예제 #1
         * Recursive function responsible for transforming a node (and its children)
         * into a DOM structure
         * @param currentNode
         *            Node to be transformed
         * @param rootDOMNode
         *            DOM node in which the elements must be attached

        private static void writeNodeInDOM(ConversationNode currentNode, XmlNode rootDOMNode)
            // Extract the document
            XmlDocument document = rootDOMNode.OwnerDocument;

            // If the node is a DialogueNode write the lines one after another, and then the child (or the mark if it is no
            // child)
            if (currentNode.getType() == ConversationNodeViewEnum.DIALOGUE)
                // For each line of the node
                for (int i = 0; i < currentNode.getLineCount(); i++)
                    // Create a phrase element, and extract the actual text line
                    XmlElement       phrase;
                    XmlNode          conditionsNode = null;
                    ConversationLine line           = currentNode.getLine(i);

                    // If the line belongs to the player, create a "speak-player" element. Otherwise, if it belongs to a
                    // NPC,
                    // create a "speak-char" element, which will have an attribute "idTarget" with the name of the
                    // non-playable character,
                    // if there is no name the attribute won't be written
                    if (line.isPlayerLine())
                        phrase = document.CreateElement("speak-player");
                        phrase = document.CreateElement("speak-char");
                        if (!line.getName().Equals("NPC"))
                            phrase.SetAttribute("idTarget", line.getName());

                    // Add the line text into the element
                    phrase.InnerText = (line.getText());

                    //If there is audio track, store it as attribute
                    if (line.isValidAudio())
                        phrase.SetAttribute("uri", line.getAudioPath());
                    //If there is a synthesizer valid voice, store it as attribute
                    if (line.getSynthesizerVoice())
                        phrase.SetAttribute("synthesize", "yes");

                    // Add the element to the DOM root

                    // Create conditions for current effect
                    DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(rootDOMNode, line.getConditions());

                // Check if the node is terminal
                if (currentNode.isTerminal())
                    // If it is terminal add a "end-conversation" element
                    XmlElement endConversation = document.CreateElement("end-conversation");

                    // Add the "end-conversation" tag into the root

                    // If the terminal node has an effect, include it into the DOM
                    if (currentNode.hasEffects())
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(endConversation, currentNode.getEffects());
                    // If the node isn't terminal, check if it performing a "go-back" (going back to the inmediatly upper
                    // OptionNode)
                    if (TreeConversation.thereIsGoBackTag(currentNode))
                        // If it is the case, add a "go-back" element
                        // Otherwise, if the node has a child, call the recursive function with the child node, and the same
                        // DOM root node
                        writeNodeInDOM(currentNode.getChild(0), rootDOMNode);

            // If the node is a OptionNode write a "response" element, and inside it a "option" element with its content
            else if (currentNode.getType() == ConversationNodeViewEnum.OPTION)
                // Create the "response" element
                XmlElement response = document.CreateElement("response");
                // Adds a random attribute if "random" is activate in conversation node data
                if (((OptionConversationNode)currentNode).isRandom())
                    response.SetAttribute("random", "yes");
                // For each line of the node (we suppose the number of line equals the number of links, or children nodes)
                for (int i = 0; i < currentNode.getLineCount(); i++)
                    // Create the "option" element
                    XmlElement       optionElement = document.CreateElement("option");
                    ConversationLine line          = currentNode.getLine(i);
                    // Create the actual option (a "speak-player" element) and add its respective text
                    XmlElement lineElement = document.CreateElement("speak-player");
                    lineElement.InnerText = currentNode.getLine(i).getText();

                    //If there is audio track, store it as attribute
                    if (line.isValidAudio())
                        lineElement.SetAttribute("uri", line.getAudioPath());
                    //If there is a synthesizer valid voice, store it as attribute
                    if (line.getSynthesizerVoice())
                        lineElement.SetAttribute("synthesize", "yes");

                    // Insert the text line in the option node

                    // Call the recursive function, to write in the "option" node the appropiate elements
                    // Note that the root DOM node is the "option" element
                    writeNodeInDOM(currentNode.getChild(i), optionElement);

                    // Add the "option" element
                // If the terminal node has an effect, include it into the DOM
                if (currentNode.hasEffects())
                    DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(response, currentNode.getEffects());

                // Add the element
예제 #2
         * Returns true if the audio path is valid. That is when it is not null and
         * different to ""

        public bool isValidAudio()
예제 #3
        private void FillNode(XmlNode toFill, GraphConversation graphConversation, params IDOMWriterParam[] options)
            XmlElement conversationElement = toFill as XmlElement;

            // Get the complete node list
            List <ConversationNode> nodes = graphConversation.getAllNodes();

            // Create the necessary elements to create the DOM
            XmlDocument doc = Writer.GetDoc();

            // Create the root node
            conversationElement.SetAttribute("id", graphConversation.getId());

            // For each node
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                ConversationNode node = nodes[i];

                XmlElement nodeElement    = null;
                XmlNode    conditionsNode = null;

                // If the node is a dialogue node
                if (node is DialogueConversationNode)
                    // Create the node element and set the nodeindex
                    nodeElement = doc.CreateElement("dialogue-node");
                    nodeElement.SetAttribute("nodeindex", i.ToString());
                    // Adds a random attribute if "keepShowing" is activate in conversation node data
                    if (((DialogueConversationNode)node).isKeepShowing())
                        nodeElement.SetAttribute("keepShowing", "yes");
                    if (node.getEditorX() != -1)
                        nodeElement.SetAttribute("editor-x", node.getEditorX().ToString());
                    if (node.getEditorY() != -1)
                        nodeElement.SetAttribute("editor-y", node.getEditorY().ToString());
                    // For each line of the node
                    for (int j = 0; j < node.getLineCount(); j++)
                        // Create a phrase element, and extract the actual text line
                        XmlElement       phrase;
                        ConversationLine line = node.getLine(j);

                        // If the line belongs to the player, create a "speak-player" element. Otherwise, if it belongs
                        // to a NPC,
                        // create a "speak-char" element, which will have an attribute "idTarget" with the name of the
                        // non-playable character,
                        // if there is no name the attribute won't be written
                        if (line.isPlayerLine())
                            phrase = doc.CreateElement("speak-player");
                            phrase = doc.CreateElement("speak-char");
                            if (!line.getName().Equals("NPC"))
                                phrase.SetAttribute("idTarget", line.getName());

                        //If there is audio track, store it as attribute
                        if (line.isValidAudio())
                            phrase.SetAttribute("uri", line.getAudioPath());
                        //If there is a synthesizer valid voice, store it as attribute
                        if (line.getSynthesizerVoice())
                            phrase.SetAttribute("synthesize", "yes");

                        // Add the line text into the element
                        phrase.InnerText = (line.getText());

                        // Add the element to the node

                        // Create conditions for current effect
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(nodeElement, line.getConditions());

                    // Check if the node is terminal
                    if (node.isTerminal())
                        // If it is terminal add a "end-conversation" element
                        XmlElement endConversation = doc.CreateElement("end-conversation");

                        // If the terminal node has an effect, include it into the DOM
                        if (node.hasEffects())
                            DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(endConversation, node.getEffects());

                        // Add the "end-conversation" tag into the node
                        // Otherwise, if the node has a child, add the element
                        XmlElement childElement = doc.CreateElement("child");

                        // Add the number of the child node (index of the node in the structure)
                        childElement.SetAttribute("nodeindex", nodes.IndexOf(node.getChild(0)).ToString());

                        // Insert the tag into the node

                        // TODO MODIFIED
                        // If the terminal node has an effect, include it into the DOM
                        if (node.hasEffects())
                            DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(nodeElement, node.getEffects());

                // If the node is a option node
                if (node is OptionConversationNode)
                    // Create the node element and set the nodeindex
                    nodeElement = doc.CreateElement("option-node");
                    nodeElement.SetAttribute("nodeindex", i.ToString());
                    // Adds a random attribute if "random" is activate in conversation node data
                    if (((OptionConversationNode)node).isRandom())
                        nodeElement.SetAttribute("random", "yes");
                    // Adds a random attribute if "keepShowing" is activate in conversation node data
                    if (((OptionConversationNode)node).isKeepShowing())
                        nodeElement.SetAttribute("keepShowing", "yes");
                    // Adds a random attribute if "showUserOption" is activate in conversation node data
                    if (((OptionConversationNode)node).isShowUserOption())
                        nodeElement.SetAttribute("showUserOption", "yes");
                    // Adds a random attribute if "preListening" is activate in conversation node data
                    if (((OptionConversationNode)node).isPreListening())
                        nodeElement.SetAttribute("preListening", "yes");
                    if (node.getEditorX() != -1)
                        nodeElement.SetAttribute("editor-x", node.getEditorX().ToString());
                    if (node.getEditorY() != -1)
                        nodeElement.SetAttribute("editor-y", node.getEditorY().ToString());
                    // Adds the x position of the options conversations node
                    nodeElement.SetAttribute("x", ((OptionConversationNode)node).getX().ToString());
                    // Adds a random attribute if "preListening" is activate in conversation node data
                    nodeElement.SetAttribute("y", ((OptionConversationNode)node).getY().ToString());

                    // For each line of the node
                    for (int j = 0; j < node.getLineCount(); j++)
                        // Take the current conversation line
                        ConversationLine line = node.getLine(j);

                        // Create the actual option (a "speak-player" element) and add its respective text
                        XmlElement lineElement = doc.CreateElement("speak-player");
                        lineElement.InnerText = (node.getLine(j).getText());

                        //If there is audio track, store it as attribute
                        if (line.isValidAudio())
                            lineElement.SetAttribute("uri", line.getAudioPath());
                        //If there is a synthesizer valid voice, store it as attribute
                        if (line.getSynthesizerVoice())
                            lineElement.SetAttribute("synthesize", "yes");

                        // Create a child tag, and set it the index of the child
                        XmlElement childElement = doc.CreateElement("child");
                        childElement.SetAttribute("nodeindex", nodes.IndexOf(node.getChild(j)).ToString());

                        // Insert the text line in the option node
                        // Add conditions associated to that effect
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(nodeElement, line.getConditions());
                        // Insert child tag
                    // If node has an effect, include it into the DOM
                    if (node.hasEffects())
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(nodeElement, node.getEffects());

                // Add the node to the conversation