public ExportPrintItemPage(IEnumerable <ILibraryItem> libraryItems, bool centerOnBed, PrinterConfig printer) { this.WindowTitle = "Export File".Localize(); this.HeaderText = "Export selection to".Localize() + ":"; this.Name = "Export Item Window"; var commonMargin = new BorderDouble(4, 2); bool isFirstItem = true; // Must be constructed before plugins are initialized var exportButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Export".Localize()); validationPanel = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit }; // GCode export exportPluginButtons = new Dictionary <RadioButton, IExportPlugin>(); foreach (IExportPlugin plugin in PluginFinder.CreateInstancesOf <IExportPlugin>().OrderBy(p => p.ButtonText)) { plugin.Initialize(printer); // Skip plugins which are invalid for the current printer if (!plugin.Enabled) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(plugin.DisabledReason)) { // add a message to let us know why not enabled var disabledPluginButton = new RadioButton(new RadioImageWidget(plugin.ButtonText, theme.TextColor, plugin.Icon)) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Left, Margin = commonMargin, Cursor = Cursors.Hand, Name = plugin.ButtonText + " Button", Enabled = false }; contentRow.AddChild(disabledPluginButton); contentRow.AddChild(new TextWidget("Disabled: {0}".Localize().FormatWith(plugin.DisabledReason), textColor: theme.PrimaryAccentColor) { Margin = new BorderDouble(left: 80), HAnchor = HAnchor.Left }); } continue; } // Create export button for each plugin var pluginButton = new RadioButton(new RadioImageWidget(plugin.ButtonText, theme.TextColor, plugin.Icon)) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Left, Margin = commonMargin, Cursor = Cursors.Hand, Name = plugin.ButtonText + " Button" }; contentRow.AddChild(pluginButton); if (plugin is GCodeExport) { var gcodeExportButton = pluginButton; gcodeExportButton.CheckedStateChanged += (s, e) => { validationPanel.CloseAllChildren(); if (gcodeExportButton.Checked) { var errors = printer.ValidateSettings(validatePrintBed: false); exportButton.Enabled = !errors.Any(item => item.ErrorLevel == ValidationErrorLevel.Error); validationPanel.AddChild( new ValidationErrorsPanel( errors, AppContext.Theme) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch }); } else { exportButton.Enabled = true; } }; } if (isFirstItem) { pluginButton.Checked = true; isFirstItem = false; } if (plugin is IExportWithOptions pluginWithOptions) { var optionPanel = pluginWithOptions.GetOptionsPanel(); if (optionPanel != null) { optionPanel.HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch; optionPanel.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit; contentRow.AddChild(optionPanel); } } exportPluginButtons.Add(pluginButton, plugin); } ContentRow.AddChild(new VerticalSpacer()); contentRow.AddChild(validationPanel); // TODO: make this work on the mac and then delete this if if (AggContext.OperatingSystem == OSType.Windows || AggContext.OperatingSystem == OSType.X11) { showInFolderAfterSave = new CheckBox("Show file in folder after save".Localize(), theme.TextColor, 10) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Left, Cursor = Cursors.Hand }; contentRow.AddChild(showInFolderAfterSave); } exportButton.Name = "Export Button"; exportButton.Click += (s, e) => { IExportPlugin activePlugin = null; // Loop over all plugin buttons, break on the first checked item found foreach (var button in this.exportPluginButtons.Keys) { if (button.Checked) { activePlugin = exportPluginButtons[button]; break; } } // Early exit if no plugin radio button is selected if (activePlugin == null) { return; } DoExport(libraryItems, printer, activePlugin, centerOnBed, showInFolderAfterSave.Checked); this.Parent.CloseOnIdle(); }; this.AddPageAction(exportButton); }
public ExportPrintItemPage(IEnumerable <ILibraryItem> libraryItems, bool centerOnBed, PrinterConfig printer) { this.centerOnBed = centerOnBed; this.WindowTitle = "Export File".Localize(); this.HeaderText = "Export selection to".Localize() + ":"; this.libraryItems = libraryItems; this.Name = "Export Item Window"; var commonMargin = new BorderDouble(4, 2); bool isFirstItem = true; // Must be constructed before plugins are initialized var exportButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Export".Localize()); validationPanel = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit }; // GCode export exportPluginButtons = new Dictionary <RadioButton, IExportPlugin>(); foreach (IExportPlugin plugin in PluginFinder.CreateInstancesOf <IExportPlugin>().OrderBy(p => p.ButtonText)) { plugin.Initialize(printer); // Skip plugins which are invalid for the current printer if (!plugin.Enabled) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(plugin.DisabledReason)) { // add a message to let us know why not enabled var disabledPluginButton = new RadioButton(new RadioImageWidget(plugin.ButtonText, theme.TextColor, plugin.Icon)) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Left, Margin = commonMargin, Cursor = Cursors.Hand, Name = plugin.ButtonText + " Button", Enabled = false }; contentRow.AddChild(disabledPluginButton); contentRow.AddChild(new TextWidget("Disabled: {0}".Localize().FormatWith(plugin.DisabledReason), textColor: theme.PrimaryAccentColor) { Margin = new BorderDouble(left: 80), HAnchor = HAnchor.Left }); } continue; } // Create export button for each plugin var pluginButton = new RadioButton(new RadioImageWidget(plugin.ButtonText, theme.TextColor, plugin.Icon)) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Left, Margin = commonMargin, Cursor = Cursors.Hand, Name = plugin.ButtonText + " Button" }; contentRow.AddChild(pluginButton); if (plugin is GCodeExport) { var gcodeExportButton = pluginButton; gcodeExportButton.CheckedStateChanged += (s, e) => { validationPanel.CloseAllChildren(); if (gcodeExportButton.Checked) { var errors = printer.ValidateSettings(); exportButton.Enabled = !errors.Any(item => item.ErrorLevel == ValidationErrorLevel.Error); validationPanel.AddChild( new ValidationErrorsPanel( errors, AppContext.Theme) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch }); } else { exportButton.Enabled = true; } }; } if (isFirstItem) { pluginButton.Checked = true; isFirstItem = false; } if (plugin is IExportWithOptions pluginWithOptions) { var optionPanel = pluginWithOptions.GetOptionsPanel(); if (optionPanel != null) { optionPanel.HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch; optionPanel.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit; contentRow.AddChild(optionPanel); } } exportPluginButtons.Add(pluginButton, plugin); } ContentRow.AddChild(new VerticalSpacer()); contentRow.AddChild(validationPanel); // TODO: make this work on the mac and then delete this if if (AggContext.OperatingSystem == OSType.Windows || AggContext.OperatingSystem == OSType.X11) { showInFolderAfterSave = new CheckBox("Show file in folder after save".Localize(), theme.TextColor, 10) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Left, Cursor = Cursors.Hand }; contentRow.AddChild(showInFolderAfterSave); } exportButton.Name = "Export Button"; exportButton.Click += (s, e) => { string fileTypeFilter = ""; string targetExtension = ""; IExportPlugin activePlugin = null; // Loop over all plugin buttons, break on the first checked item found foreach (var button in this.exportPluginButtons.Keys) { if (button.Checked) { activePlugin = exportPluginButtons[button]; break; } } // Early exit if no plugin radio button is selected if (activePlugin == null) { return; } fileTypeFilter = activePlugin.ExtensionFilter; targetExtension = activePlugin.FileExtension; this.Parent.CloseOnIdle(); if (activePlugin is FolderExport) { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { AggContext.FileDialogs.SelectFolderDialog( new SelectFolderDialogParams("Select Location To Export Files") { ActionButtonLabel = "Export".Localize(), Title = ApplicationController.Instance.ProductName + " - " + "Select A Folder".Localize() }, (openParams) => { ApplicationController.Instance.Tasks.Execute( "Saving".Localize() + "...", printer, async(reporter, cancellationToken) => { string path = openParams.FolderPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { await activePlugin.Generate(libraryItems, path, reporter, cancellationToken); } }); }); }); return; } UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { string title = ApplicationController.Instance.ProductName + " - " + "Export File".Localize(); string workspaceName = "Workspace " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm_ss"); AggContext.FileDialogs.SaveFileDialog( new SaveFileDialogParams(fileTypeFilter) { Title = title, ActionButtonLabel = "Export".Localize(), FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(libraryItems.FirstOrDefault()?.Name ?? workspaceName) }, (saveParams) => { string savePath = saveParams.FileName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(savePath)) { ApplicationController.Instance.Tasks.Execute( "Exporting".Localize() + "...", printer, async(reporter, cancellationToken) => { string extension = Path.GetExtension(savePath); if (extension != targetExtension) { savePath += targetExtension; } List <ValidationError> exportErrors = null; if (activePlugin != null) { if (activePlugin is GCodeExport gCodeExport) { gCodeExport.CenterOnBed = centerOnBed; } exportErrors = await activePlugin.Generate(libraryItems, savePath, reporter, cancellationToken); } if (exportErrors == null || exportErrors.Count == 0) { ShowFileIfRequested(savePath); } else { bool showGenerateErrors = !(activePlugin is GCodeExport); // Only show errors in Generate if not GCodeExport - GCodeExport shows validation errors before Generate call if (showGenerateErrors) { ApplicationController.Instance.ShowValidationErrors("Export Error".Localize(), exportErrors); } } }); } }); }); }; this.AddPageAction(exportButton); }