예제 #1
        private static void TestDgemv()
            Skip.IfNot(TestSettings.TestMkl, TestSettings.MessageWhenSkippingMKL);

            CBLAS_LAYOUT    layout = CBLAS_LAYOUT.CblasColMajor;
            CBLAS_TRANSPOSE transA = CBLAS_TRANSPOSE.CblasNoTrans;
            double          alpha  = 1.0;
            double          beta   = 0.0;
            int             incX   = 1;
            int             incY   = 1;
            int             m      = RectangularFullRank10by5.NumRows;
            int             n      = RectangularFullRank10by5.NumCols;
            int             ldA    = m;

            double[] A = Conversions.Array2DToFullColMajor(RectangularFullRank10by5.Matrix);
            double[] X = RectangularFullRank10by5.Lhs5;
            double[] Y = new double[m];
            LapackePInvokes.Dgemv(layout, transA, m, n, alpha, A, ldA, X, incX, beta, Y, incY);

            comparer.AssertEqual(RectangularFullRank10by5.Rhs10, Y);
예제 #2
        internal static void TestDgetrf_Dgetrs()
            Skip.IfNot(TestSettings.TestMkl, TestSettings.MessageWhenSkippingMKL);

            int  layout = LapackePInvokes.LAPACK_COL_MAJOR;
            char transA = LapackePInvokes.LAPACK_NO_TRANSPOSE;
            int  m      = SquareInvertible10by10.Order;
            int  n      = m;
            int  minDim = m < n ? m : n;
            int  ldA    = m;

            double[] A    = Conversions.Array2DToFullColMajor(SquareInvertible10by10.Matrix); // will be overwritten with LU
            int[]    iPiv = new int[minDim];
            int      nRhs = 1;

            double[] B = new double[n];
            Array.Copy(SquareInvertible10by10.Rhs, B, n); // will be overwritten with solution
            int ldB = n;

            int infoFact = LapackUtilities.DefaultInfo;

            infoFact = LapackePInvokes.Dgetrf(layout, m, n, A, ldA, iPiv);
            Assert.True(infoFact == 0);
            //Console.Write("LAPACKE.Dgetrf() result: ");
            //if (infoFact == MklUtilities.DefaultInfo)
            //    // first check the default info value, since it lies in the other intervals.
            //    // info == default => the MKL call did not succeed.
            //    // info > 0 should not be returned at all by MKL, but it is here for completion.
            //    Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong with the MKL call."
            //        + " Please contact the developer responsible for the linear algebra project.");
            //else if (infoFact < 0)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"The {-infoFact}th parameter has an illegal value."
            //        + " Please contact the developer responsible for the linear algebra project.");
            //else if (infoFact > 0)
            //    Console.WriteLine("The factorization has been completed, but U is singular."
            //        + $" The first zero pivot is U[{infoFact - 1}, {infoFact - 1}] = 0.");
            //else Console.WriteLine("LAPACKE.Dgetrf() was successful");

            int infoSolve = LapackUtilities.DefaultInfo;

            infoSolve = LapackePInvokes.Dgetrs(layout, transA, n, nRhs, A, ldA, iPiv, B, ldB);
            Assert.True(infoSolve == 0);
            //Console.Write("LAPACKE.Dgetrs() result: ");
            //if (infoSolve == MklUtilities.DefaultInfo)
            //    // first check the default info value, since it lies in the other intervals.
            //    // info == default => the MKL call did not succeed.
            //    // info > 0 should not be returned at all by MKL, but it is here for completion.
            //    Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong with the MKL call."
            //        + " Please contact the developer responsible for the linear algebra project.");
            //else if (infoSolve < 0)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"The {-infoSolve}th parameter has an illegal value."
            //        + " Please contact the developer responsible for the linear algebra project.");
            comparer.AssertEqual(SquareInvertible10by10.Lhs, B);