예제 #1
 public ContentBuilder WithContentCultureInfosCollection(
     ContentCultureInfosCollection contentCultureInfosCollection)
     _contentCultureInfosCollectionBuilder = null;
     _contentCultureInfosCollection        = contentCultureInfosCollection;
예제 #2
        public ContentCultureInfosCollectionBuilder AddContentCultureInfosCollection()
            _contentCultureInfosCollection = null;
            var builder = new ContentCultureInfosCollectionBuilder(this);

            _contentCultureInfosCollectionBuilder = builder;
예제 #3
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public object DeepClone()
        var clone = new ContentCultureInfosCollection();

        foreach (ContentCultureInfos item in this)
            var itemClone = (ContentCultureInfos)item.DeepClone();

예제 #4
        public override Content Build()
            var      id                    = _id ?? 0;
            var      versionId             = _versionId ?? 0;
            Guid     key                   = _key ?? Guid.NewGuid();
            var      parentId              = _parentId ?? -1;
            IContent parent                = _parent ?? null;
            DateTime createDate            = _createDate ?? DateTime.Now;
            DateTime updateDate            = _updateDate ?? DateTime.Now;
            var      name                  = _name ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var      creatorId             = _creatorId ?? 0;
            var      level                 = _level ?? 1;
            var      path                  = _path ?? $"-1,{id}";
            var      sortOrder             = _sortOrder ?? 0;
            var      trashed               = _trashed ?? false;
            var      culture               = _cultureInfo?.Name ?? null;
            var      propertyValues        = _propertyValues ?? null;
            var      propertyValuesCulture = _propertyValuesCulture ?? null;
            var      propertyValuesSegment = _propertyValuesSegment ?? null;

            if (_contentTypeBuilder is null && _contentType is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A content item cannot be constructed without providing a content type. Use AddContentType() or WithContentType().");

            IContentType contentType = _contentType ?? _contentTypeBuilder.Build();

            Content content;

            if (parent != null)
                content = new Content(name, parent, contentType, culture);
                content = new Content(name, parentId, contentType, culture);

            content.Id         = id;
            content.VersionId  = versionId;
            content.Key        = key;
            content.CreateDate = createDate;
            content.UpdateDate = updateDate;
            content.CreatorId  = creatorId;
            content.Level      = level;
            content.Path       = path;
            content.SortOrder  = sortOrder;
            content.Trashed    = trashed;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> cultureName in _cultureNames)
                content.SetCultureName(cultureName.Value, cultureName.Key);

            if (_propertyDataBuilder != null || propertyValues != null)
                if (_propertyDataBuilder != null)
                    IDictionary <string, object> propertyData = _propertyDataBuilder.Build();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> keyValuePair in propertyData)
                        content.SetValue(keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value);
                    content.PropertyValues(propertyValues, propertyValuesCulture, propertyValuesSegment);


            if (_contentCultureInfosCollection is not null || _contentCultureInfosCollectionBuilder is not null)
                ContentCultureInfosCollection contentCultureInfos =
                    _contentCultureInfosCollection ?? _contentCultureInfosCollectionBuilder.Build();
                content.PublishCultureInfos = contentCultureInfos;

예제 #5
        private ContentNuDto GetDto(IContentBase content, bool published, IContentCacheDataSerializer serializer)
            // should inject these in ctor
            // BUT for the time being we decide not to support ConvertDbToXml/String
            // var propertyEditorResolver = PropertyEditorResolver.Current;
            // var dataTypeService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.DataTypeService;
            var propertyData = new Dictionary <string, PropertyData[]>();

            foreach (IProperty prop in content.Properties)
                var pdatas = new List <PropertyData>();
                foreach (IPropertyValue pvalue in prop.Values)
                    // sanitize - properties should be ok but ... never knows
                    if (!prop.PropertyType.SupportsVariation(pvalue.Culture, pvalue.Segment))

                    // note: at service level, invariant is 'null', but here invariant becomes 'string.Empty'
                    var value = published ? pvalue.PublishedValue : pvalue.EditedValue;
                    if (value != null)
                        pdatas.Add(new PropertyData {
                            Culture = pvalue.Culture ?? string.Empty, Segment = pvalue.Segment ?? string.Empty, Value = value

                propertyData[prop.Alias] = pdatas.ToArray();

            var cultureData = new Dictionary <string, CultureVariation>();

            // sanitize - names should be ok but ... never knows
            if (content.ContentType.VariesByCulture())
                ContentCultureInfosCollection infos = content is IContent document
                    ? published
                        ? document.PublishCultureInfos
                        : document.CultureInfos
                    : content.CultureInfos;

                // ReSharper disable once UseDeconstruction
                foreach (ContentCultureInfos cultureInfo in infos)
                    var cultureIsDraft = !published && content is IContent d && d.IsCultureEdited(cultureInfo.Culture);
                    cultureData[cultureInfo.Culture] = new CultureVariation
                        Name       = cultureInfo.Name,
                        UrlSegment = content.GetUrlSegment(_shortStringHelper, _urlSegmentProviders, cultureInfo.Culture),
                        Date       = content.GetUpdateDate(cultureInfo.Culture) ?? DateTime.MinValue,
                        IsDraft    = cultureIsDraft

            // the dictionary that will be serialized
            var contentCacheData = new ContentCacheDataModel
                PropertyData = propertyData,
                CultureData  = cultureData,
                UrlSegment   = content.GetUrlSegment(_shortStringHelper, _urlSegmentProviders)

            var serialized = serializer.Serialize(ReadOnlyContentBaseAdapter.Create(content), contentCacheData, published);

            var dto = new ContentNuDto
                NodeId    = content.Id,
                Published = published,
                Data      = serialized.StringData,
                RawData   = serialized.ByteData
