private WebCall(string url, Cookies cookies, string host = null, int? port = null) { Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); Request.Accept = "text/html"; Request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0)"; Request.CookieContainer = cookies.Container; if (host != null && port != null) Request.Proxy = new WebProxy(host, port.Value); Result = new WebCallResult(url, cookies); }
public void SetMessage(string message) { Cookies.SetValue("message", Data.Base64Encode(message)); }
public MedicalHistoryRepository() { _communicationManager = new CommunicationManager(ApplicationSettings.Token, Cookies.GetCookies(ApplicationSettings.Token)); }
/// <summary> /// 运行QQClient主逻辑,推荐放在独立的线程中执行这个方法 /// </summary> // ----------0.利用cookie文件登录 public void ReLink() { string loginuser = api.ReadTextFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "user\\user.ini"); Debug.Write(loginuser); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginuser)) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\user\\" + loginuser, cookiesFileName))) { LoginCookies = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cookies>(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\user\\" + loginuser, cookiesFileName))); BeginReLogin?.Invoke(); string Ptwebqq = LoginCookies.ptwebqq; string Status = LoginCookies.status; string Skey = LoginCookies.skey; string Uin = LoginCookies.uin; string P_skey = LoginCookies.p_skey; string P_uin = LoginCookies.p_uin; if (Ptwebqq != "") { string ReLoginResult = api._login_by_cookie(Ptwebqq, Status, Skey, Uin, P_skey, P_uin); if (ReLoginResult != null) { JObject ReLogin = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ReLoginResult); if (ReLogin["retcode"].ToString() == "0") { LoginResult.psessionid = ReLogin["result"]["psessionid"].ToString(); Debug.Write("psessionid=" + LoginResult.psessionid); LoginResult.qq = ReLogin["result"]["uin"].ToString(); Debug.Write("uin=" + LoginResult.qq); LoginResult.ptwebqq = Ptwebqq; string[] namelist = { "skey", "uin", "p_skey", "p_uin" }; List <string> CookieList = api.GetCookies(namelist); LoginCookies.skey = CookieList[0].ToString(); Debug.Write("skey=" + LoginCookies.skey); LoginCookies.uin = CookieList[1].ToString(); Debug.Write("uin=" + LoginCookies.uin); LoginCookies.p_skey = CookieList[2].ToString(); Debug.Write("p_skey=" + LoginCookies.p_skey); LoginCookies.p_uin = CookieList[3].ToString(); Debug.Write("p_uin=" + LoginCookies.p_uin); api.CookieProxy(LoginCookies.p_skey, LoginCookies.p_uin); IsLogin = true; OnLoginSucess?.Invoke(); } else { Debug.Write("返回值错误 errmsg:error!!!,retcode:100001"); ReLoginFail?.Invoke(); Login(); } } else { Debug.Write("服务器无返回"); } } else { Debug.Write("Cookie文件无效"); ReLoginFail?.Invoke(); Login(); } } else { Debug.Write("Cookie文件不存在"); ReLoginFail?.Invoke(); Login(); } } else { Debug.Write("user.ini文件无效"); ReLoginFail?.Invoke(); Login(); } }
/// <summary> /// Evento que se lanza al cargar la página /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //UsuarioBusiness.checkValidSession(this); Cookies.Set("osefTheme", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["osefTheme"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.AddDays(30), "/", null, false); }
/// <summary> /// Appends the specified <paramref name="cookie"/> to the cookies sent with the response. /// </summary> /// <param name="cookie"> /// A <see cref="Cookie"/> to append. /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// <paramref name="cookie"/> is <see langword="null"/>. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"> /// The response has already been sent. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException"> /// This object is closed. /// </exception> public void AppendCookie(Cookie cookie) { checkDisposedOrHeadersSent(); Cookies.Add(cookie); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserDirectReportsRepository"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="communicationManager">The communication manager.</param> public UserDirectReportsRepository() { _communicationManager = new CommunicationManager(ApplicationSettings.Token, Cookies.GetCookies(ApplicationSettings.Token)); }
private void ReadSnackType(string path) { string line; bool finished = false; string[] lineValue; StreamReader sr = null; ISnacks snack = null; try { using (sr = new StreamReader(path)) { while (!(finished)) { line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { lineValue = line.Split(','); if (path == filePaths[0]) snack = new Chips(lineValue[0], lineValue[1], Convert.ToInt32(lineValue[2]), Convert.ToDouble(lineValue[3])); else if (path == filePaths[1]) snack = new Chocolate(lineValue[0], lineValue[1], Convert.ToInt32(lineValue[2]), Convert.ToDouble(lineValue[3])); else if (path == filePaths[2]) snack = new Cookies(lineValue[0], lineValue[1], Convert.ToInt32(lineValue[2]), Convert.ToDouble(lineValue[3])); else if (path == filePaths[3]) snack = new Gum(lineValue[0], lineValue[1], Convert.ToInt32(lineValue[2]), Convert.ToDouble(lineValue[3])); SnacksPresent.Add(snack); } else finished = true; } } } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult PostPolymericList() { string subject = DoRequest.GetFormString("subject").Trim(); string excelPath = DoRequest.GetFormString("excel").Trim(); string sdate = DoRequest.GetFormString("sdate").Trim(); int shours = DoRequest.GetFormInt("shours"); int sminutes = DoRequest.GetFormInt("sminutes"); DateTime startDate = Utils.IsDateString(sdate) ? DateTime.Parse(sdate + " " + shours + ":" + sminutes + ":00") : DateTime.Now; string edate = DoRequest.GetFormString("edate").Trim(); int ehours = DoRequest.GetFormInt("ehours"); int eminutes = DoRequest.GetFormInt("eminutes"); DateTime endDate = Utils.IsDateString(edate) ? DateTime.Parse(edate + " " + ehours + ":" + eminutes + ":59") : DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); string summary = DoRequest.GetFormString("summary").Trim(); if (subject.Length < 1) { return(Json(new { error = true, message = "请填写主题..." })); } if (subject.Length > 50) { return(Json(new { error = true, message = "主题不能超过50个字符..." })); } if (summary.Length > 500) { return(Json(new { error = true, message = "摘要不能超过500个字符..." })); } Robots _rbt = new Robots(); System.Text.StringBuilder url = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); url.Append(base._config.UrlHome + "Tools/ImportFromExcel?"); url.Append(Cookies.CreateVerifyString()); System.Text.StringBuilder postData = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); postData.Append("subject=" + DoRequest.UrlEncode(AES.Encode(subject))); postData.Append("&excel=" + DoRequest.UrlEncode(AES.Encode(excelPath))); postData.Append("&sdate=" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); postData.Append("&edate=" + endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); postData.Append("&summary=" + DoRequest.UrlEncode(AES.Encode(summary))); string html = _rbt.Post(url.ToString(), postData.ToString(), "utf-8"); if (_rbt.IsError) { return(Json(new { error = true, message = _rbt.ErrorMsg })); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html)) { return(Json(new { error = true, message = "远程页面无响应..." })); } ParseJson pJson = new ParseJson(); SortedDictionary <string, string> list = pJson.Parse(html); bool isError = false; if (pJson.GetJsonValue(list, "error") == "true") { isError = true; } return(Json(new { error = isError, message = pJson.GetJsonValue(list, "message") })); }
//--- Methods --- protected override Yield Start(XDoc config, Result result) { yield return(Coroutine.Invoke(base.Start, config, new Result())); // get the apikey, which we will need as a subscription auth token for subscriptions not done on behalf of a user _apikey = config["apikey"].AsText; // capture the wikiId of the wiki starting us string wikiId = config["wikiid"].AsText ?? "default"; // set up plug deki, so we can validate users XUri dekiUri = config["uri.deki"].AsUri ?? new XUri("http://localhost:8081/deki"); _deki = Plug.New(dekiUri).With("apikey", _apikey).WithHeader("X-Deki-Site", "id=" + wikiId); // get ajax polling interval _pollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(config["poll-interval"].AsDouble ?? 60); // set up subscription reaper TaskTimer.New(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), timer => { lock (_subscriptions) { var staleSubs = new List <uint>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, Subscription> pair in _subscriptions) { if (pair.Value.LastTouched.Add(_pollInterval).Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)) < DateTime.UtcNow) { staleSubs.Add(pair.Key); } } foreach (uint pageId in staleSubs) { _log.DebugFormat("removing subscription for {0}", pageId); _subscriptions.Remove(pageId); } } timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), TaskEnv.None); }, null, TaskEnv.None); // set up subscription for pubsub XDoc subscription = new XDoc("subscription-set") .Elem("uri.owner", Self.Uri.AsServerUri().ToString()) .Start("subscription") .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/update", wikiId)) .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/revert", wikiId)) .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/tags/update", wikiId)) .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/dependentschanged/comments/create", wikiId)) .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/dependentschanged/comments/update", wikiId)) .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/dependentschanged/comments/delete", wikiId)) .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/dependentschanged/files/create", wikiId)) .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/dependentschanged/files/update", wikiId)) .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/dependentschanged/files/delete", wikiId)) .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/dependentschanged/files/properties/*", wikiId)) .Elem("channel", string.Format("event://{0}/deki/pages/dependentschanged/files/restore", wikiId)) .Add(DreamCookie.NewSetCookie("service-key", InternalAccessKey, Self.Uri).AsSetCookieDocument) .Start("recipient") .Attr("authtoken", _apikey) .Elem("uri", Self.Uri.AsServerUri().At("notify").ToString()) .End() .End(); Result <DreamMessage> subscribe; yield return(subscribe = PubSub.At("subscribers").PostAsync(subscription)); string accessKey = subscribe.Value.ToDocument()["access-key"].AsText; XUri location = subscribe.Value.Headers.Location; Cookies.Update(DreamCookie.NewSetCookie("access-key", accessKey, location), null); _subscriptionLocation = Plug.New(location.AsLocalUri().WithoutQuery()); _log.DebugFormat("set up initial subscription location at {0}", _subscriptionLocation.Uri); result.Return(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ReferralHeaderRepository" /> class. /// </summary> public ReferralHeaderRepository() { communicationManager = new CommunicationManager(ApplicationSettings.Token, Cookies.GetCookies(ApplicationSettings.Token)); }
private void InitializePreMadeSnacks() { for(int x = 0; x < amountOfColumns; x++) { preMadeChips[x] = new Chips(chipsCompany, fritoLaysBrands[x], 0, fritoLaysPrice[x]); preMadeChocolate[x] = new Chocolate(chocolateCompany, marsBrands[x], 0, marsPrice[x]); preMadeCookies[x] = new Cookies(cookiesCompany, nabiscoBrands[x], 0, nabiscoPrice[x]); preMadeGum[x] = new Gum(gumCompany, wrigleyBrands[x], 0, wrigleyPrice[x]); } }
public void ReadFromStream(NetworkStream stream) { //wait for data avalability while (!stream.DataAvailable) { ; } var sb = new StringBuilder(); while (stream.DataAvailable) { var c = (char)(byte)stream.ReadByte(); if (c == '\n') { var x = sb.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Trim())) { break; } var header = HttpHeader.Parse(x); if (header != null) { Headers.Add(header); if (header is CookieHeader ch) { foreach (var cookie in ch.Cookies) { Cookies.Add(cookie.Key, cookie.Value); } } if (header is ContentLengthHeader cl) { BodySize = cl.Length; } if (header is ForwardedForHeader ff) { ForwardIp = ff.Ip; } } sb.Clear(); } else { sb.Append(c); } } try { //@Hack this feels wrong so probably a @CleanUp to lol if (Headers.Count != 0) { var meth = Headers.First(x => x is RequestMethodHeader) as RequestMethodHeader; Url = meth?.Url; Path = Url?.Split('?')[0]; if (Url != null && Url.Contains("?")) { var qry = Url?.Split('?')[1]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qry)) { foreach (var s in qry.Split('&')) { var segs = s.Split('='); Query.Add(segs[0], HttpUtility.UrlDecode(segs[1])); } } } Method = meth.Method; //Logger.Debug(Method.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Debug(e.ToString()); } if (Method == RequestMethod.Post) { Body = stream; } }
public EmergencyContactRepository() { communicationManager = new CommunicationManager(ApplicationSettings.Token, Cookies.GetCookies(ApplicationSettings.Token)); }
public void AppendCookie(HttpCookie cookie) { Cookies.Add(cookie); }
public static void Import(this HttpCookieCollection http_cookies, Cookies cookies) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static void VendorBeg(Mobile m, object targeted, double chance) { //Console.WriteLine("Chance: {0}", chance); Mobile t = (Mobile)targeted; Item reward = null; string rewardName = ""; if (chance > .99 && m.Skills.Begging.Base >= 100) //Vendor Only (1 hour cooldown) { int rand = Utility.Random(9); //0-9 (10 Total) (40% chance for a item) if (rand == 0) { reward = new RockArtifact(); //Rock Artifact rewardName = "A rock"; } else if (rand == 2) { reward = new BeggerCoins(24); //Special Coins rewardName = "24 dull slver coins."; } else if (rand == 4) //Fur Boots { reward = new FurBoots(); rewardName = "a pair of Fur Boots"; } else if (rand == 6) { reward = new FlowerGarland(); rewardName = "a flower Garland"; } } Console.WriteLine("RewardName (1) {0}", reward); if (chance > .95 && m.Skills.Begging.Base >= 90 && reward == null) { int rand = Utility.Random(9); Console.WriteLine("Random 2 is {0}", rand); if (rand == 0) { reward = new BegBedRoll(); rewardName = "Bedroll"; } else if (rand == 1) { reward = new Cookies(); rewardName = "Cookies"; } else if (rand == 3) { reward = new FishSteak(); rewardName = "Fish Steaks"; } else if (rand == 4) { reward = new FishingPole(); rewardName = "Fishing Pole"; } else if (rand == 6) { reward = new BeggerCoins(12); rewardName = "12 Dull Silver Coins."; } else if (rand == 7) { reward = new Turnip(); rewardName = "Turnip"; } else if (rand == 9) { reward = new CeramicMug(); rewardName = "Ceramic Mug"; } } Console.WriteLine("RewardName (2) {0}", reward); if (reward == null) { JunkBeg(m, t, chance); } else { Reward(m, t, reward, rewardName); } }
public bool TryParseRequest(MemoryStream m) { RequestStream = m; RawContent = m.GetBuffer(); var p = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(RawContent); string[] HeaderAndData = p.Split(new String[] { "\r\n\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); try { var headerFields = HeaderAndData[0].Split(new String[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var MethodResourceversion = headerFields[0]; var MethodResourceversionSplitted = MethodResourceversion.Split(' '); Method = MethodResourceversionSplitted[0]; Resource = MethodResourceversionSplitted[1]; Version = Version.Parse(MethodResourceversionSplitted[2].ToLower().Replace("http/", "")); for (int i = 1; i < headerFields.Length; i++) { var PropertyValue = headerFields[i].Split(new String[] { ": " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var key = PropertyValue[0].Trim().ToLower(); var value = PropertyValue[1].Trim(); if (Headers.Any(v => v.Key.ToLower().Equals(key)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { Headers[key] = value; } if (!Headers.ContainsKey(key)) { HttpHandler.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "Key \"" + key + "\" is missing in header list"); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Headers["Content-Type"])) { ContentType = Headers["Content-Type"]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Headers["Content-Length"])) { ContentLength = Convert.ToInt32(Headers["Content-Length"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Headers["Cookie"])) { if (Cookies == null) { Cookies = new CookieContainer(); } var cookies = Headers["Cookie"].Split(';'); foreach (var cookie in cookies) { var keyValue = cookie.Trim().Split(':'); if (keyValue.Length >= 2) { Cookies.Add(new Cookie() { Name = keyValue[0], Value = keyValue[1], Domain = Domain }); } } } if (HeaderAndData.Length >= 2) { HasPayload = true; var contentLength = RawContent.Length - HeaderAndData[0].Length - 4; Content = new byte[contentLength]; Array.Copy(RawContent, RawContent.Length - contentLength, Content, 0, contentLength); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { HttpHandler.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Http request parsing error : " + e.Message); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Evento de clic del botón Guardar /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void imgbtnGuardar_Click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //1. Obtener datos de la Forma y saber si es edición o nuevo string strRegistro = e.ExtraParams["registro"]; string strcookieEditarSucursal = Cookies.GetCookie("cookieEditarSucursal").Value; Dictionary <string, string> dRegistro = JSON.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string> >(strRegistro); Sucursal oSucursal = new Sucursal(); oSucursal.FechaAlta = DateTime.Now; //2. Por cada elemento del submit de la Forma detectar el campo y asignarlo al objeto correspondiente foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> sd in dRegistro) { switch (sd.Key) { //3. Datos del proveedor case "nfCR": oSucursal.CR = Convert.ToInt16(sd.Value); break; case "txtfNombre": oSucursal.Nombre = sd.Value; break; case "txtfGerenteBBVANombre": oSucursal.GerenteBBVANombre = sd.Value; break; case "txtfGerenteBBVAAPaterno": oSucursal.GerenteBBVAAPaterno = sd.Value; break; case "txtfGerenteBBVAAMaterno": oSucursal.GerenteBBVAAMaterno = sd.Value; break; case "txtfSupervisorNombre": oSucursal.SupervisorNombre = sd.Value; break; case "txtfSupervisorAPaterno": oSucursal.SupervisorAPaterno = sd.Value; break; case "txtfSupervisorAMaterno": oSucursal.SupervisorAMaterno = sd.Value; break; case "txtfProveedorEnergia": oSucursal.ProveedorEnergia = sd.Value; break; case "nfSuperficie": oSucursal.Superficie = Convert.ToInt32(sd.Value); break; case "txtfCoordinadorNombre": oSucursal.CoordinadorNombre = sd.Value; break; case "txtfCoordinadorAPaterno": oSucursal.CoordinadorAPaterno = sd.Value; break; case "txtfCoordinadorAMaterno": oSucursal.CoordinadorAMaterno = sd.Value; break; case "txtfCalle": oSucursal.Calle = sd.Value; break; case "txtfEntreCalles": oSucursal.EntreCalles = sd.Value; break; case "txtfNoExterior": oSucursal.NoExterior = sd.Value; break; case "txtfNoInterior": oSucursal.NoInterior = sd.Value; break; case "txtfCodigoPostal": oSucursal.CodigoPostal = Convert.ToInt32(sd.Value); break; case "txtfColonia": oSucursal.Colonia = sd.Value; break; case "cmbEstado": oSucursal.Estado = sd.Value; break; case "cmbMunicipio": oSucursal.Municipio = sd.Value; break; case "txtfContratista": oSucursal.Contratista = sd.Value; break; case "dfTerminoContrato": oSucursal.TerminoContrato = Convert.ToDateTime(sd.Value); break; case "dfInicioObra": oSucursal.InicioObra = Convert.ToDateTime(sd.Value); break; case "dfFinObra": oSucursal.FinObra = Convert.ToDateTime(sd.Value); break; case "nfSemanasObra": oSucursal.SemanasObra = Convert.ToInt16(sd.Value); break; case "dfFechaAlta": oSucursal.FechaAlta = Convert.ToDateTime(sd.Value); break; case "cmbEstatus": oSucursal.Estatus = sd.Value; break; } } //4. Validar si es nuevo o es uno existente if (strcookieEditarSucursal.Equals("Nuevo")) { //5. Insertar en la base de datos oSucursal.FechaAlta = DateTime.Now; oSucursal.Estatus = "ALTA"; oSucursal.ID = SucursalBusiness.Insertar(oSucursal); //6. Mandar mensaje con el código del proveedor var success = new JFunction { Fn = "imgbtnGuardar_Click_Success" }; X.Msg.Alert("Registro completo", "<p align='center'>Sucursal registrada con ID: <br/>" + oSucursal.ID + ".</p>", success).Show(); } else { oSucursal.ID = strcookieEditarSucursal; //7. Actualizar los datos del proveedor SucursalBusiness.Actualizar(oSucursal); //8. Mandar mensaje con el código del proveedor var success = new JFunction { Fn = "imgbtnGuardar_Click_Success" }; X.Msg.Alert("Actualización completa", "<p align='center'>Se han actualizado los datos de la sucursal <br/>" + oSucursal.ID + ".</p>", success).Show(); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public ESignatureRepository() { _communicationManager = new CommunicationManager(ApplicationSettings.Token, Cookies.GetCookies(ApplicationSettings.Token)); }
public void ResetCookies(Cookies cookies) { }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STEAM WEB INTERFACE //////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override async void LoginWebInterface(ulong steamID) { if (!IsAuthenticated) { SteamUser.WebAPIUserNonceCallback callback; try { callback = await _steamUser.RequestWebAPIUserNonce(); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex, "Unable to request Web API Nonce. Titan won't be able to execute Web API actions."); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(callback?.Nonce)) { _log.Error("Received empty Web API Nonce. Titan won't be able to execute Web API actions."); return; } var sessionID = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(steamID.ToString())); var sessionKey = CryptoHelper.GenerateRandomBlock(32); byte[] cryptedSessionKey; using (var rsa = new RSACrypto(KeyDictionary.GetPublicKey(_steamClient.Universe))) { cryptedSessionKey = rsa.Encrypt(sessionKey); } var loginKey = new byte[callback.Nonce.Length]; Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(callback.Nonce), loginKey, callback.Nonce.Length); // AES encrypt the login key with our session key var cryptedLoginKey = CryptoHelper.SymmetricEncrypt(loginKey, sessionKey); if (!Titan.Instance.WebHandle.AuthentificateUser( steamID, cryptedLoginKey, cryptedSessionKey, out var result )) { _log.Error("Failed to authentificate with Web API Nonce. " + "Titan won't be able to execute Web API actions."); return; } var token = result["token"].Value; var secureToken = result["tokensecure"].Value; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(secureToken)) { _log.Error("Failed to authentificate with Web API Nonce. " + "Titan won't be able to execute Web API actions."); return; } Cookies.Add("sessionid", sessionID); Cookies.Add("steamLogin", token); Cookies.Add("steamLoginSecure", secureToken); if (!Titan.Instance.Options.Secure) { _log.Debug("Authorized with Steam Web API. Session ID: {id}", sessionID); } _log.Information("Successfully authorized with Steam Web API."); IsAuthenticated = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Evento de clic del botón Guardar /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void imgbtnGuardar_Click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //1. Obtener datos de la Forma y saber si es edición o nuevo string strRegistro = e.ExtraParams["registro"]; //2. Por cada elemento del submit de la Forma detectar el campo y asignarlo al objeto correspondiente Dictionary <string, string> dRegistro = JSON.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string> >(strRegistro); CodigoFalla cf = new CodigoFalla(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> sd in dRegistro) { switch (sd.Key) { case "txtCodigoMainSaver": cf.CodigoMainSaver = sd.Value; break; //case "cmbEspecialidad": // cf.Especialidad = sd.Value; // break; //case "cmbFamilia": // cf.Familia = sd.Value; // break; //case "cmbSubEspecialidad": // cf.Subespecialidad = sd.Value; // break; //case "txtDescripcion": // cf.Descripcion = sd.Value; // break; case "txtDias": cf.Dias = sd.Value; break; //case "txtPrioridad": // cf.Prioridad = sd.Value; // break; //case "txtTiempoEstimado": // cf.TiempoEstimado = sd.Value; // break; } } string strcookieEditarCodigoPPTA = Cookies.GetCookie("cookieEditarCodigoPPTA").Value; if (strcookieEditarCodigoPPTA.Equals("Nuevo")) { if (CodigoFallasBusiness.ObtenerMainSaverEnCodigoPPTA(cf.CodigoMainSaver)) { var success = new JFunction { Fn = "imgbtnGuardar_Click_SuccessCR" }; X.Msg.Alert("Alerta", "<p align='center'>El Main Saver ya se encuentra registrado: <br/>" + cf.CodigoMainSaver + ".</p>", success).Show(); } else { //3. Insertar en la base de datos cf.CodigoMainSaver = CodigoFallasBusiness.Insertar(cf); //4. Mandar mensaje con el código del codigo ppta e.ExtraParamsResponse.Add(new Ext.Net.Parameter("data", cf.CodigoMainSaver, ParameterMode.Value)); } } else { CodigoFallasBusiness.Actualizar(cf); cf.CodigoMainSaver = strcookieEditarCodigoPPTA; e.ExtraParamsResponse.Add(new Ext.Net.Parameter("data", cf.CodigoMainSaver, ParameterMode.Value)); } }
public void Login() { // 启动流程 // 1.获取二维码 // 2.检查扫描 // 3.获取ptwebqq // 4.获取vfwebqq // 5.获取psessionid和uin、skey LoginCookies = new Cookies(); Debug.Write("清除Cookies."); api.ClearCookies(); do { // ----------1.获取二维码 Debug.Write("[*] 正在生成二维码 ...."); var QRImg = api._get_qrcode_image(); if (QRImg != null) { Debug.Write("成功\n"); } Debug.Write("[*] 正在等待扫码 ...."); OnGetQRCodeImage?.Invoke(QRImg); //----------2.检查扫描 while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); var authresult = api._get_authstatus(); if (authresult.Contains("成功")) { // 扫描成功 string redirect_url = authresult.Split(new string[] { "\'" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[5]; Debug.Write("跳转URL"); Debug.Write(redirect_url); //----------2.获取ptwebqq LoginCookies.ptwebqq = api._get_ptwebqq(redirect_url); LoginResult.ptwebqq = LoginCookies.ptwebqq; Debug.Write("ptwebqq=" + LoginResult.ptwebqq); Debug.Write("已获授权\n"); //IsLogin = true; OnVerifySucess?.Invoke(); break; } else if (authresult.Contains("二维码认证中")) { OnVerifyImage?.Invoke(); } else if (authresult.Contains("二维码未失效")) { OnScanImage?.Invoke(); } else if (authresult.Contains("二维码已失效") || authresult == null) { Debug.Write("[*] 重新生成二维码 ...."); var QRImgReGet = api._get_qrcode_image(); if (QRImg != null) { Debug.Write("成功\n"); } OnGetQRCodeImage?.Invoke(QRImgReGet); } } //----------2.获取vfwebqq JObject Jovfwebqq = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(api._get_vfwebqq(LoginResult.ptwebqq)); LoginCookies.vfwebqq = Jovfwebqq["result"]["vfwebqq"].ToString(); LoginResult.vfwebqq = LoginCookies.vfwebqq; Debug.Write("vfwebqq=" + LoginResult.vfwebqq); if (LoginResult.vfwebqq == null) { return; } //----------登录 string strLoginCallback = api._login(LoginResult.ptwebqq); if (strLoginCallback != null && strLoginCallback.Contains("psessionid")) { JObject JoUinAndPsessionid = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(strLoginCallback); LoginResult.psessionid = JoUinAndPsessionid["result"]["psessionid"].ToString(); Debug.Write("psessionid=" + LoginResult.psessionid); LoginResult.qq = JoUinAndPsessionid["result"]["uin"].ToString(); Debug.Write("uin=" + LoginResult.qq); string[] namelist = { "skey", "uin", "p_skey", "p_uin" }; List <string> CookieList = api.GetCookies(namelist); LoginCookies.skey = CookieList[0].ToString(); Debug.Write("skey=" + LoginCookies.skey); LoginCookies.uin = CookieList[1].ToString(); Debug.Write("uin=" + LoginCookies.uin); LoginCookies.p_skey = CookieList[2].ToString(); Debug.Write("p_skey=" + LoginCookies.p_skey); LoginCookies.p_uin = CookieList[3].ToString(); Debug.Write("p_uin=" + LoginCookies.p_uin); if (!Directory.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\user\\" + LoginResult.qq)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\user\\" + LoginResult.qq); } File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\user\\" + LoginResult.qq, cookiesFileName), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(LoginCookies, Formatting.Indented)); Debug.Write("跨域共享cookie"); //跨域共享cookie api.CookieProxy(LoginCookies.p_skey, LoginCookies.p_uin); IsLogin = true; } } while (!IsLogin); OnLoginSucess?.Invoke(); }
public PresentIllnessRepository() { _communicationManager = new CommunicationManager(ApplicationSettings.Token, Cookies.GetCookies(ApplicationSettings.Token)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Booking(int totalSeats, string seatIds) { if (!Cookies.CheckFbLogIn(Request)) { return(RedirectToAction("LogIn", "Authentication")); } var seats = seatIds; string bookedBy = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["fbLogIn"].ToString(); //set json for Api string jsonBooked = @" { 'seatIds':{0}, 'total':{1}, 'booking': { '$set': { 'bookingStatus': { '_id':'bs02','name':'Sold Out', 'isActive': true, 'bookedDate':'{2}', 'bookedBy':'{3}' } } } }"; string bookedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); jsonBooked = jsonBooked.Replace("{0}", seatIds); jsonBooked = jsonBooked.Replace("{1}", totalSeats.ToString()); jsonBooked = jsonBooked.Replace("{2}", bookedDate); jsonBooked = jsonBooked.Replace("{3}", bookedBy); RestApi api = new RestApi("https://localhost:5003/api/concertSeats/BookingSeats"); api.SetHeader("Authorization", Cookies.GetToken(Request)); var data = await api.AddAsync(jsonBooked); var responseBody = await data.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Result>(responseBody); if (result.Status == Puppy.Model.Business.BusinessStatus.Completed) { return(RedirectToAction("MyTicket", "Customer")); } else { byte[] values; string zoneId = ""; HttpContext.Session.TryGetValue("ZoneId", out values); if (values != null) { zoneId = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(values); } return(RedirectToAction("LayoutBooking", "Concert", zoneId)); } }
protected override Yield Start(XDoc config, IContainer container, Result result) { yield return(Coroutine.Invoke(base.Start, config, new Result())); // ensure imagemagick is setup correctly. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageMagickConvertPath)) { throw new NotImplementedException("Please set 'imagemagick-convert-path' in config to path of ImageMagick's 'convert'"); } if (!File.Exists(ImageMagickIdentifyPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find ImagicMagick 'identify' binary: ", ImageMagickIdentifyPath); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageMagickIdentifyPath)) { throw new NotImplementedException("Please set 'imagemagick-identify-path' in config to path of ImageMagick's 'identify'"); } if (!File.Exists(ImageMagickConvertPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find ImagicMagick 'convert' binary: ", ImageMagickConvertPath); } // check for 'apikey' _apikey = Config["api-key"].AsText ?? Config["apikey"].AsText; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_apikey)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("apikey", "The global apikey is not defined. Please ensure that you have a global <apikey> defined in the MindTouch Core service settings xml file."); } InitializeContainer(container); // intialize instance manager _instanceManager = InstanceManager.New(this, this.TimerFactory); // setup resource manager lock (SyncRoot) { if (ResourceManager == null) { ResourceManager = new PlainTextResourceManager(ResourcesPath); ScreenFont = new DekiFont(Plug.New("resource://mindtouch.deki/MindTouch.Deki.Resources.Arial.mtdf").Get().AsBytes()); } } // initialize scripting engine XDoc scripting = Config["scripting"]; DekiScriptLibrary.InsertTextLimit = scripting["max-web-response-length"].AsLong ?? DekiScriptLibrary.InsertTextLimit; DekiScriptLibrary.MinCacheTtl = scripting["min-web-cache-ttl"].AsDouble ?? DekiScriptLibrary.MinCacheTtl; // set up deki pub sub (by default we override uri.publish with our own service, unless @must-use=true is specified) if (!(Config["uri.publish/@must-use"].AsBool ?? false)) { Result <Plug> pubsubResult; XDoc pubsubConfig = new XDoc("config") .Elem("uri.deki", Self.Uri.With("apikey", MasterApiKey)) .Start("downstream") .Elem("uri", PubSub.At("publish").Uri.WithoutLastSegment().At("subscribers")) .End() .Start("components") .Start("component") .Attr("type", typeof(IPubSubDispatcher).AssemblyQualifiedName) .Attr("implementation", typeof(DekiDispatcher).AssemblyQualifiedName) .End() .End() .Elem("authtoken", MasterApiKey); foreach (var cookie in Cookies.Fetch(PubSub.Uri)) { pubsubConfig.Add(cookie.AsSetCookieDocument); } var messageQueuePath = config["publish/queue-path"].AsText; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageQueuePath)) { pubsubConfig.Elem("queue-path", messageQueuePath); } yield return(pubsubResult = CreateService( "pubsub", "sid://", pubsubConfig, new Result <Plug>())); PubSub = pubsubResult.Value; } // set up package updater service (unless it was passed in) XUri packageUpdater; if (config["packageupdater/@uri"].IsEmpty) { var packageConfig = config["packageupdater"]; packageConfig = packageConfig.IsEmpty ? new XDoc("config") : packageConfig.Clone(); if (packageConfig["package-path"].IsEmpty) { packageConfig.Elem("package-path", Path.Combine(Path.Combine(config["deki-path"].AsText, "packages"), "default")); } yield return(CreateService( "packageupdater", "sid://", new XDoc("config") .Elem("apikey", MasterApiKey) .AddNodes(packageConfig), new Result <Plug>() )); packageUpdater = Self.Uri.At("packageupdater"); } else { packageUpdater = config["packageupdater/@uri"].AsUri; } _packageUpdater = Plug.New(packageUpdater); // set up emailer service (unless it was passed in) XUri mailerUri; if (config["uri.mailer"].IsEmpty) { yield return(CreateService( "mailer", "sid://", new XDoc("config") .Elem("apikey", MasterApiKey) .AddAll(Config["smtp/*"]), new Result <Plug>() )); mailerUri = Self.Uri.At("mailer"); } else { mailerUri = config["uri.mailer"].AsUri; } _mailer = Plug.New(mailerUri); // set up the email subscription service (unless it was passed in) XUri pageSubscription; if (config[""].IsEmpty) { XDoc pagesubserviceConfig = new XDoc("config") .Elem("uri.deki", Self.Uri) .Elem("uri.emailer", mailerUri.At("message")) .Elem("resources-path", ResourcesPath) .Elem("apikey", MasterApiKey) .Start("components") .Start("component") .Attr("scope", "factory") .Attr("type", typeof(IPageSubscriptionDataSessionFactory).AssemblyQualifiedName) .Attr("implementation", "MindTouch.Deki.Data.MySql.UserSubscription.MySqlPageSubscriptionSessionFactory,") .End() .End() .AddAll(Config["page-subscription/*"]); foreach (var cookie in Cookies.Fetch(mailerUri)) { pagesubserviceConfig.Add(cookie.AsSetCookieDocument); } yield return(CreateService( "pagesubservice", "sid://", pagesubserviceConfig, new Result <Plug>() )); pageSubscription = Self.Uri.At("pagesubservice"); config.Elem("", pageSubscription); } else { pageSubscription = config[""].AsUri; } _pageSubscription = Plug.New(pageSubscription); // set up package importer, if not provided if (Config["uri.package"].IsEmpty) { yield return(CreateService( "package", "sid://", new XDoc("config").Elem("uri.deki", Self.Uri), new Result <Plug>())); Config.Elem("uri.package", Self.Uri.At("package")); } // set up lucene _luceneIndex = Plug.New(Config["indexer/@src"].AsUri); if (_luceneIndex == null) { // create the indexer service XDoc luceneIndexConfig = new XDoc("config") .AddNodes(Config["indexer"]) .Start("apikey").Attr("hidden", true).Value(MasterApiKey).End(); if (luceneIndexConfig[""].IsEmpty) { luceneIndexConfig.Elem("", Path.Combine(Path.Combine(config["deki-path"].AsText, "luceneindex"), "$1")); } yield return(CreateService("luceneindex", SID_FOR_LUCENE_INDEX, luceneIndexConfig, new Result <Plug>()).Set(v => _luceneIndex = v)); _isLocalLuceneService = true; } else { // push our host's pubsub service to lucene, to keep it up to date on our changes var pubsub = new XDoc("pubsub").Attr("href", PubSub); foreach (var cookie in PubSub.CookieJar.Fetch(PubSub.Uri)) { pubsub.Add(cookie.AsSetCookieDocument); } yield return(_luceneIndex.At("subscriptions").PostAsync(pubsub)); } // configure indexing whitelist _indexNamespaceWhitelist = new[] { NS.MAIN, NS.PROJECT, NS.USER, NS.TEMPLATE, NS.HELP, NS.MAIN_TALK, NS.PROJECT_TALK, NS.USER_TALK, NS.TEMPLATE_TALK, NS.HELP_TALK, NS.SPECIAL, NS.SPECIAL_TALK }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config["indexer/namespace-whitelist"].AsText)) { List <NS> customWhitelist = new List <NS>(); foreach (string item in Config["indexer/namespace-whitelist"].AsText.Split(',')) { NS ns; if (SysUtil.TryParseEnum(item, out ns)) { customWhitelist.Add(ns); } } _indexNamespaceWhitelist = customWhitelist.ToArray(); } if (!Config["wikis/globalconfig/cache/varnish"].IsEmpty) { // create the varnish service // TODO (petee): getting the varnish config from wikis/globalconfig/cache is a hack // The frontend needs to get the max-age to send out the cache headers but we currently have no way // of getting the DekiWikiService config so we'll hack it so it comes back in GET:site/settings. XDoc varnishConfig = new XDoc("config") .Elem("uri.deki", Self.Uri.With("apikey", MasterApiKey)) .Elem("uri.varnish", Config["wikis/globalconfig/cache/varnish"].AsUri) .Elem("varnish-purge-delay", Config["wikis/globalconfig/cache/varnish-purge-delay"].AsInt ?? 10) .Elem("varnish-max-age", Config["wikis/globalconfig/cache/varnish-max-age"].AsInt ?? 300) .Start("apikey").Attr("hidden", true).Value(MasterApiKey).End(); yield return(CreateService("varnish", SID_FOR_VARNISH_SERVICE, varnishConfig, new Result <Plug>())); } _isInitialized = true; result.Return(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AdminRepository"/> class. /// </summary> public AdminRepository() { communicationManager = new CommunicationManager(ApplicationSettings.Token, Cookies.GetCookies(ApplicationSettings.Token)); }
public GroupSchedulingSearchRepository() { _communicationManager = new CommunicationManager(ApplicationSettings.Token, Cookies.GetCookies(ApplicationSettings.Token)); }
//--- Methods --- protected override Yield Start(XDoc config, Result result) { yield return(Coroutine.Invoke(base.Start, config, new Result())); // set up cache reaper _ttl = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Config["news-ttl"].AsDouble ?? 60 * 60); double?checkInterval = Config["check-interval"].AsDouble; if (checkInterval.HasValue) { _checkInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(checkInterval.Value); } else { double checkInterval2 = _ttl.TotalSeconds / 10; if (_ttl.TotalSeconds < 30 || checkInterval2 < 30) { checkInterval2 = 30; } _checkInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(checkInterval2); } TaskTimer.New(_ttl, delegate(TaskTimer timer) { lock (_pageViews) { View next; do { if (_pageViews.Count == 0) { break; } next = _pageViews.Peek(); if (next != null) { if (next.Time.Add(_ttl) < DateTime.UtcNow) { _pageViews.Dequeue(); } else { break; } } } while(next != null); } timer.Change(_checkInterval, TaskEnv.None); }, null, TaskEnv.None); // get the apikey, which we will need as a subscription auth token for subscriptions not done on behalf of a user _apikey = config["apikey"].AsText; // build ignore list string ignore = config["ignore"].AsText; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ignore)) { foreach (string page in ignore.Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { _ignore[page] = null; } } // set up subscription for page views XDoc subscription = new XDoc("subscription-set") .Elem("uri.owner", Self.Uri.AsServerUri().ToString()) .Start("subscription") .Elem("channel", "event://*/deki/pages/view") .Add(DreamCookie.NewSetCookie("service-key", InternalAccessKey, Self.Uri).AsSetCookieDocument) .Start("recipient") .Attr("authtoken", _apikey) .Elem("uri", Self.Uri.AsServerUri().At("notify", "view").ToString()) .End() .End(); Result <DreamMessage> subscribe; yield return(subscribe = PubSub.At("subscribers").PostAsync(subscription)); string accessKey = subscribe.Value.ToDocument()["access-key"].AsText; XUri location = subscribe.Value.Headers.Location; Cookies.Update(DreamCookie.NewSetCookie("access-key", accessKey, location), null); _subscriptionLocation = Plug.New(location.AsLocalUri().WithoutQuery()); _log.DebugFormat("set up initial subscription location at {0}", _subscriptionLocation.Uri); result.Return(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { shsiteconfig.Visible = false; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ((Literal)Master.FindControl("breadcrumbs")).Text = "<span class=\"home\">系统基本设置</span>"; string checklogin = new AdminBll().CheckLogin("0"); if (checklogin != "true") { BasePage.Alertback(checklogin); Response.End(); } if (BasePage.ArrayExist(Cookies.GetCookie("ModelPower"), "6")) { shsiteconfig.Visible = true; } WebConfigModel wm = new WebConfigBll().GetModel(1); txtSiteName.Text = wm.SiteName; txtsitetitle.Text = wm.SiteTitle; txtsitetitleen.Text = wm.SiteTitleEn; txtSiteUrl.Text = wm.SiteUrl; txticp.Text = wm.SiteICP; txtSiteKeyword.Text = wm.SiteKeyword; txtSiteKeyworden.Text = wm.SiteKeywordEn; txtSiteDescription.Text = wm.SiteDescription; txtSiteDescriptionen.Text = wm.SiteDescriptionEn; txtsiteemail.Text = wm.SiteMail; txtEmailsmtp.Text = wm.EmailSMTP; txtSmtpName.Text = wm.EmailName; txtsitecnzz.Text = wm.Sitecnzz; txtfax.Text = wm.SiteFax; txttel.Text = wm.SiteTel; txtaddress.Text = wm.SiteAddress; txtqq.Text = wm.SiteQQ; txtaddress.Text = wm.SiteAddress; txtother.Text = wm.Other; txtSmtpPassword.Attributes.Add("value", wm.EmailPassword); txtidnum.Text = BasePage.SiteId(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(wm.SiteConfig)) { string siteconfig = wm.SiteConfig; string[] a = siteconfig.Split('|'); if (a.Length > 0) { SetCheckedBox.SetChecked(this.CheckBoxList1, a[0], ","); //基本配置 SetCheckedBox.SetChecked(this.CheckBoxList2, a[1], ","); //留言内容 SetCheckedBox.SetChecked(this.CheckBoxList3, a[2], ","); //留言列表 RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue = a[3]; //单页显示可选 showhide = a[0]; } } //序列号 //string word = GreateFiles.Read_File(Server.MapPath("~/id.txt")); //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(word)) //{ // txtidnum.Text = word.Trim(); //} } }
public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl) { CommonDataService cds = new CommonDataService(); CommonModel cm = new CommonModel(); cm = cds.GenerateCommonModel(); Session["FaceBook"] = cm.FaceBook; Session["Twitter"] = cm.Twitter; Session["Youtube"] = cm.Youtube; Session["Instagram"] = cm.Instagram; Session["PhoneNumber"] = cm.PhoneNumber; Session["Email"] = cm.Email; Session["ShoppingHours"] = cm.ShoppingHours; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } UserDataService userDataService = new UserDataService(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = userDataService.GetUsersByUserName(model.UserName); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables[0] != null) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (model.Password == Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserPassword"]) && model.UserName == Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"])) { HttpCookie FormsCookie = Cookies.CreateAuthenticationCookie(model.UserName, model.LastName); Response.Cookies.Add(FormsCookie); Session.Remove("UserName"); Session.Remove("FirstName"); Session.Remove("LastName"); Session["UserName"] = model.UserName; Session["FirstName"] = model.FirstName; Session["LastName"] = model.LastName; return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt."); return(View(model)); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt."); return(View(model)); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt."); return(View(model)); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "User does not exists!"); return(View(model)); } }
public void Init() { var user = new User(this.userName, this.password); this.cookieContainer = Cookies.GetCookieContainer(user); }
public static void Import(this HttpResponse resp, Cookies cookies) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public bool Equals(StorageState other) => other != null && Cookies.SequenceEqual(other.Cookies) && Origins.SequenceEqual(other.Origins);