예제 #1
파일: Writing.cs 프로젝트: timguoqk/FOOD
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        bool button1State = PluginImport.GetButton1State();

        if (button1State && !previousButton1State)
            penColorNum = (penColorNum + 1) % penColors.Length;
        previousButton1State = button1State;

        //if (PluginImport.GetButton2State()) cleanBoard();
        bool eraseState = PluginImport.GetButton2State();

        if (eraseState)
            changePenColor(new Color(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f));

        bool shouldDraw = PluginImport.GetContact() && (myCounter > 0);

        if (shouldDraw)
            double[] pos       = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyPosition());
            double[] dir       = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyDirection());
            Vector3  position  = new Vector3((float)pos[0], (float)pos[1], (float)pos[2]);
            Vector3  direction = new Vector3((float)dir[0], (float)dir[1], (float)dir[2]);

            double[] realPos      = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetDevicePosition());
            Vector3  realPosition = new Vector3((float)realPos[0], (float)realPos[1], (float)realPos[2]);
            float    force        = (realPosition - position).magnitude;
            if (force > 1.0f)
                force = 1.0f;

            RaycastHit hitInfo = new RaycastHit();
            bool       hasHit  = Physics.Raycast(position, direction, out hitInfo);

            if (previousShouldDraw)
                drawBlobLine(previousCoord, hitInfo.textureCoord, blobRadius, penColors[penColorNum], force, blobSteps, eraseState);
                drawBlob(hitInfo.textureCoord, blobRadius, penColors[penColorNum], force, eraseState);
            previousCoord = hitInfo.textureCoord;

        previousShouldDraw = shouldDraw;
예제 #2

    //Get Proxy Position and Orientation generic function
    public void GetProxyValues()

        /*Proxy Position*/

        //Convert IntPtr to Double3Array
        myProxyPosition = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyPosition());

        //Attach the Cursor Node
        Vector3 positionCursor = new Vector3();

        positionCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyPosition);

        //Assign Haptic Values to Cursor
        myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.position = positionCursor;

        //Proxy Right - Not use in that case
        //Convert IntPtr to Double3Array
        myProxyRight = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyRight());
        //Attach the Cursor Node
        Vector3 rightCursor = new Vector3();

        rightCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyRight);

        //Proxy Direction
        //Convert IntPtr to Double3Array
        myProxyDirection = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyDirection());
        //Attach the Cursor Node
        Vector3 directionCursor = new Vector3();

        directionCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyDirection);

        //Proxy Torque
        myProxyTorque = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyTorque());
        //Attach the Cursor Node
        Vector3 torqueCursor = new Vector3();

        torqueCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyTorque);

        //Set Orientation
        myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(directionCursor, torqueCursor);

        //Proxy Orientation
        //Convert IntPtr to Double4Array

        /*myProxyOrientation = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble4(PluginImport.GetProxyOrientation());
         *      //Attach the Cursor Node
         *      Vector4 OrientationCursor = new Vector4();
         *      OrientationCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble4ToVector4(myProxyOrientation);
         *      //Assign Haptic Values to Cursor
         *      myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.rotation =  new Quaternion(OrientationCursor.x,OrientationCursor.y,OrientationCursor.z,OrientationCursor.w);
         * Debug.Log(OrientationCursor.x + "  " + OrientationCursor.y + "  " + OrientationCursor.z + "  " + OrientationCursor.w);*/
예제 #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        double[] pos      = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetDevicePosition());
        Vector3  position = new Vector3((float)pos [0], (float)pos [1], (float)pos [2]);

        button1 = PluginImport.GetButton1State();         // getting state of button 1 on phantom
        Debug.Log(button1 + "     " + button2);           // printing button 1 and button 2 state on console
        if (button1 && !previousbutton1state)             // routine for writing coordinate values to text file
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("G:\\log.txt", true))

                // Loop through ten numbers.
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    //Write format string to file.
                    //writer.Write ("{0:0.0} ", position [i]);
                }                 // for loop

            using (StreamWriter writer =
                       new StreamWriter("G:\\log.txt", true)) {
//				//writer.WriteLine("First target coordinates");
            }             // stream

        previousbutton1state = button1;

        button2 = PluginImport.GetButton2State();
        if (button2 && !previousbutton2state)                                      // Controlling invisibility of the pointer object
            visibility.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().enabled = false;             // making object invisible
        } // update
        previousbutton2state = button2;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
            visibility.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().enabled = true;                           // Making object visible again on pressing button 2

    // Generic functionnalities

    //generic function that returns the current mode


    //Haptic workspace generic functions


    //Get Proxy Position and Orientation generic function
    public void GetProxyValues()
        /*Proxy Position*/

        //Convert IntPtr to Double3Array
        myProxyPosition = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyPosition());

        //Attach the Cursor Node
        Vector3 positionCursor = new Vector3();

        positionCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyPosition);

        //Assign Haptic Values to Cursor
        //myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.position = positionCursor;

        //Proxy Right - Not use in that case
        //Convert IntPtr to Double3Array

        /*myProxyRight =  ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyRight());
         * //Attach the Cursor Node
         * Vector3 rightCursor = new Vector3();
         * rightCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyRight);
         * //Proxy Direction
         * //Convert IntPtr to Double3Array
         * myProxyDirection =  ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3( PluginImport.GetProxyDirection());
         * //Attach the Cursor Node
         * Vector3 directionCursor = new Vector3();
         * directionCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyDirection);
         * //Proxy Torque
         * myProxyTorque = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyTorque());
         * //Attach the Cursor Node
         * Vector3 torqueCursor = new Vector3();
         * torqueCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyTorque);
         * //Set Orientation
         * myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(directionCursor,torqueCursor);*/
예제 #5

    public void GetProxyValues()
        //Convert IntPtr to Double3Array
        myProxyPosition = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyPosition());

        //Attach the Cursor Node
        Vector3 positionCursor = new Vector3();

        positionCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyPosition);

        positionCursor.z *= 2f;

        myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.position = positionCursor;

        myProxyOrientation = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble4(PluginImport.GetProxyOrientation());

        //Attach the Cursor Node
        Vector4 OrientationCursor = new Vector4();

        OrientationCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble4ToVector4(myProxyOrientation);

        //Assign Haptic Values to Cursor
        myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(OrientationCursor.x, OrientationCursor.y, OrientationCursor.z, OrientationCursor.w);
예제 #6
    void Update()
        /////////////////////////////////// getting position of Haptic device ///////////////////////
        double[] pos = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyPosition());
        //Vector3 position1 = new Vector3 ((float)pos [2], (float)pos [1], -(float)pos [0]);                   // applying rotation as device is rotated 90 degrees to left... swapping coordinates

        Vector3 position1 = new Vector3((float)pos [0], (float)pos [1], (float)pos [2]);

        position1 = rotation * position1;

        ///////////////////////////////// Instantiation of Targets as Key B is pressed + writing target coordinates to text file //////////////////////////

        button1 = PluginImport.GetButton1State();
        if (button1 && !previousbutton1stateI)
            target [i] = Instantiate(ball);
            target [i].transform.position = new Vector3(i * 0.1f, j * 1.0f, -1.0f);

            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("D:\\log.txt", true)) {
                writer.Write("Position for Target ");
                writer.Write(i + 1);
                writer.Write(" = ");

            if (i > 0)
                Destroy(target [i - 1]);                    // destroying previous targets as the next target is displayed
            j = j + 0.1f;

        previousbutton1stateI = button1;

        button1 = PluginImport.GetButton1State();             // getting state of button 1 on phantom

        ///////////////////////////// routine for writing pointer current position to text file/////////////////////////////////////
        if (button1 && !previousbutton1state)
            if (targetwritecounter > 0)
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("D:\\log.txt", true)) {
                    writer.Write("Hand position for target ");
                    writer.Write(" = ");


        previousbutton1state = button1;

        //////////////////////////////////// Controlling visibility of haptic sphere /////////////////

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))                                         // Controlling invisibility of the pointer object
            visibility.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().enabled = false;           // making object invisible on pressing A

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
            visibility.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().enabled = true;                           // Making object visible again on pressing S

        ////////////////////////// Recentering of Head Set (Occulus)/////////////////////////////////////////
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F12))

        //Haptic Rendering Loop

        ///////////// Origin offset for phantom local coordinates/////////////////////
        position1 [0] = position1 [0] - (-0.2178f);
        position1 [1] = position1 [1] - (-0.8274f);
        position1 [2] = position1 [2] - (-0.0001f);
        Debug.Log("Phantom Coordinates" + position1.ToString("F4"));

        ////////////////// scaling between real world distance and unity distance ///////////////

        position1 [0] = position1 [0] * 0.33f;                             //Real world 10cm = 30cm in unity      // scaling factor10/30
        position1 [1] = position1 [1] * 0.5882f;                           //Real world 10cm = 17cm in unity      // scaling factor10/17
        position1 [2] = position1 [2] * 0.625f;                            //Real world 10cm = 16cm in unity      // scaling factor10/16


        //////////////// Linear transformation from phantom origin to occulus origin /////////////////
        //	position1 [0] = position1 [0]   + 0.006f+ 0.08f;
        position1 [1]      = position1 [1] + 0.63f;
        position1 [2]      = position1 [2] + 0.3f;
        transform.position = position1;
        //Debug.Log ("Phantom Coordinates" + position1.ToString ("F4"));


        ////////////////////////////// Printing Phantom coordinates to console //////////////////////

        //Debug.Log ("Phantom Coordinates" + position1.ToString ("F4"));


        //Debug.Log ("Button 1: " + PluginImport.GetButton1State());
        //Debug.Log ("Button 2: " + PluginImport.GetButton2State());
예제 #7
    void Update()
        //Update Workspace as function of camera
        //PluginImport.UpdateWorkspace(myHapticCamera.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y);//To be deprecated

        //Update the Workspace as function of camera
        for (int i = 0; i < workspaceUpdateValue.Length; i++)
            workspaceUpdateValue[i] = myHapticCamera.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;


        //Update cube workspace

        //Haptic Rendering Loop

        //Associate the cursor object with the haptic proxy value

        //For the Puncture Mode effect
        if (PluginImport.GetMode() == 3)
            //Debug.Log ("Contact state is set to " + PluginImport.GetContact());
            //Debug.Log ("Penetration State " + PluginImport.GetPenetrationRatio());

            double[] myScp = new double[3];
            myScp = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetFirstScpPt());
            //Debug.Log (" SCP " + myScp[0] + " " + myScp[1] + " " + myScp[2]);

            Vector3 posInjectionHole;
            posInjectionHole = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myScp);
            GameObject.Find("InjectionMarker").transform.position = posInjectionHole;

            /*double[] myProx = new double[3];
             * myProx = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyPosition());
             * Vector3 posProx;
             * posProx = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProx);
             * GameObject.Find ("ProxyTipMarker").transform.position = posProx;*/

            /*double[] myDev = new double[3];
             * myDev = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetDevicePosition());
             * Vector3 posDevice;
             * posDevice = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myDev);
             * GameObject.Find ("DeviceTipMarker").transform.position = posDevice;*/

            double[] myPinch = new double[3];
            myPinch = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetPunctureDirection());

            Vector3 start = new Vector3();
            start = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myScp);
            Vector3 end = new Vector3();
            end = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myPinch);

            Debug.DrawLine(start, start + end * maxPenetration, Color.green);

            //Ray Cast so we can determine the limitation of the puncture
            RaycastHit[] hits;
            hits = Physics.RaycastAll(start, end, maxPenetration);

            if (hits.Length != 0)
                //Declare a float array to store the tissue layer
                float[] tissueLayers = new float[hits.Length];
                //Declare a string array to store the name of the tissue layer
                string[] punctObjects = new string[hits.Length];
                int      nbLayer      = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)
                    RaycastHit hit = hits[i];

                    //Only if the object is declared as touchable
                    if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Touchable")
                        tissueLayers[nbLayer] = hit.distance;
                        punctObjects[nbLayer] = hit.collider.name;

                /*Declaration of the Puncture Stack
                 * Additionally, on the basis of the puncture stack components, the plugin setup a penetration restriction
                 * - due to the fact that Proxy Method along such constraint line is not accurate - most probably due to the fact
                 * that device position and proxy position differ because the constraint applies forces onto the device.
                 * So, the plugin impedes the proxy to penetrate in underlying layer when their popthrough values is null
                SetPunctureStack(nbLayer, punctObjects, tissueLayers);
예제 #8
    //Get Proxy Position and Orientation generic function
    public void GetProxyValues(bool useTransform)
        /*Proxy Position*/

        //Convert IntPtr to Double3Array
        myProxyPosition = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyPosition());

        //Attach the Cursor Node
        Vector3 positionCursor = new Vector3();

        positionCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyPosition);

        positionCursor.z *= 2f;

        //Vector3 movement = positionCursor - rb.position;

        if (useTransform)
            myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.position = positionCursor;

        //myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.position = positionCursor;

         * if (movement.magnitude > 0.1)
         * {
         *  positionCursor = myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.position;//movement.normalized * 0.01f + myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.position;
         * }*/

        //rb.velocity = new Vector3(0,0,0);
        //if (movement.magnitude > 0.1)
        //rb.velocity = movement * Time.deltaTime * 500;

        //else rb.velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        //rb.position = positionCursor;
        //rb.AddForce((rb.gameObject.transform.position - positionCursor) * 5, ForceMode.VelocityChange);

        //Proxy Right - Not use in that case
        //Convert IntPtr to Double3Array

        /*myProxyRight =  ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyRight());
         *      //Attach the Cursor Node
         *      Vector3 rightCursor = new Vector3();
         *      rightCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyRight);
         *      //Proxy Direction
         *      //Convert IntPtr to Double3Array
         *      myProxyDirection =  ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3( PluginImport.GetProxyDirection());
         *      //Attach the Cursor Node
         *      Vector3 directionCursor = new Vector3();
         *      directionCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyDirection);
         *      //Proxy Torque
         *      myProxyTorque = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble3(PluginImport.GetProxyTorque());
         *      //Attach the Cursor Node
         *      Vector3 torqueCursor = new Vector3();
         *      torqueCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble3ToVector3(myProxyTorque);
         *      //Set Orientation
         *      myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(directionCursor,torqueCursor);*/

        //Proxy Orientation
        //Convert IntPtr to Double4Array
        myProxyOrientation = ConverterClass.ConvertIntPtrToDouble4(PluginImport.GetProxyOrientation());

        //Attach the Cursor Node
        Vector4 OrientationCursor = new Vector4();

        OrientationCursor = ConverterClass.ConvertDouble4ToVector4(myProxyOrientation);

        //Assign Haptic Values to Cursor
        if (useTransform)
            myHapticClassScript.hapticCursor.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(OrientationCursor.x, OrientationCursor.y, OrientationCursor.z, OrientationCursor.w);
            rb.MoveRotation(new Quaternion(OrientationCursor.x, OrientationCursor.y, OrientationCursor.z, OrientationCursor.w));