private void SendHttpRequest()
            // Tie the transport method to the ControlChannelTrigger object to push enable it.
            // Note that if the transport's TCP connection is broken at a later point of time,
            // the ControlChannelTrigger object can be reused to plug in a new transport by
            // calling UsingTransport again.
            Diag.DebugPrint("Calling UsingTransport() ...");

            // Call the SendRequestAsync function to kick start the TCP connection establishment
            // process for this HTTP request.
            Diag.DebugPrint("Calling SendRequestAsync() ...");
            sendRequestOperation            = httpClient.SendRequestAsync(httpRequest, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead);
            sendRequestOperation.Completed += OnSendRequestCompleted;

            // Call WaitForPushEnabled API to make sure the TCP connection has been established,
            // which will mean that the OS will have allocated any hardware or software slot for this TCP connection.

            ControlChannelTriggerStatus status = channel.WaitForPushEnabled();

            Diag.DebugPrint("WaitForPushEnabled() completed with status: " + status);
            if (status != ControlChannelTriggerStatus.HardwareSlotAllocated &&
                status != ControlChannelTriggerStatus.SoftwareSlotAllocated)
                throw new Exception("Hardware/Software slot not allocated");

            Diag.DebugPrint("Transport is ready to read response from server.");
        private void SendHttpRequest()
            if (httpRequest == null)
                throw new Exception("HttpRequest object is null");

            // Tie the transport method to the controlchanneltrigger object to push enable it.
            // Note that if the transport's TCP connection is broken at a later point of time,
            // the controlchanneltrigger object can be reused to plugin a new transport by
            // calling UsingTransport API again.
            Diag.DebugPrint("Calling UsingTransport() ...");

            // Call the SendAsync function to kick start the TCP connection establishment
            // process for this http request.
            Task <HttpResponseMessage> httpResponseTask = httpClient.SendAsync(httpRequest);

            // Call WaitForPushEnabled API to make sure the TCP connection has been established,
            // which will mean that the OS will have allocated any hardware slot for this TCP connection.
            ControlChannelTriggerStatus status = channel.WaitForPushEnabled();

            Diag.DebugPrint("WaitForPushEnabled() completed with status: " + status);
            if (status != ControlChannelTriggerStatus.HardwareSlotAllocated &&
                status != ControlChannelTriggerStatus.SoftwareSlotAllocated)
                throw new Exception("Hardware/Software slot not allocated");

            Diag.DebugPrint("In SetupHttpRequestAndSendToHttpServer httpResponse is prepared to read response from server.");

            // IMPORTANT: This sample is noticably different from other transports based on ControlChannelTrigger
            // The HttpClient receive callback is delivered via a Task to the app since the HttpClient code is purely
            // managed code based. This means push notification task will fire as soon as the data or error is dispatched
            // to the application. Hence, in this sample we Enqueue the responseTask returned by httpClient.sendAsync
            // into a queue that the push notify task will pick up and process inline.