public void ContentHandlerGetClassesTest() { var classCollection = ContentHandler.ClassesIn("RestTests.dll"); Assert.IsTrue(classCollection.Contains("RestTests.FewTypes")); Assert.IsTrue(classCollection.Contains("RestTests.ManyTypes")); }
public void SetUp() { engine = new Fakes.FakeEngine(new Type[] { typeof(ContentHandlerTestsPage), typeof(ContentHandlerTestsPart), typeof(Fakes.FakeNodeAdapter) }); //engine.Resolve<Fakes.FakeNodeAdapter>().Engine = engine; handler = new ContentHandler(engine); context = new Fakes.FakeWebContextWrapper(); context.HttpContext.User = SecurityUtilities.CreatePrincipal("Admin"); startPage = new ContentHandlerTestsPage { Title = "Start page" }; engine.Persister.Save(startPage); page = new ContentHandlerTestsPage { Title = "Page in question" }; page.AddTo(startPage); engine.Persister.Save(page); engine.AddComponentInstance <IWebContext>(context); engine.AddComponentInstance <IUrlParser>(new Fakes.FakeUrlParser(startPage: startPage)); var persister = engine.Persister; var activator = engine.Resolve <ContentActivator>(); var versionRepository = TestSupport.CreateVersionRepository(ref persister, ref activator, new Type[] { typeof(ContentHandlerTestsPage), typeof(ContentHandlerTestsPart) }); engine.AddComponentInstance <ContentVersionRepository>(versionRepository); engine.AddComponentInstance <VersionManager>(versionManager = TestSupport.SetupVersionManager(engine.Persister, versionRepository)); (engine.Resolve <IContentAdapterProvider>() as N2.Plugin.IAutoStart).Start(); engine.Resolve <IContentAdapterProvider>().ResolveAdapter <N2.Edit.NodeAdapter>(typeof(ContentItem)).Engine = engine; engine.AddComponentInstance(new HtmlSanitizer(new N2.Configuration.HostSection())); engine.AddComponentInstance <IEditUrlManager>(new FakeEditUrlManager()); engine.AddComponentInstance(new ConfigurationManagerWrapper()); engine.AddComponentInstance <ILanguageGateway>(new FakeLanguageGateway()); engine.AddComponentInstance(new DraftRepository(versionRepository, new FakeCacheWrapper())); }
/// <summary> /// Removes the content handler from the subscription asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="channel">The channel from which unsubscribe.</param> /// <param name="contentHandler">The content handler to be removed from this subscription.</param> /// <param name="keepUnderlyingSubscription">Indicates if the node should keep the underlying subscription to the channel in order to improve efficiency in future subscriptions to it.</param> /// <returns>A task which value is true if the operation succeeded.</returns> public virtual Task <bool> Unsubscribe(string channel, ContentHandler contentHandler, bool keepUnderlyingSubscription = false) { if (!IsConnected) { throw new NodeDisconnectedException(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(channel)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channel)); } if (contentHandler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contentHandler)); } channel = channel.ToLower(); if (_channelsSubscriptions.Remove(contentHandler, channel)) { contentHandler.BeginInvoke(null, new IrisContextHook { Unsubscribing = true }, null, null); // If there aren't any subscriptions and there's no request of keeping the underlying subscription if (!_channelsSubscriptions.GetSubscriptions(channel, true).Any() && !keepUnderlyingSubscription) { return(Publish(new IrisUnsubscribe(Id, channel))); } } return(_completedFailedTask); }
public override void OnLoaded(ContentHandler contentHandler) { _canvas = RoR2.RoR2Application.instance.mainCanvas; var scaler = _canvas.GetComponent <CanvasScaler>(); scaler.scaleFactor = 1.0f; scaler.uiScaleMode = CanvasScaler.ScaleMode.ConstantPixelSize; var colorPicker = Instantiate(contentHandler.prefabs.Where(p => == "ColorPicker").First()); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(colorPicker); ColorPicker.Instance = colorPicker.GetComponent <ColorPicker>(); ColorPicker.Instance.Close(); var objPicker = Instantiate(contentHandler.prefabs.Where(p => == "ObjectReferencePicker").First()); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(objPicker); ObjectReferencePicker.Instance = objPicker.GetComponent <ObjectReferencePicker>(); ObjectReferencePicker.Instance.Close(); transform.SetParent(_canvas.transform); var rect = transform as RectTransform; rect.SetSpreadAnchor(); rect.offsetMin =; rect.offsetMax =; rect.localScale =; }
protected CommandButton(ICommand command, IQueueable <TextureValue> queueableObject, Point Size) { this.bounds = new Rectangle(queueableObject.Position.ToPoint(), Size); this.Position = queueableObject.Position; this.picture = ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(queueableObject.Icon); this.command = command; }
public override void OnLoaded(ContentHandler contentHandler) { RuntimeInspectorStartup.AddListener((sender, evt) => { var ris = sender as RuntimeInspectorStartup; var tpContainer = ris.transform.Find("Container/Menu/Third-party Group"); if (tpContainer) { transform.SetParent(tpContainer.transform); } else { Debug.LogError("Couldn't find RuntimeInspector UI Third-party Group!"); } var uiContainer = ris.transform.Find("Container"); if (uiContainer) { uiContainer.SetParent(RoR2.RoR2Application.instance.mainCanvas.transform); uiContainer.SetAsLastSibling(); } else { Debug.LogError("Couldn't find RuntimeInspector UI Container!"); } hierarchy = ris.Hierarchy; inspector = ris.Inspector; ((RuntimeInspectorStartup)sender).Hierarchy.OnSelectionChanged += Pinger.SetPing; }); }
public async Task ShouldGetExpectedContentFromUrlAsync(string content, HttpStatusCode code) { // arrange var url = ""; var response = new HttpResponseMessage(code) { Content = new StringContent(content) }; var fakeHttpMessageHandler = new FakeHttpMessageHandler(response); var fakeHttpClient = new HttpClient(fakeHttpMessageHandler); _contentHandler = new ContentHandler(fakeHttpClient); // act var expectedResponse = await _contentHandler.GetContentFromUrlAsync(url); // assert response.Content.Should().Be(expectedResponse.Content); response.StatusCode.Should().Be(expectedResponse.StatusCode); }
public BasicCore(Game1 game) { = game; this.screen = new Screen(); this.content = new ContentHandler(; this.r = new Registry(); }
public void Change() { Context context = new Context(CurrentUser); if (context.ChackValidation()) { try { logHandler.LogManagerLogging(Enums.LOGTYPE.INFO, "Change Information is clicked."); if (Channel.Instance.userProxy.Update(CurrentUser)) { Window.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Falied"); } } catch { logHandler.LogManagerLogging(Enums.LOGTYPE.FATAL, "Connection failed"); MessageBox.Show("Connection failed", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please, fiil all fields!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } ContentHandler.Refresh(); }
public void SetDefaultCulture() { var container = new CultureContentContainer(); var sut = new ContentHandler(container); //set a couple of cultures sut.AddCultureContents(new Dictionary <CultureInfo, ICultureContent> { { new CultureInfo("nl-NL"), null }, { new CultureInfo("ru-KZ"), null }, { new CultureInfo("en-GB"), null } }); //make sure it is something else before setting var cultureInfo = sut.GetDefaultCulture(); Assert.Equal("nl", cultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); Assert.Equal("Dutch (Netherlands)", cultureInfo.DisplayName); Assert.Equal("nl-NL", cultureInfo.Name); sut.SetDefaultCulture(new CultureInfo("ru-KZ")); cultureInfo = sut.GetDefaultCulture(); Assert.Equal("ru", cultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); Assert.Equal("русский (Казахстан)", cultureInfo.DisplayName); Assert.Equal("ru-KZ", cultureInfo.Name); }
public override void OnLoaded(ContentHandler contentHandler) { Debug.Log("Hello World!!???"); // unlock all the things On.RoR2.UserProfile.HasSurvivorUnlocked += (o, s, i) => true; On.RoR2.UserProfile.HasDiscoveredPickup += (o, s, i) => true; On.RoR2.UserProfile.HasAchievement += (o, s, i) => true; On.RoR2.UserProfile.CanSeeAchievement += (o, s, i) => true; On.RoR2.UserProfile.HasUnlockable_UnlockableDef += (o, s, i) => true; // get reference to game's main canvas var canvas = RoR2.RoR2Application.instance.mainCanvas; // instantiate UI prefab var gobj = Instantiate(prefab); gobj.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform, false); // set the parent to game's canvas and fix the sizings var rect = gobj.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rect.offsetMin = rect.offsetMax =; rect.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.00f, 0.00f); rect.anchorMax = new Vector2(1.00f, 1.00f); }
public IrisDisposableSubscription(IIrisNode irisNode, string channel, ContentHandler contentHandler) { _irisNode = irisNode; Channel = channel; ContentHandler = contentHandler; IsDisposed = false; }
public void GetDefaultCultureEmpty() { var container = new CultureContentContainer(); var sut = new ContentHandler(container); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => sut.GetDefaultCulture()); }
public void AddShop() { Context context = new Context(NewShop); if (!context.ChackValidation()) { return; } logHandler.LogManagerLogging(Enums.LOGTYPE.INFO, CurrentUser.Name + " has clicked add Shop."); try { if (Channel.Instance.shopProxy.AddShop(NewShop)) { Window.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Shop already exists"); } } catch { logHandler.LogManagerLogging(Enums.LOGTYPE.FATAL, "Connection failed"); MessageBox.Show("Connection failed", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } ContentHandler.Refresh(); }
/// <exception cref="Org.Xml.Sax.SAXException"/> public static void WriteCachePoolInfo(ContentHandler contentHandler, CachePoolInfo info) { XMLUtils.AddSaxString(contentHandler, "POOLNAME", info.GetPoolName()); string ownerName = info.GetOwnerName(); string groupName = info.GetGroupName(); long limit = info.GetLimit(); FsPermission mode = info.GetMode(); long maxRelativeExpiry = info.GetMaxRelativeExpiryMs(); if (ownerName != null) { XMLUtils.AddSaxString(contentHandler, "OWNERNAME", ownerName); } if (groupName != null) { XMLUtils.AddSaxString(contentHandler, "GROUPNAME", groupName); } if (mode != null) { FSEditLogOp.FsPermissionToXml(contentHandler, mode); } if (limit != null) { XMLUtils.AddSaxString(contentHandler, "LIMIT", System.Convert.ToString(limit)); } if (maxRelativeExpiry != null) { XMLUtils.AddSaxString(contentHandler, "MAXRELATIVEEXPIRY", System.Convert.ToString (maxRelativeExpiry)); } }
/// <exception cref="Org.Xml.Sax.SAXException"/> public static void WriteCacheDirectiveInfo(ContentHandler contentHandler, CacheDirectiveInfo directive) { XMLUtils.AddSaxString(contentHandler, "ID", System.Convert.ToString(directive.GetId ())); if (directive.GetPath() != null) { XMLUtils.AddSaxString(contentHandler, "PATH", directive.GetPath().ToUri().GetPath ()); } if (directive.GetReplication() != null) { XMLUtils.AddSaxString(contentHandler, "REPLICATION", short.ToString(directive.GetReplication ())); } if (directive.GetPool() != null) { XMLUtils.AddSaxString(contentHandler, "POOL", directive.GetPool()); } if (directive.GetExpiration() != null) { XMLUtils.AddSaxString(contentHandler, "EXPIRATION", string.Empty + directive.GetExpiration ().GetMillis()); } }
private static void InitializeModSurrogate() { List <GameObject> prefabs = new List <GameObject>(); List <IResource> scenes = new List <IResource>(); List <string> prefabPaths = AssetUtility.GetAssets("t:prefab"); foreach (string prefabPath in prefabPaths) { prefabs.Add(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <GameObject>(prefabPath)); } List <string> scenePaths = AssetUtility.GetAssets("t:scene"); foreach (string scenePath in scenePaths) { string sceneName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(scenePath); scenes.Add(new ModSceneSurrogate(sceneName)); } ModSurrogate mod = new ModSurrogate(; ContentHandler contentHandler = new ContentHandler(mod, scenes.AsReadOnly(), prefabs.AsReadOnly()); InitializeModHandlers(contentHandler); }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { kinectRGBVideo = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1337, 1337); = new ContentHandler(Content);"joint", "joint");"bone", "bone");"defaultFont", "SpriteFont1"); // Botones de Jose"PLAY", "play");"EXIT", "exit");"MENU", "menu");"REPLAY", "replay");"NEXT", "next");"PAUSE", "pause");"CONTINUE", "continue"); // Este load al final; this.gameCore.loadContentHandler(ch); this.gameCore.gameScreen.updateSpriteBatch(new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice)); this.gameCore.loadKinectSensor(kinectSensor); }
public void Parse(InputSource input) { var document = new HtmlDocument(); if (input.Stream != null) { document.Load(input.Stream, input.Encoding); } else if (input.Reader != null) { document.Load(input.Reader); } else if (input.PublicId != null) { document.Load(input.PublicId); } else if (input.SystemId != null) { document.Load(input.SystemId); } ContentHandler.StartDocument(); TraverseNode(document.DocumentNode); ContentHandler.EndDocument(); }
public MainWindowViewModel() { #region starting view content logHandler = LogHandler.Instance; logHandler.MainWindowViewModel = this; ContentHandler.StartContent(); Refresh(); #endregion #region Commands AddUserCommand = new AddUserCommand(this); ViewProfilInfoCommand = new ViewProfilInfoCommand(this); AddTelephoneCommand = new AddTelephoneCommand(this); AddShopCommand = new AddShopCommand(this); ChangeTelephoneCommand = new ChangeTelephoneInfoCommand(this); DeleteTelephoneCommand = new DeleteTelephoneCommand(this); DuplicateTelephoneCommand = new DuplicateTelephoneCommand(this); ChangeShopCommand = new ChangeShopInfoCommand(this); DeleteShopCommand = new DeleteShopCommand(this); LogOutCommand = new LogOutCommand(this); BuyTelephoneCommand = new BuyTelephoneCommand(this); ClearCommand = new ClearCommand(this); UndoCommand = new UndoCommand(this); RedoCommand = new RedoCommand(this); FilterCommand = new FilterCommand(this); RefreshCommand = new RefreshCommand(this); #endregion }
private void TraverseNode(HtmlNode htmlNode) { if (htmlNode == null || htmlNode.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Comment) { return; } var attributes = new Attributes(); if (htmlNode.HasAttributes) { foreach (HtmlAttribute attribute in htmlNode.Attributes) { attributes.AddAttribute(null, htmlNode.Name, attribute.Name, null, attribute.Value); } } ContentHandler.StartElement(null, htmlNode.Name, htmlNode.Name, attributes); if (htmlNode.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Text) { ContentHandler.Characters(htmlNode.InnerText.ToCharArray(), 0, htmlNode.InnerText.Length); } else if (htmlNode.HasChildNodes) { foreach (HtmlNode childNode in htmlNode.ChildNodes) { TraverseNode(childNode); } } ContentHandler.EndElement(null, htmlNode.Name, htmlNode.Name); }
public static ClientList LoadClients(string file) { ClientList cl = ContentHandler.Load <ClientList>(file); cl.CreateDict(); return(cl); }
public Indexer(Analyzer contentAnalyzer, Analyzer queryAnalyzer, IJobAdSearchBooster booster, ILocationQuery locationQuery, IIndustriesQuery industriesQuery, IJobAdFlagListsQuery jobAdFlagListsQuery) { _contentAnalyzer = contentAnalyzer; _queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(queryAnalyzer, booster); _contentHandler = new ContentHandler(booster); _locationHandler = new LocationContentHandler(booster, locationQuery); _industryHandler = new IndustryContentHandler(booster, industriesQuery); _salaryHandler = new SalaryContentHandler(booster); _jobTypesHandler = new JobTypesContentHandler(booster); _createdTimeHandler = new CreatedTimeContentHandler(booster); _communityHandler = new CommunityContentHandler(booster); _featuredHandler = new FeaturedContentHandler(booster); _handlers = new[] { _locationHandler, _salaryHandler, _industryHandler, _jobTypesHandler, _createdTimeHandler, _communityHandler, _featuredHandler }; _jobAdFlagListsQuery = jobAdFlagListsQuery; }
private void Start() { m_contentUI = GetComponentInChildren <ContentHandler>(); m_rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); m_widthRect = m_rectTransform.rect.width; }
private void SerializeContent(Dictionary <string, object> options) { if (ContentUrl.HasValue()) { options["content"] = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "url", ContentUrl } }; } else if (ContentHandler.HasValue()) { options["content"] = ContentHandler; } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentTemplateId)) { var idPrefix = "#"; if (IsInClientTemplate) { idPrefix = "\\" + idPrefix; } options["content"] = new ClientHandlerDescriptor { HandlerName = String.Format("kendo.template($('{0}{1}').html())", idPrefix, ContentTemplateId) }; } else if (Content.HasValue()) { options["content"] = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Content); } }
public void LogIn() { try { Channel.Instance.logProxy.LogMessage(Enums.LOGTYPE.INFO, "Log In is clicked."); User user = Channel.Instance.userProxy.Get(UserName); if (user != null) { if (user.Password == Password) { new MainWindow(user).Show(); Window.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Password is incorect!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } else { MessageBox.Show("User does not exist!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } ContentHandler.StartContent(); }
public void ChangeShop() { if (CanChange) { try { logHandler.LogManagerLogging(Enums.LOGTYPE.INFO, "Change Shop is clicked."); if (Channel.Instance.shopProxy.UpdateShop(CurrentShop)) { Window.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Name is already exists!"); } } catch { logHandler.LogManagerLogging(Enums.LOGTYPE.FATAL, "Connection failed"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Fields cannot be empty! Please, fill them.", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } ContentHandler.Refresh(); }
protected CommandButton(ICommand command, Vector2 position, TextureValue picture, Point size) : base(position, size, Color.White) { this.bounds = new Rectangle(position.ToPoint(), Size); this.Position = position; this.picture = ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(picture); this.command = command; this.Size = size; }
public void ContentHandlerJsonObjectNullTest() { var h = new ContentHandler(); var obj = h.ObjectFrom("{\"a\":null}"); Assert.AreEqual("JSON Object", obj.ToString()); Assert.IsNull(obj.GetProperty("a")); }
// public List<GameObject> adjust_button; public override void OnLoaded(ContentHandler contentHandler) { Debug.Log("------ Item Exchange Initiated ------"); InvData = new List <ItemData>(); TileList = new List <GameObject>(); InitUI(); }
public override void parse( stream, ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata, ParseContext context) { metadata.set(Metadata.TYPE, XPS_MIME_TYPE); try { var getFile = stream.getClass().getMethod("getFile"); var file = getFile.invoke(stream); var path = file.ToString(); var xhtml = new XHTMLContentHandler(handler, metadata); xhtml.startDocument(); using (var xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(path, FileAccess.Read)) { var fixedDocSeqReader = xpsDocument.FixedDocumentSequenceReader; if (fixedDocSeqReader == null) return; foreach (var document in fixedDocSeqReader.FixedDocuments) { var page = document.FixedPages[0]; using (var pageContentReader = page.XmlReader) { parsePage(xhtml, pageContentReader); } } } xhtml.endDocument(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new; } }
public Boolean Initialize() { this.content = new ContentHandler(; return onInitialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize our Game Data /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { ContentHandler = new ContentHandler(this, Services, "Content"); Components.Add(new InputHandler(this)); Components.Add(ContentHandler); Components.Add(new ScreenHandler(this)); Content = ContentHandler.Content; GraphicsHandler.Initialize(this); ActionHandler.Load(); base.Initialize(); }
public void loadContentHandler(ContentHandler ch) { = ch; gameScreen.updateContentHandler(ch); }
public void Parse(StreamReader input, ContentHandler handler) { var buffer = new StringBuilder(); var isInsideTag = false; var isStartTag = true; var lastChar = -1; int c; while ((c = input.Read()) != -1) { if ('<' == c) { if (isInsideTag) { throw new InvalidFormatException("Did not expect < char!"); } if (buffer.ToString().Trim().Length > 0) { handler.Characters(buffer.ToString().Trim()); } buffer = new StringBuilder(); isInsideTag = true; isStartTag = true; } // buffer.AppendCodePoint(c); <-- java buffer.Append(char.ConvertFromUtf32(c)); if ('/' == c && lastChar == '<') { isStartTag = false; } if ('>' == c) { if (!isInsideTag) { throw new InvalidFormatException("Did not expect > char!"); } if (isStartTag) { handler.StartElement(extractTagName(buffer), getAttributes(buffer)); } else { handler.EndElement(extractTagName(buffer)); } buffer = new StringBuilder(); isInsideTag = false; } lastChar = c; } if (isInsideTag) { throw new InvalidFormatException("Did not find matching > char!"); } }
/** * Set the content handler. * * @param handler the new content handler * @see org.xml.sax.XMLReader#setEntityResolver */ public void setContentHandler(ContentHandler handler) { contentHandler = handler; }
/** * Sets the {@link ContentHandler} which receives * the augmented validation result. * * <p/> * When a {@link ContentHandler} is specified, a * {@link ValidatorHandler} will work as a filter * and basically copy the incoming events to the * specified {@link ContentHandler}. * * <p/> * In doing so, a {@link ValidatorHandler} may modify * the events, for example by adding defaulted attributes. * * <p/> * A {@link ValidatorHandler} may buffer events to certain * extent, but to allow {@link ValidatorHandler} to be used * by a parser, the following requirement has to be met. * * <ol> * <li>When * {@link ContentHandler#startElement(String, String, String, Attributes)}, * {@link ContentHandler#endElement(String, String, String)}, * {@link ContentHandler#startDocument()}, or * {@link ContentHandler#endDocument()} * are invoked on a {@link ValidatorHandler}, * the same method on the user-specified {@link ContentHandler} * must be invoked for the same event before the callback * returns.</li> * <li>{@link ValidatorHandler} may not introduce new elements that * were not present in the input.</li> * * <li>{@link ValidatorHandler} may not remove attributes that were * present in the input.</li> * </ol> * * <p/> * When a callback method on the specified {@link ContentHandler} * throws an exception, the same exception object must be thrown * from the {@link ValidatorHandler}. The {@link ErrorHandler} * should not be notified of such an exception. * * <p/> * This method can be called even during a middle of a validation. * * @param receiver * A {@link ContentHandler} or a null value. */ public abstract void setContentHandler(ContentHandler receiver);