예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the trail.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gesture">Gesture.</param>
    private void UpdateTrail(DragGesture gesture)
        ContinuousGesturePhase ePhase = gesture.Phase;

        // the screen position the user's finger is at currently
        Vector2 vPos = gesture.Position;

        // based on phase of the gesture, call certain functions
        switch (ePhase)
        case ContinuousGesturePhase.Started:

        case ContinuousGesturePhase.Updated:

        case ContinuousGesturePhase.Ended:

        // save the last position for use with displaying combo
        //lastPos = vPos;
        trailDeltaMove = gesture.DeltaMove;
예제 #2
    void OnDrag(DragGesture gesture)
        // current gesture phase (Started/Updated/Ended)
        ContinuousGesturePhase phase = gesture.Phase;

        switch (phase)
        case ContinuousGesturePhase.Ended:
            transform.position = startDragPos;
            if (doneWithShake)
                GetComponent <TBDragToMove>().DragPlaneCollider = null;

        case ContinuousGesturePhase.Updated:
            elapsed = gesture.ElapsedTime;
            if (!doneWithShake && elapsed >= 1f)              //Shake inhaler for 1 second
                if (!isGestureRecognized)
                    isGestureRecognized = true;
예제 #3
    void OnDrag(DragGesture gesture)
        // current gesture phase (Started/Updated/Ended)
        ContinuousGesturePhase phase = gesture.Phase;

        // Drag/displacement since last frame
        Vector3 deltaMove = gesture.DeltaMove / 800;

        deltaMove.y              = 0;
        this.transform.position += deltaMove;
예제 #4
    void OnDrag(DragGesture gesture)
        ContinuousGesturePhase phase = gesture.Phase;
        Vector3 UIPos = Game.gesturePos2UIPos(gesture.StartPosition);

        trails[0].transform.position            = UIPos;
        trails[0].particleSystem.enableEmission = true;
        if (phase.ToString() == "Ended")
            trails[0].particleSystem.enableEmission = false;
예제 #5
    void OnPinch(PinchGesture gesture)
        // current gesture phase (Started/Updated/Ended)
        ContinuousGesturePhase phase = gesture.Phase;

        // Current gap distance between the two fingers
        float gap = gesture.Gap;

        // Gap difference since last frame
        float delta = gesture.Delta;

        float pinchScalseFactor = 0.2f;

        this.transform.localScale += gesture.Delta * pinchScalseFactor * Vector3.one;
예제 #6
 ContinuousGestureEventPhase ContinuousGesturePhaseConvertor(ContinuousGesturePhase phase)
     if (phase == ContinuousGesturePhase.None)
     else if (phase == ContinuousGesturePhase.Started)
     else if (phase == ContinuousGesturePhase.Updated)
예제 #7
    void OnTwist(TwistGesture gesture)
        ContinuousGesturePhase phase = gesture.Phase;

        if (phase == ContinuousGesturePhase.Started)
            twisting = true;

        if (gesture.Position.y <= (Screen.height * 0.845f))
            CameraDummy.transform.Rotate(0.0f, gesture.DeltaRotation, 0.0f);

        if (phase == ContinuousGesturePhase.Ended)
            twisting = false;
예제 #8
    void OnDrag(DragGesture gesture)
        // current gesture phase (Started/Updated/Ended)
        ContinuousGesturePhase phase = gesture.Phase;

        if (phase == ContinuousGesturePhase.Ended)          //Check where spacer has been dropped
            Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(gesture.Position);
            RaycastHit hit;
            bool       snapBack  = true;
            int        maskLayer = 1 << 9;

            //Snap to position if spacer is at target position or revert to start pos
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100, maskLayer))
                foreach (GameObject targetCollider in targetColliders)
                    if (hit.collider.gameObject == targetCollider)
                        transform.position = targetDragPos;

                        if (!doneWithDrag && !isGestureRecognized)
                            isGestureRecognized = true;
                            snapBack = false;
            if (snapBack)
                transform.position = startDragPos;
예제 #9
파일: testPress.cs 프로젝트: AtwoodDeng/OIO
    void OnDrag(DragGesture gesture)
        if (Game.state != fixState)
        ContinuousGesturePhase phase = gesture.Phase;

        Debug.Log("phase" + phase.ToString());
//		Vector3 creaPos = gesture.Position;
//		creaPos.x -= Screen.width / 2;
//		creaPos.y -= Screen.height / 2 ;
//		creaPos.x *= Camera.main.fieldOfView / ( Screen.height / 2 ) * touchScaleX ;
//		creaPos.y *= Camera.main.fieldOfView / ( Screen.height / 2 ) * touchScaleY ;
//		creaPos.z = 1f;
//		creaCursor.transform.position = creaPos;

        if (ifPress)
            Vector3 UIPos = Game.gesturePos2UIPos(gesture.StartPosition);
            float   dis   = Vector3.Distance(UIPos, initPos);
            Debug.Log("ifPressed " + dis.ToString());
            Debug.Log("size " + (spriteWidth / 2));
            //check if drag
            if (dis < spriteWidth / 2)
                Debug.Log("distanced ");
//				Debug.Log ( "move " + gesture.DeltaMove.ToString() );
//				transform.position += new Vector3 (gesture.DeltaMove.x * dragScale , gesture.DeltaMove.y * dragScale , 0);
                transform.position = Game.gesturePos2UIPos(gesture.Position);
//				if (!newdown) {
//					//GameObject newo = Instantiate (fireballdown, new Vector3 (x, y, z), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
//					//down = newo;
//					//newdown = true;
//				}

        if (phase.ToString().Equals("Started"))
            Debug.Log("ges" + gesture.Position + gesture.StartPosition);
            Vector3 UIPos = Game.gesturePos2UIPos(gesture.Position);
            Debug.Log("began drag " + Vector3.Distance(UIPos, initPos) + " < " + (spriteWidth / 2));
//			Ray ray = new Ray( Game.mainCamera.transform.position , UIPos - Game.mainCamera.transform.position );
//			RaycastHit raycastHit = new RaycastHit();
//			if ( Physics.Raycast( ray , out raycastHit )  && raycastHit.collider.gameObject == gameObject )
//			{
            if (Vector3.Distance(UIPos, initPos) < spriteWidth / 2 && num > 0)
                ifPress = true;

        if (phase.ToString().Equals("Ended") && ifPress)
            ifPress = false;
//			DestroyObject(down, 0.1f);
//			newdown = false;
            //Debug.Log (gesture.Position);
//			logic.SendMessage("destoryLife", new Vector2(x + gesture.TotalMove.x / 150f, y + gesture.TotalMove.y / 150f));
                       , resetTime
                       , "position"
                       , initPos
                       , false
                       , resetEase
                       , 0);
            logic.SendMessage("destoryLife", Game.gesturePos2CreaPos(gesture.Position));
            text.text = num.ToString();
            Color col = text.color;
            col.a      = 0;
            text.color = col;
            col.a      = 1;
                       , textTime
                       , new TweenParms()
                       .Prop("color", col, false)
                       .Loops(2, LoopType.YoyoInverse)

            Vector3    gesPos = Game.gesturePos2CreaPos(gesture.Position);
            GameObject exp    = Instantiate(exposionPrefab) as GameObject;
            exp.transform.position = new Vector3(gesPos.x, gesPos.y, exp.transform.position.z);

        creaCursor.transform.position = Game.gesturePos2CreaPos(gesture.Position);
        UICursor.transform.position   = Game.gesturePos2UIPos(gesture.Position);
예제 #10
    // Direct user control of the fish's direction, for when the GO isKinematic
    void OnDrag(DragGesture gesture)     // drag anywhere on the screen, unless on the cam dummy to move the camera position
        ContinuousGesturePhase phase = gesture.Phase;

        animator.SetBool("dragging", true);

        bool dragIsHorizontal = false;
        bool dragIsVertical   = false;

        if (Mathf.Abs(gesture.DeltaMove.x) > Mathf.Abs(gesture.DeltaMove.y))
            dragIsHorizontal = true;
            dragIsVertical = true;

//		if (phase == ContinuousGesturePhase.Ended)
//		{
//			//Debug.Log("phase: " + phase);
//			//animator.SetBool("dragging", false);
//			// adjust root rotation for ani rotation (should more ideally change gradually as turn ani returns to orig position)
//			GO.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().transform.Rotate(0.0f, 35.0f, 0.0f);
//		}

        // drag is happening in top area, where the user can rotate the camera using the dummy camera
        if (gesture.Position.y > (Screen.height * 0.845f))
            CameraDummy.transform.Rotate(0.0f, 2.0f * dragSpeed * gesture.DeltaMove.x, 0.0f);
            if (dragIsVertical)
                // let user raise or lower the camera relative to the target
                // TODO: Set limits for the amount up or down the camera is allowed to go
                // TODO: UI to indicate camera height, and a way to return to default.
                CameraDummyChild.transform.position = new Vector3(CameraDummyChild.transform.position.x, CameraDummyChild.transform.position.y + verticalDragSpeed * gesture.DeltaMove.y, CameraDummyChild.transform.position.z);
        // drag is happening above the botton area reserved for UX. Therefore, turning can happen
        else if (gesture.Position.y > (Screen.height * 0.1f) && GO.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic)
            // FSMFishController fishController  = GO.GetComponent<FSMFishController>();

            // if the animator is in seesObstacle state, if the user forces the fish to turn (via this function)
            // turn off auto-turning by moving to seesObstacleNoTurningAllowed state. That way, the fish is allowed
            // to get close to an obstacle, giving the user more control (i.e. if they want to get close enough to
            // jump over the obstacle. And need to set canAutoTurn before switching to turn state.
            if (animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("seesObstacle"))
                animator.SetBool("canAutoTurn", false);
            animator.SetBool("gotoTurnState", true);
            //fishController.turnIsComplete = true; // if a drag to turn is started, it should cancel any automated turning by returning to the SwimState

            if (dragIsHorizontal)
                _cumulativeDragAmount           += dragSpeed * gesture.DeltaMove.x;
                fishManager.cumulativeDragAmount = _cumulativeDragAmount;
                GO.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().transform.Rotate(0.0f, -dragSpeed * gesture.DeltaMove.x, 0.0f);
                if (gesture.DeltaMove.x < 0)
                    animator.SetBool("turnL", false);
                    animator.SetBool("turnR", true);
                else if (gesture.DeltaMove.x > 0)
                    animator.SetBool("turnR", false);
                    animator.SetBool("turnL", true);
                else                     // If drag movement stops, return to turn idle state
                                         //animator.SetBool("turnL", false);
                                         //animator.SetBool("turnR", false);
            else if (dragIsVertical)
                animator.SetBool("turnL", false);
                animator.SetBool("turnR", false);
                float rotateAmount = dragSpeed * gesture.DeltaMove.y;
                if (rb.transform.position.y > (_waterlevel - 0.2f))
                    rotateAmount = -Mathf.Abs(rotateAmount);                              // only let the rotation go Down, not Up, if near the surface
                GO.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().transform.Rotate(rotateAmount, 0.0f, 0.0f); // rotating the z
        // touch has ended, leave the
        if (phase == ContinuousGesturePhase.Ended)
            animator.SetBool("turnL", false);
            animator.SetBool("turnR", false);
            animator.SetBool("dragging", false);

            _cumulativeDragAmount            = 0.0f;
            fishManager.cumulativeDragAmount = 0.0f;
예제 #11
        //Vector3 _start
        public virtual void OnDrag(DragGesture gesture)
            if (Time.time < nextDragTime)
            _bNewDrag = true;
            //if (m_IsMouseDown == false && UIManager.Instance.IsPointInUI(gesture.Position) == true)
            //    return;

            ContinuousGesturePhase phase = gesture.Phase;

            if (phase == ContinuousGesturePhase.Started)
                m_YOnDown     = Camera.main.transform.localPosition.y;
                m_IsMouseDown = true;
                //_camOriginPos = Camera.main.transform.position;
                _fingerOrigin  = Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition);
                _startPos      = Camera.main.transform.position;
                _startDragTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                _hitPos        = GetHitPosWithGeometry(gesture.Position, Camera.main.transform.position, _groundPosY);

                // ShowCanvas3d(false);
                //Debug.Log("_hitPos0:" + _hitPos);
            else if (phase == ContinuousGesturePhase.Ended)
                _bNewDrag = false;
                if (m_IsMouseDown)
                    Vector3 endPos        = Camera.main.transform.position;        // Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition);
                    float   dst           = (endPos - _startPos).magnitude;        //???
                    float   totalDragTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - _startDragTime;
                    float   speed         = Math.Min(dst / totalDragTime, AUTOSCROLLMAXSPEED);
                    float   acc           = -200;
                    Vector3 dir           = (endPos - _startPos);
                    StartCoroutine(MoveToStop(speed, dir.normalized, acc));
                m_IsMouseDown = false;
            if (phase != ContinuousGesturePhase.Ended && m_IsMouseDown)
                float dst = 0;
                //Vector3 pos = GetCamPosByScreenWorldPos (Camera.main, Input.mousePosition, _hitPos);
                //Vector3 offsetCam = -pos + _camOriginPos;
                //Vector3 camPos = _camOriginPos -offsetCam;//
                Vector3 camPos = GetCamPosByScreenWorldPos(Camera.main, Input.mousePosition, _hitPos, _tempBound);
                //if (!_bounds.Contains (camPos)) {
                //	dst = _scale * _bounds.SqrDistance (camPos);
                //	//Vector3 offsetDir = camPos-Camera.main.transform.position;
                //	camPos = Vector3.Lerp (_camOriginPos, camPos, 1.0f / Math.Max (dst, _fMin));
                //	//Debug.Log ("dst1:"+dst);
                //	//return;\
                if (!IsInClampPos(ref camPos))
                    //_camOriginPos = Camera.main.transform.position;
                    camPos.y = _startPos.y;
                    ChangeCameraTransform(camPos, Quaternion.identity, true, false);
                //				if (dst / _scale > 0.3f) {
                //					return;
                //				}

//                Vector3 mPos = Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition);
//                Vector3 dir = mPos - _fingerOrigin;
//                Vector3 camPos = Vector3.zero;
//                dir.z = dir.y;
//                dir.y = 0;

//                float factor = 300 / Mathf.Abs(_hitPos.y - Camera.main.transform.position.y);
//                Vector3 offsetCam = Camera.main.transform.rotation * dir * factor;
//                offsetCam.y = 0;
//                camPos = _camOriginPos - offsetCam;//
//				float dst=0;
//				if (!_bounds.Contains (camPos)) {
//					dst=_scale*_bounds.SqrDistance (camPos);
//					camPos= camPos - offsetCam/Math.Max(dst,_fMin);
//					Debug.Log ("dst..1:"+dst/_scale+",camPos:"+camPos);
//					//return;
//				}
//				if (dst / _scale > 0.3f) {
//					return;
//				}
//				Vector3 cPos = Camera.main.transform.position;
//                Camera.main.transform.position = camPos;//
//                                                        //
//                Vector3 curHit = GetHitPosWithGeometry(gesture.Position, camPos, _hitPos.y);
//                Vector3 offset = curHit - _hitPos;
//                offset.y = 0;
//				Vector3 resultPos = camPos - offset;
//				if (!_bounds.Contains (resultPos)) {
//					dst=_scale*_bounds.SqrDistance (resultPos);
//					resultPos= camPos - offset/Math.Max(dst,_fMin);
//					//Debug.Log ("dst:"+dst);
//						//return;
//				}
//				if (dst / _scale >  0.3f) {
//					Camera.main.transform.position = cPos;
//					return;
//				}
                //	Camera.main.transform.position = resultPos;

                //  curHit = GetHitPosWithGeometry(gesture.Position, Camera.main.transform.position, _hitPos.y);
