public static void End(Player winner) { CountdownGame.squaresleft.Clear(); if (winner != null) { winner.SendMessage("Congratulations!! You won!!!"); } gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Finished; if (winner != null) { Command.all.Find("spawn").Use(winner, ""); } CountdownGame.playersleftlist.Clear(); if (winner != null) { winner.incountdown = false; } if (winner == null) { foreach (Player pl in CountdownGame.players) { Player.SendMessage(pl, "The countdown game was canceled!"); Command.all.Find("spawn").Use(pl, ""); } Player.GlobalMessage("The countdown game was canceled!!"); CountdownGame.gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; CountdownGame.playersleft = 0; CountdownGame.playersleftlist.Clear(); CountdownGame.players.Clear(); CountdownGame.squaresleft.Clear(); CountdownGame.Reset(null, true); CountdownGame.cancel = false; return; } }
void End(Player winner) { squaresLeft.Clear(); gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Finished; playersleftlist.Clear(); if (winner != null) { winner.SendMessage("Congratulations!! You won!!!"); Command.all.Find("spawn").Use(winner, ""); winner.incountdown = false; } else { foreach (Player pl in players) { Player.SendMessage(pl, "The countdown game was canceled!"); Command.all.Find("spawn").Use(pl, ""); } Player.GlobalMessage("The countdown game was canceled!!"); gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; playersleftlist.Clear(); players.Clear(); squaresLeft.Clear(); Reset(null, true); cancel = false; } }
public static void AfterStart() { Block air = Block.BlockList.AIR; Block glass = Block.BlockList.GLASS; mapon.BlockChange(15, 14, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 14, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 14, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 17, 14, air); mapon.BlockChange(14, 15, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(14, 16, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(14, 16, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(14, 15, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 17, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 17, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 17, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 17, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(17, 16, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(17, 15, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(17, 16, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(17, 15, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 15, 16, glass); mapon.BlockChange(15, 16, 16, glass); mapon.BlockChange(15, 16, 16, glass); mapon.BlockChange(16, 16, 16, glass); ushort x1 = 27, x2 = 4, z1 = 27, z2 = 4; while (x1 >= 4) { mapon.BlockChange(x1, 4, 4, air); x1--; } while (x2 <= 27) { mapon.BlockChange(x2, 27, 4, air); x2++; } while (z1 >= 4) { mapon.BlockChange(4, z1, 4, air); z1--; } while (z2 <= 27) { mapon.BlockChange(27, z2, 4, air); z2++; } if (!freezemode) { mapon.InCountdown = true; gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.InProgress; } }
public void Disable() { if (Status == CountdownGameStatus.RoundInProgress) { EndRound(null); } Status = CountdownGameStatus.Disabled; plugin.Unload(false); Map.ChatLevel("Countdown was disabled."); Players.Clear(); Remaining.Clear(); squaresLeft.Clear(); }
void AfterStart() { SetGlassTube(Block.air,; int maxX = mapon.Width - 1, maxZ = mapon.Length - 1; Cuboid(4, 4, 4, maxX - 4, 4, 4, Block.air, mapon); Cuboid(4, 4, maxZ - 4, maxX - 4, 4, maxZ - 4, Block.air, mapon); Cuboid(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, maxZ - 4, Block.air, mapon); Cuboid(maxX - 4, 4, 4, maxX - 4, 4, maxZ - 4, Block.air, mapon); if (!freezemode) { gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.InProgress; } }
void DoRound() { if (FreezeMode) { MessageFreezeCountdown(); Map.ChatLevel("&bPlayers Frozen"); Player[] players = Players.Items; foreach (Player pl in players) { Position pos = pl.Pos; pl.CountdownFreezeX = pos.X; pl.CountdownFreezeZ = pos.Z; } RemoveAllSquareBorders(); } CloseOffBoard(); Status = CountdownGameStatus.RoundInProgress; RemoveSquares(); }
public void Play() { if (!freezemode) { RemoveRandomSquares(); } else { SendFreezeMessages(); MessageAll("&bPlayers Frozen"); gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.InProgress; foreach (Player pl in players) { pl.countdownsettemps = true; } Thread.Sleep(500); RemoveGlassBlocks(); RemoveRandomSquares(); } }
public void EndRound(Player winner) { squaresLeft.Clear(); Status = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; Remaining.Clear(); squaresLeft.Clear(); if (winner != null) { winner.SendMessage("Congratulations, you won this round of countdown!"); Command.all.FindByName("Spawn").Use(winner, ""); } else { Player[] players = Players.Items; foreach (Player pl in players) { Command.all.FindByName("Spawn").Use(pl, ""); } Map.ChatLevel("Current round was force ended!"); } }
public static void End(Player winner) { gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Finished; squaresleft.Clear(); if (winner != null) { winner.SendMessage("Congratulations! You won!"); Command.Find("spawn").Use(winner, null); winner.ExtraData["IsInCountdown"] = false; } playersleftlist.Clear(); if (winner == null) { foreach (Player pl in players) { pl.SendMessage("The game was canceled!"); Command.Find("spawn").Use(pl, null); } gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; playersleft = 0; playersleftlist.Clear(); players.Clear(); //TODO: reset here cancel = false; return; } }
public void Enable(Player p) { plugin.Game = this; plugin.Load(false); MapName = "countdown"; CmdLoad.LoadLevel(null, "countdown"); Map = LevelInfo.FindExact("countdown"); if (Map == null) { Player.Message(p, "Countdown level not found, generating.."); GenerateMap(p, 32, 32, 32); Map = LevelInfo.FindExact("countdown"); } Map.Config.Deletable = false; Map.Config.Buildable = false; Map.BuildAccess.Min = LevelPermission.Nobody; Map.Config.MOTD = "Welcome to the Countdown map! -hax"; Status = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; Chat.MessageGlobal("Countdown has been enabled!"); }
public static void Play() { if (freezemode == false) { while (squaresleft.Any() && playersleft != 0 && (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.InProgress || gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished)) { Random number = new Random(); int randnum = number.Next(squaresleft.Count); string nextsquare = squaresleft.ElementAt(randnum); squaresleft.Remove(nextsquare); RemoveSquare(nextsquare); if (squaresleft.Count % 10 == 0 && gamestatus != CountdownGameStatus.Finished) { mapon.ChatLevel(squaresleft.Count + " Squares Left and " + playersleft.ToString() + " Players left!!"); } if (cancel == true) { End(null); } } return; } else { {//Find yo places stuff (15 seconds) Thread.Sleep(500); MessagePlayers("Welcome to Freeze Mode of countdown"); MessagePlayers("You have 15 seconds to stand on a square"); Thread.Sleep(500); MessagePlayers("-----&b15" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(500); MessagePlayers("Once the countdown is up, you are stuck on your square"); Thread.Sleep(500); MessagePlayers("-----&b14" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(500); MessagePlayers("The squares then start to dissapear"); Thread.Sleep(500); MessagePlayers("-----&b13" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(500); MessagePlayers("Whoever is last out wins!!"); Thread.Sleep(500); MessagePlayers("-----&b12" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b11" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b10" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); MessagePlayers("Only 10 Seconds left to pick your places!!"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b9" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b8" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b7" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b6" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b5" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); MessagePlayers("5 Seconds left to pick your places!!"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b4" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b3" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b2" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("-----&b1" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); MessagePlayers("&bPlayers Frozen"); { mapon.countdowninprogress = true; gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.InProgress; foreach (Player pl in players) { pl.countdownsettemps = true; Thread.Sleep(100); } } {//Get rid of glass ushort x3 = 5; while (x3 <= 26) { ushort z4 = 26; while (z4 >= 4) { mapon.Blockchange(x3, 4, z4, Block.air); z4 = (ushort)(z4 - 1); } x3 = (ushort)(x3 + 3); } ushort z3 = 5; while (z3 <= 26) { ushort x4 = 4; while (x4 <= 26) { mapon.Blockchange(x4, 4, z3, Block.air); x4++; } z3 = (ushort)(z3 + 3); } } while (squaresleft.Any() && playersleft != 0 && (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.InProgress || gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished)) { Random number = new Random(); int randnum = number.Next(squaresleft.Count); string nextsquare = squaresleft.ElementAt(randnum); squaresleft.Remove(nextsquare); RemoveSquare(nextsquare); if (squaresleft.Count % 10 == 0 && gamestatus != CountdownGameStatus.Finished) { mapon.ChatLevel(squaresleft.Count + " Squares Left and " + playersleft.ToString() + " Players left!!"); } if (cancel == true) { End(null); } } return; } } }
public static void GameStart(Player p) { switch (gamestatus) { case CountdownGameStatus.Disabled: p.SendMessage("Please enable Countdown first!"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.AboutToStart: p.SendMessage("The game is about to start!"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.InProgress: p.SendMessage("The game is already in progress!"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.Finished: p.SendMessage("The game has finished!"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.Enabled: gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.AboutToStart; Thread.Sleep(2000); break; } #region Blockchanges Block glass = Block.BlockList.GLASS; Block air = Block.BlockList.AIR; mapon.BlockChange(15, 16, 27, glass); mapon.BlockChange(16, 15, 27, glass); mapon.BlockChange(16, 16, 27, glass); mapon.BlockChange(15, 15, 27, glass); mapon.BlockChange(15, 14, 18, glass); mapon.BlockChange(16, 14, 18, glass); mapon.BlockChange(15, 14, 17, glass); mapon.BlockChange(16, 14, 17, glass); mapon.BlockChange(14, 15, 17, glass); mapon.BlockChange(14, 16, 18, glass); mapon.BlockChange(14, 16, 17, glass); mapon.BlockChange(14, 15, 18, glass); mapon.BlockChange(15, 17, 17, glass); mapon.BlockChange(16, 17, 18, glass); mapon.BlockChange(15, 17, 18, glass); mapon.BlockChange(16, 17, 17, glass); mapon.BlockChange(17, 16, 17, glass); mapon.BlockChange(17, 15, 18, glass); mapon.BlockChange(17, 16, 18, glass); mapon.BlockChange(17, 15, 17, glass); mapon.BlockChange(16, 15, 16, glass); mapon.BlockChange(15, 16, 16, glass); mapon.BlockChange(15, 15, 16, glass); mapon.BlockChange(16, 16, 16, glass); #endregion Player.LevelChat(mapon, "Countdown is about to start!"); //TODO: perbuild to nobody ushort x1 = (ushort)((15.5) * 32); ushort y1 = (ushort)((30) * 32); ushort z1 = (ushort)((15.5) * 32); foreach (Player pl in Server.Players) { if (pl.Level != mapon) { Command.Find("goto").Use(pl, new string[1] { mapon.Name }); while (p.IsLoading) { Thread.Sleep(500); } pl.SendToPos(new Vector3(x1, z1, y1), new byte[] { 0, 0 }); } } squaresleft.Clear(); PopulateSquaresLeft(); Player.LevelChat(mapon, freezemode ? "Countdown starting with difficulty " + speedtype + " and mode freeze in:" : "Countdown starting with difficulty " + speedtype + " and mode normal in:"); Thread.Sleep(2000); for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--) { Player.LevelChat(mapon, "--&b" + i.ToString() + Server.DefaultColor + "--"); if (i == 5) { mapon.BlockChange(16, 15, 16, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 16, 16, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 15, 16, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 16, 16, air); } if (i == 3) { mapon.BlockChange(15, 16, 27, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 15, 27, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 16, 27, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 15, 27, air); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } Player.LevelChat(mapon, "&bGO!!!"); playersleft = players.Count(); playersleftlist = players; foreach (Player play in players) { play.ExtraData.CreateIfNotExist("IsInCountdown", true); play.ExtraData["IsInCountdown"] = true; } AfterStart(); Play(); }
public static void Play() { Block air = Block.BlockList.AIR; if (!freezemode) { while (squaresleft.Any() && playersleft != 0 && (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.InProgress || gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished)) { Random number = new Random(); int randnum = number.Next(squaresleft.Count); string nextsquare = squaresleft.ElementAt(randnum); squaresleft.Remove(nextsquare); RemoveSquare(nextsquare); if (squaresleft.Count % 10 == 0 && gamestatus != CountdownGameStatus.Finished) { Player.LevelChat(mapon, "There's " + squaresleft.Count + " squares left, and " + playersleft.ToString() + " players left!"); } if (cancel == true) { End(null); } } return; } else { Player.LevelChat(mapon, "Welcome to Freeze Mode of coundown"); Player.LevelChat(mapon, "You have 15 seconds to choose your square, after that you're stuck on that square!"); Player.LevelChat(mapon, "Then the squares start dissapearing!"); Thread.Sleep(500); for (int i = 15; i >= 1; i--) { Player.LevelChat(mapon, "---&b" + i.ToString() + Server.DefaultColor + "---"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } mapon.InCountdown = true; gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.InProgress; //TODO: actually freeze players here, when somebody bothers adding /freeze ushort x3 = 5, z4 = 26, z3 = 5, x4 = 4; while (x3 <= 26) { while (z4 >= 4) { mapon.BlockChange(x3, z4, 4, air); z4--; } x3 += 3; } while (z3 <= 26) { while (x4 <= 26) { mapon.BlockChange(x4, z3, 4, air); x4++; } z3 += 3; } while (squaresleft.Any() && playersleft != 0 && (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.InProgress || gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished)) { Random number = new Random(); int randnum = number.Next(squaresleft.Count); string nextsquare = squaresleft.ElementAt(randnum); squaresleft.Remove(nextsquare); RemoveSquare(nextsquare); if (squaresleft.Count % 10 == 0 && gamestatus != CountdownGameStatus.Finished) { Player.LevelChat(mapon, "There's " + squaresleft.Count + " squares left, and " + playersleft.ToString() + " players left!"); } if (cancel == true) { End(null); } } } }
public void Reset(Player p, bool all) { if (!(gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Enabled || gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished || gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Disabled)) { switch (gamestatus) { case CountdownGameStatus.Disabled: Player.SendMessage(p, "Please enable the game first"); return; default: Player.SendMessage(p, "Please wait till the end of the game"); return; } } SetGlassTube(Block.air, Block.air); int maxX = mapon.Width - 1, maxZ = mapon.Length - 1; Cuboid(4, 4, 4, maxX - 4, 4, maxZ - 4,, mapon); for (int zz = 6; zz < maxZ - 6; zz += 3) { for (int xx = 6; xx < maxX - 6; xx += 3) { Cuboid(xx, 4, zz, xx + 1, 4, zz + 1,, mapon); } } if (!all) { Player.SendMessage(p, "The Countdown map has been reset"); if (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You do not need to re-enable it"); } gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; Player[] online = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player pl in online) { if (!pl.playerofcountdown) { continue; } if (pl.level == mapon) { Command.all.Find("countdown").Use(pl, "join"); Player.SendMessage(pl, "You've rejoined countdown!!"); } else { Player.SendMessage(pl, "You've been removed from countdown because you aren't on the map"); pl.playerofcountdown = false; players.Remove(pl); } } } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "Countdown has been reset"); if (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You do not need to re-enable it"); } gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; playersleftlist.Clear(); players.Clear(); squaresLeft.Clear(); speed = 750; Player[] online = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player pl in online) { pl.playerofcountdown = false; pl.incountdown = false; } } }
public static void Reset(Player p, bool all) { Block air = Block.BlockList.AIR, glass = Block.BlockList.GLASS, green = Block.BlockList.GREEN_CLOTH; if (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Enabled || gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished || gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Disabled) { if (all) { gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Disabled; playersleft = 0; playersleftlist.Clear(); squaresleft.Clear(); speed = 750; } #region BlockChanges mapon.BlockChange(15, 14, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 14, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 14, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 14, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(14, 15, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(14, 16, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(14, 16, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(14, 15, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 17, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 17, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 17, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 17, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(17, 16, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(17, 15, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(17, 16, 18, air); mapon.BlockChange(17, 15, 17, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 15, 16, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 16, 16, air); mapon.BlockChange(15, 15, 16, air); mapon.BlockChange(16, 16, 16, air); { ushort x1 = 27, x2 = 4, z1 = 27, z2 = 4, x3 = 5, z4 = 26, z3 = 5, x4 = 4; while (x1 >= 4) { mapon.BlockChange(x1, 4, 4, glass); x1--; } while (x2 <= 27) { mapon.BlockChange(x2, 27, 4, glass); x2++; } while (z1 >= 4) { mapon.BlockChange(4, z1, 4, glass); z1--; } while (z2 <= 27) { mapon.BlockChange(27, z2, 4, glass); z2++; } while (x3 <= 26) { while (z4 >= 4) { mapon.BlockChange(x3, z4, 4, glass); z4--; } x3 += 3; } while (z3 <= 26) { while (x4 <= 26) { mapon.BlockChange(x4, z3, 4, glass); x4++; } z3 += 3; } } PopulateSquaresLeft(); while (squaresleft.Count > 0) { Random number = new Random(); int randnum = number.Next(squaresleft.Count); string nextsquare = squaresleft.ElementAt(randnum); squaresleft.Remove(nextsquare); int column = int.Parse(nextsquare.Split(':')[0]); int row = int.Parse(nextsquare.Split(':')[1]); ushort x1 = (ushort)(27 - (row * 3)), x2 = (ushort)(28 - (row * 3)), y = 4, z1 = (ushort)(27 - (column * 3)), z2 = (ushort)(28 - (column * 3)); mapon.BlockChange(x1, z1, y, green); mapon.BlockChange(x2, z1, y, green); mapon.BlockChange(x2, z2, y, green); mapon.BlockChange(x1, z2, y, green); } #endregion if (!all) { p.SendMessage("The Countdown map has been reset!"); if (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished) { p.SendMessage("You don't need to re-enable it!"); } gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; foreach (Player pl in Server.Players) { if ((bool)pl.ExtraData["IsInCountdown"]) { if (pl.Level == mapon) { Command.Find("coundown").Use(pl, new string[1] { "join" }); pl.SendMessage("You've rejoined the countdown!"); } else { pl.SendMessage("You've been removed from the countdown because you aren't on the map!"); players.Remove(pl); pl.ExtraData["IsInCountdown"] = false; } } } } else if (all && p != null) { p.SendMessage("Countdown has been reset!"); if (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished) { p.SendMessage("You do not need to re-enable it"); } gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; playersleft = 0; playersleftlist.Clear(); players.Clear(); foreach (Player pl in Server.Players) { pl.ExtraData["IsInCountdown"] = false; } } return; } else { if (p == null) { return; } if (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Disabled) { p.SendMessage("Please enable the game first!"); } else { p.SendMessage("Please wait till the end of the game!"); } } }
public static void AfterStart() { { { { mapon.Blockchange(15, 18, 14, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 18, 14, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(15, 17, 14, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 17, 14, Block.air); } { mapon.Blockchange(14, 17, 15, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(14, 18, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(14, 17, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(14, 18, 15, Block.air); } { mapon.Blockchange(15, 17, 17, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 18, 17, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(15, 18, 17, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 17, 17, Block.air); } { mapon.Blockchange(17, 17, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(17, 18, 15, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(17, 18, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(17, 17, 15, Block.air); } } { mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 16,; } { ushort x1 = 27; while (x1 >= 4) { mapon.Blockchange(x1, 4, 4, Block.air); x1 = (ushort)(x1 - 1); } ushort x2 = 4; while (x2 <= 27) { mapon.Blockchange(x2, 4, 27, Block.air); x2++; } ushort z1 = 27; while (z1 >= 4) { mapon.Blockchange(4, 4, z1, Block.air); z1 = (ushort)(z1 - 1); } ushort z2 = 4; while (z2 <= 27) { mapon.Blockchange(27, 4, z2, Block.air); z2++; } } } if (freezemode == false) { mapon.countdowninprogress = true; gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.InProgress; } }
//private static ushort[] x; // this is useless? public static void GameStart(Player p) { switch (gamestatus) { case CountdownGameStatus.Disabled: Player.SendMessage(p, "Please enable Countdown first!!"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.AboutToStart: Player.SendMessage(p, "Game is about to start"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.InProgress: Player.SendMessage(p, "Game is already in progress"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.Finished: Player.SendMessage(p, "Game has finished"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.Enabled: gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.AboutToStart; Thread.Sleep(2000); break; } { { mapon.Blockchange(15, 27, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 27, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 27, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 27, 15,; } { { mapon.Blockchange(15, 18, 14,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 18, 14,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 17, 14,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 17, 14,; } { mapon.Blockchange(14, 17, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(14, 18, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(14, 17, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(14, 18, 15,; } { mapon.Blockchange(15, 17, 17,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 18, 17,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 18, 17,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 17, 17,; } { mapon.Blockchange(17, 17, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(17, 18, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(17, 18, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(17, 17, 15,; } } { mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 16,; } } mapon.ChatLevel("Countdown is about to start!!"); mapon.permissionbuild = LevelPermission.Nobody; ushort x1 = (ushort)((15.5) * 32); ushort y1 = (ushort)((30) * 32); ushort z1 = (ushort)((15.5) * 32); foreach (Player player in players) { if (player.level != mapon) { player.SendMessage("Sending you to the correct map."); Command.all.Find("goto").Use(player,; Thread.Sleep(1000); // Sleep for a bit while they load while (player.Loading) { Thread.Sleep(250); } } unchecked { player.SendSpawn((byte)-1,, x1, y1, z1, (byte)0, (byte)0, player.DisplayName, player.SkinName); } } { CountdownGame.squaresleft.Clear(); PopulateSquaresLeft(); if (freezemode == true) { mapon.ChatLevel("Countdown starting with difficulty " + speedtype + " and mode freeze in:"); } else { mapon.ChatLevel("Countdown starting with difficulty " + speedtype + " and mode normal in:"); } Thread.Sleep(2000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b5" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); { mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 15, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 15, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 16, Block.air); } Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b4" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b3" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); { mapon.Blockchange(15, 27, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 27, 15, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 27, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(15, 27, 15, Block.air); } mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b2" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b1" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("GO!!!!!!!"); } { playersleft = players.Count(); playersleftlist = players; foreach (Player plya in players) { plya.incountdown = true; } } AfterStart(); Play(); }
public static void Reset(Player p, bool all) { if (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Enabled || gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished || gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Disabled) { { if (all == true) { { //clean variables CountdownGame.gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Disabled; CountdownGame.playersleft = 0; CountdownGame.playersleftlist.Clear(); CountdownGame.squaresleft.Clear(); CountdownGame.speed = 750; } } { //top part of map tube thingy { mapon.Blockchange(15, 18, 14, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 18, 14, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(15, 17, 14, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 17, 14, Block.air); } { mapon.Blockchange(14, 17, 15, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(14, 18, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(14, 17, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(14, 18, 15, Block.air); } { mapon.Blockchange(15, 17, 17, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 18, 17, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(15, 18, 17, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 17, 17, Block.air); } { mapon.Blockchange(17, 17, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(17, 18, 15, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(17, 18, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(17, 17, 15, Block.air); } { mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 16,; } } { { //sides of map ushort x1 = 27; while (x1 >= 4) { mapon.Blockchange(x1, 4, 4,; x1 = (ushort)(x1 - 1); } ushort x2 = 4; while (x2 <= 27) { mapon.Blockchange(x2, 4, 27,; x2++; } ushort z1 = 27; while (z1 >= 4) { mapon.Blockchange(4, 4, z1,; z1 = (ushort)(z1 - 1); } ushort z2 = 4; while (z2 <= 27) { mapon.Blockchange(27, 4, z2,; z2++; } } { //rest of glass on map ushort x3 = 5; while (x3 <= 26) { ushort z4 = 26; while (z4 >= 4) { mapon.Blockchange(x3, 4, z4,; z4 = (ushort)(z4 - 1); } x3 = (ushort)(x3 + 3); } ushort z3 = 5; while (z3 <= 26) { ushort x4 = 4; while (x4 <= 26) { mapon.Blockchange(x4, 4, z3,; x4++; } z3 = (ushort)(z3 + 3); } } { //green on map PopulateSquaresLeft(); while (squaresleft.Count > 0) { Random number = new Random(); int randnum = number.Next(squaresleft.Count); string nextsquare = squaresleft.ElementAt(randnum); squaresleft.Remove(nextsquare); { int column = int.Parse(nextsquare.Split(':')[0]); int row = int.Parse(nextsquare.Split(':')[1]); ushort x1 = (ushort)(27 - (row * 3)); ushort x2 = (ushort)(28 - (row * 3)); ushort y = 4; ushort z1 = (ushort)(27 - (column * 3)); ushort z2 = (ushort)(28 - (column * 3)); { { mapon.Blockchange(x1, y, z1,; mapon.Blockchange(x2, y, z1,; mapon.Blockchange(x2, y, z2,; mapon.Blockchange(x1, y, z2,; } } } } } } } if (all == false) { if (p != null) { p.SendMessage("The Countdown map has been reset"); if (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished) { p.SendMessage("You do not need to re-enable it"); } } gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (pl.playerofcountdown == true) { if (pl.level == mapon) { Command.all.Find("countdown").Use(pl, "join"); Player.SendMessage(pl, "You've rejoined countdown!!"); } else { Player.SendMessage(pl, "You've been removed from countdown because you aren't on the map"); pl.playerofcountdown = false; players.Remove(pl); } } } } else if (all == true) { if (p != null) { p.SendMessage("Countdown has been reset"); if (gamestatus == CountdownGameStatus.Finished) { p.SendMessage("You do not need to re-enable it"); } } gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Enabled; CountdownGame.playersleft = 0; CountdownGame.playersleftlist.Clear(); CountdownGame.players.Clear(); foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { pl.playerofcountdown = false; pl.incountdown = false; } } return; } else { switch (gamestatus) { case CountdownGameStatus.Disabled: if (p != null) { p.SendMessage("Please enable the game first"); } return; default: if (p != null) { p.SendMessage("Please wait till the end of the game"); } return; } } }
//private static ushort[] x; // this is useless? public static void GameStart(Player p) { switch (gamestatus) { case CountdownGameStatus.Disabled: Player.SendMessage(p, "Please enable Countdown first!!"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.AboutToStart: Player.SendMessage(p, "Game is about to start"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.InProgress: Player.SendMessage(p, "Game is already in progress"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.Finished: Player.SendMessage(p, "Game has finished"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.Enabled: gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.AboutToStart; Thread.Sleep(2000); break; } { { mapon.Blockchange(15, 27, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 27, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 27, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 27, 15,; } { { mapon.Blockchange(15, 18, 14,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 18, 14,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 17, 14,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 17, 14,; } { mapon.Blockchange(14, 17, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(14, 18, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(14, 17, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(14, 18, 15,; } { mapon.Blockchange(15, 17, 17,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 18, 17,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 18, 17,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 17, 17,; } { mapon.Blockchange(17, 17, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(17, 18, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(17, 18, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(17, 17, 15,; } } { mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 16,; mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 15,; mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 16,; } } mapon.ChatLevel("Countdown is about to start!!"); mapon.permissionbuild = LevelPermission.Nobody; ushort x1 = (ushort)((15.5) * 32); ushort y1 = (ushort)((30) * 32); ushort z1 = (ushort)((15.5) * 32); foreach (Player player in players) { if (player.level != mapon) { player.SendMessage("Sending you to the correct map."); Command.all.Find("goto").Use(player,; Thread.Sleep(1000); // Sleep for a bit while they load while (player.Loading) { Thread.Sleep(250); } } unchecked { player.SendSpawn((byte)-1,, x1, y1, z1, (byte)0, (byte)0); } } { CountdownGame.squaresleft.Clear(); PopulateSquaresLeft(); if (freezemode == true) { mapon.ChatLevel("Countdown starting with difficulty " + speedtype + " and mode freeze in:"); } else { mapon.ChatLevel("Countdown starting with difficulty " + speedtype + " and mode normal in:"); } Thread.Sleep(2000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b5" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); { mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 15, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(15, 16, 15, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 16, 16, Block.air); } Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b4" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b3" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); { mapon.Blockchange(15, 27, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 27, 15, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(16, 27, 16, Block.air); mapon.Blockchange(15, 27, 15, Block.air); } mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b2" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b1" + Server.DefaultColor + "-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("GO!!!!!!!"); } { playersleft = players.Count(); playersleftlist = players; foreach (Player plya in players) { plya.incountdown = true; } } AfterStart(); Play(); }
public void BeginRound(Player p) { Status = CountdownGameStatus.RoundCountdown; ResetMap(); SetGlassTube(Block.Glass, Block.Glass); Map.ChatLevel("Countdown is about to start!"); if (Status != CountdownGameStatus.RoundCountdown) { return; } int midX = Map.Width / 2, midY = Map.Height / 2, midZ = Map.Length / 2; int xSpawn = (midX * 32 + 16); int ySpawn = ((Map.Height - 2) * 32); int zSpawn = (midZ * 32 + 16); squaresLeft.Clear(); for (int zz = 6; zz < Map.Length - 6; zz += 3) { for (int xx = 6; xx < Map.Width - 6; xx += 3) { squaresLeft.Add(new SquarePos(xx, zz)); } } if (FreezeMode) { Map.ChatLevel("Countdown starting with difficulty " + SpeedType + " and mode freeze in:"); } else { Map.ChatLevel("Countdown starting with difficulty " + SpeedType + " and mode normal in:"); } Thread.Sleep(2000); SpawnPlayers(xSpawn, ySpawn, zSpawn); Map.ChatLevel("-----&b5%S-----"); if (Status != CountdownGameStatus.RoundCountdown) { return; } Cuboid(midX - 1, midY, midZ - 1, midX, midY, midZ, Block.Air, Map); Thread.Sleep(1000); if (Status != CountdownGameStatus.RoundCountdown) { return; } Map.ChatLevel("-----&b4%S-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Map.ChatLevel("-----&b3%S-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Cuboid(midX, Map.Height - 5, midZ, midX + 1, Map.Height - 5, midZ + 1, Block.Air, Map); if (Status != CountdownGameStatus.RoundCountdown) { return; } Map.ChatLevel("-----&b2%S-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Map.ChatLevel("-----&b1%S-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Map.ChatLevel("GO!!!!!!!"); if (Status != CountdownGameStatus.RoundCountdown) { return; } Player[] players = Players.Items; Remaining.Clear(); foreach (Player pl in players) { Remaining.Add(pl); } DoRound(); }
public void GameStart(Player p) { switch (gamestatus) { case CountdownGameStatus.Disabled: Player.SendMessage(p, "Please enable Countdown first!!"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.AboutToStart: Player.SendMessage(p, "Game is about to start"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.InProgress: Player.SendMessage(p, "Game is already in progress"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.Finished: Player.SendMessage(p, "Game has finished"); return; case CountdownGameStatus.Enabled: gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.AboutToStart; Thread.Sleep(2000); break; } SetGlassTube(,; mapon.ChatLevel("Countdown is about to start!!"); mapon.permissionbuild = LevelPermission.Nobody; int midX = mapon.Width / 2, midY = mapon.Height / 2, midZ = mapon.Length / 2; ushort x1 = (ushort)(midX * 32 + 16); ushort y1 = (ushort)((mapon.Height - 2) * 32); ushort z1 = (ushort)(midZ * 32 + 16); foreach (Player player in players) { if (player.level != mapon) { player.SendMessage("Sending you to the correct map."); Command.all.Find("goto").Use(player,; } p.SpawnEntity(p, 0xFF, x1, y1, z1, 0, 0); } squaresLeft.Clear(); int maxX = mapon.Width - 1, maxZ = mapon.Length - 1; for (int zz = 6; zz < maxZ - 6; zz += 3) { for (int xx = 6; xx < maxX - 6; xx += 3) { squaresLeft.Add(new SquarePos(xx, zz)); } } if (freezemode) { mapon.ChatLevel("Countdown starting with difficulty " + speedtype + " and mode freeze in:"); } else { mapon.ChatLevel("Countdown starting with difficulty " + speedtype + " and mode normal in:"); } Thread.Sleep(2000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b5%S-----"); Cuboid(midX - 1, midY, midZ - 1, midX, midY, midZ, Block.air, mapon); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b4%S-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b3%S-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Cuboid(midX, mapon.Height - 5, midZ, midX + 1, mapon.Height - 5, midZ + 1, Block.air, mapon); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b2%S-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("-----&b1%S-----"); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapon.ChatLevel("GO!!!!!!!"); playersleftlist = players; foreach (Player pl in players) { pl.incountdown = true; } AfterStart(); Play(); }
public static void End(Player winner) { CountdownGame.squaresleft.Clear(); winner.SendMessage("Congratulations!! You won!!!"); gamestatus = CountdownGameStatus.Finished; Command.all.Find("spawn").Use(winner, ""); CountdownGame.playersleftlist.Clear(); winner.incountdown = false; }