public static bool EnrollAPatient(string PatientID, EnrollPatientData PatientData) { bool isEnrollSuccessful = false; if (Control_PropertyUtilities.GetText(DL_PatientsPage.SelectedPatient) != PatientID) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of Patient on selecting a patient.", "Patient detail is not displayed as " + PatientID + " on the screen.", string.Empty); return(false); } string status = Control_PropertyUtilities.GetText(DL_PatientsPage.SelectedPatientStatus); if (status != "Screened") { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of Patient status on patient details screen.", "Patient status detail is displayed as " + status + " on the screen.", string.Empty); return(false); } if (BP_ActionPaletteUtilities.InvokeActionPaletteLink("Enroll Patient", DL_PatientsPage.GetPatientActionPaletteID("Patient Actions"))) { if (FillEnrollPatientCRF(PatientData)) { //Control_ActionUtilities.Click(DL_PatientsPage.EntryCompleteChkBox, "Unable to select Entry Complete checkbox."); isEnrollSuccessful = Control_ActionUtilities.SubmitSaveNCloseButton(DL_CRFPage.SaveNCloseButton_CRF, "Unable to Enroll patient."); } } if (isEnrollSuccessful) { status = Control_PropertyUtilities.GetText(DL_PatientsPage.SelectedPatientStatus); if (status != "Enrolled") { isEnrollSuccessful = false; } } return(isEnrollSuccessful); }
public static bool VerifyTagsInXMLFile(string FileName, List <XMLData> TagsTable) { try { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); string FilePath = GetXMLFilePath(FileName); xmlDoc.Load(FilePath); XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//*"); if (nodes.Count != TagsTable.Count) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of tags in XML file.", "Tags count in test input is not matching with tags in XML file.", string.Empty); return(false); } int counter = 0; foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { if (node.Name.Trim() != TagsTable[counter].TagName.Trim()) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of tags in XML file.", "Tags in test input is not matching with tags in XML file.", string.Empty); return(false); } counter++; } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } }
public static bool AddCommentsToAFlatQuestion(string QuestionPrompt, string Comments) { try { if (SelectAddCommentElementForFlatQuestion(QuestionPrompt)) { BrowserUtilities.SwitchToFrame(); string QuestText = Control_PropertyUtilities.GetText(DL_CRFPage.GetQuestionOnAddCommentModal); if (!QuestText.Contains(QuestionPrompt)) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verify question prompt on add comments modal.", "Question is not displayed correctly", string.Empty); return(false); } IControl CommentsTextBox = DL_CRFPage.GetTextAreaOnAddCommentModal; Control_ActionUtilities.Textbox_SetText(CommentsTextBox, Comments, "Unable to set comments for the question " + QuestionPrompt); IControl SaveButton = DL_CRFPage.GetButtonOnAddCommentModal("Save"); Control_ActionUtilities.ClickModalButton(SaveButton); BrowserUtilities.SwitchToWindow(); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { new DebugLogGenerator().WriteException(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, e); } return(false); }
public static bool VerifyAttributesInExpectedAndActualXMLNodes(XmlNode ExpNode, XmlNode ActNode, string TagName) { try { XmlAttributeCollection ExpAttCol = ExpNode.Attributes; XmlAttributeCollection ActAttCol = ActNode.Attributes; if (ExpAttCol.Count != ActAttCol.Count) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of attributes in xml tag", "Number of attributes/fields for " + TagName + " in expected and actual xml data files is not matching.", string.Empty); return(false); } foreach (XmlAttribute expAtt in ExpAttCol) { string ExpAttName = expAtt.Name; XmlAttribute ActAtt = ActNode.Attributes[ExpAttName]; if (ActAtt != null) { if (ActAtt.Value != expAtt.Value) { return(false); } } else { return(false); } } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } }
public static bool CompareDataIn2XMLFiles(string xmlFileNameFromProject, string xmlFileNameFromTestFolder, List <string> TagsToExclude, List <string> FieldsToExclude, out string FailMsg) { FailMsg = ""; try { string ActTagName, ExpTagName; XmlDocument xmlDocFromProject = LoadAndGetXMLDocFromProject(xmlFileNameFromProject); XmlDocument xmlDocFromTestFolder = LoadAndGetXMLDocFromFileLocation(xmlFileNameFromTestFolder); if (xmlDocFromProject != null && xmlDocFromTestFolder != null) { XmlNodeList nodes1 = xmlDocFromProject.SelectNodes("//*"); XmlNodeList nodes2 = xmlDocFromTestFolder.SelectNodes("//*"); if (nodes1.Count != nodes2.Count) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of data in XML files", "Number of tags in actual and expected XML files is not matching.", string.Empty); FailMsg = "Number of tags in actual and expected XML files is not matching."; return(false); } for (int counter = 0; counter < nodes1.Count; counter++) { ActTagName = nodes1[counter].Name; ExpTagName = nodes2[counter].Name; if (!TagsToExclude.Contains(ActTagName) && (ActTagName == ExpTagName)) { if (!VerifyAttributesInExpectedAndActualXMLNodes(nodes1[counter], nodes2[counter], FieldsToExclude)) { FailMsg = "Fields in tag " + ActTagName + " are not matching."; return(false); } } } return(true); } else { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of data in XML files", "XML file is not loaded properly.", string.Empty); FailMsg = "XML file is not loaded properly.."; return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { new DebugLogGenerator().WriteException(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, e); return(false); } }
public static bool CompareNodesCountInExpectedAndActualXMLs(XmlNodeList ExpNodesList, XmlNodeList ActNodeList, string TagName) { if (ExpNodesList.Count == 0) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of data in actual and expected xml files.", "The tag " + TagName + " is not displayed in expected XML data file.", string.Empty); return(false); } if (ActNodeList.Count == 0) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of data in actual and expected xml files.", "The tag " + TagName + " is not displayed in actual XML data file.", string.Empty); return(false); } if (ExpNodesList.Count != ActNodeList.Count) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of data in actual and expected xml files.", "The number of tags " + TagName + " is not matching in expected and actual XML data files.", string.Empty); return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool VerifyTagsInXMLFile(string xmlFileNameFromProject, string xmlFileNameFromTestFolder) { try { XmlDocument xmlDocFromProject = LoadAndGetXMLDocFromProject(xmlFileNameFromProject); XmlDocument xmlDocFromTestFolder = LoadAndGetXMLDocFromProject(xmlFileNameFromTestFolder); if (xmlDocFromProject != null && xmlDocFromTestFolder != null) { XmlNodeList nodes1 = xmlDocFromProject.SelectNodes("//*"); XmlNodeList nodes2 = xmlDocFromTestFolder.SelectNodes("//*"); if (nodes1.Count != nodes2.Count) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of tags in XML file.", "Tags count in XML file in project and XML file in test location are not matching.", string.Empty); return(false); } int counter = 0; foreach (XmlNode node in nodes1) { if (node.Name.Trim() != nodes2[counter].Name.Trim()) { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Verification of tags in XML file.", "Tags in XML file in project and XML file in test location are not matching.", string.Empty); return(false); } counter++; } return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { new DebugLogGenerator().WriteException(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, e); return(false); } }
public static void AddCommentsToTableQuestionsInCRF(string TableName, List <AddCommentsForQuestion> QuestionData) { string PrevRow = ""; foreach (AddCommentsForQuestion Data in QuestionData) { int rowNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Data.RowNumber); IControl Table = DL_CRFPage.GetTableInCRF(TableName, rowNumber); if (Table != null && Table.WebElement != null) { IControl TableRow = DL_CRFPage.GetRowOfTableInCRF(Table, Data.RowNumber); if (TableRow != null && TableRow.WebElement != null) { if (PrevRow != Data.RowNumber) { ExpandTableRow(TableName, rowNumber); //ExpandOrCollapseATableRow(TableRow, "Collapsed"); } AddCommentsToATableQuestion(TableRow, Data); if (Data.RowButtonToClick != string.Empty) { //ClickButtonOnTableRow(TableRow, Data.RowButtonToClick); ClickTableButtonForExpandedRow(TableName, Data.RowButtonToClick); } PrevRow = Data.RowNumber; } else { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Table row #" + Data.RowNumber + " not found.", "", ""); } } else { Control_ActionUtilities.LogException("Table with name " + TableName + " is not found.", "", ""); } } }