예제 #1
        public String CompareControlPoints(Beam b1, Beam b2, string DELIM)
        {// only do this if the number of control points are the same.
            String r       = "";
            float  epsilon = (float)0.001;
            //List<double> x1jaws = new List<double>();
            //List<double> x2jaws = new List<double>();
            //List<double> y1jaws = new List<double>();
            //List<double> y2jaws = new List<double>();

            List <double> CollAngle1 = new List <double>();
            List <double> CollAngle2 = new List <double>();

            ControlPointCollection ctrl_colls1 = b1.ControlPoints;
            ControlPointCollection ctrl_colls2 = b2.ControlPoints;
            double MU1 = b1.Meterset.Value;
            double MU2 = b2.Meterset.Value;

            int           nctrls          = ctrl_colls1.Count();
            int           MLCDiffTally    = 0;
            List <double> DeltaMU         = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaCol        = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> CouchAngle1     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> CouchAngle2     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaCouchAngle = new List <double>(nctrls);

            List <double> DeltaJawsX1 = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaJawsX2 = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaJawsY1 = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaJawsY2 = new List <double>(nctrls);

            List <double> DeltaMUs = new List <double>(nctrls);

            List <double> CouchVrt1     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> CouchVrt2     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaCouchVrt = new List <double>(nctrls);

            List <double> CouchLng1     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> CouchLng2     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaCouchLng = new List <double>(nctrls);

            List <double> CouchLat1     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> CouchLat2     = new List <double>(nctrls);
            List <double> DeltaCouchLat = new List <double>(nctrls);

            for (int i = 1; i <= nctrls - 1; i++)
                ControlPoint ctrl1  = ctrl_colls1[i];
                ControlPoint ctrl2  = ctrl_colls2[i];
                double       segMU1 = MU1 * (ctrl1.MetersetWeight - ctrl_colls1[i - 1].MetersetWeight);
                double       segMU2 = MU2 * (ctrl2.MetersetWeight - ctrl_colls2[i - 1].MetersetWeight);

                DeltaMU.Add(segMU1 - segMU2);

                DeltaCol.Add(ctrl1.CollimatorAngle - ctrl2.CollimatorAngle);

                DeltaCouchAngle.Add(ctrl1.PatientSupportAngle - ctrl2.PatientSupportAngle);

                DeltaCouchVrt.Add(ctrl1.TableTopVerticalPosition - ctrl2.TableTopVerticalPosition);

                DeltaCouchLng.Add(ctrl1.TableTopLongitudinalPosition - ctrl2.TableTopLongitudinalPosition);

                DeltaCouchLat.Add(ctrl1.TableTopLateralPosition - ctrl2.TableTopLateralPosition);

                MLCDiffTally += CompareMLCSequences(ctrl1, ctrl2);

                //DeltaLeafs.Add(ctrl1.LeafPositions[0,0] - ctrl2.LeafPositions[0,0]);

                VRect <double> jaws1 = ctrl1.JawPositions;
                VRect <double> jaws2 = ctrl2.JawPositions;

                DeltaJawsX1.Add((jaws1.X1 - jaws2.X1) / 10);
                DeltaJawsX2.Add((jaws1.X2 - jaws2.X2) / 10);
                DeltaJawsY1.Add((jaws1.Y1 - jaws2.Y1) / 10);
                DeltaJawsY2.Add((jaws1.Y2 - jaws2.Y2) / 10);
            r += ShowCPDifference(DeltaMU, "MU", epsilon, DELIM);

            r += ReturnCPParameterComparison(CollAngle1, CollAngle2, DeltaCol, "Collimator angle", DELIM);
            r += ReturnCPParameterComparison(CouchAngle1, CouchAngle2, DeltaCouchAngle, "Couch angle", DELIM);
            r += ReturnCPParameterComparison(CouchVrt1, CouchVrt2, DeltaCouchVrt, "Couch Vrt", DELIM);
            r += ReturnCPParameterComparison(CouchLng1, CouchLng2, DeltaCouchLng, "Couch Lng", DELIM);
            r += ReturnCPParameterComparison(CouchLat1, CouchLat2, DeltaCouchLat, "Couch Lat", DELIM);

            if (MLCDiffTally > 0)
                r += "Check - Differences found among leaf positions: " + MLCDiffTally + " different leaf pairs found. " + DELIM;
                r += "OK - All control points show the same leaf positions" + DELIM;

            r += ShowCPDifference(DeltaJawsX1, "X1 jaw", epsilon, DELIM);
            r += ShowCPDifference(DeltaJawsX2, "X2 jaw", epsilon, DELIM);
            r += ShowCPDifference(DeltaJawsY1, "Y1 jaw", epsilon, DELIM);

            DELIM = (Environment.NewLine).PadRight(10);
            r    += ShowCPDifference(DeltaJawsY2, "Y2 jaw", epsilon, DELIM);

 private void getCP_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     //loop through the ffields
     foreach (Beam b in ps.Beams)
     //for (int ll = 0; ll < ps.Beams.Count(); ll++)
         //Beam b = ps.Beams[ll];
         //List<cpInfo> cps = new List<cpInfo>();
         fields.Add(new FieldInfo
             FieldId = b.Id,
             cpInfos = new List <cpInfo>(),
             Ebmp    = new ExternalBeamMachineParameters(b.TreatmentUnit.Id, b.EnergyModeDisplayName,
                                                         b.DoseRate, b.Technique.Id, null),
             collAngle        = b.ControlPoints.First().CollimatorAngle,
             gantry           = b.ControlPoints.First().GantryAngle,
             couch            = b.ControlPoints.First().PatientSupportAngle,
             isocenter        = b.IsocenterPosition,
             bp               = b.GetEditableParameters(),
             MU               = b.Meterset,
             gantry_direction = b.GantryDirection,
             gantry_stop      = b.GantryDirection == 0 ? b.ControlPoints.First().GantryAngle :
         if (b.Applicator != null)
             fields.Last().applicator = b.Applicator;
         ControlPointCollection cpc = b.ControlPoints;
         //loop through control pointss and add to cps
         for (int cp = 0; cp < cpc.Count(); cp++)
             //create a new instance of cpc
             fields.Last().cpInfos.Add(new cpInfo
                 cpId      = cp,
                 cpDetails = new List <cpDetail>(),
                 meterSet  = cpc[cp].MetersetWeight,
             float[,] leaf_positions = cpc[cp].LeafPositions;
             for (int i = 0; i < leaf_positions.GetLength(1); i++)
                 fields.Last().cpInfos.Last().cpDetails.Add(new cpDetail
                     leaffNum = i,
                     //1 is a and 0 is b.
                     leafA = leaf_positions[1, i], //+10, //replace 10mm with leaf shifts
                     leafB = leaf_positions[0, i]  // +10 //replace 10mm with leaf shifts.
     //make sure you got sosme controlpoints.
     if (fields.Count() != 0)
         fieldnum = 0; cp_num = 0;
         cp_dg.ItemsSource = fields.First().cpInfos.First().cpDetails;
         fieldId.Content = fields.First().FieldId;
         cpId.Content    = String.Format("CP: {0}; MeterSet:{1}",
                                         fields.First().cpInfos.First().cpId, fields.First().cpInfos.First().meterSet);