public static void OnCommand(byte[] bytes) { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes)) { using (BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(stream)) { int cmdIndex = r.ReadInt32(); if (cmdIndex == 1) //previousely AB { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer && ModSettings.DifficultyChoosen) { using (MemoryStream answerStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(answerStream)) { w.Write(2); w.Write((int)ModSettings.difficulty); w.Write(ModSettings.FriendlyFire); w.Write((int)ModSettings.dropsOnDeath); w.Write(ModSettings.killOnDowned); w.Close(); } Network.NetworkManager.SendLine(answerStream.ToArray(), Network.NetworkManager.Target.Clients); answerStream.Close(); } } } else if (cmdIndex == 2) //request for the what is the difficulty { if (!GameSetup.IsMpClient || ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } int index = r.ReadInt32(); ModSettings.FriendlyFire = r.ReadBoolean(); ModSettings.dropsOnDeath = (ModSettings.DropsOnDeathMode)r.ReadInt32(); ModSettings.killOnDowned = r.ReadBoolean(); Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ModSettings.Difficulty)); ModSettings.difficulty = (ModSettings.Difficulty)values.GetValue(index); if (!ModSettings.DifficultyChoosen) { LocalPlayer.FpCharacter.UnLockView(); LocalPlayer.FpCharacter.MovementLocked = false; } ModSettings.DifficultyChoosen = true; } else if (cmdIndex == 3) //spell casted { int spellid = r.ReadInt32(); if (spellid == 1) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); BlackHole.CreateBlackHole(pos, r.ReadBoolean(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadString()); } else if (spellid == 2) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); HealingDome.CreateHealingDome(pos, r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadBoolean(), r.ReadBoolean(), r.ReadSingle()); } else if (spellid == 3) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); DarkBeam.Create(pos, r.ReadBoolean(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); } else if (spellid == 4) { bool isOn = r.ReadBoolean(); string packed = r.ReadString(); BlackFlame.ToggleOtherPlayer(packed, isOn); } else if (spellid == 5) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); float radius = r.ReadSingle(); float speed = r.ReadSingle(); float dmg = r.ReadSingle(); bool GiveDmg = r.ReadBoolean(); bool GiveAr = r.ReadBoolean(); int ar = 0; if (GiveAr) { ar = r.ReadInt32(); } WarCry.Cast(pos, radius, speed, dmg, GiveDmg, GiveAr, ar); } else if (spellid == 6) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); float duration = r.ReadSingle(); int id = r.ReadInt32(); Portal.CreatePortal(pos, duration, id, r.ReadBoolean(), r.ReadBoolean()); } else if (spellid == 7) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); Vector3 dir = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); float dmg = r.ReadSingle(); string caster = r.ReadString(); float duration = r.ReadSingle(); bool slow = r.ReadBoolean(); bool dmgdebuff = r.ReadBoolean(); if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { MagicArrow.Create(pos, dir, dmg, caster, duration, slow, dmgdebuff); } else { MagicArrow.CreateEffect(pos, dir, dmgdebuff, duration); } } else if (spellid == 8) { Purge.Cast(new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadBoolean(), r.ReadBoolean()); } else if (spellid == 9) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); float dist = r.ReadSingle(); SnapFreeze.CreateEffect(pos, dist); if (!GameSetup.IsMpClient) { SnapFreeze.HostAction(pos, dist, r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); } } else if (spellid == 10) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); Vector3 speed = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); float dmg = r.ReadSingle(); uint id = r.ReadUInt32(); if (BallLightning.lastID < id) { BallLightning.lastID = id; } BallLightning.Create(pos, speed, dmg, id); } else if (spellid == 11) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); float radius = r.ReadSingle(); float dmg = r.ReadSingle(); float duration = r.ReadSingle(); bool isArcane = r.ReadBoolean(); bool fromEnemy = r.ReadBoolean(); Cataclysm.Create(pos, radius, dmg, duration, isArcane ? Cataclysm.TornadoType.Arcane : Cataclysm.TornadoType.Fire, fromEnemy); } else if (spellid == 12) { //a request from a client to a host to spawn a ball lightning. The host assigns the id of //a ball lightning to not create overlapping ids using (System.IO.MemoryStream answerStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { using (System.IO.BinaryWriter w = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(answerStream)) { w.Write(3); w.Write(10); w.Write(r.ReadSingle()); w.Write(r.ReadSingle()); w.Write(r.ReadSingle()); w.Write(r.ReadSingle()); w.Write(r.ReadSingle()); w.Write(r.ReadSingle()); w.Write(r.ReadSingle()); w.Write((uint)(BallLightning.lastID + 1)); w.Close(); BallLightning.lastID++; } ChampionsOfForest.Network.NetworkManager.SendLine(answerStream.ToArray(), ChampionsOfForest.Network.NetworkManager.Target.Everyone); answerStream.Close(); } } else if (spellid == 13) //parry was casted by a client { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); float radius = r.ReadSingle(); bool ignite = r.ReadBoolean(); float dmg = r.ReadSingle(); DamageMath.DamageClamp(dmg, out int d, out int rep); var hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(pos, radius,; for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++) { if (hits[i].transform.CompareTag("enemyCollide")) { for (int a = 0; a < rep; a++) { hits[i].transform.SendMessageUpwards("Hit", d, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); if (ignite) { hits[i].transform.SendMessageUpwards("Burn", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } } } } } else if (cmdIndex == 4) //remove item { PickUpManager.RemovePickup(r.ReadUInt64()); } else if (cmdIndex == 5) //create item { Item item = new Item(ItemDataBase.ItemBases[r.ReadInt32()], 1, 0, false); //reading first value, id ulong id = r.ReadUInt64(); item.level = r.ReadInt32(); int amount = r.ReadInt32(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); while (r.BaseStream.Position != r.BaseStream.Length) { ItemStat stat = new ItemStat(ItemDataBase.Stats[r.ReadInt32()]) { Amount = r.ReadSingle() }; item.Stats.Add(stat); } PickUpManager.SpawnPickUp(item, pos, amount, id); } else if (cmdIndex == 6) //host has been asked to share info on enemy { if (!GameSetup.IsMpClient) { ulong packed = r.ReadUInt64(); if (EnemyManager.hostDictionary.ContainsKey(packed)) { EnemyProgression ep = EnemyManager.hostDictionary[packed]; using (MemoryStream answerStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(answerStream)) { w.Write(7); w.Write(packed); w.Write(ep.EnemyName); w.Write(ep.Level); w.Write(ep._hp + ep._Health.Health); w.Write(ep.MaxHealth); w.Write(ep.bounty); w.Write(ep.Armor); w.Write(ep.ArmorReduction); w.Write(ep.Steadfast); w.Write(ep.abilities.Count); foreach (EnemyProgression.Abilities item in ep.abilities) { w.Write((int)item); } w.Close(); } Network.NetworkManager.SendLine(answerStream.ToArray(), Network.NetworkManager.Target.Clients); answerStream.Close(); } } else { CotfUtils.Log("no enemy in host's dictionary"); } } } else if (cmdIndex == 7) //host answered info about a enemy and the info is processed { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } if (GameSetup.IsMpClient) { ulong packed = r.ReadUInt64(); if (!EnemyManager.allboltEntities.ContainsKey(packed)) { EnemyManager.GetAllEntities(); } if (EnemyManager.allboltEntities.ContainsKey(packed)) { BoltEntity entity = EnemyManager.allboltEntities[packed]; string name = r.ReadString(); int level = r.ReadInt32(); float health = r.ReadSingle(); float maxhealth = r.ReadSingle(); long bounty = r.ReadInt64(); int armor = r.ReadInt32(); int armorReduction = r.ReadInt32(); float steadfast = r.ReadSingle(); int length = r.ReadInt32(); int[] affixes = new int[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { affixes[i] = r.ReadInt32(); } if (EnemyManager.clinetProgressions.ContainsKey(entity)) { ClinetEnemyProgression cp = EnemyManager.clinetProgressions[entity]; cp.creationTime = Time.time; cp.Entity = entity; cp.Level = level; cp.Health = health; cp.MaxHealth = maxhealth; cp.Armor = armor; cp.ArmorReduction = armorReduction; cp.EnemyName = name; cp.ExpBounty = bounty; cp.Steadfast = steadfast; cp.Affixes = affixes; } else { new ClinetEnemyProgression(entity, name, level, health, maxhealth, bounty, armor, armorReduction, steadfast, affixes); } } } } else if (cmdIndex == 8) //enemy spell casted { int id = r.ReadInt32(); if (id == 1) //snow aura { ulong packed = r.ReadUInt64(); SnowAura sa = new GameObject("Snow").AddComponent <SnowAura>(); if (!EnemyManager.allboltEntities.ContainsKey(packed)) { EnemyManager.GetAllEntities(); } sa.followTarget = EnemyManager.allboltEntities[packed].transform; } else if (id == 2) //fire aura { ulong packed = r.ReadUInt64(); float dmg = r.ReadSingle(); GameObject go = EnemyManager.allboltEntities[packed].gameObject; FireAura.Cast(go, dmg); } } else if (cmdIndex == 9) //poison Player { string playerID = r.ReadString(); if (ModReferences.ThisPlayerID == playerID) { int source = r.ReadInt32(); float amount = r.ReadSingle(); float duration = r.ReadSingle(); BuffDB.AddBuff(3, source, amount, duration); } } else if (cmdIndex == 10) //kill experience { ModdedPlayer.instance.AddKillExperience(r.ReadInt64()); } else if (cmdIndex == 11) //add experience without massacre { ModdedPlayer.instance.AddFinalExperience(r.ReadInt64()); } else if (cmdIndex == 12) //root the player { if (ModdedPlayer.instance.RootImmune == 0 && ModdedPlayer.instance.StunImmune == 0) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); if ((LocalPlayer.Transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude < 1250) { float duration = r.ReadSingle(); ModdedPlayer.instance.Root(duration); using (MemoryStream answerStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(answerStream)) { w.Write(14); w.Write(LocalPlayer.Transform.position.x); w.Write(LocalPlayer.Transform.position.y); w.Write(LocalPlayer.Transform.position.z); w.Write(duration); w.Close(); } NetworkManager.SendLine(answerStream.ToArray(), NetworkManager.Target.Everyone); answerStream.Close(); } } } } else if (cmdIndex == 13) //stun the player { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } if (ModdedPlayer.instance.StunImmune == 0) { string playerID = r.ReadString(); if (ModReferences.ThisPlayerID == playerID) { float duration = r.ReadSingle(); ModdedPlayer.instance.Stun(duration); } } } else if (cmdIndex == 14) //player has been chained, now spawn effect { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); float duration = r.ReadSingle(); RootSpell.Create(pos, duration); } else if (cmdIndex == 15) //create trap sphere { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); float duration = r.ReadSingle(); float radius = r.ReadSingle(); TrapSphereSpell.Create(pos, radius, duration); } else if (cmdIndex == 16) //create enemy laser, aka plasma cannon { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); Vector3 dir = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); EnemyLaser.CreateLaser(pos, dir); } else if (cmdIndex == 17) //create enemy meteor rain { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); Meteor.CreateEnemy(pos, r.ReadInt32()); } else if (cmdIndex == 18) //player's level info, or command to wipe level data { if (r.BaseStream.Position == r.BaseStream.Length) { ModReferences.PlayerLevels.Clear(); } using (MemoryStream answerStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(answerStream)) { w.Write(19); w.Write(ModReferences.ThisPlayerID); w.Write(ModdedPlayer.instance.Level); w.Close(); } Network.NetworkManager.SendLine(answerStream.ToArray(), NetworkManager.Target.Others); answerStream.Close(); } } else if (cmdIndex == 19)//add or update some players level to list { string packed = r.ReadString(); int level = r.ReadInt32(); if (ModReferences.PlayerLevels.ContainsKey(packed)) { ModReferences.PlayerLevels[packed] = level; } else { ModReferences.PlayerLevels.Add(packed, level); } } else if (cmdIndex == 20) //enemy hitmarker { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } int amount = r.ReadInt32(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); Color c = new Color(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); MainMenu.CreateHitMarker(amount, pos, c); } else if (cmdIndex == 21) //player hitmarker { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } int amount = r.ReadInt32(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); new MainMenu.HitMarker(amount, pos, true); } else if (cmdIndex == 22) //slow Enemy { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer || GameSetup.IsSinglePlayer) { ulong id = r.ReadUInt64(); if (EnemyManager.hostDictionary.ContainsKey(id)) { float amount = r.ReadSingle(); float time = r.ReadSingle(); int src = r.ReadInt32(); EnemyManager.hostDictionary[id].Slow(src, amount, time); } } } else if (cmdIndex == 23) //sync magic find { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { ItemDataBase.MagicFind = 1; } else { ItemDataBase.MagicFind = ModdedPlayer.instance.MagicFindMultipier; } } else { using (MemoryStream answerStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(answerStream)) { w.Write(24); w.Write(ModdedPlayer.instance.MagicFindMultipier); w.Close(); } Network.NetworkManager.SendLine(answerStream.ToArray(), Network.NetworkManager.Target.OnlyServer); answerStream.Close(); } } } else if (cmdIndex == 24) //update magic find for host { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { ItemDataBase.MagicFind *= r.ReadSingle(); } } else if (cmdIndex == 25) //ask for item { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { ulong itemID = r.ReadUInt64(); if (PickUpManager.PickUps.ContainsKey(itemID)) { int itemAmount = r.ReadInt32(); string playerID = r.ReadString(); if (PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].amount > 0) { int givenAmount = itemAmount; if (itemAmount > PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].amount) { givenAmount = Mathf.Min(PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].amount, itemAmount); } NetworkManager.SendItemToPlayer(PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].item, playerID, givenAmount); PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].amount -= givenAmount; if (PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].amount > 0) { return; } } } using (MemoryStream answerStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(answerStream)) { w.Write(4); w.Write(itemID); w.Close(); } Network.NetworkManager.SendLine(answerStream.ToArray(), Network.NetworkManager.Target.Clients); answerStream.Close(); } } } else if (cmdIndex == 26) //give item to player { string playerID = r.ReadString(); if (ModReferences.ThisPlayerID == playerID) { //creating the item. Item item = new Item(ItemDataBase.ItemBases[r.ReadInt32()], r.ReadInt32(), 0, false) { level = r.ReadInt32() }; //adding stats to the item while (r.BaseStream.Position != r.BaseStream.Length) { ItemStat stat = new ItemStat(ItemDataBase.Stats[r.ReadInt32()]) { Amount = r.ReadSingle() }; item.Stats.Add(stat); } Player.Inventory.Instance.AddItem(item, item.Amount); } } else if (cmdIndex == 27) // bonus fire damage { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer || GameSetup.IsSinglePlayer) { ulong id = r.ReadUInt64(); if (EnemyManager.hostDictionary.ContainsKey(id)) { float amount = r.ReadSingle(); float time = r.ReadSingle(); int src = r.ReadInt32(); EnemyManager.hostDictionary[id].FireDebuff(src, amount, time); } } } else if (cmdIndex == 28) //custom weapon in mp { string id = r.ReadString(); int weaponID = r.ReadInt32(); if (!ModReferences.PlayerHands.ContainsKey(id)) { ModReferences.FindHands(); } if (ModReferences.PlayerHands.ContainsKey(id)) { CoopCustomWeapons.SetWeaponOn(ModReferences.PlayerHands[id], weaponID); Console.WriteLine(ModReferences.PlayerHands[id].name); } else { Debug.LogWarning("NO HAND IN COMMAND READER"); } } else if (cmdIndex == 29) //request for enemy damage information { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { ulong id = r.ReadUInt64(); if (EnemyManager.hostDictionary.ContainsKey(id)) { EnemyProgression p = EnemyManager.hostDictionary[id]; using (MemoryStream answerStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(answerStream)) { w.Write(30); w.Write(id); w.Write(p.BaseDamageMult); foreach (EnemyProgression.Abilities ability in p.abilities) { w.Write((int)ability); } w.Close(); } NetworkManager.SendLine(answerStream.ToArray(), NetworkManager.Target.Clients); answerStream.Close(); } } } } else if (cmdIndex == 30) //answer to client damage { ulong id = r.ReadUInt64(); float dmg = r.ReadSingle(); List <EnemyProgression.Abilities> abilities = new List <EnemyProgression.Abilities>(); while (r.BaseStream.Position != r.BaseStream.Length) { abilities.Add((EnemyProgression.Abilities)r.ReadInt32()); } new ClientEnemy(id, dmg, abilities); } else if (cmdIndex == 31) //detonate ball lightning { uint id = r.ReadUInt32(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); if (BallLightning.list.ContainsKey(id)) { BallLightning.list[id].CoopTrigger(pos); } } else if (cmdIndex == 32) //apply DoT to an enemy { ulong id = r.ReadUInt64(); if (EnemyManager.hostDictionary.ContainsKey(id)) { EnemyProgression p = EnemyManager.hostDictionary[id]; p.DoDoT(r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadSingle()); } } else if (cmdIndex == 33) //enemy got bashed { ulong enemy = r.ReadUInt64(); if (EnemyManager.hostDictionary.ContainsKey(enemy)) { EnemyProgression p = EnemyManager.hostDictionary[enemy]; float duration = r.ReadSingle(); var source = r.ReadInt32(); float slowAmount = r.ReadSingle(); float dmgDebuff = r.ReadSingle(); var bleedDmg = r.ReadInt32(); float bleedChance = r.ReadSingle(); p.Slow(source, slowAmount, duration); p.DmgTakenDebuff(source, dmgDebuff, duration); if (UnityEngine.Random.value < bleedChance) { p.DoDoT(bleedDmg, duration); } } } else if (cmdIndex == 34) { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { ulong enemy = r.ReadUInt64(); if (EnemyManager.hostDictionary.ContainsKey(enemy)) { EnemyProgression p = EnemyManager.hostDictionary[enemy]; var source = r.ReadInt32(); float amount = r.ReadSingle(); float duration = r.ReadSingle(); p.DmgTakenDebuff(source, amount, duration); } } } else if (cmdIndex == 35) //clear ping command { string player = r.ReadString(); if (MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings.ContainsKey(player)) { MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings.Remove(player); } } else if (cmdIndex == 36) //create ping command { string PlayerID = r.ReadString(); MarkObject.PingType ptype = (MarkObject.PingType)r.ReadInt32(); switch (ptype) { case MarkObject.PingType.Enemy: ulong EnemyID = r.ReadUInt64(); if (!EnemyManager.allboltEntities.ContainsKey(EnemyID)) { EnemyManager.GetAllEntities(); } if (EnemyManager.allboltEntities.ContainsKey(EnemyID)) { bool isElite = r.ReadBoolean(); string name = r.ReadString(); Transform tr = EnemyManager.allboltEntities[EnemyID].transform; if (PlayerID == ModReferences.ThisPlayerID) { MainMenu.Instance.localPlayerPing = new MarkEnemy(tr, name, isElite); } else { if (MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings.ContainsKey(PlayerID)) { MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings[PlayerID] = new MarkEnemy(tr, name, isElite); } else { MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings.Add(PlayerID, new MarkEnemy(tr, name, isElite)); } } } break; case MarkObject.PingType.Location: float x = r.ReadSingle(), y = r.ReadSingle(), z = r.ReadSingle(); if (PlayerID == ModReferences.ThisPlayerID) { MainMenu.Instance.localPlayerPing = new MarkPostion(new Vector3(x, y, z)); } else { if (MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings.ContainsKey(PlayerID)) { MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings[PlayerID] = new MarkPostion(new Vector3(x, y, z)); } else { MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings.Add(PlayerID, new MarkPostion(new Vector3(x, y, z))); } } break; case MarkObject.PingType.Item: ulong PickupID = r.ReadUInt64(); if (PickUpManager.PickUps.ContainsKey(PickupID)) { var pu = PickUpManager.PickUps[PickupID]; if (PlayerID == ModReferences.ThisPlayerID) { MainMenu.Instance.localPlayerPing = new MarkPickup(pu.transform,, pu.item.Rarity); } else { if (MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings.ContainsKey(PlayerID)) { MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings[PlayerID] = new MarkPickup(pu.transform,, pu.item.Rarity); } else { MainMenu.Instance.otherPlayerPings.Add(PlayerID, new MarkPickup(pu.transform,, pu.item.Rarity)); } } } break; } } else if (cmdIndex == 37) //create ping for enemy { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { string PlayerID = r.ReadString(); ulong EnemyID = r.ReadUInt64(); if (EnemyManager.hostDictionary.ContainsKey(EnemyID)) { var enemy = EnemyManager.hostDictionary[EnemyID]; using (MemoryStream answerStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(answerStream)) { w.Write(36); w.Write(PlayerID); w.Write(0); w.Write(EnemyID); w.Write(enemy._rarity != EnemyProgression.EnemyRarity.Normal); w.Write(enemy.EnemyName); w.Close(); } NetworkManager.SendLine(answerStream.ToArray(), NetworkManager.Target.Everyone); answerStream.Close(); } } } } else if (cmdIndex == 38) //spark of light after darkness callback to clients { if (GameSetup.IsMpClient) { string PlayerID = r.ReadString(); if (ModReferences.ThisPlayerID == PlayerID) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); SpellActions.CastBallLightning(pos, Vector3.down); } } } else if (cmdIndex == 39) //archangel bow hit a player { var s = r.ReadString(); if (ModReferences.ThisPlayerID == s) { BuffDB.AddBuff(25, 91, r.ReadSingle(), 30); BuffDB.AddBuff(9, 92, 1.35f, 30); ModdedPlayer.instance.damageAbsorbAmounts[2] = r.ReadSingle(); } } else if (cmdIndex == 40) //buff a player by ID { var s = r.ReadString(); if (ModReferences.ThisPlayerID == s) { BuffDB.AddBuff(r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); } } else if (cmdIndex == 41) //buff a player by distance { var vector = new Vector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); var dist = r.ReadSingle(); if ((vector - LocalPlayer.Transform.position).sqrMagnitude <= dist * dist) { BuffDB.AddBuff(r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); } } else if (cmdIndex == 42) //buff all players globally { BuffDB.AddBuff(r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); } r.Close(); } stream.Close(); } }
public static void OnCommand(string s) { Debug.Log("Recieved: " + s); try { if (s.StartsWith("AB")) //ask the host to send the command to set the difficulty for clinet { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer && ModSettings.DifficultyChoosen) { string answer = "AA" + (int)ModSettings.difficulty + ";"; if (ModSettings.FriendlyFire) { answer += "t;"; } else { answer += "f;"; } Network.NetworkManager.SendLine(answer, Network.NetworkManager.Target.Clinets); } } else if (s.StartsWith("AA")) //answer for the what is the difficulty query { if (ModSettings.DifficultyChoosen || !GameSetup.IsMpClient || ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); int index = int.Parse(Read()); ModSettings.FriendlyFire = ReadBool(); Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ModSettings.Difficulty)); ModSettings.difficulty = (ModSettings.Difficulty)values.GetValue(index); ModSettings.DifficultyChoosen = true; LocalPlayer.FpCharacter.UnLockView(); LocalPlayer.FpCharacter.MovementLocked = false; } else if (s.StartsWith("SC")) //spell cast { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); int spellid = int.Parse(Read()); if (spellid == 1) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); BlackHole.CreateBlackHole(pos, ReadBool(), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); } else if (spellid == 2) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); HealingDome.CreateHealingDome(pos, float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), ReadBool(), float.Parse(Read())); } else if (spellid == 3) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); DarkBeam.Create(pos, ReadBool(), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); } else if (spellid == 4) { bool isOn = ReadBool(); ulong packed = ulong.Parse(Read()); BlackFlame.ToggleOtherPlayer(packed, isOn); } else if (spellid == 5) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); float radius = float.Parse(Read()); bool GiveDmg = ReadBool(); bool GiveAr = ReadBool(); int ar = 0; if (GiveAr) { ar = int.Parse(Read()); } WarCry.Cast(pos, radius, GiveDmg, GiveAr, ar); } else if (spellid == 6) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); float duration = float.Parse(Read()); int id = int.Parse(Read()); Portal.CreatePortal(pos, duration, id, ReadBool(), ReadBool()); } else if (spellid == 7) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); Vector3 dir = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); float dmg = float.Parse(Read()); ulong caster = ulong.Parse(Read()); float duration = float.Parse(Read()); bool slow = ReadBool(); bool dmgdebuff = ReadBool(); if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { MagicArrow.Create(pos, dir, dmg, caster, duration, slow, dmgdebuff); } else { MagicArrow.CreateEffect(pos, dir, dmgdebuff, duration); } } else if (spellid == 8) { Purge.Cast(new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())), float.Parse(Read())); } else if (spellid == 9) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); float dist = float.Parse(Read()); SnapFreeze.CreateEffect(pos, dist); if (!GameSetup.IsMpClient) { SnapFreeze.HostAction(pos, dist, float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); } } } else if (s.StartsWith("RI")) //remove item { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong id = ulong.Parse(Read()); PickUpManager.RemovePickup(id); } else if (s.StartsWith("CI")) //create item { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); Item item = new Item(ItemDataBase.ItemBases[int.Parse(Read())], 1, 0, false); //reading first value, id ulong id = ulong.Parse(Read()); item.level = int.Parse(Read()); int amount = int.Parse(Read()); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); while (i < ch.Length) { ItemStat stat = new ItemStat(ItemDataBase.Stats[int.Parse(Read())]) { Amount = float.Parse(Read()) }; item.Stats.Add(stat); } PickUpManager.SpawnPickUp(item, pos, amount, id); } else if (s.StartsWith("EE")) //host has been asked to share info on enemy { if (!GameSetup.IsMpClient) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong packed = ulong.Parse(Read()); if (EnemyManager.hostDictionary.ContainsKey(packed)) { EnemyProgression ep = EnemyManager.hostDictionary[packed]; parseval = "EA" + packed + ";" + ep.EnemyName + ";" + ep.Level + ";" + ep.Health + ";" + ep.MaxHealth + ";" + ep.Bounty + ";" + ep.Armor + ";" + ep.ArmorReduction + ";" + ep.Steadfast + ";" + ep.abilities.Count + ";"; foreach (EnemyProgression.Abilities item in ep.abilities) { parseval += (int)item + ";"; } Network.NetworkManager.SendLine(parseval, Network.NetworkManager.Target.Everyone); } } } else if (s.StartsWith("ES")) //enemy spell { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); int id = int.Parse(Read()); if (id == 1) //snow aura { ulong packed = ulong.Parse(Read()); SnowAura sa = new GameObject("Snow").AddComponent <SnowAura>(); if (!EnemyManager.allboltEntities.ContainsKey(packed)) { EnemyManager.GetAllEntities(); } sa.followTarget = EnemyManager.allboltEntities[packed].transform; } else if (id == 2) //fire aura { ulong packed = ulong.Parse(Read()); float dmg = float.Parse(Read()); GameObject go = EnemyManager.allboltEntities[packed].gameObject; FireAura.Cast(go, dmg); } } else if (s.StartsWith("PO")) //poison Player { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong playerPacked = ulong.Parse(Read()); if (ModReferences.ThisPlayerPacked == playerPacked) { int source = int.Parse(Read()); float amount = float.Parse(Read()); float duration = float.Parse(Read()); BuffDB.AddBuff(3, source, amount, duration); } } else if (s.StartsWith("KX")) //kill experience { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); long exp = long.Parse(Read()); ModdedPlayer.instance.AddKillExperience(exp); } else if (s.StartsWith("KY")) //kill experience { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); long exp = long.Parse(Read()); ModdedPlayer.instance.AddFinalExperience(exp); } else if (s.StartsWith("EA")) //host answered info about a enemy and the info is processed { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } if (GameSetup.IsMpClient) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong packed = ulong.Parse(Read()); if (!EnemyManager.allboltEntities.ContainsKey(packed)) { EnemyManager.GetAllEntities(); } if (EnemyManager.allboltEntities.ContainsKey(packed)) { BoltEntity entity = EnemyManager.allboltEntities[packed]; string name = Read(); int v1 = int.Parse(Read()); int v2 = int.Parse(Read()); int v3 = int.Parse(Read()); int v4 = int.Parse(Read()); int v5 = int.Parse(Read()); int v6 = int.Parse(Read()); float v7 = float.Parse(Read()); int lenght = int.Parse(Read()); int[] affixes = new int[lenght]; int id = 0; while (i < ch.Length) { affixes[id] = int.Parse(Read()); id++; } if (EnemyManager.clinetProgressions.ContainsKey(entity)) { ClinetEnemyProgression cp = EnemyManager.clinetProgressions[entity]; cp.creationTime = Time.time; cp.Entity = entity; cp.Level = v1; cp.Health = v2; cp.MaxHealth = v3; cp.Armor = v5; cp.ArmorReduction = v6; cp.EnemyName = name; cp.ExpBounty = v4; cp.Steadfast = v7; cp.Affixes = affixes; } else { new ClinetEnemyProgression(entity, name, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, affixes); } } } } else if (s.StartsWith("RO")) //root the player { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } if (ModdedPlayer.instance.RootImmune == 0 && ModdedPlayer.instance.StunImmune == 0) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); if ((LocalPlayer.Transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude < 1200) { float duration = float.Parse(Read()); NetworkManager.SendLine("RE" + LocalPlayer.Transform.position.x + ";" + LocalPlayer.Transform.position.y + ";" + LocalPlayer.Transform.position.z + ";" + duration + ";", NetworkManager.Target.Everyone); ModdedPlayer.instance.Root(duration); } } } else if (s.StartsWith("ST")) //stun the player { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } if (ModdedPlayer.instance.StunImmune == 0) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong packed = ulong.Parse(Read()); if (ModReferences.ThisPlayerPacked == packed) { float duration = float.Parse(Read()); ModdedPlayer.instance.Stun(duration); } } } else if (s.StartsWith("RE")) { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); float duration = float.Parse(Read()); RootSpell.Create(pos, duration); } else if (s.StartsWith("TR")) { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); float duration = float.Parse(Read()); float radius = float.Parse(Read()); TrapSphereSpell.Create(pos, radius, duration); } else if (s.StartsWith("LA")) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); Vector3 dir = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); EnemyLaser.CreateLaser(pos, dir); } else if (s.StartsWith("MT")) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); Meteor.CreateEnemy(pos, int.Parse(Read())); } else if (s.StartsWith("RL")) { if (s.Length > 2) { ModReferences.PlayerLevels.Clear(); } NetworkManager.SendLine("AL" + ModReferences.ThisPlayerPacked + ";" + ModdedPlayer.instance.Level + ";", NetworkManager.Target.Everyone); } else if (s.StartsWith("AL")) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong packed = ulong.Parse(Read()); int level = int.Parse(Read()); if (ModReferences.PlayerLevels.ContainsKey(packed)) { ModReferences.PlayerLevels[packed] = level; } else { ModReferences.PlayerLevels.Add(packed, level); } } else if (s.StartsWith("EH")) //enemy hitmarker { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); int amount = int.Parse(Read()); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); new MainMenu.HitMarker(amount, pos); } else if (s.StartsWith("PH")) //enemy hitmarker { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { return; } i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); int amount = int.Parse(Read()); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read()), float.Parse(Read())); new MainMenu.HitMarker(amount, pos, true); } else if (s.StartsWith("AC")) //slow Enemy { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer || GameSetup.IsSinglePlayer) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong id = ulong.Parse(Read()); float amount = float.Parse(Read()); float time = float.Parse(Read()); int src = int.Parse(Read()); EnemyManager.hostDictionary[id].Slow(src, amount, time); } } else if (s.StartsWith("AD")) //sync magic find { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { if (ModSettings.IsDedicated) { ItemDataBase.MagicFind = 1; } else { ItemDataBase.MagicFind = ModdedPlayer.instance.MagicFindMultipier; } } else { Network.NetworkManager.SendLine("AE" + ModdedPlayer.instance.MagicFindMultipier + ";", Network.NetworkManager.Target.OnlyServer); } } else if (s.StartsWith("AE")) { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ItemDataBase.MagicFind *= float.Parse(Read()); } } else if (s.StartsWith("AF")) //ask for item { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong itemID = ulong.Parse(Read()); int itemAmount = int.Parse(Read()); ulong playerID = ulong.Parse(Read()); if (PickUpManager.PickUps.ContainsKey(itemID)) { if (PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].amount > 0) { int givenAmount = itemAmount; if (itemAmount > PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].amount) { givenAmount = Mathf.Min(PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].amount, itemAmount); } NetworkManager.SendItemToPlayer(PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].item, playerID, givenAmount); PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].amount -= givenAmount; if (PickUpManager.PickUps[itemID].amount > 0) { return; } } } Network.NetworkManager.SendLine("RI" + itemID + ";", Network.NetworkManager.Target.Clinets); } } else if (s.StartsWith("AG")) //give item to player { //if (!GameSetup.IsMpClient) return; i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong playerID = ulong.Parse(Read()); ModAPI.Console.Write("This player packed: " + ModReferences.ThisPlayerPacked + "\nPlayer pickup packed: " + playerID); if (ModReferences.ThisPlayerPacked == playerID) { Item item = new Item(ItemDataBase.ItemBases[int.Parse(Read())], int.Parse(Read()), 0, false); //creating the item. item.level = int.Parse(Read()); while (i < ch.Length) { ItemStat stat = new ItemStat(ItemDataBase.Stats[int.Parse(Read())]) { Amount = float.Parse(Read()) }; item.Stats.Add(stat); } Player.Inventory.Instance.AddItem(item, item.Amount); } } else if (s.StartsWith("AH")) //bonus fire damage agnist enemy { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer || GameSetup.IsSinglePlayer) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong id = ulong.Parse(Read()); float amount = float.Parse(Read()); float time = float.Parse(Read()); int src = int.Parse(Read()); EnemyManager.hostDictionary[id].FireDebuff(src, amount, time); } } else if (s.StartsWith("CE")) //custom weapon in mp { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong id = ulong.Parse(Read()); int weaponID = int.Parse(Read()); if (ModReferences.PlayerHands.ContainsKey(id)) { CoopCustomWeapons.SetWeaponOn(ModReferences.PlayerHands[id], weaponID); } else { Debug.LogWarning("NO HAND IN COMMAND READER"); } } else if (s.StartsWith("AJ")) // { if (GameSetup.IsMpServer) { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong id = ulong.Parse(Read()); var p = EnemyManager.hostDictionary[id]; string a = "AI" + id + ";" + p.BaseDamageMult + ";"; foreach (var ability in p.abilities) { a += (int)ability + ";"; } NetworkManager.SendLine(a, NetworkManager.Target.Clinets); } } else if (s.StartsWith("AI")) // { i = 2; ch = s.ToCharArray(); ulong id = ulong.Parse(Read()); float dmg = float.Parse(Read()); List <EnemyProgression.Abilities> abilities = new List <EnemyProgression.Abilities>(); while (i < s.Length) { abilities.Add((EnemyProgression.Abilities) int.Parse(Read())); } new ClientEnemy(id, dmg, abilities); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e.ToString()); } }