public static async Task DemoGeoConnect() { // Make sure we prefer Japan East over North Europe var prefLocations = new List <string> { LocationNames.JapanEast /*, LocationNames.NorthEurope */ }; DocumentClient client = await CosDB.ConnectToCosmosDB(Config.Account_GlobalBuildDemo, Config.Account_GlobalBuildDemo_Key, prefLocations); Database db = await CosDB.CreateOrGetDatabase(client, "demodb"); DocumentCollection coll = await CosDB.CreateOrGetCollection(client, db, "democol", 400, null, null, false); Person aPerson = null; do { var queryable = client.CreateDocumentQuery <Person>(coll.SelfLink).Where(p => == "001"); var query = queryable.AsDocumentQuery(); while (query.HasMoreResults) { var personCol = await query.ExecuteNextAsync <Person>(); if (personCol.Count > 0) { aPerson = personCol.FirstOrDefault(); } } await Task.Delay(1000); } while (aPerson == null); }
public static async Task DemoTableWorkWithDocDBAPI() { DocumentClient client = await CosDB.ConnectToCosmosDB(Config.Account_DemoBuild_Table, Config.Account_DemoBuild_Table_Key); Database db = await CosDB.CreateOrGetDatabase(client, "TablesDB"); DocumentCollection collection = await CosDB.CreateOrGetCollection(client, db, "person", 400, "/'$pk'", null, false); FeedOptions feedOptions = new FeedOptions() { PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("Hobbit") }; var queryable = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collection.SelfLink, "SELECT * from p where p['FirstName']['$v'] = 'Bilbo'", feedOptions); // queryable = client.CreateDocumentQuery<PersonEntity>(collection.SelfLink, feedOptions).Where( doc => (doc.FirstName=="Bilbo") ); var queryable2 = client.CreateDocumentQuery <PersonTableEntry>(collection.SelfLink, feedOptions).Where(doc => (doc.FirstName.v == "Bilbo")); var query2 = queryable2.AsDocumentQuery <PersonTableEntry>(); while (query2.HasMoreResults) { var person = await query2.ExecuteNextAsync <PersonTableEntry>(); } var query = queryable.AsDocumentQuery(); while (query.HasMoreResults) { var person = await query.ExecuteNextAsync(); } }
/// <summary> /// Works on all consistency levels! /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> static async Task DemoOptimisticWrite() { try { DocumentClient client = await CosDB.ConnectToCosmosDB(Config.Account_DemoBuild_Docs, Config.Account_DemoBuild_Docs_Key); Database db = await CosDB.CreateOrGetDatabase(client, "demodb"); DocumentCollection collection = await CosDB.CreateOrGetCollection(client, db, "democol", 400, null, null, false); var createResponse = await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collection.SelfLink, new { id = "001", name = "Book" }); var replaceResponse = await client.ReplaceDocumentAsync( createResponse.Resource.SelfLink, new { id = "001", name = "Book", Title = "The Hobbit" }, new RequestOptions { AccessCondition = new Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.AccessCondition { Condition = createResponse.Resource.ETag, Type = AccessConditionType.IfMatch } }); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"DemoOptimisticWrite failed with {ex.Message}."); } }
/// <summary> /// This stores a document into CosmosDB. First the document is stored with the /// DocumentDB-API and then with the MongoAPI. Explore both Location-Elements: /// * "LocationMongoDB" and /// * "LocationCosmosDB" /// and their representation in the database. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task DemoStorageOfLocation() { try { MongoItem demoDoc = new MongoItem("Hansi", "Huber", "Test", "ModeT", "", 1.1, 2.2, new string[] { "male", "person" }, new string[] { "hansi" }); // ======================================================= // Store in CosmosDB // ======================================================= DocumentClient docDBclient = await CosDB.ConnectToCosmosDB(Config.Account_DemoBuild_Mongo, Config.Account_DemoBuild_Mongo_Key); Database docDBdb = await CosDB.CreateOrGetDatabase(docDBclient, "demodb"); DocumentCollection collection = await CosDB.CreateOrGetCollection(docDBclient, docDBdb, "democolDocDB", 400, null, null, false); await docDBclient.CreateDocumentAsync(collection.SelfLink, demoDoc); // ======================================================= // Store with MongoDB API // ======================================================= MongoQueryTest queryTest = new MongoQueryTest(); MongoClient client = MongoDemo.Client; var db = client.GetDatabase("demodb"); try { await db.DropCollectionAsync("democol"); } catch (Exception) { } var col = db.GetCollection <MongoItem>("democol"); await col.InsertOneAsync(demoDoc); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"DemoMongoAPILocation Demo failed with {ex.Message}."); throw; } }
static async Task DemoSessionToken() { try { DocumentClient client = await CosDB.ConnectToCosmosDB(Config.Account_DemoBuild_Docs, Config.Account_DemoBuild_Docs_Key); Database db = await CosDB.CreateOrGetDatabase(client, "demodb"); DocumentCollection collection = await CosDB.CreateOrGetCollection(client, db, "democol", 400, null, null, false); //var queryable = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collection.SelfLink, "SELECT * FROM books WHERE'001' ", new FeedOptions() { }); var queryable = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collection.SelfLink, "SELECT * FROM books WHERE'001' ", new FeedOptions() { SessionToken = "0:16" }); var query = queryable.AsDocumentQuery(); var result = await query.ExecuteNextAsync(); var sessionToken = result.SessionToken; var createResponse = await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collection.SelfLink, new { id = "001", name = "Book" }); var replaceResponse = await client.ReplaceDocumentAsync( createResponse.Resource.SelfLink, new { id = "001", name = "Book", Title = "The Hobbit" }, new RequestOptions { AccessCondition = new Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.AccessCondition { Condition = createResponse.Resource.ETag, Type = AccessConditionType.IfMatch } }); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"DemoSessionToken failed with {ex.Message}."); } }
public static async Task DemoGraph01() { try { DocumentClient client = await CosDB.ConnectToCosmosDB(Config.Account_DemoBuild_Hobbit, Config.Account_DemoBuild_Hobbit_Key); Database db = await CosDB.CreateOrGetDatabase(client, "demodb"); DocumentCollection collection = await CosDB.CreateOrGetCollection(client, db, "thehobbit", 400, null, null, false); var results = new List <dynamic>(); var gremlinQuery = client.CreateGremlinQuery <dynamic>(collection, "g.V().hasLabel('person')"); while (gremlinQuery.HasMoreResults) { foreach (var result in await gremlinQuery.ExecuteNextAsync <dynamic>()) { results.Add(result); } } var typedGremlinQuery = client.CreateGremlinQuery <Vertex>(collection, "g.V().hasLabel('person')"); while (typedGremlinQuery.HasMoreResults) { foreach (var result in await typedGremlinQuery.ExecuteNextAsync <Vertex>()) { Console.WriteLine(result.Label); var props = result.GetVertexProperties(); var name = result.GetVertexProperties("name").First().Value; } } // ================================================================================ // The following is no longer supported with 0.2.4 update // The classes have been updated with INTERNAL USE only // ================================================================================ /* * GraphConnection graphConnection = await GraphConnection.Create(Account_DemoBuild_Hobbit, Account_DemoBuild_Hobbit_Key, "demodb", "thehobbit"); * Microsoft.Azure.Graphs.GraphCommand cmd = new GraphCommand(graphConnection); * GraphTraversal personTrav = cmd.g().V().HasLabel("person"); * foreach(var p in personTrav) * { * Console.WriteLine(p); * } * * Microsoft.Azure.Graphs.GraphCommand cmd2 = new GraphCommand(graphConnection, "g.V().hasLabel('person').union(V().hasLabel('place'))"); * var res2 = cmd2.Execute(); * int cnt = 0; * foreach (var xx in res2) * { * Console.WriteLine(xx); * cnt++; * } * // 105 => g.V().hasLabel('person').union(V().hasLabel('place')) .count() .limit(1) */ } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"GraphDemo 01 failed with {ex.Message}."); } }
private static async Task ProcessChangeFeedWithChangeFeedProcessor(DocumentClient client, Database db, DocumentCollection personCol) { // Use the ChangeFeed Processor which manages to read changes accross partitions. // This requires another CosmosDB collection so that ChangeFeedProcessor can store it's lease information! // #region Change Feed Processor // Create LeaseCollection DocumentCollection leasecol = await CosDB.CreateOrGetCollection(client, db, "leasecol", 400, null, null, false, true); // Customizable change feed option and host options ChangeFeedOptions feedOptions = new ChangeFeedOptions() { // ie customize StartFromBeginning so change feed reads from beginning // can customize MaxItemCount, PartitonKeyRangeId, RequestContinuation, SessionToken and StartFromBeginning StartFromBeginning = true }; ChangeFeedHostOptions feedHostOptions = new ChangeFeedHostOptions() { // ie. customizing lease renewal interval to 15 seconds // can customize LeaseRenewInterval, LeaseAcquireInterval, LeaseExpirationInterval, FeedPollDelay LeaseRenewInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15) }; string hostName = "UniqueHostName01"; DocumentCollectionInfo documentCollectionLocation = new DocumentCollectionInfo() { CollectionName = personCol.Id, ConnectionPolicy = ConnectionPolicy.Default, DatabaseName = db.Id, MasterKey = Config.Account_DemoBuild_Mongo_Key, Uri = new Uri(Config.Account_DemoBuild_Mongo) }; DocumentCollectionInfo leaseCollectionLocation = new DocumentCollectionInfo() { CollectionName = "leasecol", ConnectionPolicy = ConnectionPolicy.Default, DatabaseName = db.Id, MasterKey = Config.Account_DemoBuild_Mongo_Key, Uri = new Uri(Config.Account_DemoBuild_Mongo) }; DocumentFeedObserverFactory docObserverFactory = new DocumentFeedObserverFactory(); ChangeFeedEventHost host = new ChangeFeedEventHost(hostName, documentCollectionLocation, leaseCollectionLocation, feedOptions, feedHostOptions); await host.RegisterObserverFactoryAsync(docObserverFactory); Console.WriteLine("Waiting 2-3 seconds before adding more documents..."); Thread.Sleep(2500); Random randGen = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); List <string> cities = new List <string>() { "Vienna", "Paris", "Frankfurt", "Prag", "Seattle" }; for (int c = 0; c < 10000; c++) // with this long running sample, the Lease is probably lost { string city = cities[randGen.Next() % cities.Count]; await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"), city = city, label = "person" }); await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"), city = city, label = "person" }); await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"), city = city, label = "person" }); } Console.WriteLine("Observer is still running... Modify or add documents with DocumentStudio. Press enter to stop."); Console.ReadLine(); await host.UnregisterObserversAsync(); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// This demo shows how you can use the ChangeFeed Functionality in CosmosDB /// Requires Nuget package: Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.ChangeFeedProcessor /// This demo requires: /// CosmosDB Account set up and configuration of /// Account_DemoBuild_Mongo /// Account_DemoBuild_Mongo_Key /// It will create a demodb-database /// A partitioned personcol-Collection /// A non paritioned leasecol-Collection /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task DemoChangeFeed() { try { // Create a new Demo Collection "personcol" in "demodb"-Database Console.Write("Creating collection 'personcol' in 'demodb' (Demo_Build_Mongo Account),..."); DocumentClient client = await CosDB.ConnectToCosmosDB(Config.Account_DemoBuild_Mongo, Config.Account_DemoBuild_Mongo_Key); Database db = await CosDB.CreateOrGetDatabase(client, "demodb"); DocumentCollection personCol = await CosDB.CreateOrGetCollection(client, db, "personcol", 400, "/city", null, false, true); Console.WriteLine("Done"); // Add several documents with corresponding partition keys Console.Write("Adding serveral 'person'-documents to personcol,..."); await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = "Isabelle", city = "Vienna", label = "person" }); await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = "Michaela", city = "Vienna", label = "person" }); await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = "Michelle", city = "Paris", label = "person" }); await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = "Chantelle", city = "Paris", label = "person" }); await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = "Marion", city = "Prag", label = "person" }); await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = "Maxime", city = "Prag", label = "person" }); await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = "Nina", city = "Munich", label = "person" }); await client.CreateDocumentAsync(personCol.SelfLink, new Person() { name = "Maria", city = "Munich", label = "person" }); Console.WriteLine("Done"); // Demonstrate how to read the Change Feed manually // Uncommented for easier repo // await ProcessChangeFeedManualy(client, personCol); // Demonstrate the use of the ChangeFeed Processor await ProcessChangeFeedWithChangeFeedProcessor(client, db, personCol); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Change Feed Demo failed with {ex.Message}."); throw; } }