public override void LoadContent(ContentLoader content) { Texture2D lightTx = content.Load<Texture2D>("Lightning"); int lightX = (graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - lightTx.Width <= 0 ? 100 : ((graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - lightTx.Width + 100) / 2)); Texture2D introTx = content.Load<Texture2D>("intro2"); int introX = (graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - introTx.Width <= 0 ? 0 : ((graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - introTx.Width)/2)); int introY = (graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - introTx.Height <= 0 ? 0 : ((graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - introTx.Height) / 2)); myIntro = new IntroSprite(introTx, new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height)); for (int i = 0; i < myClouds.Length; i++) { myClouds[i] = new CloudSprite(content.Load<Texture2D>("cloudX"), new Vector2(-i*300, 0), i); mySprites.Add(myClouds[i]); } myLightning = new LightningSprite(lightTx, content.Load<SoundEffect>("lightningS"), new Vector2(lightX, 0), myClouds, this); mySprites.Add(myIntro); mySprites.Add(myLightning); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); }
private static void ShowFailToLoadContentMessage(string contentName, ContentLoader.ContentNotFound ex) { Logger.Warning("Content " + ex.Message + " in " + contentName + " not found"); var verdana = ContentLoader.Load<Font>("Verdana12"); new FontText(verdana, "Content " + ex.Message + " in " + contentName + " not found", Rectangle.One); }
public void LoadContent(ContentLoader content) { myEffect = content.ContentManager.Load<ParticleEffect>(name); myEffect.LoadContent(content.ContentManager); myEffect.Initialise(); myRenderer.LoadContent(content.ContentManager); }
public override void Load(ContentLoader contentLoader = null) { using (var file = File.OpenRead(this.PackFile.Location)) { file.Seek(this.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); CompressedContentLoader(contentLoader)(file); } }
public WavingFlagSample() : base() { this.Window.Title = "Snowball Waving Flag Sample"; this.graphicsDevice = new GraphicsDevice(this.Window); this.Services.AddService(typeof(IGraphicsDevice), this.graphicsDevice); this.contentLoader = new ContentLoader(this.Services); }
public override void LoadContent(ContentLoader content) { //Load some particle effects sparkler = new ParticleFX(graphics, "wand"); sparkler.LoadContent(content); sparkler.Visible = false; explosion = new ParticleFX(graphics, "BasicExplosion"); explosion.LoadContent(content); }
public Engine() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; ContentLoader = new ContentLoader(this.Content); input = new InputHandler(graphics); = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height;; }
public override void Load(ContentLoader contentLoader = null) { if (contentLoader == null) return; using (var stream = new MemoryStream(this.Data)) { contentLoader(stream); } }
public override void Load(ContentLoader contentLoader = null) { using (var stream = CompressionStream.DecompressFile(this.Location)) { stream.SkipUntil(c => c == '\0'); if (contentLoader != null) contentLoader(stream); } }
private static void ShowFailToLoadContentMessage(string contentName, ContentLoader.ContentNameShouldNotHaveExtension ex) { Logger.Warning("Content " + contentName + " has an '.' in the contentName. This is not allowed for it will be viewed as an extension"); var verdana = ContentLoader.Load<Font>("Verdana12"); new FontText(verdana, "Content " + contentName + " has an '.' in the contentName. This is not allowed for it will be viewed as an extension", Rectangle.One); }
public TextBlockSample() : base() { this.Window.Title = "TextBlock Sample"; this.graphicsDevice = new GraphicsDevice(this.Window); this.Services.AddService(typeof(IGraphicsDevice), this.graphicsDevice); this.contentLoader = new ContentLoader(this.Services); this.Services.AddService(typeof(IContentLoader), this.contentLoader); }
public GamePadReader() : base() { this.Window.Title = "Snowball GamePad Reader"; this.gamePad = new GamePad(GamePadIndex.One); this.graphicsDevice = new GraphicsDevice(this.Window); this.Services.AddService(typeof(IGraphicsDevice), this.graphicsDevice); this.contentLoader = new ContentLoader(this.Services); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a compressed ContentLoader. /// </summary> /// <param name="loader">The loader.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static ContentLoader CompressedContentLoader(ContentLoader loader) { if (loader == null) return stream => { }; return stream => { using (var compressed = CompressionStream.DecompressStream(stream, true)) { loader(compressed); } }; }
public WalkingWizardSample() : base() { this.Window.Title = "Snowball Walking Wizard Sample"; this.graphicsDevice = new GraphicsDevice(this.Window); // Add the GraphicsDevice to the list of services. This is how ContentLoader finds the GraphicsDevice. this.Services.AddService(typeof(IGraphicsDevice), this.graphicsDevice); this.keyboard = new Keyboard(); this.content = new ContentLoader(this.Services); }
public void LoadContentViewById(int id, EditContentViewModel model) { model.Heading = "Edit Page"; model.EditURL = "editcontent"; var contentLoader = new ContentLoader(); model.ContentPage.Details = contentLoader.GetDetailsById(id); var ext = _context.ContentPageExtensions.FirstOrDefault(ex => ex.ContentPageId == id); Mapper.Map(ext, model.ContentPage); model.ShowFieldEditor = model.ContentPage.Details.SchemaId > -1; // If we are editing a draft, we actually need to be editing the parent page, but keep the drafts contents (html, css, meta, etc). // To accomplish this, we can simply change the id of the page we're editing in memory, to the parent page. model.BasePageId = model.ContentPage.Details.IsRevision ? Convert.ToInt32(model.ContentPage.Details.ParentContentPageId) : model.ContentPage.Details.ContentPageId; var user = GetCurrentUser(); model.UseWordWrap = user.ContentAdminWordWrap; model.SiteUrl = HTTPUtils.GetFullyQualifiedApplicationPath(); // Check to see if there is a newer version available var newerVersionId = GetNewerVersionId(model.BasePageId, model.ContentPage.Details.PublishDate, model.ContentPage.Details.ContentPageId); if (newerVersionId != 0) { model.IsNewerVersion = true; model.NewerVersionId = newerVersionId; } model.Templates = contentLoader.GetAllContentTemplates(); model.Revisions = GetPageRevisions(model.BasePageId); // Get list of schemas for drop down model.Schemas = contentLoader.GetAllSchemata(); // Grab the formatted nav list for the category drop down model.NavList = _navigationUtils.GetNavList(); model.ParentNavIdsToDisable = contentLoader.GetNavItemsForContentPage(model.ContentPage.Details.ContentPageId); model.BookmarkTitle = model.ContentPage.Details.Title; }
public Game1() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; IsMouseVisible = true; InputController input = new InputController(this); Components.Add(input); Services.AddService(typeof(InputController), input); fontLoader = new ContentLoader<SpriteFont>(this); Services.AddService(typeof(ContentLoader<SpriteFont>), fontLoader); imageLoader = new ContentLoader<Texture2D>(this); Services.AddService(typeof(ContentLoader<Texture2D>), imageLoader); soundLoader = new ContentLoader<SoundEffectInstance>(this); Services.AddService(typeof(ContentLoader<SoundEffectInstance>), soundLoader); }
protected readonly Stack<MapDataStore> recycledBlocks; // Object pool! protected BlockMesher() { // Make queues requestQueue = new Util.UniqueQueue<DFCoord, Request>(); recycledBlocks = new Stack<MapDataStore>(); resultQueue = new Queue<Result>(); // Load meshes contentLoader = new ContentLoader(); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); contentLoader.ParseContentIndexFile(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/index.txt"); contentLoader.FinalizeTextureAtlases(); watch.Stop(); Debug.Log("Took a total of " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms to load all XML files."); // Load materials materials = new Dictionary<MatPairStruct, RemoteFortressReader.MaterialDefinition>(); foreach (RemoteFortressReader.MaterialDefinition material in DFConnection.Instance.NetMaterialList.material_list) { materials[material.mat_pair] = material; } System.GC.Collect(); //force a garbage collect after initial load. }
public override void LoadContent(ContentLoader content) { slides = new List<Texture2D>(); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphics.GraphicsDevice); String[] files = Directory.GetFiles("Slideshow"); foreach (String file in files) { try { Stream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open); slides.Add(Texture2D.FromStream(graphics.GraphicsDevice, stream)); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } if (slides.Count == 0) { slides.Add(new Texture2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1)); } }
public virtual void LoadContent(ContentLoader content, ScreenManager screenManager) { }
private void Start() { ContentLoader.RegisterLoadCallback(LoadShapes); }
public void DisposeContentLoader() { ContentLoader.DisposeIfInitialized(); }
public void PlaySoundOnClick() { new Command(() => ContentLoader.Load <Sound>("DefaultSound").Play()).Add( new MouseButtonTrigger()); }
public void PlaySoundLeft() { ContentLoader.Load <Sound>("DefaultSound").Play(1, -1); }
private static void PlayClickedSound() { var clickSound = ContentLoader.Load <Sound>(GameSounds.MenuPageFlip.ToString()); clickSound.Play(); }
public void PlaySound() { ContentLoader.Load <Sound>("DefaultSound").Play(); }
protected override void Preview(string contentName) { new LevelDebugRenderer(ContentLoader.Load <Level>(contentName)); }
public Sprite(string texture) : this(ContentLoader.LoadTexture(texture), Alignments.Center) { }
internal void UpdateImprovement(RemoteFortressReader.ItemImprovement improvement) { Color matColor = ContentLoader.GetColor(improvement.material); float textureIndex = ContentLoader.GetPatternIndex(improvement.material); float shapeIndex = ContentLoader.GetShapeIndex(improvement.material); image = improvement.image; if (actualModel != null) { Destroy(actualModel); actualModel = null; } GameObject prefab = null; switch (improvement.type) { case ImprovementType.ART_IMAGE: prefab = DecorationManager.Instance.Image; break; case ImprovementType.BANDS: case ImprovementType.COVERED: prefab = DecorationManager.Instance.GetShape(improvement.shape); break; case ImprovementType.RINGS_HANGING: prefab = DecorationManager.Instance.Ring; break; case ImprovementType.SPIKES: prefab = DecorationManager.Instance.Spike; break; default: break; } if (prefab == null) { gameObject.SetActive(false); return; } actualModel = Instantiate(prefab, transform, false); meshFilter = actualModel.GetComponentInChildren <MeshFilter>(); meshRenderer = actualModel.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); if (improvement.type == ImprovementType.ART_IMAGE) { meshFilter.sharedMesh = ImageManager.Instance.CreateMesh(improvement.image, ImageManager.Direction.Front); } else { originalMaterial = meshRenderer.sharedMaterial; meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = ContentLoader.getFinalMaterial(originalMaterial, matColor.a); } MaterialPropertyBlock prop = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); prop.SetColor("_MatColor", matColor); prop.SetFloat("_MatIndex", textureIndex); prop.SetFloat("_ShapeIndex", shapeIndex); meshRenderer.SetPropertyBlock(prop); gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public void UpdateMaterial(Item itemInput, UnitDefinition unit = null) { originalItem = itemInput; if (phantom) { return; } if (meshRenderer == null) { meshRenderer = GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); } //This means that it's just a placeholder on a body part. if (meshRenderer == null) { phantom = true; return; } if (originalMaterial == null) { originalMaterial = meshRenderer.sharedMaterial; } Color partColor = ContentLoader.GetColor(itemInput); float textureIndex = ContentLoader.GetPatternIndex(itemInput.material); meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = ContentLoader.getFinalMaterial(originalMaterial, partColor.a); if (itemInput.type.mat_type == 53 && == "Art/SingleImage") //plant. We have colored sprites for these. { partColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); } if (((ItemFlags)(itemInput.flags1) & ItemFlags.rotten) == ItemFlags.rotten) { partColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f); } MaterialPropertyBlock prop = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); prop.SetColor("_MatColor", partColor); prop.SetFloat("_MatIndex", textureIndex); if (unit != null) { prop.SetColor("_JobColor", unit.profession_color); } if (ImageManager.Instance != null) { prop.SetFloat("_SpriteIndex", ImageManager.Instance.GetItemTile(itemInput.type)); } meshRenderer.SetPropertyBlock(prop); UpdateImprovements(gameObject, itemInput); var image = GetComponentInChildren <ItemImage>(); if (image != null) { image.UpdateImage(itemInput); } }
protected virtual IList GetPagesCollection(Func <IEnumerable <ContentReference> > retrieveMethod, Type itemType) { Func <IEnumerable <IContent> > loadPages = () => retrieveMethod().Select(x => ContentLoader.Get <IContent>(x)); var result = GetPagesCollection(loadPages, itemType); return(result); }
private void Start() { ContentLoader.RegisterLoadCallback(LoadBuildings); }
protected override void OnInit(ContentLoader loader) { loader.SetLoadContextParameters(new AddressableLoaderParameters { behaviour = LoaderBehaviour.Asset }); }
protected override void Initialize() { Content = new ContentLoader(Services); base.Initialize(); }
public Sprite(string texture, Alignments alignment) : this(ContentLoader.LoadTexture(texture), alignment) { }
public override void LoadContent(ContentLoader content, ScreenManager screenManager) { base.LoadContent(content, screenManager); }
public override void Load(ContentLoader contentLoader) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void SetUp() { verdana = Font.Default; tahoma = ContentLoader.Load <Font>("Tahoma30"); }
private static void PlayClickedSound() { var sound = ContentLoader.Load <Sound>(GameSounds.MenuButtonClick.ToString()); sound.Play(); }
public void PlaySoundVerySilent() { ContentLoader.Load <Sound>("DefaultSound").Play(0.1f); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new font from the info in the specified font descriptor (XML) file /// </summary> /// <param name="game">current game</param> /// <param name="strFontFilename">font file (.xml)</param> public BitmapFont(EAGSS game, string strFontFilename) { content = game.Content; m_dictBitmapID2BitmapInfo = new Dictionary<int, BitmapInfo>(); m_dictBitmapID2Texture = new Dictionary<int, Texture2D>(); m_dictUnicode2GlyphInfo = new Dictionary<char, GlyphInfo>(); m_dictKern = new Dictionary<char, Dictionary<char, int>>(); var xd = new XmlDocument(); xd.Load(new MemoryStream(content.Load<byte[]>(strFontFilename))); LoadFontXML(xd.ChildNodes); }
public void PlaySoundAndDispose() { var sound = ContentLoader.Load <Sound>("DefaultSound"); sound.Dispose(); }
public abstract void Load(string path, ContentLoader contentLoader);
protected override sealed void CreateScene() { Scene = ContentLoader.Load <Scene>(GameMenus.TowerSelectionPanel.ToString()); Hide(); SetupButtonsAndAttachEvents(); }
public static void Start() { sht = ContentLoader.LoadSpriteSheet("Editor/TestImages/Floors1.png", new Vector2(16, 16)); new Object2D("SliderTest", Screen.Resolution / 2, new Vector2(50, 50), 0, new Component2D[] { new Image2DComponent(sht.Sheet[0][1]) }); }
public void CreateContentLoader() { ContentLoader.Use <FakeContentLoader>(); }
/// <summary> /// Used when loaded from json /// </summary> /// <param name="parent"></param> /// <param name="spriteSheetToLoad"></param> /// <param name="size"></param> /// <param name="offset"></param> public GuiImageComponent(GuiComponent parent, int spriteSheetToLoad, Point size, Vector2 offset = new Vector2()) : base(offset, size, parent) { _componentType = EngineComponentTypes.UiComponents.ImageComponent; _spriteSheet = ContentLoader.GetSpriteSheet(spriteSheetToLoad); _size = size; }
public override void LoadContent(ContentLoader content) { }
void HandleXnaInitialize() { try { CreateManagers(); mScrollBarControlLogic.Managers = mManagers; string targetFntFileName = CreateAndSaveFonts(); // Implement the default content loader since we're not providing // a custom one: var contentLoader = new ContentLoader(); contentLoader.SystemManagers = mManagers; LoaderManager.Self.ContentLoader = contentLoader; LoaderManager.Self.Initialize(null, targetFntFileName, XnaControl.Services, mManagers); ToolComponentManager.Self.ReactToXnaInitialize(mManagers); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error initializing XNA\n\n" + e.ToString()); } }
public EngineScreenManager(Game game) : base(game) { // Content loader ContentLoader = new ContentLoader("Content", Game.GraphicsDevice, Game.Services); }
public void CustomInitialize() { mTimeManager = new TimeManager(); mManagers = new SystemManagers(); mManagers.Initialize(GraphicsDevice); mManagers.Name = "Image Region Selection"; Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(GraphicsDeviceControl));// Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(); string targetFntFileName = FileManager.UserApplicationDataForThisApplication + "Font18Arial.fnt"; string targetPngFileName = FileManager.UserApplicationDataForThisApplication + "Font18Arial_0.png"; FileManager.SaveEmbeddedResource( assembly, "XnaAndWinforms.Content.Font18Arial.fnt", targetFntFileName); FileManager.SaveEmbeddedResource( assembly, "XnaAndWinforms.Content.Font18Arial_0.png", targetPngFileName); var contentLoader = new ContentLoader(); contentLoader.SystemManagers = mManagers; LoaderManager.Self.ContentLoader = contentLoader; LoaderManager.Self.Initialize("Content/InvalidTexture.png", targetFntFileName, Services, mManagers); CreateNewSelector(); mCursor = new InputLibrary.Cursor(); mCursor.Initialize(this); mKeyboard = new InputLibrary.Keyboard(); mKeyboard.Initialize(this); mCameraPanningLogic = new CameraPanningLogic(this, mManagers, mCursor, mKeyboard); mCameraPanningLogic.Panning += HandlePanning; MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(MouseWheelRegion); ZoomNumbers = new Zooming.ZoomNumbers(); }
public void LoadContent(ContentLoader contentManager) { var texture = contentManager.LoadTexture(_cursorTextureInfo.MainFolder, _cursorTextureInfo.AssetName); _cursorSprite = new Sprite(texture); _cursorTextureScale = ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(Size) / texture.Width; }
/// <summary> /// Writes .pcmap file to the specified path. This contains informations about objects and textures used in a binary format. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> public void WriteBinaryMapFile(string path) { FileStream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(stream); /// HEADER /// binaryWriter.Write(HeaderString); binaryWriter.Write(HeaderVersion); /// MAP PROPERTIES /// binaryWriter.Write(BackgroundR); binaryWriter.Write(BackgroundG); binaryWriter.Write(BackgroundB); /// OBJECTS /// binaryWriter.Write(Objects.Count); foreach (MapObjectJSON obj in Objects) { binaryWriter.Write(obj.Name); binaryWriter.Write(obj.Layer); binaryWriter.Write(obj.PositionX); binaryWriter.Write(obj.PositionY); // Object creation information binaryWriter.Write(obj.Info.ClassName); // Object UUID binaryWriter.Write(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); // Properties binaryWriter.Write(obj.Properties.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GameObjectProperty> pair in obj.Properties) { // Property name binaryWriter.Write(pair.Key); // Property value binaryWriter.Write((int)pair.Value.propertyType); switch (pair.Value.propertyType) { case PropertyType.INT: binaryWriter.Write((int)pair.Value.GetAsInt32()); break; case PropertyType.BOOL: binaryWriter.Write((bool)pair.Value.GetAsBool()); break; case PropertyType.DOUBLE: binaryWriter.Write((double)pair.Value.GetAsDouble()); break; case PropertyType.FLOAT: binaryWriter.Write((float)pair.Value.GetAsFloat()); break; case PropertyType.STRING: binaryWriter.Write(pair.Value.GetAsString()); break; } } // Components binaryWriter.Write(obj.Components.Count); foreach (ComponentInfo component in obj.Components) { // Class name used to load component binaryWriter.Write(component.ClassName); // Component UUID binaryWriter.Write(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); // Component Properties binaryWriter.Write(component.Properties.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ComponentProperty> pair in component.Properties) { // Property name binaryWriter.Write(pair.Key); // Property value binaryWriter.Write((int)pair.Value.propertyType); switch (pair.Value.propertyType) { case PropertyType.INT: binaryWriter.Write((int)pair.Value.GetAsInt32()); break; case PropertyType.BOOL: binaryWriter.Write((bool)pair.Value.GetAsBool()); break; case PropertyType.DOUBLE: binaryWriter.Write((double)pair.Value.GetAsDouble()); break; case PropertyType.FLOAT: binaryWriter.Write((float)pair.Value.GetAsFloat()); break; case PropertyType.STRING: binaryWriter.Write(pair.Value.GetAsString()); break; } } } } /// ASSET INFORMATION (directory tree of any used assets such as textures for the game to pre-load) List <string> assetKeys = new List <string>(); foreach (MapObjectJSON obj in Objects) { if (obj.Info.AnimationProperty != Util.GetEngineNull()) { Animation animation = ContentLoader.GetAnimation(obj.Properties[obj.Info.AnimationProperty].CurrentValue); if (animation != null) { foreach (KeyFrame keyFrame in animation.KeyFrames) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SpriteJson> spritePair in keyFrame.SpriteBoxes) { if (!assetKeys.Contains(spritePair.Value.textureKey)) { assetKeys.Add(spritePair.Value.textureKey); } } } } } foreach (ComponentInfo component in obj.Components) { if (component.AnimationProperty != Util.GetEngineNull()) { Animation animation = ContentLoader.GetAnimation(component.Properties[component.AnimationProperty].CurrentValue); if (animation != null) { foreach (KeyFrame keyFrame in animation.KeyFrames) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SpriteJson> spritePair in keyFrame.SpriteBoxes) { if (!assetKeys.Contains(spritePair.Value.textureKey)) { assetKeys.Add(spritePair.Value.textureKey); } } } } } } } binaryWriter.Write(assetKeys.Count); foreach (string assetKey in assetKeys) { binaryWriter.Write(assetKey); } binaryWriter.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Should load all content for this game /// </summary> /// <param name="content">A ContentLoader to load content</param> public abstract void LoadContent(ContentLoader content);
protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(Game.GraphicsDevice); content = Game.Content; bitmapFont = new BitmapFont(Game, "fonts\\FZHei_17_Bold.xml"); bitmapFont.Reset(Game.GraphicsDevice); transitionEffect = content.Load<Effect>("effects\\disappear.fxc"); transitionShader = content.Load<Texture2D>("shaders\\default.png"); // Tell each of the screens to load their content. foreach (GameScreen screen in screens) { screen.InitializeControls(); screen.LoadContent(); } }
private void NavigateAsync(Uri oldValue, Uri newValue, NavigationType navigationType) { Debug.WriteLine("Navigating from '{0}' to '{1}'", oldValue, newValue); // set IsLoadingContent state SetValue(IsLoadingContentPropertyKey, true); // cancel previous load content task (if any) // note: no need for thread synchronization, this code always executes on the UI thread if (_tokenSource != null) { _tokenSource.Cancel(); _tokenSource = null; } // push previous source onto the history stack (only for new navigation types) if (oldValue != null) { switch (navigationType) { case NavigationType.New: _history.Push(oldValue); _future.Clear(); break; case NavigationType.Back: _future.Push(oldValue); break; case NavigationType.Forward: _history.Push(oldValue); break; } } object newContent = null; if (newValue != null) { // content is cached on uri without fragment var newValueNoFragment = NavigationHelper.RemoveFragment(newValue); if (navigationType == NavigationType.Refresh || !_contentCache.TryGetValue(newValueNoFragment, out newContent)) { var localTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); _tokenSource = localTokenSource; // load the content (asynchronous!) var scheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext(); #if DEBUG var task = ContentLoader.LoadContentAsync(newValue, _tokenSource.Token); #else Task <object> task; try { task = ContentLoader.LoadContentAsync(newValue, _tokenSource.Token); } catch (Exception e) { SetNavigationFailedContent(newValue, navigationType, e); return; } #endif task.ContinueWith(t => { try { if (t.IsCanceled || localTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { Debug.WriteLine("Cancelled navigation to '{0}'", newValue); } else if (t.IsFaulted) { SetNavigationFailedContent(newValue, navigationType, t.Exception); } else { newContent = t.Result; if (ShouldKeepContentAlive(newContent)) { // keep the new content in memory Debug.WriteLine("KEEP CONTENT ALIVE: " + newValue); _contentCache[newValueNoFragment] = newContent; } SetContent(newValue, navigationType, newContent, false); } } finally { // clear global tokenSource to avoid a Cancel on a disposed object if (_tokenSource == localTokenSource) { _tokenSource = null; } // and dispose of the local tokensource localTokenSource.Dispose(); } }, scheduler); return; } } // newValue is null or newContent was found in the cache SetContent(newValue, navigationType, newContent, false); }
public ActionResult Index() { ContentViewViewModel model = null; //Remove query string var thisUri = new Uri(Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path)); // Check for content pages before returning a 404 var title = GetPageTitle(thisUri); // If url has a subdirectory, try the master url list to see if it is a child page bool hasSubDirectory = title.Contains("/"); if (hasSubDirectory) { model = GetSubDirectoryModel(title); } // If not a subdirectory try based on permalink / title if (model == null || model.ThePage == null) { model = new ContentViewViewModel { ThePage = ContentLoader.GetDetailsByTitle(title) }; } // If we found a hit, return the view, otherwise 404 if (model.ThePage != null) { model.TheTemplate = ContentLoader.GetContentTemplate(model.ThePage.Template); model.PageData = ContentUtils.GetFormattedPageContentAndScripts(model.ThePage.HTMLContent); if (UserUtils.UserIsAdmin()) { var userName = UserUtils.CurrentMembershipUsername(); var user = Context.Users.First(usr => usr.Username == userName); var pageModel = new EditContentViewModel(); var editContentHelper = new EditContentHelper(Context); editContentHelper.LoadContentViewById(model.ThePage.ContentPageId, pageModel); pageModel.BookmarkTitle = model.ThePage.Title; pageModel.IsBookmarked = Context.Bookmarks.Any( bookmark => bookmark.Title == title && bookmark.Url == Request.RawUrl && bookmark.UserId == user.UserId); ViewBag.PageModel = pageModel; } ViewBag.IsPage = true; ViewBag.PageId = model.ThePage.ContentPageId; ViewBag.IsPublished = model.ThePage.IsActive; ViewBag.OGType = model.ThePage.OGType ?? "website"; ViewBag.MetaDesc = model.ThePage.MetaDescription ?? ""; ViewBag.Title = model.ThePage.Title; ViewBag.OGTitle = model.ThePage.Title ?? model.ThePage.OGTitle; ViewBag.OGImage = model.ThePage.OGImage ?? ""; // Set the page Canonical Tag and OGURl ViewBag.Canonical = GetCanonical(model.ThePage); ViewBag.OGUrl = model.ThePage.OGUrl ?? ViewBag.Canonical; ViewBag.Index = model.ThePage.NoIndex ? "noindex" : "index"; ViewBag.Follow = model.ThePage.NoFollow ? "nofollow" : "follow"; return(View(model.TheTemplate.ViewLocation, model)); } model = new ContentViewViewModel { ThePage = ContentLoader.GetDetailsByTitle("404") }; model.TheTemplate = ContentLoader.GetContentTemplate(model.ThePage.Template); model.PageData = ContentUtils.GetFormattedPageContentAndScripts(model.ThePage.HTMLContent); ViewBag.IsPage = true; ViewBag.PageId = model.ThePage.ContentPageId; ViewBag.IsPublished = model.ThePage.IsActive; ViewBag.Title = model.ThePage.Title; ViewBag.Index = "noindex"; ViewBag.Follow = "nofollow"; HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 404; Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; return(View(model.TheTemplate.ViewLocation, model)); }
public override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); inventorySprite = ContentLoader.InvSprite(1); }
private void NavigateSync(Uri oldValue, Uri newValue, NavigationType navigationType) { Debug.WriteLine("Navigating from '{0}' to '{1}'", oldValue, newValue); // set IsLoadingContent state SetValue(IsLoadingContentPropertyKey, true); // cancel previous load content task (if any) // note: no need for thread synchronization, this code always executes on the UI thread if (_tokenSource != null) { _tokenSource.Cancel(); _tokenSource = null; } // push previous source onto the history stack (only for new navigation types) if (oldValue != null) { switch (navigationType) { case NavigationType.New: _history.Push(oldValue); _future.Clear(); break; case NavigationType.Back: _future.Push(oldValue); break; case NavigationType.Forward: _history.Push(oldValue); break; } } object newContent = null; if (newValue != null) { // content is cached on uri without fragment var newValueNoFragment = NavigationHelper.RemoveFragment(newValue); if (navigationType == NavigationType.Refresh || !_contentCache.TryGetValue(newValueNoFragment, out newContent)) { #if !DEBUG try { #endif newContent = ContentLoader.LoadContent(newValue); if (ShouldKeepContentAlive(newContent)) { // keep the new content in memory Debug.WriteLine("KEEP CONTENT ALIVE: " + newValue); _contentCache[newValueNoFragment] = newContent; } SetContent(newValue, navigationType, newContent, false); #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception e) { // raise failed event var failedArgs = new NavigationFailedEventArgs { Frame = this, Source = newValue, Error = e?.InnerException, Handled = false }; OnNavigationFailed(failedArgs); // if not handled, show error as content newContent = failedArgs.Handled ? null : failedArgs.Error; SetContent(newValue, navigationType, newContent, true); } #endif } } // newValue is null or newContent was found in the cache SetContent(newValue, navigationType, newContent, false); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the specified content loader. /// </summary> /// <param name="contentLoader">The content loader.</param> public abstract void Load(ContentLoader contentLoader = null);
public override void LoadContent() { itemSprite = ContentLoader.ItemSprite(11); }