public static string AllToString(this CookieCollection cookies, bool includeExpired = false) { return(string.Join(", ", from cookie in cookies.OfType <Cookie>() let valid = includeExpired ? includeExpired : !cookie.Expired where valid select $"{cookie.Name}={cookie.Value}")); }
public static void Serialize(CookieCollection cookies, Uri address, Stream stream) { var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(IEnumerable <Cookie>)); var cookieList = cookies.OfType <Cookie>(); serializer.WriteObject(stream, cookieList); }
public ConnectionResult Connect() { List <Parameter> AuthParameters = new List <Parameter>() { new Parameter("userid", UserID), new Parameter("pwd", Password) }; HttpResponse AuthResponse = Connect(AuthenticatorUrl, AuthParameters); // Automatically accumulate cookies HttpResponse DataResponse = Connect(TargetUrl); return(new ConnectionResult(DataResponse.Data, Cookies.OfType <Cookie>().ToList())); }
public static string GetRequestHeader(this HttpRequestItem request, CookieCollection cookieCollection) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLineIf($"{HttpConstants.Referrer}: { request.Referrer}", !request.Referrer.IsNullOrEmpty()); sb.AppendLineIf($"{HttpConstants.ContentType}: {request.ContentType}", !request.ContentType.IsNullOrEmpty()); var cookies = cookieCollection.OfType <Cookie>(); sb.AppendLine($"{HttpConstants.Cookie}: {string.Join("; ", cookies)}"); return(sb.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Finds a particular cookie's value associated with the specified URL and cookie name. /// </summary> /// <param name="container">Required. The jar of cookies to operate on.</param> /// <param name="url">Required. The URL associated with the cookie to search for.</param> /// <param name="cookieName">Required. The name of the cookie to search for.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetCookie(this CookieContainer container, string url, string cookieName) { CookieCollection collection = GetCollection(container, url); if (collection != null) { return(collection.OfType <Cookie>().First(p => p.Name == cookieName).Value); } return(null); }
public void SetCookies(CookieCollection cookies) { if (cookies == null || cookies.Count == 0) { return; } var headers = Headers; var sorted = cookies.OfType <Cookie>().OrderBy(i => i.Name).ToList(); foreach (var cookie in sorted) { headers.Add("Set-Cookie", cookie.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// IEにクッキーを設定します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="cookies">設定するクッキー</param> /// <param name="isDispose">設定後にクッキーを破棄するかどうか。デフォルト=true</param> public static void InternetSetCookie(string url, CookieCollection cookies, string cookieData = "{0}; expires={1}", bool isDispose = true) { InternetSetCookie(url, cookies.OfType <Cookie>().ToArray(), cookieData, isDispose); }
public static void AddCookies(this IHttpService http, CookieCollection cc, string url = null) => AddCookies(http, cc.OfType <Cookie>(), url);
/// <include file='IWebClient.xml' path='/IWebClient/SendRequest_WebRequest/*'/> public WebResponse SendRequest(WebRequest webRequest) { var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(webRequest.Destination); httpWebRequest.Method = webRequest.Type.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(); // We shall handle redirects by hand so that we may capture cookies and properly // handle login forms. // // Automating Web Login With HttpWebRequest // httpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false; // Default headers. httpWebRequest.Accept = "*/*"; httpWebRequest.UserAgent = UserAgent; // Set and/or override any provided headers. foreach (var headerName in webRequest.Headers.AllKeys) { ConfigureHeader(httpWebRequest, headerName, webRequest.Headers[headerName]); } httpWebRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); httpWebRequest.CookieContainer.Add(cookieJar.GetCookies(webRequest.Destination)); if (webRequest.Type == WebRequestType.Post) { var postRequest = (PostWebRequest)webRequest; var requestDataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postRequest.RequestData); Stream requestStream = null; httpWebRequest.ContentLength = requestDataBytes.Length; httpWebRequest.ContentType = postRequest.ContentType; httpWebRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false; try { requestStream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(); requestStream.Write(requestDataBytes, 0, requestDataBytes.Length); } finally { requestStream?.Close(); } } OnSendingRequest(new SendingRequestEventArgs(webRequest)); WebResponse response; HttpWebResponse webResponse = null; try { webResponse = ( HttpWebResponse )httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); OnProcessingResponse(new ProcessingResponseEventArgs(webResponse)); if (httpWebRequest.HaveResponse) { var responseCookies = new CookieCollection { webResponse.Cookies }; // Some cookies in the Set-Cookie header can be omitted from the response's CookieCollection. For example: // Set-Cookie:ADCDownloadAuth=[long token];Version=1;Comment=;;Path=/;Max-Age=108000;HttpOnly;Expires=Tue, 03 May 2016 13:30:57 GMT // // See also: // // // To catch these, we parse the header manually and add any cookie that is missing. if (webResponse.Headers.AllKeys.Contains(CommonHeaders.SetCookie)) { var responseCookieList = responseCookies.OfType <Cookie>().ToList(); var cookies = NScrapeUtility.ParseSetCookieHeader(webResponse.Headers[CommonHeaders.SetCookie], httpWebRequest.Host); foreach (var cookie in cookies) { if (responseCookieList.All(c => c.Name != cookie.Name)) { responseCookies.Add(cookie); } } } // Handle cookies that are offered foreach (Cookie responseCookie in responseCookies) { var cookieFound = false; foreach (Cookie existingCookie in cookieJar.GetCookies(webRequest.Destination)) { if (responseCookie.Name.Equals(existingCookie.Name)) { existingCookie.Value = responseCookie.Value; cookieFound = true; } } if (!cookieFound) { var args = new AddingCookieEventArgs(responseCookie); OnAddingCookie(args); if (!args.Cancel) { cookieJar.Add(responseCookie); } } } if (redirectionStatusCodes.Contains(webResponse.StatusCode)) { // We have a redirected response, so get the new location. var location = webResponse.Headers[CommonHeaders.Location]; // Locations should always be absolute, per the RFC (, but // that won't always be the case. Uri redirectUri; if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(location, UriKind.Absolute)) { redirectUri = new Uri(location); } else { redirectUri = new Uri(webRequest.Destination, new Uri(location, UriKind.Relative)); } if (webRequest.AutoRedirect) { // We are auto redirecting, so make a recursive call to perform the redirect by hand. response = SendRequest(new GetWebRequest(redirectUri)); } else { // We are not auto redirecting, so send the caller a redirect response. response = new RedirectedWebResponse(webResponse.ResponseUri, webRequest, redirectUri); } webResponse.Dispose(); } else { // We have a non-redirected response. response = WebResponseFactory.CreateResponse(webResponse); if (response.ResponseType == WebResponseType.Html) { // We have an HTML response, so check for an old school Meta refresh tag var metaRefreshUrl = GetMetaRefreshUrl((( HtmlWebResponse )response).Html); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metaRefreshUrl)) { // The page has a Meta refresh tag, so build the redirect Url var redirectUri = new Uri(response.ResponseUrl, metaRefreshUrl); if (webRequest.AutoRedirect) { response.Dispose(); // We are auto redirecting, so make a recursive call to perform the redirect response = SendRequest(new GetWebRequest(redirectUri, httpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect)); } else { var responseUrl = response.ResponseUrl; response.Dispose(); // We are not auto redirecting, so send the caller a redirect response response = new RedirectedWebResponse(responseUrl, webRequest, redirectUri); } } } } } else { response = new ExceptionWebResponse(webRequest.Destination, new WebException(NScrapeResources.NoResponse)); webResponse.Dispose(); } } catch (WebException ex) { response = new ExceptionWebResponse(webRequest.Destination, ex); webResponse?.Dispose(); } return(response); }
/// <inheritdoc /> IEnumerator <Cookie> IEnumerable <Cookie> .GetEnumerator() => _collection.OfType <Cookie>().GetEnumerator();
protected virtual string GetUrlRaw(string rota, object post = null) { var request = (HttpWebRequest)CreateRequest(rota); try { if (post != null) { if (post is string && ((string)post).Contains("xmlns")) { var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((string)post); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "text/xml"; request.ContentLength = bytes.Length; using (var postStream = request.GetRequestStream()) { postStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); postStream.Flush(); } } else { var postValuesDict = post is IDictionary <string, object>? new RouteValueDictionary((IDictionary <string, object>)post) : new RouteValueDictionary((object)post); var postValues = string.Join("&", (from key in postValuesDict.Keys select key + "=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Convert.ToString(postValuesDict[key])))); var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postValues); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.ContentLength = bytes.Length; using (var postStream = request.GetRequestStream()) { postStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); postStream.Flush(); } } } using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { FixCookies(request, response); // Save cookies to the next request if (response.Cookies != null && response.Cookies.Count > 0) { if (this.lastCookies != null) { foreach (Cookie c in response.Cookies) { var existente = lastCookies.OfType <Cookie>().Where(x => x.Name == c.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (existente == null) { lastCookies.Add(c); } else { existente.Value = c.Value; } } } else { this.lastCookies = response.Cookies; } } var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); var raw = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (!raw.Contains("{") && !raw.Contains("[") && !raw.Contains("<")) { throw new WebException(raw, null, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, response); } LogRaw(rota, raw); return(raw); } } catch (WebException ex) { var proxy = request.Proxy as WebProxy; if (proxy != null) { ex.Data.Add("ext-api_proxy", proxy.Address); } ex.Data.Add("ext-api_rota", rota); ex.Data.Add("ext-api_url", request.RequestUri.ToString()); try { var stream = ex.Response.GetResponseStream(); stream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); var message = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd(); if (message.Contains("<body")) { message = new Regex("<[^>]*>").Replace(message, ""); } ex.Data.Add("ext-api_error", message); } catch { } try { if (request.Credentials as NetworkCredential != null) { ex.Data.Add("userName", (request.Credentials as NetworkCredential).UserName); } if (request.Credentials as CredentialCache != null) { foreach (var c in (request.Credentials as CredentialCache)) { if (c as NetworkCredential != null) { ex.Data.Add("userName", (c as NetworkCredential).UserName); } } } if (request.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("token")) { ex.Data.Add("token", request.Headers["token"]); } } catch { } throw; } }
/// <include file='IWebClient.xml' path='/IWebClient/SendRequest_WebRequest/*'/> public WebResponse SendRequest(WebRequest webRequest) { var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(webRequest.Destination); httpWebRequest.Method = webRequest.Type.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(); // We shall handle redirects by hand so that we may capture cookies and properly // handle login forms. // // Automating Web Login With HttpWebRequest // httpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false; // Default headers. httpWebRequest.Accept = "*/*"; httpWebRequest.UserAgent = UserAgent; // Set and/or override any provided headers. foreach (var headerName in webRequest.Headers.AllKeys) { ConfigureHeader(httpWebRequest, headerName, webRequest.Headers[headerName]); } httpWebRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); httpWebRequest.CookieContainer.Add(webRequest.Destination, cookieJar.GetCookies(webRequest.Destination)); if (webRequest.Type == WebRequestType.Post) { var postRequest = (PostWebRequest)webRequest; var requestDataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postRequest.RequestData); Stream requestStream = null; httpWebRequest.ContentLength = requestDataBytes.Length; httpWebRequest.ContentType = postRequest.ContentType; try { requestStream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStreamAsync().Result; requestStream.Write(requestDataBytes, 0, requestDataBytes.Length); } finally { requestStream?.Dispose(); } } OnSendingRequest(new SendingRequestEventArgs(webRequest)); WebResponse response; HttpWebResponse webResponse = null; try { try { webResponse = ( HttpWebResponse )httpWebRequest.GetResponseAsync().Result; } catch (AggregateException ex) { // While the line above executes without exception under the .Net Framework, under // .Net Core, it will throw an exception for non-successful (non-200) status codes. // However, the response we need is buried within the exception, so pull it out and // continue. // // See thread on the following page, notably the comment from davidsh on Sep 6, 2017: // // HttpWebRequest in .NET Core 2.0 throwing 301 Moved Permanently #23422 // if (ex.InnerExceptions.Count == 1) { if (ex.InnerExceptions[0] is WebException webException) { if (webException.Response is HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse) { webResponse = httpWebResponse; } } } if (webResponse == null) { // The exception was not as expected so we can't process it. throw; } } OnProcessingResponse(new ProcessingResponseEventArgs(webResponse)); if (httpWebRequest.HaveResponse) { var responseCookies = new CookieCollection { webResponse.Cookies }; // Some cookies in the Set-Cookie header can be omitted from the response's CookieCollection. For example: // Set-Cookie:ADCDownloadAuth=[long token];Version=1;Comment=;;Path=/;Max-Age=108000;HttpOnly;Expires=Tue, 03 May 2016 13:30:57 GMT // // See also: // // // To catch these, we parse the header manually and add any cookie that is missing. if (webResponse.Headers.AllKeys.Contains(CommonHeaders.SetCookie)) { var responseCookieList = responseCookies.OfType <Cookie>().ToList(); var host = httpWebRequest.Host; var cookies = NScrapeUtility.ParseSetCookieHeader(webResponse.Headers[CommonHeaders.SetCookie], host); foreach (var cookie in cookies) { if (responseCookieList.All(c => c.Name != cookie.Name)) { responseCookies.Add(cookie); } } } // Handle cookies that are offered foreach (Cookie responseCookie in responseCookies) { var cookieFound = false; foreach (Cookie existingCookie in cookieJar.GetCookies(webRequest.Destination)) { if (responseCookie.Name.Equals(existingCookie.Name)) { existingCookie.Value = responseCookie.Value; cookieFound = true; } } if (!cookieFound) { var args = new AddingCookieEventArgs(responseCookie); OnAddingCookie(args); if (!args.Cancel) { // .NET Core seems to enforce the fact that the cookie domain _must_ start with a dot, // so let's make sure that's the case. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseCookie.Domain) && !responseCookie.Domain.StartsWith(".")) { responseCookie.Domain = "." + responseCookie.Domain; } string url = responseCookie.Secure ? "https://" : "http://"; url += responseCookie.Domain.Substring(1); var uri = new Uri(url); cookieJar.Add(uri, responseCookie); } } } if (redirectionStatusCodes.Contains(webResponse.StatusCode)) { // We have a redirected response, so get the new location. var location = webResponse.Headers[CommonHeaders.Location]; // Locations should always be absolute, per the RFC (, but // that won't always be the case. Uri redirectUri; if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(location, UriKind.Absolute)) { redirectUri = new Uri(location); } else { redirectUri = new Uri(webRequest.Destination, new Uri(location, UriKind.Relative)); } if (webRequest.AutoRedirect) { // Dispose webResponse before auto redirect, otherwise the connection will not be closed until all the auto redirect finished. // webResponse.Dispose(); // We are auto redirecting, so make a recursive call to perform the redirect by hand. response = SendRequest(new GetWebRequest(redirectUri)); } else { var responseUri = webResponse.ResponseUri; webResponse.Dispose(); // We are not auto redirecting, so send the caller a redirect response. response = new RedirectedWebResponse(responseUri, webRequest, redirectUri); } } else { // We have a non-redirected response. response = WebResponseFactory.CreateResponse(webResponse); if (response.ResponseType == WebResponseType.Html) { // We have an HTML response, so check for an old school Meta refresh tag var metaRefreshUrl = GetMetaRefreshUrl((( HtmlWebResponse )response).Html); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metaRefreshUrl)) { // The page has a Meta refresh tag, so build the redirect URL var redirectUri = new Uri(response.ResponseUrl, metaRefreshUrl); if (webRequest.AutoRedirect) { // Dispose webResponse before auto redirect, otherwise the connection will not be closed until all the auto redirect finished. // response.Dispose(); // We are auto redirecting, so make a recursive call to perform the redirect response = SendRequest(new GetWebRequest(redirectUri, httpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect)); } else { var responseUrl = response.ResponseUrl; response.Dispose(); // We are not auto redirecting, so send the caller a redirect response response = new RedirectedWebResponse(responseUrl, webRequest, redirectUri); } } } } } else { response = new ExceptionWebResponse(webRequest.Destination, new WebException(Properties.Resources.NoResponse)); webResponse.Dispose(); } } catch (WebException ex) { response = new ExceptionWebResponse(webRequest.Destination, ex); webResponse?.Dispose(); } return(response); }
/// <summary> /// IEにクッキーを設定します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="cookies">設定するクッキー</param> /// <param name="isDispose">設定後にクッキーを破棄するかどうか。デフォルト=true</param> public static void InternetSetCookie(CookieCollection cookies, bool isDispose = true) { InternetSetCookie(cookies.OfType <Cookie>().ToArray(), isDispose); }