counts.CombinationID == CombinationID select new XMProductAddCount { Id = info.Id, BrandTypeId = info.BrandTypeId, ProductName = info.ProductName, ManufacturersCode = info.ManufacturersCode, Specifications = info.Specifications, ManufacturersInventory = info.ManufacturersInventory, WarningQuantity = info.WarningQuantity, ProductColors = info.ProductColors, ProductUnit = info.ProductUnit, ProductWeight = info.ProductWeight, ProductVolume = info.ProductVolume, IsPremiums = info.IsPremiums, Count = counts.Count, IsEnable = info.IsEnable, CreateID = info.CreateID, CreateDate = info.CreateDate, UpdateID = info.UpdateID, UpdateDate = info.UpdateDate }; return(query.ToList()); }
public SmugglerResult() { _sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); _messages = new List <string>(); /* * NOTE: * * About to add new/change property below? * * Please remember to include this property in SmugglerProgress class */ DatabaseRecord = new DatabaseRecordProgress(); Documents = new CountsWithSkippedCountAndLastEtag(); RevisionDocuments = new CountsWithLastEtag(); Tombstones = new CountsWithLastEtag(); Conflicts = new CountsWithLastEtag(); Identities = new CountsWithLastEtag(); Indexes = new Counts(); CompareExchange = new CountsWithLastEtag(); Counters = new CountsWithLastEtag(); CompareExchangeTombstones = new Counts(); Subscriptions = new Counts(); _progress = new SmugglerProgress(this); }
internal static async void MoveAsync(SmartItem[] items, string toPath) { Lock(); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { if (!IsConnected) { return; } if (await mainClient.MoveItemAsync(items[i], toPath)) { if (items[i].IsFile) { Counts.Files--; } else { Counts.Folders--; } Counts.Update(); } } items = null; UnLock(); }
public string Result() { string inputFileName = "../../spec/" + Location; string outputFileName = "output/spec/" + Location; try { FileRunner runner = new FileRunner(); runner.args(new string[] { inputFileName, outputFileName }); runner.process(); runner.output.Close(); Counts counts = runner.fixture.counts; if ((counts.exceptions == 0) && (counts.wrong == 0)) { return("pass"); } else { return("fail: " + counts.right + " right, " + counts.wrong + " wrong, " + counts.exceptions + " exceptions"); } } catch (IOException) { return("file not found: " + new FileInfo(inputFileName).FullName); } }
private static Counts CallGetTotalAllocatedBytes(Counts previous, out long differenceBetweenPreciseAndImprecise) { long precise = GetTotalAllocatedBytes(true); long imprecise = GetTotalAllocatedBytes(false); if (precise <= 0) { throw new Exception($"Bytes allocated is not positive, this is unlikely. precise = {precise}"); } if (imprecise < precise) { throw new Exception($"Imprecise total bytes allocated less than precise, imprecise is required to be a conservative estimate (that estimates high). imprecise = {imprecise}, precise = {precise}"); } if (previous.precise > precise) { throw new Exception($"Expected more memory to be allocated. previous.precise = {previous.precise}, precise = {precise}, difference = {previous.precise - precise}"); } if (previous.imprecise > imprecise) { throw new Exception($"Expected more memory to be allocated. previous.imprecise = {previous.imprecise}, imprecise = {imprecise}, difference = {previous.imprecise - imprecise}"); } differenceBetweenPreciseAndImprecise = imprecise - precise; return(new Counts(precise, imprecise)); }
public void DisplayResults_PassTableWithActions_BindToResultsGrid(string action, string expectedActionName, int sortOrder) { // Arrange const string ActionsColumn = "Action"; const string TotalsColumn = "Totals"; const string SortColumn = "sortOrder"; const int FirstRow = 0; const int LastRow = 1; const int Counts = 1; var hashTable = new Hashtable(); hashTable.Add(action, Counts); _testObject.SetFieldOrProperty("hUpdatedRecords", hashTable); // Act _testObject.Invoke("DisplayResults"); // Assert GetProperty <Label>("MessageLabel").Text.ShouldBe("Import Results"); var dataSource = GetProperty <DataGrid>("ResultsGrid").DataSource as DataTable; dataSource.ShouldNotBeNull(); dataSource.ShouldSatisfyAllConditions( () => dataSource.Rows[FirstRow][ActionsColumn].ShouldBe(expectedActionName), () => dataSource.Rows[FirstRow][TotalsColumn].ShouldBe(Counts.ToString()), () => dataSource.Rows[FirstRow][SortColumn].ShouldBe(sortOrder.ToString()), () => dataSource.Rows[LastRow][ActionsColumn].ShouldBe(" "), () => dataSource.Rows[LastRow][TotalsColumn].ShouldBe(" "), () => dataSource.Rows[LastRow][SortColumn].ShouldBe("8")); }
public void add_two_counts() { var count1 = new Counts { Rights = 2, Wrongs = 3, Exceptions = 4, SyntaxErrors = 7 }; var count2 = new Counts { Rights = 7, Wrongs = 4, Exceptions = 10, SyntaxErrors = 14 }; count1.Add(count2); count1.Rights.ShouldBe(9); count1.Wrongs.ShouldBe(7); count1.Exceptions.ShouldBe(14); count1.SyntaxErrors.ShouldBe(21); count2.Rights.ShouldBe(7); count2.Wrongs.ShouldBe(4); count2.Exceptions.ShouldBe(10); count2.SyntaxErrors.ShouldBe(14); }
public static void TestLohSohConcurrently() { List <Thread> threads = new List <Thread>(); ManualResetEventSlim me = new ManualResetEventSlim(); int threadNum = Environment.ProcessorCount + Environment.ProcessorCount / 2; for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) { Thread thr = new Thread(() => { me.Wait(); Counts previous = default(Counts); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { s_stash = new byte[123456]; previous = CallGetTotalAllocatedBytes(previous); s_stash = new byte[1234]; previous = CallGetTotalAllocatedBytes(previous); } }); thr.Start(); threads.Add(thr); } me.Set(); foreach (var thr in threads) { thr.Join(); } }
public void modify_counts_when_in_success_state() { var counts = new Counts(); CellResult.Success("a").Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(1, 0, 0, 0); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hashCode = -1677007764; if (Context != null) { hashCode += Context.GetHashCode(); } if (Errors != null) { hashCode += Errors.GetHashCode(); } if (Counts != null) { hashCode += Counts.GetHashCode(); } if (Cursor != null) { hashCode += Cursor.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); }
public void modify_counts_when_ok() { var counts = new Counts(); CellResult.Ok("a").Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(0, 0, 0, 0); }
private void theCountsShouldBe(int right, int wrong, int ex, int syntax) { var counts = new Counts(); theResult.Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(right, wrong, ex, syntax); }
private static void OnItemStatusChanged(SmartItem item) { string status = item.Status.ToString(); if (status.Ends("Error")) { item.OptColor = SolidColors.DarkRed; } else if (status.Equal("Ignored")) { item.OptColor = SolidColors.DarkOrange; } else if (status.Ends("ed")) { item.OptColor = SolidColors.SolidBlue; } else { item.OptColor = SolidColors.DarkGreen; } item.Operation = AppLanguage.Get("LangOperation" + status); switch (item.Status) { case ItemStatus.Uploading: Counts.Files++; Counts.Update(); break; case ItemStatus.Created: Counts.Folders++; Counts.Update(); break; } }
public UpdateCounts(int id) { conn = DependencyService.Get <ISQLite>().GetSQLiteConnection(); InitializeComponent(); counts = new Counts(); //var allData = (from cnt in conn.Table<Counts>() select cnt); //var fltList = from ag in allData where ag.ID.Equals(cntId) select ag; var countById = conn.Table <Counts>().Where(x => x.ID == id).Single(); cntId = id; Id.Text = id.ToString(); Name.Text = countById.Name; DatePicker.Date = DateTime.Parse(countById.Date); var taskName = (from tsk in conn.Table <MyTask>() select tsk.MyTaskName).ToList(); TaskName.ItemsSource = taskName; TaskName.SelectedItem = countById.TaskName; Count.Text = countById.Count.ToString(); }
public void modify_counts_when_in_missing_state() { var counts = new Counts(); CellResult.Missing("a").Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(0, 0, 0, 1); }
public void modify_counts_when_in_error_state() { var counts = new Counts(); CellResult.Error("a","bad message").Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(0, 0, 1, 0); }
public void Tabulate(Counts counts) { counts.Increment(status); if (cells != null) { cells.Each(x => counts.Increment(x.Status)); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that accepts values for all mandatory fields /// </summary> ///<param name="schoolInfoRefId">Reference to SchoolInfo</param> ///<param name="date">Date the count is taken.</param> ///<param name="program">A Program</param> ///<param name="counts">A Counts</param> /// public FoodserviceStaffEnrollmentCount( string schoolInfoRefId, DateTime? date, Program program, Counts counts ) : base(Adk.SifVersion, FoodDTD.FOODSERVICESTAFFENROLLMENTCOUNT) { this.SchoolInfoRefId = schoolInfoRefId; this.Date = date; this.Program = program; this.Counts = counts; }
public void modify_counts_when_in_failure_state() { var counts = new Counts(); CellResult.Failure("a","foo").Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(0, 1, 0, 0); }
public void Tabulate(Counts counts) { counts.Rights += _matches.Count; counts.Wrongs += _missing.Count; counts.Wrongs += _extras.Count; counts.Wrongs += _wrongOrders.Count; }
public void counts_are_all_zero_on_construction() { var counts = new Counts(); counts.Wrongs.ShouldBe(0); counts.Rights.ShouldBe(0); counts.Exceptions.ShouldBe(0); counts.SyntaxErrors.ShouldBe(0); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that accepts values for all mandatory fields /// </summary> ///<param name="refId">GUID that identifies the daily meal sales object</param> ///<param name="schoolInfoRefId">School for which the sales object applies</param> ///<param name="date">Date on which the sales occurred.</param> ///<param name="program">A Program</param> ///<param name="counts">A Counts</param> /// public FoodserviceStaffMealCounts( string refId, string schoolInfoRefId, DateTime? date, Program program, Counts counts ) : base(Adk.SifVersion, FoodDTD.FOODSERVICESTAFFMEALCOUNTS) { this.RefId = refId; this.SchoolInfoRefId = schoolInfoRefId; this.Date = date; this.Program = program; this.Counts = counts; }
public static void ShouldEqual(this Counts counts, int rights, int wrongs, int exceptions, int syntaxErrors) { var expected = new Counts { Rights = rights, Wrongs = wrongs, Exceptions = exceptions, SyntaxErrors = syntaxErrors }; counts.ShouldBe(expected); }
public void modify_increments() { var counts = new Counts(); new StepResult("1", ResultStatus.ok).Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(0, 0, 0, 0); new StepResult("1", ResultStatus.success).Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(1, 0, 0, 0); new StepResult("1", ResultStatus.failed).Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(1, 1, 0, 0); new StepResult("1", new NotImplementedException()).Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(1, 1, 1, 0); }
public void LurchTableDemo() { var counts = new Counts(); //Queue where producer helps when queue is full using (var queue = new LurchTable<string, int>(LurchTableOrder.Insertion, 10)) { var stop = new ManualResetEvent(false); queue.ItemRemoved += kv => { Interlocked.Increment(ref counts.Dequeued); Console.WriteLine("[{0}] - {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, kv.Key); }; //start some threads eating queue: var thread = new Thread(() => { while (!stop.WaitOne(0)) { KeyValuePair<string, int> kv; while (queue.TryDequeue(out kv)) continue; } }) { Name = "worker", IsBackground = true }; thread.Start(); var names = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetTempPath(), "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (names.Length < 1) throw new Exception("Not enough trash in your temp dir."); var loops = Math.Max(1, 100/names.Length); for(int i=0; i < loops; i++) foreach (var name in names) { Interlocked.Increment(ref counts.Queued); queue[name] = i; } //help empty the queue KeyValuePair<string, int> tmp; while (queue.TryDequeue(out tmp)) continue; //shutdown stop.Set(); thread.Join(); } Assert.AreEqual(counts.Queued, counts.Dequeued); }
public void AssertEndCounts(Counts expectedCounts) { AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.Element, expectedCounts, "elements"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.Sequence, expectedCounts, "sequences"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.Choice, expectedCounts, "choices"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.All, expectedCounts, "alls"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.Group, expectedCounts, "groups"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.SimpleType, expectedCounts, "simple types"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.SimpleTypeRestriction, expectedCounts, "simple type restrictions"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.SimpleTypeUnion, expectedCounts, "simple type unions"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.SimpleTypeList, expectedCounts, "simple type lists"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.ComplexType, expectedCounts, "complex types"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.Attribute, expectedCounts, "attributes"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.Any, expectedCounts, "anys"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.AnyAttribute, expectedCounts, "anyAttributes"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.SimpleContentExtension, expectedCounts, "simple content extensions"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.ComplexContentExtension, expectedCounts, "complex content extensions"); AssertEndCount(Counts.Index.ComplexContentRestriction, expectedCounts, "complex content restrictions"); }
public void modify_increments_with_cell_results() { var result = new StepResult("foo", ResultStatus.ok) { cells = new[] { CellResult.Error("a", "bad!"), CellResult.Error("b", "worse!"), CellResult.Success("c"), CellResult.Failure("d", "different"), CellResult.Failure("e", "different"), CellResult.Failure("f", "different"), } }; var counts = new Counts(); result.Tabulate(counts); counts.ShouldEqual(1, 3, 2, 0); }
private static void AssertCountsAreEqual(Counts.Index index, Counts expectedCounts, Counts testedCounts, string countName) { Assert.AreEqual(expectedCounts.Get(index), testedCounts.Get(index), "Handler received wrong number of " + countName); }
public void Tabulate(Counts counts) { counts.Increment(Status); }
private void UpdateCounters() { UIPost(ShowUpdating); try { var newCounts = GetCurrentCodeContractCounters(); if (this.counts.numRuns == 0) { this.counts.numRuns = newCounts.numRuns; PostUpdateCount(); // likely startup had timeout, so this is startup } if (this.counts.numUsers == 0) { this.counts.numUsers = newCounts.numUsers; PostUpdateCount(); // likely startup had timeout, so this is startup } if (this.counts.numFail == 0) { this.counts.numFail = newCounts.numFail; PostUpdateCount(); // likely startup had timeout, so this is startup } var diffs = this.latestDiffs = newCounts - this.counts; if (diffs.numRuns > 0) { this.counts.numRuns = newCounts.numRuns; PostUpdateCount(); PlayWavResource("notify.wav", true); } while (diffs.numUsers > 0) { this.counts.numUsers++; diffs.numUsers--; PostUpdateCount(); PlayWavResource("tada.wav", true); } if (diffs.numFail > 0) { this.counts.numFail = newCounts.numFail; PostUpdateCount(); PlayWavResource("fail.wav", true); } } finally { UIPost(HideUpdating); } }
public void reset_clears_all_counts_to_zero() { var count1 = new Counts { Rights = 2, Wrongs = 3, Exceptions = 4, SyntaxErrors = 7 }; count1.Reset(); count1.ShouldEqual(0, 0, 0, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Calculate the inserted, updated, deleted and unchanged counts for the given nodes /// </summary> private Counts GetCounts(XNode[] original, XNode[] updated) { var counts = new Counts(); // Check for attribute changes foreach (var child in updated) { if (child.Match == MatchType.Change) counts.Updates++; if (child.Match == MatchType.NoMatch) counts.Inserts++; if (child.Match == MatchType.Match) counts.Unchanged++; } foreach (var child in original) { if (child.Match == MatchType.NoMatch) counts.Deletes++; } return counts; }
/// <summary> /// Publishes the list item. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <param name="list">The list.</param> /// <param name="test">If true test the change only (don't make any changes).</param> /// <param name="source">The source.</param> /// <param name="comment">The comment.</param> /// <param name="filterExpression">The filter expression.</param> public void PublishListItem(SPListItem item, SPList list, bool test, string source, string comment, string filterExpression) { if (TaskCounts == null) TaskCounts = new Counts(); string title = item.ID.ToString(); if (item.Fields.ContainsField("Title")) title = item.Title; try { item = item.ParentList.GetItemById(item.ID); if (item.File == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterExpression)) return; if (item.File != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterExpression)) { string fileName = item.File.Name; Regex regex = new Regex(filterExpression, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (!regex.IsMatch(fileName)) return; } // We first need to handle the case in which we have a file which means that // we have to deal with the possibility that the file may be checked out. if (item.Level == SPFileLevel.Checkout) { // The file is checked out so we now need to check it in - we'll do a major // checkin which will result in it being published. if (!test) { item.File.CheckIn(comment??"Checked in by " + source, SPCheckinType.MajorCheckIn); // We need to get the File's version of the SPListItem so that we get the changes. // Calling item.Update() will fail because the file is no longer checked out. // If workflow is supported this should now be in a pending state. // Re-retrieve the item to avoid save conflict errors. item = item.ParentList.GetItemById(item.ID); } TaskCounts.Checkin++; TaskCounts.Publish++; // The major checkin causes it to be published so we'll track that as well. Logger.Write("Checked in item: {0} ({1})", title, item.Url); } else if (item.Level == SPFileLevel.Draft && item.ModerationInformation == null) { // The file isn't checked out but it is in a draft state so we need to publish it. if (!test) { if (Utilities.IsCheckedOut(item)) { item.File.CheckIn(comment ?? "Checked in by " + source, SPCheckinType.MajorCheckIn); TaskCounts.Checkin++; Logger.Write("Checked in item: {0} ({1})", title, item.Url); } if (item.ParentList.EnableMinorVersions) item.File.Publish(comment ?? "Published by " + source); // We need to get the File's version of the SPListItem so that we get the changes. // Calling item.Update() will fail because the file is no longer checked out. // If workflow is supported this should now be in a pending state. // Re-retrieve the item to avoid save conflict errors. item = item.ParentList.GetItemById(item.ID); } TaskCounts.Publish++; Logger.Write("Published item: {0} ({1})", title, item.Url); } else if (item.Level == SPFileLevel.Published && Utilities.IsCheckedOut(item)) { // This technically shouldn't be possible but apparently it is. if (!test) { item.File.CheckIn(comment ?? "Checked in by " + source, SPCheckinType.MajorCheckIn); if (item.ParentList.EnableMinorVersions) item.File.Publish(comment ?? "Published by " + source); item = item.ParentList.GetItemById(item.ID); } TaskCounts.Checkin++; Logger.Write("Checked in item: {0} ({1})", title, item.Url); TaskCounts.Publish++; Logger.Write("Published item: {0} ({1})", title, item.Url); } } } catch (Exception ex) { TaskCounts.Errors++; Logger.WriteException(new System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord(new SPException("An error occured checking in an item", ex), null, System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, item)); } if (item.ModerationInformation != null) { // If ModerationInformation is not null then the item supports content approval. if (item.File == null && (item.ModerationInformation.Status == SPModerationStatusType.Draft || item.ModerationInformation.Status == SPModerationStatusType.Pending)) { // If content approval is supported but no file is associated with the item then we have // to treat it differently. We simply set the status information directly. try { if (!test) { // Because the SPListItem object has no direct approval method we have to // set the information directly (there's no SPFile object to use). CancelWorkflows(false, list, item); item.ModerationInformation.Status = SPModerationStatusType.Approved; item.ModerationInformation.Comment = comment ?? "Approved by " + source; item.Update(); // Because there's no SPFile object we don't have to worry about the item being checkedout for this to succeed as you can't check it out. // Re-retrieve the item to avoid save conflict errors. item = item.ParentList.GetItemById(item.ID); } TaskCounts.Approve++; Logger.Write("Approved item: {0} ({1})", title, item.Url); } catch (Exception ex) { TaskCounts.Errors++; Logger.WriteException(new System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord(new SPException("An error occured approving an item.", ex), null, System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, item)); } } else { // The item supports content approval and we have an SPFile object to work with. try { if (item.ModerationInformation.Status == SPModerationStatusType.Pending) { // The item is pending so it's already been published - we just need to approve. if (!test) { // Cancel any workflows. CancelWorkflows(false, list, item); item.File.Approve(comment ?? "Approved by " + source); // Re-retrieve the item to avoid save conflict errors. item = item.ParentList.GetItemById(item.ID); } TaskCounts.Approve++; Logger.Write("Approved item: {0} ({1})", title, item.Url); } } catch (Exception ex) { TaskCounts.Errors++; Logger.WriteException(new System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord(new SPException("An error occured approving an item.", ex), null, System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, item)); } try { if (item.ModerationInformation.Status == SPModerationStatusType.Draft) { // The item is in a draft state so we have to first publish it and then approve it. if (!test) { if (Utilities.IsCheckedOut(item)) { item.File.CheckIn(comment ?? "Checked in by " + source, SPCheckinType.MajorCheckIn); TaskCounts.Checkin++; Logger.Write("Checked in item: {0} ({1})", title, item.Url); } if (item.ParentList.EnableMinorVersions) item.File.Publish(comment ?? "Published by " + source); // Cancel any workflows. CancelWorkflows(test, list, item); item.File.Approve(comment ?? "Approved by " + source); // We don't need to re-retrieve the item as we're now done with it. } TaskCounts.Publish++; TaskCounts.Approve++; Logger.Write("Published item: {0} ({1})", title, item.Url); } } catch (Exception ex) { TaskCounts.Errors++; Logger.WriteException(new System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord(new SPException("An error occured approving an item.", ex), null, System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, item)); } } } }
private void AssertEndCount(Counts.Index index, Counts expectedCounts, string countName) { AssertCountsAreEqual(index, expectedCounts, endCounts, "end " + countName); }