public void CountryAddCityAlreadyAddedThrowsException() { Continent continent = new Continent("Azië"); Country country = new Country("vietnam", 95540000, 331.212f, continent); City city = new City("Hanoi", 7520700, country); country.AddCity(city); Action act = () => country.AddCity(city); act.Should().Throw <ArgumentException>().WithMessage("Hanoi already added."); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var result = PrintWorkDays(); Country aze = new Country(); aze.Name = "Azerbaijan"; aze.Population = 0; aze.UniqueId = 1; City baku = new City(); baku.Name = "Baku"; baku.Population = 4000000; baku.UniqueId = 2; //aze.ListCities(); aze.AddCity(baku); aze.ListCities(); aze.DeleteCity(2); aze.ListCities(); int[] a = new int[]; City[] elovset = new City[];
public static Country FromDCountryToCountry(DCountry dCountry) { Country country = new Country(dCountry.Name, dCountry.Population, dCountry.Surface, FromDContinentToContinent(dCountry.Continent)) { Id = (uint)dCountry.Id }; // Todo: Check if city isnt in capital catch? if (dCountry.Capitals != null) { foreach (DCity dCity in dCountry.Capitals) { City toAdd = new City(dCity.Name, dCity.Population, country) { Id = (uint)dCity.Id, CapitalFrom = country }; country.AddCaptial(toAdd); } } if (dCountry.Cities != null) { foreach (DCity dCity in dCountry.Cities) { City toAdd = new City(dCity.Name, dCity.Population, country) { Id = (uint)dCity.Id }; country.AddCity(toAdd); } } return(country); }
public void CountryAddCityPopulationExceedsCountryPopulationThrowsException() { Continent continent = new Continent("Azië"); Country country = new Country("vietnam", 95540000, 331.212f, continent); City city = new City("Hanoi", 95540001, country); Action act = () => country.AddCity(city); act.Should().Throw <Exception>().WithMessage("population: 95540001 would exceed country's population: 95540000."); }
public void CountryAddCityNormalTest() { Continent continent = new Continent("Azië"); Country country = new Country("vietnam", 95540000, 331.212f, continent); City city = new City("Hanoi", 7520700, country); Action act = () => country.AddCity(city); act.Should().NotThrow(); country.Cities.Count.Should().Be(1); }
public virtual void AssignCountry(Country country) { Validate.ThatArgumentNotNull(() => country); if (Country == country) return; Country = country; Country.AddCity(this); }
public static void InsertSomeData(ISessionFactory sessionFactory) { using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession()) using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction()) { var israel = new Country { Name = "Israel" }; var telaviv = new City { Name = "TelAviv" }; israel.AddCity(telaviv); session.Save(israel); var address = new Address { City = telaviv, Number = 100, PostalCode = 101, Street = "200" }; var matan = new Person { Gender = Gender.Male, Name = "Matan", HomeAddress = address }; session.Save(matan); var store = new Store { Contact = matan, Name = "Main Office" }; var branch1 = new Branch { Address = address, Manager = matan, Name = "branch1", Location = (Point)Default.GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(32, 34)) }; var branch2 = new Branch { Address = address, Manager = matan, Name = "branch2", Location = (Point)Default.GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(32.5, 34.5)) }; store.AddBranch(branch1); store.AddBranch(branch2); var milk = new Product { Name = "milk", UnitPrice = 10, Description = "moo" }; var bread = new Product { Name = "bread", UnitPrice = 8, Description = "poof" }; session.Save(milk); session.Save(bread); branch1.AddProductToInventory(milk, 10); branch1.AddProductToInventory(bread, 15); branch2.AddProductToInventory(milk, 20); session.Save(store); tx.Commit(); } }
public override void SetUp() { base.SetUp(); DeleteBase("cyclic.ndb"); var odb = Open("cyclic.ndb"); var brasil = new Country("Brasil"); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var city = new City("city" + i); city.SetCountry(brasil); brasil.AddCity(city); } odb.Store(brasil); odb.Close(); }
static void Main() { Country myCountry = new Country(); while (true) { var nextQuery = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); if (nextQuery[0].ToLower() == "add_city") { String name = nextQuery[1]; City myCity = new City(name); bool ok = myCountry.AddCity(myCity); if (!ok) { continue; } Console.WriteLine("Okay, enter the population of a city"); Int32 amount = Int32.Parse(System.Console.ReadLine()); for (var i = 0; i < amount; ++i) { Citizen newCitizen = new Citizen(); myCity.AddCitizen(newCitizen); } Console.WriteLine("Now enter initial number of infected people"); amount = Int32.Parse(System.Console.ReadLine()); myCity.InitializeInfection(amount); Console.WriteLine("And finally, enter initial budget of a city"); Double money = Double.Parse(System.Console.ReadLine()); myCity.Budget = amount; Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------"); } if (nextQuery[0].ToLower() == "update") { myCountry.UpdateCitiesState(); Console.WriteLine(myCountry); } } }