private PiecewiseLinearFunction GetColorScale(ContourQuery contourQuery) { DataTable colorScale; using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { string query = "SELECT " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Value, " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Color " + "FROM " + " ContourColorScale JOIN " + " ContourColorScalePoint ON ContourColorScalePoint.ContourColorScaleID = ContourColorScale.ID " + "WHERE ContourColorScale.Name = {0} " + "ORDER BY ContourColorScalePoint.OrderID"; colorScale = conn.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); } double[] colorDomain = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => row.ConvertField <double>("Value")) .ToArray(); double[] colorRange = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => (double)(uint)row.ConvertField <int>("Color")) .ToArray(); return(new PiecewiseLinearFunction() .SetDomain(colorDomain) .SetRange(colorRange)); }
private ContourTileData GetContourTileData(ContourQuery contourQuery) { string key = new ConnectionStringParser().ComposeConnectionString(contourQuery); ContourTileData contourTileData = new ContourTileData(); CacheItemPolicy cacheItemPolicy = new CacheItemPolicy() { SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1) }; contourTileData = (ContourTileData)s_contourDataCache.AddOrGetExisting(key, contourTileData, cacheItemPolicy) ?? contourTileData; if ((object)contourTileData.IDWFunction != null && (object)contourTileData.ColorFunction != null) { return(contourTileData); } using (ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false)) { ManualResetEvent cachedWaitHandle = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref contourTileData.WaitHandle, waitHandle, null); try { try { if ((object)cachedWaitHandle != null) { cachedWaitHandle.WaitOne(); return(contourTileData); } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { return(contourTileData); } List <TrendingDataLocation> locations = GetFrameFromDailySummary(contourQuery); Func <double, double> colorFunction = GetColorScale(contourQuery); IDWFunc idwFunction = GetIDWFunction(contourQuery, locations); if (locations.Any()) { double latDif = locations.Max(location => location.Latitude) - locations.Min(location => location.Latitude); double lonDif = locations.Max(location => location.Longitude) - locations.Min(location => location.Longitude); contourTileData.MinLatitude = locations.Min(location => location.Latitude) - (latDif * 0.1D); contourTileData.MaxLatitude = locations.Max(location => location.Latitude) + (latDif * 0.1D); contourTileData.MinLongitude = locations.Min(location => location.Longitude) - (lonDif * 0.1D); contourTileData.MaxLongitude = locations.Max(location => location.Longitude) + (lonDif * 0.1D); } contourTileData.IDWFunction = idwFunction; contourTileData.ColorFunction = colorFunction; return(contourTileData); } finally { waitHandle.Set(); } } }
private List <TrendingDataLocation> GetFrameFromDailySummary(ContourQuery contourQuery) { List <TrendingDataLocation> locations = new List <TrendingDataLocation>(); using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) using (DataContext dataContext = new DataContext(conn)) using (IDbCommand cmd = conn.Connection.CreateCommand()) { var meters = dataContext.Table <Meter>().QueryRecordsWhere("ID IN (SELECT MeterID FROM MeterAssetGroup WHERE AssetGroupID IN (SELECT AssetGroupID FROM UserAccountAssetGroup WHERE UserAccountID = (SELECT ID FROM UserAccount WHERE Name = {0})))", contourQuery.UserName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contourQuery.Meters)) { const int byteSize = 8; // Meter selections are stored as a base-64 string without padding, using '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/' string padding = "A===".Remove(3 - (contourQuery.Meters.Length + 3) % 4); string base64 = contourQuery.Meters.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/') + padding; byte[] meterSelections = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); var ids = string.Join("", meterSelections.Select(x => Convert.ToString(x, 2))); // The resulting byte array is a simple set of bitflags ordered by meter ID and packed into the most significant bits. // In order to properly interpret the bytes, we must first order the data by meter ID to determine the location of // each meter's bitflag. Then we can filter out the unwanted data from the original list of meters meters = meters .OrderBy(meter => meter.ID) .Where((meter, index) => (meterSelections[index / byteSize] & (0x80 >> (index % byteSize))) > 0) .ToList(); } cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateFrom", contourQuery.GetStartDate())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateTo", contourQuery.GetEndDate())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@colorScaleName", contourQuery.ColorScaleName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@meterIds", string.Join(",", meters.Select(x => x.ID)))); cmd.CommandText = "dbo.selectMeterLocationsTrendingData"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300; using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (rdr.Read()) { TrendingDataLocation ourStatus = new TrendingDataLocation(); ourStatus.Latitude = (double)rdr["Latitude"]; ourStatus.Longitude = (double)rdr["Longitude"]; ourStatus.Name = (string)rdr["Name"]; ourStatus.Average = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Average")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Average"]); ourStatus.Maximum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Maximum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Maximum"]); ourStatus.Minimum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Minimum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Minimum"]); ourStatus.ID = (int)rdr["id"]; locations.Add(ourStatus); } } } return(locations); }
private InverseDistanceWeightingFunction GetIDWFunction(ContourQuery contourQuery, List <TrendingDataLocation> locations = null) { CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = new EPSG3857(); List <double> xList = new List <double>(); List <double> yList = new List <double>(); List <double> valueList = new List <double>(); if ((object)locations == null) { locations = GetFrameFromDailySummary(contourQuery); } locations .Select(location => { GeoCoordinate Coordinate = new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude, location.Longitude); double?Value = (contourQuery.DataType == "Average") ? location.Average : (contourQuery.DataType == "Minimum") ? location.Minimum : (contourQuery.DataType == "Maximum") ? location.Maximum : null; return(new { Coordinate, Value }); }) .Where(obj => (object)obj.Value != null) .ToList() .ForEach(obj => { xList.Add(obj.Coordinate.Longitude); yList.Add(obj.Coordinate.Latitude); valueList.Add(obj.Value.GetValueOrDefault()); }); if (valueList.Count == 0) { xList.Add(0.0D); yList.Add(0.0D); using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { valueList.Add(connection.ExecuteScalar <double>("SELECT NominalValue FROM ContourColorScale WHERE Name = {0}", contourQuery.ColorScaleName)); } } return(new InverseDistanceWeightingFunction() .SetXCoordinates(xList.ToArray()) .SetYCoordinates(yList.ToArray()) .SetValues(valueList.ToArray()) .SetDistanceFunction((x1, y1, x2, y2) => { GeoCoordinate coordinate1 = new GeoCoordinate(y1, x1); GeoCoordinate coordinate2 = new GeoCoordinate(y2, x2); return crs.Distance(coordinate1, coordinate2); })); }
private List<TrendingDataLocation> GetFrameFromDailySummary(ContourQuery contourQuery) { List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = new List<TrendingDataLocation>(); using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) using (IDbCommand cmd = conn.Connection.CreateCommand()) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateFrom", contourQuery.GetStartDate())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateTo", contourQuery.GetEndDate())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@colorScaleName", contourQuery.ColorScaleName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", contourQuery.UserName)); cmd.CommandText = "dbo.selectMeterLocationsTrendingData"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300; using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (rdr.Read()) { TrendingDataLocation ourStatus = new TrendingDataLocation(); ourStatus.Latitude = (double)rdr["Latitude"]; ourStatus.Longitude = (double)rdr["Longitude"]; = (string)rdr["Name"]; ourStatus.Average = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Average")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Average"]); ourStatus.Maximum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Maximum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Maximum"]); ourStatus.Minimum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Minimum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Minimum"]); = (int)rdr["id"]; locations.Add(ourStatus); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contourQuery.Meters)) { const int byteSize = 8; // Meter selections are stored as a base-64 string without padding, using '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/' string padding = "A==".Remove(3 - (contourQuery.Meters.Length + 3) % 4); string base64 = contourQuery.Meters.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/') + padding; byte[] meterSelections = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); // The resulting byte array is a simple set of bitflags ordered by meter ID and packed into the most significant bits. // In order to properly interpret the bytes, we must first order the data by meter ID to determine the location of // each meter's bitflag. Then we can filter out the unwanted data from the original list of meters locations = locations .OrderBy(location => .Where((location, index) => (meterSelections[index / byteSize] & (0x80 >> (index % byteSize))) > 0) .ToList(); } return locations; }
private ContourTileData GetContourTileData(ContourQuery contourQuery) { string key = new ConnectionStringParser().ComposeConnectionString(contourQuery); ContourTileData contourTileData = new ContourTileData(); CacheItemPolicy cacheItemPolicy = new CacheItemPolicy() { SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1) }; contourTileData = (ContourTileData)s_contourDataCache.AddOrGetExisting(key, contourTileData, cacheItemPolicy) ?? contourTileData; if ((object)contourTileData.IDWFunction != null && (object)contourTileData.ColorFunction != null) return contourTileData; using (ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false)) { ManualResetEvent cachedWaitHandle = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref contourTileData.WaitHandle, waitHandle, null); try { try { if ((object)cachedWaitHandle != null) { cachedWaitHandle.WaitOne(); return contourTileData; } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { return contourTileData; } List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = GetFrameFromDailySummary(contourQuery); Func<double, double> colorFunction = GetColorScale(contourQuery); IDWFunc idwFunction = GetIDWFunction(contourQuery, locations); contourTileData.MinLatitude = locations.Min(location => location.Latitude) - GetLatFromMiles(50.0D); contourTileData.MaxLatitude = locations.Max(location => location.Latitude) + GetLatFromMiles(50.0D); contourTileData.MinLongitude = locations.Min(location => location.Longitude) - GetLngFromMiles(50.0D, 0.0D); contourTileData.MaxLongitude = locations.Max(location => location.Longitude) + GetLngFromMiles(50.0D, 0.0D); contourTileData.IDWFunction = idwFunction; contourTileData.ColorFunction = colorFunction; return contourTileData; } finally { waitHandle.Set(); } } }
private PiecewiseLinearFunction GetColorScale(ContourQuery contourQuery) { DataTable colorScale; using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { string query = "SELECT " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Value, " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Color " + "FROM " + " ContourColorScale JOIN " + " ContourColorScalePoint ON ContourColorScalePoint.ContourColorScaleID = ContourColorScale.ID " + "WHERE ContourColorScale.Name = {0} " + "ORDER BY ContourColorScalePoint.OrderID"; colorScale = conn.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); } double[] colorDomain = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => row.ConvertField<double>("Value")) .ToArray(); double[] colorRange = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => (double)(uint)row.ConvertField<int>("Color")) .ToArray(); return new PiecewiseLinearFunction() .SetDomain(colorDomain) .SetRange(colorRange); }
public ContourInfo getLocationsTrendingData(ContourQuery contourQuery) { List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = new List<TrendingDataLocation>(); DataTable colorScale; using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) using (IDbCommand cmd = conn.Connection.CreateCommand()) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateFrom", contourQuery.GetStartDate())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateTo", contourQuery.GetEndDate())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@colorScaleName", contourQuery.ColorScaleName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", contourQuery.UserName)); cmd.CommandText = "dbo.selectMeterLocationsTrendingData"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300; using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (rdr.Read()) { TrendingDataLocation ourStatus = new TrendingDataLocation(); ourStatus.Latitude = (double)rdr["Latitude"]; ourStatus.Longitude = (double)rdr["Longitude"]; = (string)rdr["Name"]; ourStatus.Average = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Average")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Average"]); ourStatus.Maximum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Maximum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Maximum"]); ourStatus.Minimum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Minimum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Minimum"]); = (int)rdr["id"];;;; locations.Add(ourStatus); } } string query = "SELECT " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Value, " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Color " + "FROM " + " ContourColorScale JOIN " + " ContourColorScalePoint ON ContourColorScalePoint.ContourColorScaleID = ContourColorScale.ID " + "WHERE ContourColorScale.Name = {0} " + "ORDER BY ContourColorScalePoint.OrderID"; colorScale = conn.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); } double[] colorDomain = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => row.ConvertField<double>("Value")) .ToArray(); double[] colorRange = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => (double)(uint)row.ConvertField<int>("Color")) .ToArray(); return new ContourInfo() { Locations = locations, ColorDomain = colorDomain, ColorRange = colorRange, }; }
private List<TrendingDataLocation> GetFrameFromDailySummary(ContourQuery contourQuery) { List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = new List<TrendingDataLocation>(); using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) using (IDbCommand cmd = conn.Connection.CreateCommand()) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateFrom", contourQuery.GetStartDate())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateTo", contourQuery.GetEndDate())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@colorScaleName", contourQuery.ColorScaleName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", contourQuery.UserName)); cmd.CommandText = "dbo.selectMeterLocationsTrendingData"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300; using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (rdr.Read()) { TrendingDataLocation ourStatus = new TrendingDataLocation(); ourStatus.Latitude = (double)rdr["Latitude"]; ourStatus.Longitude = (double)rdr["Longitude"]; = (string)rdr["Name"]; ourStatus.Average = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Average")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Average"]); ourStatus.Maximum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Maximum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Maximum"]); ourStatus.Minimum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Minimum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Minimum"]); = (int)rdr["id"]; locations.Add(ourStatus); } } } return locations; }
private InverseDistanceWeightingFunction GetIDWFunction(ContourQuery contourQuery, List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = null) { CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = new EPSG3857(); List<double> xList = new List<double>(); List<double> yList = new List<double>(); List<double> valueList = new List<double>(); if ((object)locations == null) locations = GetFrameFromDailySummary(contourQuery); locations .Select(location => { GeoCoordinate Coordinate = new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude, location.Longitude); double? Value = (contourQuery.DataType == "Average") ? location.Average : (contourQuery.DataType == "Minimum") ? location.Minimum : (contourQuery.DataType == "Maximum") ? location.Maximum : null; return new { Coordinate, Value }; }) .Where(obj => (object)obj.Value != null) .ToList() .ForEach(obj => { xList.Add(obj.Coordinate.Longitude); yList.Add(obj.Coordinate.Latitude); valueList.Add(obj.Value.GetValueOrDefault()); }); if (valueList.Count == 0) { xList.Add(0.0D); yList.Add(0.0D); using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { valueList.Add(connection.ExecuteScalar<double>("SELECT NominalValue FROM ContourColorScale WHERE Name = {0}", contourQuery.ColorScaleName)); } } return new InverseDistanceWeightingFunction() .SetXCoordinates(xList.ToArray()) .SetYCoordinates(yList.ToArray()) .SetValues(valueList.ToArray()) .SetDistanceFunction((x1, y1, x2, y2) => { GeoCoordinate coordinate1 = new GeoCoordinate(y1, x1); GeoCoordinate coordinate2 = new GeoCoordinate(y2, x2); return crs.Distance(coordinate1, coordinate2); }); }
private List <List <TrendingDataLocation> > GetFramesFromHistorian(ContourQuery contourQuery) { DataTable idTable; string historianServer; string historianInstance; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { var meters = (new TableOperations <Meter>(connection)).QueryRecordsWhere("ID IN (SELECT MeterID FROM MeterAssetGroup WHERE AssetGroupID IN (SELECT AssetGroupID FROM UserAccountAssetGroup WHERE UserAccountID = (SELECT ID FROM UserAccount WHERE Name = {0})))", contourQuery.UserName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contourQuery.Meters)) { const int byteSize = 8; // Meter selections are stored as a base-64 string without padding, using '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/' string padding = "A===".Remove(3 - (contourQuery.Meters.Length + 3) % 4); string base64 = contourQuery.Meters.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/') + padding; byte[] meterSelections = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); var ids = string.Join("", meterSelections.Select(x => Convert.ToString(x, 2))); // The resulting byte array is a simple set of bitflags ordered by meter ID and packed into the most significant bits. // In order to properly interpret the bytes, we must first order the data by meter ID to determine the location of // each meter's bitflag. Then we can filter out the unwanted data from the original list of meters meters = meters .OrderBy(meter => meter.ID) .Where((meter, index) => (meterSelections[index / byteSize] & (0x80 >> (index % byteSize))) > 0) .ToList(); } string query = "SELECT " + " Channel.ID AS ChannelID, " + " Meter.ID AS MeterID, " + " Meter.Name AS MeterName, " + " MeterLocation.Latitude, " + " MeterLocation.Longitude, " + " Channel.PerUnitValue " + "FROM " + " Meter JOIN " + " MeterLocation ON Meter.MeterLocationID = MeterLocation.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " Channel ON " + " Channel.MeterID = Meter.ID AND " + " Channel.ID IN (SELECT ChannelID FROM ContourChannel WHERE ContourColorScaleName = {1}) " + "WHERE Meter.ID IN (" + string.Join(",", meters.Select(x => x.ID)) + ")"; idTable = connection.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.UserName, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); historianServer = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Server'") ?? ""; historianInstance = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.InstanceName'") ?? "XDA"; } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contourQuery.Meters)) //{ // const int byteSize = 8; // // Meter selections are stored as a base-64 string without padding, using '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/' // string padding = "A===".Remove(3 - (contourQuery.Meters.Length + 3) % 4); // string base64 = contourQuery.Meters.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/') + padding; // byte[] meterSelections = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); // // The resulting byte array is a simple set of bitflags ordered by meter ID and packed into the most significant bits. // // In order to properly interpret the bytes, we must first group and order the data by meter ID to determine the location // // of each meter's bitflag. Then we can filter out the unwanted data from the original table of IDs // idTable.Select() // .Select((Row, Index) => new { Row, Index }) // .GroupBy(obj => obj.Row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID")) // .OrderBy(grouping => grouping.Key) // .Where((grouping, index) => (meterSelections[index / byteSize] & (0x80 >> (index % byteSize))) == 0) // .SelectMany(grouping => grouping) // .OrderByDescending(obj => obj.Index) // .ToList() // .ForEach(obj => idTable.Rows.RemoveAt(obj.Index)); //} List <DataRow> meterRows = idTable .Select() .DistinctBy(row => row.ConvertField <int>("MeterID")) .ToList(); DateTime startDate = contourQuery.GetStartDate(); DateTime endDate = contourQuery.GetEndDate(); int stepSize = contourQuery.StepSize; // The frames to be included are those whose timestamps fall // within the range which is specified by startDate and // endDate. We start by aligning startDate and endDate with // the nearest frame timestamps which fall within that range int startTimeOffset = (int)Math.Ceiling((startDate - startDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); startDate = startDate.Date.AddMinutes(startTimeOffset * stepSize); int endTimeOffset = (int)Math.Floor((endDate - endDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); endDate = endDate.Date.AddMinutes(endTimeOffset * stepSize); // Since each frame includes data from all timestamps between // the previous frame's timestamp and its own timestamp, we // must include one additional frame of data before startDate startDate = startDate.AddMinutes(-stepSize); int frameCount = (int)((endDate - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize); List <Dictionary <int, TrendingDataLocation> > frames = Enumerable.Repeat(meterRows, frameCount) .Select(rows => rows.Select(row => new TrendingDataLocation() { ID = row.ConvertField <int>("MeterID"), Name = row.ConvertField <string>("MeterName"), Latitude = row.ConvertField <double>("Latitude"), Longitude = row.ConvertField <double>("Longitude") })) .Select(locations => locations.ToDictionary(location => location.ID)) .ToList(); Dictionary <int, double?> nominalLookup = idTable .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL") .ToDictionary(row => row.ConvertField <int>("ChannelID"), row => row.ConvertField <double?>("PerUnitValue")); Dictionary <int, List <TrendingDataLocation> > lookup = idTable .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL") .Select(row => { int meterID = row.ConvertField <int>("MeterID"); return(new { ChannelID = row.ConvertField <int>("ChannelID"), Frames = frames.Select(locationLookup => locationLookup[meterID]).ToList() }); }) .ToDictionary(obj => obj.ChannelID, obj => obj.Frames); using (Historian historian = new Historian(historianServer, historianInstance)) { foreach (openHistorian.XDALink.TrendingDataPoint point in historian.Read(lookup.Keys, startDate, endDate)) { List <TrendingDataLocation> locations = lookup[point.ChannelID]; // Use ceiling to sort data into the next nearest frame. // Subtract 1 because startDate was shifted to include one additional frame of data int frameIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((point.Timestamp - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize) - 1; if (frameIndex < 0 || frameIndex >= locations.Count) { continue; } TrendingDataLocation frame = locations[frameIndex]; double nominal = nominalLookup[point.ChannelID] ?? 1.0D; double value = point.Value / nominal; switch (point.SeriesID) { case SeriesID.Minimum: frame.Minimum = Math.Min(value, frame.Minimum ?? value); break; case SeriesID.Maximum: frame.Maximum = Math.Max(value, frame.Maximum ?? value); break; case SeriesID.Average: frame.Aggregate(value); frame.Average = frame.GetAverage(); break; } } } return(frames .Select(frame => frame.Values.ToList()) .ToList()); }
public void getContourTile() { ContourQuery contourQuery = new ContourQuery() { StartDate = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["StartDate"], EndDate = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["EndDate"], ColorScaleName = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ColorScaleName"], DataType = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["DataType"], UserName = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Username"], Meters = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Meters"], MeterIds = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["MeterIds"] }; ContourTileData contourTileData = GetContourTileData(contourQuery); double minLat = contourTileData.MinLatitude; double maxLat = contourTileData.MaxLatitude; double minLng = contourTileData.MinLongitude; double maxLng = contourTileData.MaxLongitude; CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = s_crs; IDWFunc idwFunction = contourTileData.IDWFunction; Func <double, double> colorFunction = contourTileData.ColorFunction; int tileX = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["x"]); int tileY = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["y"]); int zoom = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["zoom"]); int tileSize = 256; int offsetX = tileSize * tileX; int offsetY = tileSize * tileY; uint[] pixelData = new uint[tileSize * tileSize]; for (int x = 0; x < tileSize; x++) { GSF.Drawing.Point validationPixel = new GSF.Drawing.Point(offsetX + x, 0.0D); GeoCoordinate validationCoordinate = crs.Translate(validationPixel, zoom); if (validationCoordinate.Longitude < minLng || validationCoordinate.Longitude > maxLng) { continue; } for (int y = 0; y < tileSize; y++) { GSF.Drawing.Point offsetPixel = new GSF.Drawing.Point(offsetX + x, offsetY + y); GeoCoordinate pixelCoordinate = crs.Translate(offsetPixel, zoom); if (pixelCoordinate.Latitude < minLat || pixelCoordinate.Latitude > maxLat) { continue; } double interpolatedValue = idwFunction(pixelCoordinate.Longitude, pixelCoordinate.Latitude); uint color = (uint)colorFunction(interpolatedValue); pixelData[y * tileSize + x] = color; } } using (Bitmap bitmap = BitmapExtensions.FromPixelData(256, pixelData)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "image/png"; HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename=tile{0}x{1}.png", tileX, tileY)); bitmap.Save(HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Png); } }
private InverseDistanceWeightingFunction GetIDWFunction(ContourQuery contourQuery, List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = null) { CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = new EPSG3857(); List<double> xList = new List<double>(); List<double> yList = new List<double>(); List<double> valueList = new List<double>(); if ((object)locations == null) locations = GetFrameFromDailySummary(contourQuery); locations .Select(location => { GeoCoordinate Coordinate = new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude, location.Longitude); double? Value = (contourQuery.DataType == "Average") ? location.Average : (contourQuery.DataType == "Minimum") ? location.Minimum : (contourQuery.DataType == "Maximum") ? location.Maximum : null; return new { Coordinate, Value }; }) .Where(obj => (object)obj.Value != null) .ToList() .ForEach(obj => { xList.Add(obj.Coordinate.Longitude); yList.Add(obj.Coordinate.Latitude); valueList.Add(obj.Value.GetValueOrDefault()); }); return new InverseDistanceWeightingFunction() .SetXCoordinates(xList.ToArray()) .SetYCoordinates(yList.ToArray()) .SetValues(valueList.ToArray()) .SetDistanceFunction((x1, y1, x2, y2) => { GeoCoordinate coordinate1 = new GeoCoordinate(y1, x1); GeoCoordinate coordinate2 = new GeoCoordinate(y2, x2); return crs.Distance(coordinate1, coordinate2); }); }
private List<List<TrendingDataLocation>> GetFramesFromHistorian(ContourQuery contourQuery) { DataTable idTable; string historianServer; string historianInstance; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { string query = "SELECT " + " Channel.ID AS ChannelID, " + " Meter.ID AS MeterID, " + " Meter.Name AS MeterName, " + " MeterLocation.Latitude, " + " MeterLocation.Longitude, " + " Channel.PerUnitValue " + "FROM " + " Meter JOIN " + " MeterLocation ON Meter.MeterLocationID = MeterLocation.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " Channel ON " + " Channel.MeterID = Meter.ID AND " + " Channel.ID IN (SELECT ChannelID FROM ContourChannel WHERE ContourColorScaleName = {1}) " + "WHERE " + " Meter.ID IN (SELECT * FROM authMeters({0}))"; idTable = connection.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.UserName, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); historianServer = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Server'") ?? ""; historianInstance = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Instance'") ?? "XDA"; } List<DataRow> meterRows = idTable .Select() .DistinctBy(row => row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID")) .ToList(); DateTime startDate = contourQuery.GetStartDate(); DateTime endDate = contourQuery.GetEndDate(); int stepSize = contourQuery.StepSize; // The frames to be included are those whose timestamps fall // within the range which is specified by startDate and // endDate. We start by aligning startDate and endDate with // the nearest frame timestamps which fall within that range int startTimeOffset = (int)Math.Ceiling((startDate - startDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); startDate = startDate.Date.AddMinutes(startTimeOffset * stepSize); int endTimeOffset = (int)Math.Floor((endDate - endDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); endDate = endDate.Date.AddMinutes(endTimeOffset * stepSize); // Since each frame includes data from all timestamps between // the previous frame's timestamp and its own timestamp, we // must include one additional frame of data before startDate startDate = startDate.AddMinutes(-stepSize); int frameCount = (int)((endDate - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize); List<Dictionary<int, TrendingDataLocation>> frames = Enumerable.Repeat(meterRows, frameCount) .Select(rows => rows.Select(row => new TrendingDataLocation() { id = row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"), name = row.ConvertField<string>("MeterName"), Latitude = row.ConvertField<double>("Latitude"), Longitude = row.ConvertField<double>("Longitude") })) .Select(locations => locations.ToDictionary(location => .ToList(); Dictionary<int, double?> nominalLookup = idTable .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL") .ToDictionary(row => row.ConvertField<int>("ChannelID"), row => row.ConvertField<double?>("PerUnitValue")); Dictionary<int, List<TrendingDataLocation>> lookup = idTable .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL") .Select(row => { int meterID = row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"); return new { ChannelID = row.ConvertField<int>("ChannelID"), Frames = frames.Select(locationLookup => locationLookup[meterID]).ToList() }; }) .ToDictionary(obj => obj.ChannelID, obj => obj.Frames); using (Historian historian = new Historian(historianServer, historianInstance)) { foreach (TrendingDataPoint point in historian.Read(lookup.Keys, startDate, endDate)) { List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = lookup[point.ChannelID]; // Use ceiling to sort data into the next nearest frame. // Subtract 1 because startDate was shifted to include one additional frame of data int frameIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((point.Timestamp - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize) - 1; if (frameIndex < 0 || frameIndex >= locations.Count) continue; TrendingDataLocation frame = locations[frameIndex]; double nominal = nominalLookup[point.ChannelID] ?? 1.0D; double value = point.Value / nominal; switch (point.SeriesID) { case SeriesID.Minimum: frame.Minimum = Math.Min(value, frame.Minimum ?? value); break; case SeriesID.Maximum: frame.Maximum = Math.Max(value, frame.Maximum ?? value); break; case SeriesID.Average: frame.Aggregate(value); frame.Average = frame.GetAverage(); break; } } } return frames .Select(frame => frame.Values.ToList()) .ToList(); }
public ContourAnimationInfo getContourAnimations(ContourQuery contourQuery) { List<List<TrendingDataLocation>> frames = GetFramesFromHistorian(contourQuery); PiecewiseLinearFunction colorScale = GetColorScale(contourQuery); Func<double, double> colorFunc = colorScale; // The actual startDate is the timestamp of the // first frame after contourQuery.GetStartDate() DateTime startDate = contourQuery.GetStartDate(); int stepSize = contourQuery.StepSize; int startTimeOffset = (int)Math.Ceiling((startDate - startDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); startDate = startDate.Date.AddMinutes(startTimeOffset * stepSize); double minLat = frames.Min(frame => frame.Min(location => location.Latitude)) - GetLatFromMiles(50.0D); double maxLat = frames.Min(frame => frame.Max(location => location.Latitude)) + GetLatFromMiles(50.0D); double minLng = frames.Min(frame => frame.Min(location => location.Longitude)) - GetLngFromMiles(50.0D, 0.0D); double maxLng = frames.Min(frame => frame.Max(location => location.Longitude)) + GetLngFromMiles(50.0D, 0.0D); GeoCoordinate topLeft = new GeoCoordinate(maxLat, minLng); GeoCoordinate bottomRight = new GeoCoordinate(minLat, maxLng); GSF.Drawing.Point topLeftPoint = s_crs.Translate(topLeft, contourQuery.Resolution); GSF.Drawing.Point bottomRightPoint = s_crs.Translate(bottomRight, contourQuery.Resolution); topLeftPoint = new GSF.Drawing.Point(Math.Floor(topLeftPoint.X), Math.Floor(topLeftPoint.Y)); bottomRightPoint = new GSF.Drawing.Point(Math.Ceiling(bottomRightPoint.X), Math.Ceiling(bottomRightPoint.Y)); topLeft = s_crs.Translate(topLeftPoint, contourQuery.Resolution); bottomRight = s_crs.Translate(bottomRightPoint, contourQuery.Resolution); int width = (int)(bottomRightPoint.X - topLeftPoint.X + 1); int height = (int)(bottomRightPoint.Y - topLeftPoint.Y + 1); int animationID; string timeZoneID = null; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO ContourAnimation(ColorScaleName, StartTime, EndTime, StepSize) VALUES({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})", contourQuery.ColorScaleName, contourQuery.GetStartDate(), contourQuery.GetEndDate(), contourQuery.StepSize); animationID = connection.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT @@IDENTITY"); if (contourQuery.IncludeWeather) timeZoneID = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'XDATimeZone'"); } GSF.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = new GSF.Threading.CancellationToken(); s_cancellationTokens[animationID] = cancellationToken; ProgressCounter progressCounter = new ProgressCounter(frames.Count); s_progressCounters[animationID] = progressCounter; Action<int> createFrame = i => { List<TrendingDataLocation> frame = frames[i]; IDWFunc idwFunction = GetIDWFunction(contourQuery, frame); uint[] pixelData; if (contourQuery.IncludeWeather) { TimeZoneInfo tzInfo = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeZoneID) ? TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZoneID) : TimeZoneInfo.Local; // Weather data is only available in 5-minute increments DateTime frameTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(startDate.AddMinutes(stepSize * i), tzInfo); double minutes = (frameTime - frameTime.Date).TotalMinutes; int weatherMinutes = (int)Math.Ceiling(minutes / 5) * 5; NameValueCollection queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty); queryString["service"] = "WMS"; queryString["request"] = "GetMap"; queryString["layers"] = "nexrad-n0r-wmst"; queryString["format"] = "image/png"; queryString["transparent"] = "true"; queryString["version"] = "1.1.1"; queryString["time"] = frameTime.Date.AddMinutes(weatherMinutes).ToString("o"); queryString["height"] = height.ToString(); queryString["width"] = width.ToString(); queryString["srs"] = "EPSG:3857"; GSF.Drawing.Point topLeftProjected = s_crs.Projection.Project(topLeft); GSF.Drawing.Point bottomRightProjected = s_crs.Projection.Project(bottomRight); queryString["bbox"] = string.Join(",", topLeftProjected.X, bottomRightProjected.Y, bottomRightProjected.X, topLeftProjected.Y); string weatherURL = "" + queryString.ToString(); using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(client.DownloadData(weatherURL))) using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(stream)) { pixelData = bitmap.ToPixelData(); } } else { pixelData = new uint[width * height]; } if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled) return; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled) return; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled) return; if (pixelData[y * width + x] > 0) continue; GSF.Drawing.Point offsetPixel = new GSF.Drawing.Point(topLeftPoint.X + x, topLeftPoint.Y + y); GeoCoordinate pixelCoordinate = s_crs.Translate(offsetPixel, contourQuery.Resolution); double interpolatedValue = idwFunction(pixelCoordinate.Longitude, pixelCoordinate.Latitude); pixelData[y * width + x] = (uint)colorFunc(interpolatedValue); } } if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled) return; using (Bitmap bitmap = BitmapExtensions.FromPixelData(width, pixelData)) using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png); using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO ContourAnimationFrame VALUES({0}, {1}, {2})", animationID, i, stream.ToArray()); } } progressCounter.Increment(); }; Task.Run(() => { ICancellationToken token; ProgressCounter counter; Parallel.For(0, frames.Count, createFrame); s_cancellationTokens.TryRemove(animationID, out token); s_progressCounters.TryRemove(animationID, out counter); if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled) { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { connection.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM ContourAnimationFrame WHERE ContourAnimationID = {0}", animationID); connection.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM ContourAnimation WHERE ID = {0}", animationID); } } }); s_cleanUpAnimationOperation.TryRunOnceAsync(); return new ContourAnimationInfo() { AnimationID = animationID, ColorDomain = colorScale.Domain, ColorRange = colorScale.Range, MinLatitude = bottomRight.Latitude, MaxLatitude = topLeft.Latitude, MinLongitude = topLeft.Longitude, MaxLongitude = bottomRight.Longitude, Infos = frames.Select((frame, index) => new ContourInfo() { Locations = frame, URL = string.Format("./mapService.asmx/getContourAnimationFrame?animation={0}&frame={1}", animationID, index), Date = contourQuery.GetStartDate().AddMinutes(index * contourQuery.StepSize).ToString() }).ToList() }; }
private List<List<TrendingDataLocation>> GetFramesFromHistorian(ContourQuery contourQuery) { DataTable idTable; string historianServer; string historianInstance; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { string query = "SELECT " + " Channel.ID AS ChannelID, " + " Meter.ID AS MeterID, " + " Meter.Name AS MeterName, " + " MeterLocation.Latitude, " + " MeterLocation.Longitude, " + " Channel.PerUnitValue " + "FROM " + " Meter JOIN " + " MeterLocation ON Meter.MeterLocationID = MeterLocation.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " Channel ON " + " Channel.MeterID = Meter.ID AND " + " Channel.ID IN (SELECT ChannelID FROM ContourChannel WHERE ContourColorScaleName = {1}) " + "WHERE Meter.ID IN (SELECT * FROM authMeters({0}))"; idTable = connection.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.UserName, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); historianServer = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Server'") ?? ""; historianInstance = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Instance'") ?? "XDA"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contourQuery.Meters)) { const int byteSize = 8; // Meter selections are stored as a base-64 string without padding, using '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/' string padding = "A==".Remove(3 - (contourQuery.Meters.Length + 3) % 4); string base64 = contourQuery.Meters.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/') + padding; byte[] meterSelections = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); // The resulting byte array is a simple set of bitflags ordered by meter ID and packed into the most significant bits. // In order to properly interpret the bytes, we must first group and order the data by meter ID to determine the location // of each meter's bitflag. Then we can filter out the unwanted data from the original table of IDs idTable.Select() .Select((Row, Index) => new { Row, Index }) .GroupBy(obj => obj.Row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID")) .OrderBy(grouping => grouping.Key) .Where((grouping, index) => (meterSelections[index / byteSize] & (0x80 >> (index % byteSize))) == 0) .SelectMany(grouping => grouping) .OrderByDescending(obj => obj.Index) .ToList() .ForEach(obj => idTable.Rows.RemoveAt(obj.Index)); } List<DataRow> meterRows = idTable .Select() .DistinctBy(row => row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID")) .ToList(); DateTime startDate = contourQuery.GetStartDate(); DateTime endDate = contourQuery.GetEndDate(); int stepSize = contourQuery.StepSize; // The frames to be included are those whose timestamps fall // within the range which is specified by startDate and // endDate. We start by aligning startDate and endDate with // the nearest frame timestamps which fall within that range int startTimeOffset = (int)Math.Ceiling((startDate - startDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); startDate = startDate.Date.AddMinutes(startTimeOffset * stepSize); int endTimeOffset = (int)Math.Floor((endDate - endDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); endDate = endDate.Date.AddMinutes(endTimeOffset * stepSize); // Since each frame includes data from all timestamps between // the previous frame's timestamp and its own timestamp, we // must include one additional frame of data before startDate startDate = startDate.AddMinutes(-stepSize); int frameCount = (int)((endDate - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize); List<Dictionary<int, TrendingDataLocation>> frames = Enumerable.Repeat(meterRows, frameCount) .Select(rows => rows.Select(row => new TrendingDataLocation() { id = row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"), name = row.ConvertField<string>("MeterName"), Latitude = row.ConvertField<double>("Latitude"), Longitude = row.ConvertField<double>("Longitude") })) .Select(locations => locations.ToDictionary(location => .ToList(); Dictionary<int, double?> nominalLookup = idTable .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL") .ToDictionary(row => row.ConvertField<int>("ChannelID"), row => row.ConvertField<double?>("PerUnitValue")); Dictionary<int, List<TrendingDataLocation>> lookup = idTable .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL") .Select(row => { int meterID = row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"); return new { ChannelID = row.ConvertField<int>("ChannelID"), Frames = frames.Select(locationLookup => locationLookup[meterID]).ToList() }; }) .ToDictionary(obj => obj.ChannelID, obj => obj.Frames); using (Historian historian = new Historian(historianServer, historianInstance)) { foreach (TrendingDataPoint point in historian.Read(lookup.Keys, startDate, endDate)) { List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = lookup[point.ChannelID]; // Use ceiling to sort data into the next nearest frame. // Subtract 1 because startDate was shifted to include one additional frame of data int frameIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((point.Timestamp - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize) - 1; if (frameIndex < 0 || frameIndex >= locations.Count) continue; TrendingDataLocation frame = locations[frameIndex]; double nominal = nominalLookup[point.ChannelID] ?? 1.0D; double value = point.Value / nominal; switch (point.SeriesID) { case SeriesID.Minimum: frame.Minimum = Math.Min(value, frame.Minimum ?? value); break; case SeriesID.Maximum: frame.Maximum = Math.Max(value, frame.Maximum ?? value); break; case SeriesID.Average: frame.Aggregate(value); frame.Average = frame.GetAverage(); break; } } } return frames .Select(frame => frame.Values.ToList()) .ToList(); }
public ContourAnimationInfo getContourAnimations(ContourQuery contourQuery) { List <List <TrendingDataLocation> > frames = GetFramesFromHistorian(contourQuery); PiecewiseLinearFunction colorScale = GetColorScale(contourQuery); Func <double, double> colorFunc = colorScale; // The actual startDate is the timestamp of the // first frame after contourQuery.GetStartDate() DateTime startDate = contourQuery.GetStartDate(); int stepSize = contourQuery.StepSize; int startTimeOffset = (int)Math.Ceiling((startDate - startDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); startDate = startDate.Date.AddMinutes(startTimeOffset * stepSize); double latDif = frames.Min(frame => frame.Max(location => location.Latitude)) - frames.Min(frame => frame.Min(location => location.Latitude)); double lonDif = frames.Min(frame => frame.Max(location => location.Longitude)) - frames.Min(frame => frame.Min(location => location.Longitude)); double minLat = frames.Min(frame => frame.Min(location => location.Latitude)) - (latDif * 0.1D); double maxLat = frames.Min(frame => frame.Max(location => location.Latitude)) + (latDif * 0.1D); double minLng = frames.Min(frame => frame.Min(location => location.Longitude)) - (lonDif * 0.1D); double maxLng = frames.Min(frame => frame.Max(location => location.Longitude)) + (lonDif * 0.1D); GeoCoordinate topLeft = new GeoCoordinate(maxLat, minLng); GeoCoordinate bottomRight = new GeoCoordinate(minLat, maxLng); GSF.Drawing.Point topLeftPoint = s_crs.Translate(topLeft, contourQuery.Resolution); GSF.Drawing.Point bottomRightPoint = s_crs.Translate(bottomRight, contourQuery.Resolution); topLeftPoint = new GSF.Drawing.Point(Math.Floor(topLeftPoint.X), Math.Floor(topLeftPoint.Y)); bottomRightPoint = new GSF.Drawing.Point(Math.Ceiling(bottomRightPoint.X), Math.Ceiling(bottomRightPoint.Y)); topLeft = s_crs.Translate(topLeftPoint, contourQuery.Resolution); bottomRight = s_crs.Translate(bottomRightPoint, contourQuery.Resolution); int width = (int)(bottomRightPoint.X - topLeftPoint.X + 1); int height = (int)(bottomRightPoint.Y - topLeftPoint.Y + 1); int animationID; string timeZoneID = null; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO ContourAnimation(ColorScaleName, StartTime, EndTime, StepSize) VALUES({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})", contourQuery.ColorScaleName, contourQuery.GetStartDate(), contourQuery.GetEndDate(), contourQuery.StepSize); animationID = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT @@IDENTITY"); if (contourQuery.IncludeWeather) { timeZoneID = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'XDATimeZone'"); } } GSF.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = new GSF.Threading.CancellationToken(); s_cancellationTokens[animationID] = cancellationToken; ProgressCounter progressCounter = new ProgressCounter(frames.Count); s_progressCounters[animationID] = progressCounter; Action <int> createFrame = i => { List <TrendingDataLocation> frame = frames[i]; IDWFunc idwFunction = GetIDWFunction(contourQuery, frame); uint[] pixelData; if (contourQuery.IncludeWeather) { TimeZoneInfo tzInfo = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeZoneID) ? TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZoneID) : TimeZoneInfo.Local; // Weather data is only available in 5-minute increments DateTime frameTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(startDate.AddMinutes(stepSize * i), tzInfo); double minutes = (frameTime - frameTime.Date).TotalMinutes; int weatherMinutes = (int)Math.Ceiling(minutes / 5) * 5; NameValueCollection queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty); queryString["service"] = "WMS"; queryString["request"] = "GetMap"; queryString["layers"] = "nexrad-n0r-wmst"; queryString["format"] = "image/png"; queryString["transparent"] = "true"; queryString["version"] = "1.1.1"; queryString["time"] = frameTime.Date.AddMinutes(weatherMinutes).ToString("o"); queryString["height"] = height.ToString(); queryString["width"] = width.ToString(); queryString["srs"] = "EPSG:3857"; GSF.Drawing.Point topLeftProjected = s_crs.Projection.Project(topLeft); GSF.Drawing.Point bottomRightProjected = s_crs.Projection.Project(bottomRight); queryString["bbox"] = string.Join(",", topLeftProjected.X, bottomRightProjected.Y, bottomRightProjected.X, topLeftProjected.Y); string weatherURL = "" + queryString.ToString(); using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(client.DownloadData(weatherURL))) using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(stream)) { pixelData = bitmap.ToPixelData(); } } else { pixelData = new uint[width * height]; } if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled) { return; } for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled) { return; } for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled) { return; } if (pixelData[y * width + x] > 0) { continue; } GSF.Drawing.Point offsetPixel = new GSF.Drawing.Point(topLeftPoint.X + x, topLeftPoint.Y + y); GeoCoordinate pixelCoordinate = s_crs.Translate(offsetPixel, contourQuery.Resolution); double interpolatedValue = idwFunction(pixelCoordinate.Longitude, pixelCoordinate.Latitude); pixelData[y * width + x] = (uint)colorFunc(interpolatedValue); } } if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled) { return; } using (Bitmap bitmap = BitmapExtensions.FromPixelData(width, pixelData)) using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png); using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO ContourAnimationFrame VALUES({0}, {1}, {2})", animationID, i, stream.ToArray()); } } progressCounter.Increment(); }; Task.Run(() => { ICancellationToken token; ProgressCounter counter; Parallel.For(0, frames.Count, createFrame); s_cancellationTokens.TryRemove(animationID, out token); s_progressCounters.TryRemove(animationID, out counter); if (cancellationToken.IsCancelled) { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { connection.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM ContourAnimationFrame WHERE ContourAnimationID = {0}", animationID); connection.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM ContourAnimation WHERE ID = {0}", animationID); } } }); s_cleanUpAnimationOperation.TryRunOnceAsync(); return(new ContourAnimationInfo() { AnimationID = animationID, ColorDomain = colorScale.Domain, ColorRange = colorScale.Range, MinLatitude = bottomRight.Latitude, MaxLatitude = topLeft.Latitude, MinLongitude = topLeft.Longitude, MaxLongitude = bottomRight.Longitude, Infos = frames.Select((frame, index) => new ContourInfo() { Locations = frame, URL = string.Format("./mapService.asmx/getContourAnimationFrame?animation={0}&frame={1}", animationID, index), Date = contourQuery.GetStartDate().AddMinutes(index * contourQuery.StepSize).ToString() }).ToList() }); }
public void getContourTile() { ContourQuery contourQuery = new ContourQuery() { StartDate = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["StartDate"], EndDate = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["EndDate"], ColorScaleName = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ColorScaleName"], DataType = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["DataType"], UserName = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Username"], Meters = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Meters"] }; ContourTileData contourTileData = GetContourTileData(contourQuery); double minLat = contourTileData.MinLatitude; double maxLat = contourTileData.MaxLatitude; double minLng = contourTileData.MinLongitude; double maxLng = contourTileData.MaxLongitude; CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = s_crs; IDWFunc idwFunction = contourTileData.IDWFunction; Func<double, double> colorFunction = contourTileData.ColorFunction; int tileX = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["x"]); int tileY = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["y"]); int zoom = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["zoom"]); int tileSize = 256; int offsetX = tileSize * tileX; int offsetY = tileSize * tileY; uint[] pixelData = new uint[tileSize * tileSize]; for (int x = 0; x < tileSize; x++) { GSF.Drawing.Point validationPixel = new GSF.Drawing.Point(offsetX + x, 0.0D); GeoCoordinate validationCoordinate = crs.Translate(validationPixel, zoom); if (validationCoordinate.Longitude < minLng || validationCoordinate.Longitude > maxLng) continue; for (int y = 0; y < tileSize; y++) { GSF.Drawing.Point offsetPixel = new GSF.Drawing.Point(offsetX + x, offsetY + y); GeoCoordinate pixelCoordinate = crs.Translate(offsetPixel, zoom); if (pixelCoordinate.Latitude < minLat || pixelCoordinate.Latitude > maxLat) continue; double interpolatedValue = idwFunction(pixelCoordinate.Longitude, pixelCoordinate.Latitude); uint color = (uint)colorFunction(interpolatedValue); pixelData[y * tileSize + x] = color; } } using (Bitmap bitmap = BitmapExtensions.FromPixelData(256, pixelData)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "image/png"; HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename=tile{0}x{1}.png", tileX, tileY)); bitmap.Save(HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Png); } }
public IHttpActionResult Post(ContourQuery contourQuery) { try { List <TrendingDataLocation> locations = new List <TrendingDataLocation>(); DataTable colorScale; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("dbOpenXDA")) { DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(@" DECLARE @EventDateFrom DATETIME = {0} DECLARE @EventDateTo DATETIME = {1} DECLARE @colorScaleName AS varchar(max) = {2} DECLARE @meterIds AS varchar(max) = {3} DECLARE @startDate DATE = CAST(@EventDateFrom AS DATE) DECLARE @endDate DATE = CAST(@EventDateTo AS DATE) DECLARE @thedatefrom AS DATE DECLARE @thedateto AS DATE SET @thedatefrom = CAST(@EventDateFrom AS DATE) SET @thedateto = CAST(@EventDateTo AS DATE) SELECT Meter.ID, Meter.Name, Data.Minimum AS Minimum, Data.Maximum AS Maximum, Data.Average AS Average, Location.Longitude, Location.Latitude FROM Meter LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT ContourChannel.MeterID AS MID, MIN(Minimum/COALESCE(ContourChannel.PerUnitValue, 1)) AS Minimum, MAX(Maximum/COALESCE(ContourChannel.PerUnitValue, 1)) AS Maximum, AVG(Average/COALESCE(ContourChannel.PerUnitValue, 1)) AS Average FROM ContourChannel JOIN DailyTrendingSummary ON DailyTrendingSummary.ChannelID = ContourChannel.ChannelID WHERE Date >= @thedatefrom AND Date <= @thedateto AND ContourColorScaleName = @colorScaleName GROUP BY ContourChannel.MeterID ) AS Data ON Data.MID = Meter.ID JOIN Location ON Meter.LocationID = Location.ID WHERE Meter.ID IN (SELECT * FROM String_To_Int_Table(@meterIds, ',')) ORDER BY Meter.Name ", contourQuery.GetStartDate(), contourQuery.GetEndDate(), contourQuery.ColorScaleName, contourQuery.MeterIds); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { TrendingDataLocation ourStatus = new TrendingDataLocation(); ourStatus.Latitude = (double)row["Latitude"]; ourStatus.Longitude = (double)row["Longitude"]; ourStatus.Name = (string)row["Name"]; ourStatus.Average = row.Field <double?>("Average"); ourStatus.Maximum = row.Field <double?>("Maximum"); ourStatus.Minimum = row.Field <double?>("Minimum"); ourStatus.ID = (int)row["id"]; ourStatus.Data.Add(ourStatus.Average); ourStatus.Data.Add(ourStatus.Maximum); ourStatus.Data.Add(ourStatus.Minimum); locations.Add(ourStatus); } string query = "SELECT " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Value, " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Color " + "FROM " + " ContourColorScale JOIN " + " ContourColorScalePoint ON ContourColorScalePoint.ContourColorScaleID = ContourColorScale.ID " + "WHERE ContourColorScale.Name = {0} " + "ORDER BY ContourColorScalePoint.OrderID"; colorScale = connection.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); } double[] colorDomain = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => row.ConvertField <double>("Value")) .ToArray(); double[] colorRange = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => (double)(uint)row.ConvertField <int>("Color")) .ToArray(); return(Ok(new ContourInfo() { Locations = locations, ColorDomain = colorDomain, ColorRange = colorRange, DateTo = contourQuery.EndDate, DateFrom = contourQuery.StartDate })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(InternalServerError(ex)); } }