void EditEvent(string settings) { try { tabTesting.Visible = _ShowTestingTab; string webserviceURL = _api.SitePath + "widgets/contentblock/CBHandler.ashx"; // Register JS JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, JS.ManagedScript.EktronJS); Ektron.Cms.API.JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, Ektron.Cms.API.JS.ManagedScript.EktronClueTipJS); JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, JS.ManagedScript.EktronScrollToJS); JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, _api.SitePath + "widgets/contentblock/behavior.js", "ContentBlockWidgetBehaviorJS"); // Insert CSS Links Css.RegisterCss(this, _api.SitePath + "widgets/contentblock/CBStyle.css", "CBWidgetCSS"); //cbstyle will include the other req'd stylesheets Ektron.Cms.Framework.UI.Packages.jQuery.jQueryUI.ThemeRoller.Register(this); //cbstyle will include the other req'd stylesheets JS.RegisterJSBlock(this, "Ektron.PFWidgets.ContentBlock.webserviceURL = \"" + webserviceURL + "\"; Ektron.PFWidgets.ContentBlock.setupAll('"+ ClientID +"');", "EktronPFWidgetsCBInit"); IsGoogleMultivariate = cbMultiVariate.Checked; GoogleSectionName = tbSectionName.Text; ViewSet.SetActiveView(Edit); if (ContentBlockId > 0) { tbData.Text = ContentBlockId.ToString(); ContentAPI capi = new ContentAPI(); long folderid = capi.GetFolderIdForContentId(ContentBlockId); tbFolderPath.Text = folderid.ToString(); while (folderid != 0) { folderid = capi.GetParentIdByFolderId(folderid); if (folderid > 0) tbFolderPath.Text += "," + folderid.ToString(); } } } catch (Exception e) { errorLb.Text = e.Message + e.Data + e.StackTrace + e.Source + e.ToString(); _host.Title = _host.Title + " error"; ViewSet.SetActiveView(View); } }
protected void SetOutput() { tab1.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"#fragment-1\" title=\"" + _Tab1String + "\">" + _Tab1String + "</a>"; tab2.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"#fragment-2\" title=\"" + _Tab2String + "\">" + _Tab2String + "</a>"; tab3.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"#fragment-3\" title=\"" + _Tab3String + "\">" + _Tab3String + "</a>"; tab4.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"#fragment-4\" title=\"" + _Tab4String + "\">" + _Tab4String + "</a>"; tab1_edit.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"#editfragment-1\" title=\"" + _EditTab1String + "\">" + _EditTab1String + "</a>"; tab2_edit.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"#editfragment-2\" title=\"" + _EditTab2String + "\">" + _EditTab2String + "</a>"; tab3_edit.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"#editfragment-3\" title=\"" + _EditTab3String + "\">" + _EditTab3String + "</a>"; tab4_edit.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"#editfragment-4\" title=\"" + _EditTab4String + "\">" + _EditTab4String + "</a>"; if (!_skipSetOutput && tabNum.Value != "") { string filterObjectId = string.Empty; string filterObject = string.Empty; switch (tabNum.Value) { case "2": filterObjectId = FilterIdTextBox2.Value; filterObject = FilterObjectsList2.SelectedValue; break; case "3": filterObjectId = FilterIdTextBox3.Value; filterObject = FilterObjectsList3.SelectedValue; break; case "4": filterObjectId = FilterIdTextBox4.Value; filterObject = FilterObjectsList4.SelectedValue; break; case "1": default: filterObjectId = FilterIdTextBox1.Value; filterObject = FilterObjectsList1.SelectedValue; break; } ContentAPI capi = new ContentAPI(); //if (filterObjectId.Length > 0) { switch (filterObject) { case "folder": //prepare for re-select folder path on the folder tree string folderpath = string.Empty; if (filterObjectId.Length > 0) { Int64 folderid = Convert.ToInt64(filterObjectId); folderpath = filterObjectId; while (folderid != 0) { folderid = capi.GetParentIdByFolderId(folderid); if (folderid >= 0) folderpath += "," + folderid.ToString(); } } tbFolderPath.Text = folderpath; folderId.Value = filterObjectId; break; case "taxonomy": //prepare for re-select taxonomy path on the folder tree string taxonomyPath = string.Empty; if (filterObjectId.Length > 0) { Int64 taxId = Convert.ToInt64(filterObjectId); TaxonomyBaseData[] TaxData = capi.EkContentRef.GetTaxonomyRecursiveToParent(taxId, _userLang, 0); for (int i = 0; i < TaxData.Length; i++) { taxId = TaxData[i].TaxonomyId; if (taxId > 0) { if (0 == i) { taxonomyPath = taxId.ToString(); } else { taxonomyPath += "," + taxId.ToString(); } } } } tbTaxonomyPath.Text = taxonomyPath; TaxId.Value = filterObjectId; break; default: break; } } } linkDelete1.Visible = false; if (Tab1FilterObjectId != "") { linkDelete1.Visible = true; } linkDelete2.Visible = false; if (Tab2FilterObjectId != "") { linkDelete2.Visible = true; } linkDelete3.Visible = false; if (Tab3FilterObjectId != "") { linkDelete3.Visible = true; } linkDelete4.Visible = false; if (Tab4FilterObjectId != "") { linkDelete4.Visible = true; } _skipSetOutput = false; }
protected void SetOutput() { if (!_skipSetOutput) { ReportTypeList.ClearSelection(); FilterObjectsList.ClearSelection(); try { ReportTypeList.Items.FindByValue(_ReportName).Selected = true; if (_FilterObject.Length > 0) { FilterObjectsList.Items.FindByValue(_FilterObject).Selected = true; } } catch { } OrderDirList.ClearSelection(); string orderdir = "descending"; if (EkEnumeration.OrderByDirection.Ascending == _OrderDirection) { orderdir = "ascending"; } OrderDirList.Items.FindByValue(orderdir).Selected = true; DurationTextBox.Text = _Duration.ToString(); PageSizeTextBox.Text = _PageSize.ToString(); FilterIdTextBox.Value = (_FilterObject != "" ? _FilterObjectId : ""); chkFilterObjectRecur.Value = _FilterObjectRecursion.ToString(); filterDisplay.Text = (_FilterDisplayText.Length > 0 ? _FilterDisplayText : _NotSet); linkDelete.Visible = false; if (_FilterObjectId != "") { linkDelete.Visible = true; } ContentAPI capi = new ContentAPI(); if (_FilterObjectId.Length > 0) { switch (_FilterObject) { case "folder": //prepare for re-select folder path on the folder tree string folderpath = string.Empty; Int64 folderid = Convert.ToInt64(FilterIdTextBox.Value); folderpath = FilterIdTextBox.Value; while (folderid != 0) { folderid = capi.GetParentIdByFolderId(folderid); if (folderid >= 0) folderpath += "," + folderid.ToString(); } tbFolderPath.Text = folderpath; break; case "taxonomy": //prepare for re-select taxonomy path on the folder tree string taxonomyPath = string.Empty; Int64 taxId = Convert.ToInt64(FilterIdTextBox.Value); TaxonomyBaseData[] TaxData = capi.EkContentRef.GetTaxonomyRecursiveToParent(taxId, Convert.ToInt32(_userLang), 0); for (int i = 0; i < TaxData.Length; i++) { taxId = TaxData[i].Id; if (taxId > 0) { if (0 == i) { taxonomyPath = taxId.ToString(); } else { taxonomyPath += "," + taxId.ToString(); } } } tbTaxonomyPath.Text = taxonomyPath; break; default: break; } } } _skipSetOutput = false; }