예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Records the outcome of implementing a decision, observing reported costs, and
 /// updating the original decision. Repeats this process until a terminal outcome
 /// results. See remarks.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="costsys"></param>
 /// <param name="firmID"></param>
 /// <param name="costSysID"></param>
 /// <param name="startingDecision"></param>
 /// <param name="endingDecision"></param>
 /// <param name="stopCode"></param>
 /// <remarks>Assume the firm implements the decision startingDecision. Upon
 /// doing so, it will observe total resource consumption.It will then
 /// allocate resources to cost pools, as per the B parameter of the cost
 /// system, choose drivers as per the D parameter of the cost system,
 /// and then allocate resources to cost objects and compute reported costs.
 /// The reported costs are returned as PC_R. Upon observing the
 /// reported costs, the firm may wish to update its original decision.When
 /// it implements the updated decision, costs will change again.The outcome
 /// of this process will either be an equilibrium decision (fixed point), or
 /// a cycle of decisions.</remarks>
 public static void LogCostSysLoop(
     CostSys costsys, int firmID, int costSysID,
     RowVector startingDecision, RowVector endingDecision,
     CostSystemOutcomes stopCode)
         firmID, costSysID,
         costsys.P, costsys.A, costsys.R,
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Assuming the firm implements decision DECF0, this method computes
        /// reported costs for this cost system, which are used to compute the firm's updated decision.
        /// It iterates using the updated decision as the new starting decision until a terminal outcome
        /// (e.g. equilibrium, cycle) is reached.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ip">The current InputParameters object</param>
        /// <param name="DECF0">The starting decision.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the outcome of iterations and the final decision.</returns>
        public (CostSystemOutcomes stopCode, RowVector DECF1) EquilibriumCheck(InputParameters ip, RowVector DECF0)
            #region Make local copies of firm-level variables

            ColumnVector MXQ = this.firm.MXQ;
            RowVector    SP  = this.firm.SP;


            // The initial vector of production quantities, given
            // starting decision DECF0
            ColumnVector q0 = MXQ.ewMultiply(DECF0);
            // A list of past decisions made during the iteration process.
            // If a decision appears twice on this list, then a cycle exists.
            List <RowVector> pastDecisions = new List <RowVector> {
            // The "next" decision that the firm would make. Assume the firm
            // starts with DECF0, computes resulting resource consumption,
            // and reported costs (through the cost system). Given reported
            // costs, it updates its decision to DECF1.
            RowVector DECF1;

            bool               foundThisDecisionBefore;
            double             MAR_DROP = 1.0 - ip.HYSTERESIS;
            double             MAR_MAKE = 1.0 + ip.HYSTERESIS;
            CostSystemOutcomes stopCode = CostSystemOutcomes.Unassigned;

            bool done;
                RowVector PC_R = CalcReportedCosts(ip, DECF0);

                if (PC_R.Contains(double.NaN))
                    DECF1 = PC_R.Map(x => double.NaN);
                    double[] MAR   = PC_R.Zip(SP, (pc_r, sp) => sp / pc_r).ToArray();
                    var      decf1 = MAR.Zip(q0, (mar, q) =>
                                             (q > 0.0) ? ((mar <= MAR_DROP) ? 0.0 : 1.0) : ((mar > MAR_MAKE) ? 1.0 : 0.0));
                    DECF1 = new RowVector(decf1.ToList());

                ColumnVector q1 = MXQ.ewMultiply(DECF1);
                if (!(foundThisDecisionBefore = pastDecisions.Contains(DECF1)))

                //double ExpectedCosts = PC_R * q1;
                //double TCF0 = this.firm.CalcTotCosts(q1);

                done = true;
                //if (q1 == q0) {
                if (DECF1 == DECF0)
                    stopCode = CostSystemOutcomes.Equilibrium;
                else if (q1.TrueForAll(qty => qty == 0.0))
                    stopCode = CostSystemOutcomes.ZeroMix;
                else if (foundThisDecisionBefore)
                    stopCode = CostSystemOutcomes.Cycle;
                else if (DECF1.Contains(double.NaN))
                    stopCode = CostSystemOutcomes.NaN;
                    done = false;

                if (!done)
                    DECF0 = DECF1;
                    q0    = q1;
            } while (!done);

            return(stopCode, DECF1);