public static void CopyTo(string path, Folder folder, CopyResult copyResult) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path); foreach (var file in folder.Files) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(path, (file as File).Title))) { copyResult.NewFiles++; } else if (System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime((file as File).Path) != System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(System.IO.Path.Combine(path, (file as File).Title))) { copyResult.ReplacedFiles++; } else { copyResult.NotCopiedFiles++; } // Copy anyway, in case of rare equal time or whatnot.. FileService.CopyFile(path, (file as File).Path); } foreach (var nextFolder in folder.Folders) { CopyTo(FileService.CreateFolder(path, nextFolder.Title), nextFolder, copyResult); } }
public CopyResult Copy(int id, int[] selectedActionsIds) { var result = new CopyResult(); var action = ReadForModify(id); action.Id = 0; if (action.Action != null) { action.Action.Id = 0; } if (action == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format(CustomActionStrings.ActionNotFoundByCode, id)); } if (!action.IsUpdatable || !action.IsAccessible(ActionTypeCode.Read)) { result.Message = MessageResult.Error(CustomActionStrings.CannotCopyBecauseOfSecurity); } if (result.Message == null) { action = Normalize(action, selectedActionsIds); action = CustomActionRepository.Copy(action); } return(result); }
public void UdiskCopyTest() { CopyResult copyResult = 0; //string srcDir = @"C:\Users\BM021671\Documents\ProjectFiles\Cell4\SourceFiles\"; string srcDir = @"C:\a"; copyResult = CopyFilesToUDisk(srcDir, Common.copyfilelist); Debug.WriteLine("udisktest copyresult " + copyResult.ToString()); if (copyResult == CopyResult.GOOD) { copyTcp.Send("Copy Test Complete"); } else if (copyResult == CopyResult.COPYFAILED) { copyTcp.Send("Copy Test Failed"); } else if (copyResult == CopyResult.MISSTORAGE) { copyTcp.Send("Storage Error"); } else { copyTcp.Send("Unknown Result"); } }
private async Task ProcessCopyResult(CopyResult copyResult) { switch (copyResult) { case CopyResult.Success: logger.Log("AlreadyIso.CopySuccess"); await ShowSimpleContentDialog("Copy completed!"); break; case CopyResult.IoException: logger.Log("AlreadyIso.CopyIOException"); await ShowSimpleContentDialog("Exception while accessing files. Copy aborted."); break; case CopyResult.CopyCanceled: logger.Log("AlreadyIso.CopyCanceled"); await ShowSimpleContentDialog("Copy canceled by user."); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(copyResult), copyResult, null); } if (copyResult == CopyResult.Success) { await AskForReview(); ClearIsoFile(); ClearMdfFile(); } }
public static void StartWithCopy(Target target, Config config) { var result = new CopyResult(); CopyService.CopyTo(FileService.GetDirectory(target.Path), config.Folders, result); Start(target); EventService.Publish(Const.MessageEvent, result); }
public uint CopyIntoItemsLocal(string SourceUrl, string[] DestinationUrls, out CopyResult[] Results) { object[] results1 = this.Invoke("CopyIntoItemsLocal", new object[] { SourceUrl, DestinationUrls}); Results = ((CopyResult[])(results1[1])); return ((uint)(results1[0])); }
public static CopyResult ToCopyResult(this CopyRequest.Result data) { var res = new CopyResult { IsSuccess = data.status == 200, NewName = data.body }; return res; }
public static CopyResult ToCopyResult(this MoveRequest.Result data, string newName) { var res = new CopyResult { IsSuccess = true, NewName = newName }; return(res); }
public static CopyResult ToCopyResult(this CommonOperationResult <string> data) { var res = new CopyResult { IsSuccess = data.Status == 200, NewName = data.Body }; return(res); }
public static ItemOperation ToItemOperation(this CopyResult data) { var res = new ItemOperation { DateTime = data.DateTime, Path = data.OldFullPath }; return(res); }
public static CopyResult ToMoveResult(this YadResponceModel <YadMoveRequestData, YadMoveRequestParams> data) { var res = new CopyResult { IsSuccess = true, NewName = data.Params.Dst.Remove(0, "/disk".Length) }; return(res); }
public static CopyResult ToMoveResult(this YadResponseModel <YadMoveRequestData, YadMoveRequestParams> data) { var res = new CopyResult { IsSuccess = null == data.Data.Error, NewName = data.Params.Dst.Remove(0, "/disk".Length), OldFullPath = data.Params.Src.Remove(0, "/disk".Length), DateTime = DateTime.Now }; return(res); }
/// <summary> /// get the color for the copy result /// </summary> /// <param name="resultOfCopy"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static System.Drawing.Color CopyResultColor(CopyResult resultOfCopy) { switch (resultOfCopy) { case CopyResult.copygood: return(System.Drawing.Color.Green); case CopyResult.samedate: case CopyResult.targetexists: return(System.Drawing.Color.Blue); case CopyResult.copyfail: case CopyResult.sourcedoesnotexists: case CopyResult.targetisnewer: return(System.Drawing.Color.Red); default: return(System.Drawing.Color.Black); } }
private void SyncAllBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SyncList.Items.Count == 0) { LogLine("Nothing to sync."); return; } int successes = 0; int upToDates = 0; int failures = 0; string statusMsg; string failureMsgs = ""; foreach (FileSync fs in SyncList.Items) { CopyResult copyResult = CopyFile(fs, out statusMsg); switch (copyResult) { case CopyResult.Success: successes++; break; case CopyResult.UpToDate: upToDates++; break; case CopyResult.Fail: failures++; failureMsgs += statusMsg + "\r\n"; break; } } LogLine($"Sync Finished: {successes} copied. {upToDates} up-to-date. {failures} failed."); if (failures != 0) { LogLine("Failure messages: \r\n" + failureMsgs); } }
/// <summary> /// get the string value for the copy result /// </summary> /// <param name="resultOfCopy"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string CopyResultToString(CopyResult resultOfCopy) { switch (resultOfCopy) { case CopyResult.copyfail: return("Copy failed"); case CopyResult.sourcedoesnotexists: return("Source file does not exist"); case CopyResult.samedate: return("Same date for target and source files"); case CopyResult.targetisnewer: return("Target file is newer than source file"); case CopyResult.targetexists: return("Target already exists"); default: return("Copy successful"); } }
public CopyResult Copy(int id) { var result = new CopyResult(); var group = UserGroupRepository.GetPropertiesById(id); if (group == null) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(UserGroupStrings.GroupNotFound, id)); } group.MutateName(); var newId = UserGroupRepository.CopyGroup(group, QPContext.CurrentUserId); if (newId == 0) { result.Message = MessageResult.Error(UserGroupStrings.GroupHasNotBeenCreated); } else { result.Id = newId; } return(result); }
public CopyResult Copy(int id) { var result = new CopyResult(); var user = UserRepository.GetById(id, true); if (user == null) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(UserStrings.UserNotFound, id)); } user.MutateLogin(); var newId = UserRepository.CopyUser(user, QPContext.CurrentUserId); if (newId == 0) { result.Message = MessageResult.Error(UserStrings.UserHasNotBeenCreated); } else { result.Id = newId; } return(result); }
public CopyResult Copy(int id) { var result = new CopyResult(); var page = PageRepository.GetPagePropertiesById(id); if (page == null) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(TemplateStrings.PageNotFound, id)); } page.MutatePage(); ManagePageFolders(page, FolderManagingType.CreateFolder); var newId = PageRepository.CopyPage(page, QPContext.CurrentUserId); if (newId == 0) { result.Message = MessageResult.Error(TemplateStrings.PageNotCreated); } else { result.Id = newId; } return(result); }
/// <remarks/> public uint EndCopyIntoItemsLocal(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult, out CopyResult[] Results) { object[] results1 = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult); Results = ((CopyResult[])(results1[1])); return ((uint)(results1[0])); }
private async Task ProcessAlreadyIso() { logger.Log("Conversion.InputAlreadyISO"); ContentDialog alreadyIsoChoiceDialog = new ContentDialog { Title = "Input file is already in ISO format", Content = "You can change the extension directly to .iso, or copy its content to the new file", PrimaryButtonText = "Copy it as a new .iso file", }; //Move option is available only on 1703 and later, beacause of number of buttons bool isCloseButtonTextSupported = ApiInformation.IsPropertyPresent("Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ContentDialog", nameof(ContentDialog.CloseButtonText)); if (isCloseButtonTextSupported) { alreadyIsoChoiceDialog.SecondaryButtonText = "Just rename the .mdf file to .iso"; alreadyIsoChoiceDialog.CloseButtonText = "Cancel"; } else { alreadyIsoChoiceDialog.SecondaryButtonText = "Cancel"; } ContentDialogResult choiceDialogResult = await alreadyIsoChoiceDialog.ShowAsync(); switch (choiceDialogResult) { case ContentDialogResult.Primary: CopyResult copyResult = await Task.Run(() => Mdf2IsoConverter.CopyAsync( MdfFile, IsoFile, progress, LogViewer.LogWriter, token: tokenSource.Token )); await ProcessCopyResult(copyResult); break; case ContentDialogResult.Secondary: if (isCloseButtonTextSupported) { bool renameResult = await ChangeExtension(); await ProcessRenameResult(renameResult); } else { logger.Log("AlreadyIso.DoNothing"); } break; case ContentDialogResult.None: logger.Log("AlreadyIso.DoNothing"); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public static void CopyTo(string path, ObservableCollection <Folder> folders, CopyResult copyResult) { try { foreach (var folder in folders) { if (folder.IsSelected) { CopyTo(path, folder, copyResult); } } } catch (Exception e) { EventService.Publish(Const.MessageEvent, e.Message); } }
int NativeInterfaces.IFileDialogEvents.OnFileOk(NativeInterfaces.IFileDialog pfd) { int hr = NativeConstants.S_OK; NativeInterfaces.IShellItemArray results = null; FileOpenDialog.GetResults(out results); uint count = 0; results.GetCount(out count); List <NativeInterfaces.IShellItem> items = new List <NativeInterfaces.IShellItem>(); List <NativeInterfaces.IShellItem> needLocalCopy = new List <NativeInterfaces.IShellItem>(); List <NativeInterfaces.IShellItem> cannotCopy = new List <NativeInterfaces.IShellItem>(); List <string> localPathNames = new List <string>(); for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i) { NativeInterfaces.IShellItem item = null; results.GetItemAt(i, out item); items.Add(item); } foreach (NativeInterfaces.IShellItem item in items) { // If it's a file system object, nothing special needs to be done. NativeConstants.SFGAO sfgaoAttribs; item.GetAttributes((NativeConstants.SFGAO) 0xffffffff, out sfgaoAttribs); if ((sfgaoAttribs & NativeConstants.SFGAO.SFGAO_FILESYSTEM) == NativeConstants.SFGAO.SFGAO_FILESYSTEM) { string pathName = null; item.GetDisplayName(NativeConstants.SIGDN.SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, out pathName); localPathNames.Add(pathName); } else if ((sfgaoAttribs & NativeConstants.SFGAO.SFGAO_STREAM) == NativeConstants.SFGAO.SFGAO_STREAM) { needLocalCopy.Add(item); } else { cannotCopy.Add(item); } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(results); results = null; if (needLocalCopy.Count > 0) { IntPtr hwnd = IntPtr.Zero; NativeInterfaces.IOleWindow oleWindow = (NativeInterfaces.IOleWindow)pfd; oleWindow.GetWindow(out hwnd); Win32Window win32Window = new Win32Window(hwnd, oleWindow); IFileTransferProgressEvents progressEvents = this.FileDialogUICallbacks.CreateFileTransferProgressEvents(); ThreadStart copyThreadProc = delegate() { try { progressEvents.SetItemCount(needLocalCopy.Count); for (int i = 0; i < needLocalCopy.Count; ++i) { NativeInterfaces.IShellItem item = needLocalCopy[i]; string pathName = null; progressEvents.SetItemOrdinal(i); CopyResult result = CreateLocalCopy(item, progressEvents, out pathName); if (result == CopyResult.Success) { localPathNames.Add(pathName); } else if (result == CopyResult.Skipped) { // do nothing } else if (result == CopyResult.CancelOperation) { hr = NativeConstants.S_FALSE; break; } else { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(); } } } finally { OperationResult result; if (hr == NativeConstants.S_OK) { result = OperationResult.Finished; } else { result = OperationResult.Canceled; } progressEvents.EndOperation(result); } }; Thread copyThread = new Thread(copyThreadProc); copyThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); EventHandler onUIShown = delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { copyThread.Start(); }; this.cancelSink = new CancelableTearOff(); progressEvents.BeginOperation(win32Window, onUIShown, cancelSink); this.cancelSink = null; copyThread.Join(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oleWindow); oleWindow = null; } this.FileNames = localPathNames.ToArray(); // If they selected a bunch of files, and then they all errored or something, then don't proceed. if (this.FileNames.Length == 0) { hr = NativeConstants.S_FALSE; } foreach (NativeInterfaces.IShellItem item in items) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(item); } items.Clear(); items = null; GC.KeepAlive(pfd); return(hr); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the CopyIntoItemsResponse class. /// </summary> /// <param name="copyIntoItemsResult">A parameter represents the result status of "CopyIntoItems" operation.</param> /// <param name="results">A parameter represents the copy results collection of the copy actions performed in "CopyIntoItems" operation.</param> public CopyIntoItemsResponse(uint copyIntoItemsResult, CopyResult[] results) { this.copyIntoItemsResultValue = copyIntoItemsResult; this.resultsCollection = results; }
public static CopyResult Copy(Article article, bool?boundToExternal, bool disableNotifications, Guid?guidForSubstitution) { var result = new CopyResult(); Ensure.NotNull(article, string.Format(ArticleStrings.ArticleNotFound, article.Id)); if (article.IsAggregated) { return(new CopyResult { Message = MessageResult.Error(ArticleStrings.OperationIsNotAllowedForAggregated) }); } if (!article.IsArticleChangingActionsAllowed(boundToExternal)) { return(new CopyResult { Message = MessageResult.Error(ContentStrings.ArticleChangingIsProhibited) }); } article.LoadFieldValues(); if (!article.Content.IsUpdatable || !article.IsAccessible(ActionTypeCode.Read)) { return(new CopyResult { Message = MessageResult.Error(ArticleStrings.CannotCopyBecauseOfSecurity) }); } if (!article.IsUpdatableWithWorkflow) { return(new CopyResult { Message = MessageResult.Error(ArticleStrings.CannotAddBecauseOfWorkflow) }); } if (!article.IsUpdatableWithRelationSecurity) { return(new CopyResult { Message = MessageResult.Error(ArticleStrings.CannotAddBecauseOfRelationSecurity) }); } article.UniqueId = guidForSubstitution ?? Guid.NewGuid(); result.UniqueId = article.UniqueId.Value; var previousAggregatedArticles = article.AggregatedArticles; article.ReplaceAllUrlsToPlaceHolders(); try { article = ArticleRepository.Copy(article); result.Id = article.Id; article.CopyAggregates(previousAggregatedArticles); var repo = new NotificationPushRepository(); repo.PrepareNotifications(article, new[] { NotificationCode.Create }, disableNotifications); repo.SendNotifications(); } catch (UnsupportedConstraintException) { result.Message = MessageResult.Error(ArticleStrings.UnsupportedConstraint); } return(result); }
public static CopyResult CopyFilesToUDisk(string srcDir, List <string> filelist) { CopyResult result = 0; bool uexist = false; bool ustorageok = false; List <string> Udisks = new List <string>(); //find all removable disks DriveInfo[] drvInfos = DriveInfo.GetDrives(); foreach (DriveInfo drv in drvInfos) { Debug.WriteLine(drv.ToString()); if (drv.DriveType == DriveType.Removable) { uexist = true; Messages.WriteLine("U盘容量:" + drv.TotalSize); if (7000000000 < drv.TotalSize && drv.TotalSize < 9000000000) { Udisks.Add(drv.ToString()); ustorageok = true; break; // Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString()); } } } //copy file bool copyComplete = false; foreach (string u in Udisks) { Messages.WriteLine(string.Format("文件复制:{0} 到 {1}", srcDir, u)); if (FileSys.CopyFiles(srcDir, u, filelist)) { copyComplete = true; Messages.WriteLine("文件复制成功"); } Messages.WriteLine("弹出U盘"); Udisk.Reject(u); break;//copy file to the first udisk then break; } if (uexist && ustorageok && copyComplete) { result = CopyResult.GOOD; } else if (!uexist || !ustorageok) { result = CopyResult.MISSTORAGE; } else if (!copyComplete) { result = CopyResult.COPYFAILED; } else { result = CopyResult.UNKNOWN; } Messages.WriteLine("文件复制结果:" + result.ToString()); return(result); }
public uint CopyIntoItems(string SourceUrl, string[] DestinationUrls, [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute(IsNullable = false)] FieldInformation[] Fields, [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(DataType = "base64Binary")] byte[] Stream, out CopyResult[] Results) { object[] results1 = this.Invoke("CopyIntoItems", new object[] { SourceUrl, DestinationUrls, Fields, Stream}); Results = ((CopyResult[])(results1[1])); return ((uint)(results1[0])); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Generating format..."); #region Params var p_copy = new CopyParam { CurrentFolderPath = "/", SourceDirectory = "/", DestinationDirectory = "/", Overwrite = false, Targets = new System.Collections.Generic.List <BaseActionTarget> { new BaseActionTarget { IsFile = true, Name = "sample.txt" } } }; var p_move = new MoveParam { CurrentFolderPath = "/", SourceDirectory = "/", DestinationDirectory = "/", Overwrite = false, Targets = new System.Collections.Generic.List <BaseActionTarget> { new BaseActionTarget { IsFile = true, Name = "sample.txt" } } }; var p_createFolder = new CreateFolderParam { CurrentFolderPath = "/", Name = "new folder name" }; var p_delete = new DeleteParam { CurrentFolderPath = "/", Targets = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string> { "itemNameToDelete" } }; var p_folderStruct = new FolderStructParam { CurrentFolderPath = "/", FileExtensions = new string[] { ".txt" } }; var p_rename = new RenameParam { CurrentFolderPath = "/", Targets = new System.Collections.Generic.List <RenameActionTarget> { new RenameActionTarget { IsFile = true, Name = "new name", OldName = "old name" } } }; #endregion #region Results var r_copy = new CopyResult { Errors = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string> { "Error message." } }; var r_move = new MoveResult { Errors = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string> { "Error message." } }; var r_createFolder = new CreateFolderResult { Errors = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string> { "Error message." } }; var r_delete = new DeleteResult { Affected = 0, Errors = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string> { "Error message." } }; var r_folderStruct = new FolderStructResult { Errors = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string> { "Error message." }, Files = new System.Collections.Generic.List <FileInfoProxy> { new FileInfoProxy { Name = "", Properties = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string> { { "Property", "Value" } } } }, Folders = new System.Collections.Generic.List <FileInfoProxy> { new FileInfoProxy { Name = "folder name", Properties = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string> { { "Property", "Value" } } } } }; var r_rename = new RenameResult { Affected = 0, Errors = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string> { "Error message." }, RenamedObjects = new System.Collections.Generic.List <RenameActionTarget>() { new RenameActionTarget { IsFile = true, Name = "new name", OldName = "old name" } } }; #endregion SaveFormat("p_copy.json", p_copy); SaveFormat("p_move.json", p_move); SaveFormat("p_createFolder.json", p_createFolder); SaveFormat("p_delete.json", p_delete); SaveFormat("p_folderStruct.json", p_folderStruct); SaveFormat("p_rename.json", p_rename); SaveFormat("r_copy.json", r_copy); SaveFormat("r_move.json", r_move); SaveFormat("r_createFolder.json", r_createFolder); SaveFormat("r_delete.json", r_delete); SaveFormat("r_folderStruct.json", r_folderStruct); SaveFormat("r_rename.json", r_rename); }
// todo: refactor public CopyResult Copy(List <FileInfo> files) { var result = new CopyResult(); foreach (var file in files) { var crf = new CopyResultFile { FileInfo = FileInfo.Clone(file), State = CopyResultFileState.Incomplete }; result.CopyResultFiles.Add(crf); } foreach (var file in result.CopyResultFiles) { CopyResultFileState?successState = null; string content = null; if (file.FileInfo.Binary) { successState = CopyResultFileState.SuccessClone; } else { try { content = File.ReadAllText(file.FileInfo.FromFile); } catch { file.State = CopyResultFileState.FailedRead; continue; } switch (file.FileInfo.Action) { case Action.Transform: foreach (var trans in file.FileInfo.Transforms) { if (trans.AcceptAllFiles || trans.FileExtensions.Contains(file.FileInfo.Extension)) { content = trans.Transformation.Transform(content); } } successState = CopyResultFileState.SuccessNoSolution; break; case Action.Copy: successState = CopyResultFileState.SuccessClone; break; default: file.State = CopyResultFileState.UnknownCopyStyle; continue; } } try { var directory = GetDirectory(file.FileInfo.ToFile); CreateDirectoryIfNotExist(directory); if (file.FileInfo.Binary) { File.Copy(file.FileInfo.FromFile, file.FileInfo.ToFile, true); } else { File.WriteAllText(file.FileInfo.ToFile, content); } } catch { file.State = CopyResultFileState.FailedWrite; continue; } file.State = (CopyResultFileState)successState; } return(result); }