public IList<CY.UME.Core.Business.Wishing> GetAllWishes(int count) { IList<Core.Business.Wishing> wishinglist = new List<Core.Business.Wishing>(); SqlServerUtility sql = new SqlServerUtility(SqlConnection); sql.AddParameter("@Count", SqlDbType.Int, count); SqlDataReader reader = sql.ExecuteSPReader("USP_Wishing_Select_By_Count"); if (reader != null) { while (reader.Read()) { Core.Business.Wishing wishing = new Core.Business.Wishing(); long id = 0; if (!reader.IsDBNull(0)) id = reader.GetInt64(0); wishing = CY.UME.Core.Business.Wishing.Load(id); wishing.MarkOld(); wishinglist.Add(wishing); } reader.Close(); } return wishinglist; }
// ��̨����ʹ�� public IList<Core.Business.Wishing> GetAllWishes(string accountName, string Contents, string beginTime, string endTime, Core.PagingInfo pagingInfo) { IList<Core.Business.Wishing> wishinglist = new List<Core.Business.Wishing>(); SqlServerUtility sql = new SqlServerUtility(SqlConnection); sql.AddParameter("@PageNumber", SqlDbType.Int, pagingInfo.CurrentPage); sql.AddParameter("@PageSize", SqlDbType.Int, pagingInfo.PageSize); sql.AddParameter("@Tables", SqlDbType.NVarChar, "Wishing,Account"); sql.AddParameter("@PK", SqlDbType.NVarChar, "Wishing.Id"); sql.AddParameter("@Sort", SqlDbType.NVarChar, "Wishing.Id DESC"); sql.AddParameter("@Fields", SqlDbType.NVarChar, "[Wishing].[Id],[Wishing].[Content],[Wishing].[DateCreated],[Wishing].[AccountId],[Wishing].[WallColor],[Wishing].[FontColor],[Wishing].[IsTop],[Wishing].[EndDate],[Wishing].[ReplyNum]"); StringBuilder strFilter = new StringBuilder(); strFilter.Append(" [Wishing].[AccountId] = [Account].[Id] "); // �û�ID if (accountName.Length >= 1) { strFilter.Append(" AND [Account].[Name] LIKE '%" + accountName + "%' ");// AND �û�Id��xxx��Χ�� } if (Contents.Length >= 1) { strFilter.Append(" AND [Wishing].[Content] LIKE '%" + Contents + "%' "); } if (beginTime.Length >= 1 && endTime.Length >= 1) { strFilter.Append(" AND [Wishing].[DateCreated] BETWEEN '" + beginTime + "' AND '" + endTime + "' "); } sql.AddParameter("@Filter", SqlDbType.NVarChar, strFilter.ToString()); SqlDataReader reader = sql.ExecuteSPReader("Paging_RowCount"); if (reader != null) { while (reader.Read()) { Core.Business.Wishing wishing = new Core.Business.Wishing(); long id = 0; if (!reader.IsDBNull(0)) id = reader.GetInt64(0); wishing = CY.UME.Core.Business.Wishing.Load(id); wishing.MarkOld(); wishinglist.Add(wishing); } reader.Close(); } return wishinglist; }
public IList<Core.Business.Wishing> GetSettleWishes(String StrId, int PageSize) { IList<Core.Business.Wishing> Wishinglist = new List<Core.Business.Wishing>(); SqlServerUtility sql = new SqlServerUtility(SqlConnection); String Column = "[Id],[DateCreated],[EndDate],[IsTop],[AccountId],[Content],[WallColor],[FontColor],[ReplyNum]"; if (StrId.Length >= 1) { String SelSQL = "SELECT " + Column + " FROM [Wishing] WHERE [Id] IN (" + StrId + ")"; SqlDataReader reader = sql.ExecuteSqlReader(SelSQL); if (reader != null) { while (reader.Read()) { Core.Business.Wishing wishing = new Core.Business.Wishing(); if (!reader.IsDBNull(0)) wishing.Id = reader.GetInt64(0); if (!reader.IsDBNull(1)) wishing.DateCreated = reader.GetDateTime(1); if (!reader.IsDBNull(2)) wishing.EndDate = reader.GetDateTime(2); if (!reader.IsDBNull(3)) wishing.IsTop = reader.GetBoolean(3); if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) wishing.AccountId = reader.GetInt64(4); if (!reader.IsDBNull(5)) wishing.Content = reader.GetString(5); if (!reader.IsDBNull(6)) wishing.WallColor = reader.GetString(6); if (!reader.IsDBNull(7)) wishing.FontColor = reader.GetString(7); if (!reader.IsDBNull(8)) wishing.ReplyNum = reader.GetInt32(8); wishing.MarkOld(); Wishinglist.Add(wishing); } reader.Close(); } } // ������������ﲻ��Ԥ��ֵ if (Wishinglist != null && Wishinglist.Count < PageSize) { PageSize = PageSize - Wishinglist.Count; SqlDataReader reader = sql.ExecuteSqlReader("SELECT TOP (" + PageSize + ") " + Column + " FROM [Wishing] WHERE [Id] NOT IN ('" + StrId + "') ORDER BY [DateCreated] DESC"); if (reader != null) { while (reader.Read()) { Core.Business.Wishing wishing = new Core.Business.Wishing(); if (!reader.IsDBNull(0)) wishing.Id = reader.GetInt64(0); if (!reader.IsDBNull(1)) wishing.DateCreated = reader.GetDateTime(1); if (!reader.IsDBNull(2)) wishing.EndDate = reader.GetDateTime(2); if (!reader.IsDBNull(3)) wishing.IsTop = reader.GetBoolean(3); if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) wishing.AccountId = reader.GetInt64(4); if (!reader.IsDBNull(5)) wishing.Content = reader.GetString(5); if (!reader.IsDBNull(6)) wishing.WallColor = reader.GetString(6); if (!reader.IsDBNull(7)) wishing.FontColor = reader.GetString(7); if (!reader.IsDBNull(8)) wishing.ReplyNum = reader.GetInt32(8); wishing.MarkOld(); Wishinglist.Add(wishing); } reader.Close(); } } return Wishinglist; }