public override void CopyFrom(EvaluationContext ctx)
     frame         = ((CorEvaluationContext)ctx).frame;
     frameIndex    = ((CorEvaluationContext)ctx).frameIndex;
     evalTimestamp = ((CorEvaluationContext)ctx).evalTimestamp;
     Thread        = ((CorEvaluationContext)ctx).Thread;
     Session       = ((CorEvaluationContext)ctx).Session;
 void CheckTimestamp( )
     if (evalTimestamp != CorDebuggerSession.EvaluationTimestamp)
         thread      = null;
         frame       = null;
         corEval     = null;
         activeChain = null;
        internal static StackFrame CreateFrame(CorDebuggerSession session, CorApi.Portable.Frame frame)
            int    address      = 0;
            string addressSpace = "";
            string file         = "";
            int    line         = 0;
            int    endLine      = 0;
            int    column       = 0;
            int    endColumn    = 0;
            string method       = "[Unknown]";
            string lang         = "";
            string module       = "";
            string type         = "";
            bool   hasDebugInfo = false;
            bool   hidden       = false;
            bool   external     = true;

            if (frame.FrameType == CorApi.Portable.CorFrameType.ILFrame)
                if (frame.Function != null)
                    module = frame.Function.Module.Name;
                    CorMetadataImport importer = new CorMetadataImport(frame.Function.Module);
                    MethodInfo        mi       = importer.GetMethodInfo(frame.Function.Token);
                    var declaringType          = mi.DeclaringType;
                    if (declaringType != null)
                        method = declaringType.FullName + "." + mi.Name;
                        type   = declaringType.FullName;
                        method = mi.Name;

                    addressSpace = mi.Name;

                    var sp = GetSequencePoint(session, frame);
                    if (sp != null)
                        line      = sp.StartLine;
                        column    = sp.StartColumn;
                        endLine   = sp.EndLine;
                        endColumn = sp.EndColumn;
                        file      = sp.Document.URL;
                        address   = sp.Offset;

                    if (session.IsExternalCode(file))
                        external = true;
                        if (session.Options.ProjectAssembliesOnly)
                            external = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(v =>
                                                                        v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute ||
                                                                        v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute);
                            external = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(v =>
                                                                        v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute);
                    hidden = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(v => v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute);
                lang         = "Managed";
                hasDebugInfo = true;
            else if (frame.FrameType == CorApi.Portable.CorFrameType.NativeFrame)
                frame.GetNativeIP(out address);
                method = "[Native frame]";
                lang   = "Native";
            else if (frame.FrameType == CorApi.Portable.CorFrameType.InternalFrame)
                switch (frame.InternalFrameType)
                case CorApi.Portable.CorDebugInternalFrameType.StubframeM2U:
                    method = "[Managed to Native Transition]";

                case CorApi.Portable.CorDebugInternalFrameType.StubframeU2M:
                    method = "[Native to Managed Transition]";

                case CorApi.Portable.CorDebugInternalFrameType.StubframeLightweightFunction:
                    method = "[Lightweight Method Call]";

                case CorApi.Portable.CorDebugInternalFrameType.StubframeAppdomainTransition:
                    method = "[Application Domain Transition]";

                case CorApi.Portable.CorDebugInternalFrameType.StubframeFunctionEval:
                    method = "[Function Evaluation]";

            var loc = new SourceLocation(method, file, line, column, endLine, endColumn);

            return(new StackFrame(address, addressSpace, loc, lang, external, hasDebugInfo, hidden, module, type));
        public static SequencePoint GetSequencePoint(CorDebuggerSession session, CorApi.Portable.Frame frame)
            ISymbolReader reader = session.GetReaderForModule(frame.Function.Module);

            if (reader == null)

            ISymbolMethod met = reader.GetMethod(new SymbolToken(frame.Function.Token));

            if (met == null)

            int SequenceCount = met.SequencePointCount;

            if (SequenceCount <= 0)

            CorApi.Portable.CorDebugMappingResult mappingResult;
            int ip;

            frame.GetIP(out ip, out mappingResult);
            if (mappingResult == CorApi.Portable.CorDebugMappingResult.MappingNoInformation || mappingResult == CorApi.Portable.CorDebugMappingResult.MappingUnmappedAddress)

            int[]             offsets    = new int[SequenceCount];
            int[]             lines      = new int[SequenceCount];
            int[]             endLines   = new int[SequenceCount];
            int[]             columns    = new int[SequenceCount];
            int[]             endColumns = new int[SequenceCount];
            ISymbolDocument[] docs       = new ISymbolDocument[SequenceCount];
            met.GetSequencePoints(offsets, docs, lines, columns, endLines, endColumns);

            if ((SequenceCount > 0) && (offsets [0] <= ip))
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < SequenceCount; ++i)
                    if (offsets [i] >= ip)

                if ((i == SequenceCount) || (offsets [i] != ip))

                if (lines [i] == SpecialSequencePoint)
                    int j = i;
                    // let's try to find a sequence point that is not special somewhere earlier in the code
                    // stream.
                    while (j > 0)
                        if (lines [j] != SpecialSequencePoint)
                            return(new SequencePoint()
                                IsSpecial = true,
                                Offset = offsets [j],
                                StartLine = lines [j],
                                EndLine = endLines [j],
                                StartColumn = columns [j],
                                EndColumn = endColumns [j],
                                Document = docs [j]
                    // we didn't find any non-special seqeunce point before current one, let's try to search
                    // after.
                    j = i;
                    while (++j < SequenceCount)
                        if (lines [j] != SpecialSequencePoint)
                            return(new SequencePoint()
                                IsSpecial = true,
                                Offset = offsets [j],
                                StartLine = lines [j],
                                EndLine = endLines [j],
                                StartColumn = columns [j],
                                EndColumn = endColumns [j],
                                Document = docs [j]

                    // Even if sp is null at this point, it's a valid scenario to have only special sequence
                    // point in a function.  For example, we can have a compiler-generated default ctor which
                    // doesn't have any source.
                    return(new SequencePoint()
                        IsSpecial = false,
                        Offset = offsets [i],
                        StartLine = lines [i],
                        EndLine = endLines [i],
                        StartColumn = columns [i],
                        EndColumn = endColumns [i],
                        Document = docs [i]