예제 #1
        private void GetChamadaAberta()
            ConsumeRest getChamada = new ConsumeRest();
            string      parametros = string.Format("professorId={0}&sitChamadaId={1}", usuario.Id, (int)SitChamadaEnum.Aberta);

            getChamada.GetResponse <Retorno>("chamada/ChamadaAberta", parametros).ContinueWith(t =>
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                    if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Sucesso && t.Result.ObjRetorno != null)
                        if (t.Result.ObjTypeName == typeof(ChamadaVO).Name)
                            chamada = Metodos.JsonToCustomObject <ChamadaVO>(t.Result.ObjRetorno);

                        dadosChamada.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("328325");
                    else if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Erro)
                        dadosChamada.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("A63030");

                    Label lb = GetLabelDefaul();

                    lb.Text = t.Result.RetornoMensagem + ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Result.RetornoDescricao)) ?
                                                          (Environment.NewLine + t.Result.RetornoDescricao) : "");
                    dadosChamada.IsVisible = true;
                    dadosChamada.Content   = lb;
        private void Action2()
            bool         IsValidJson;
            ConsumeRest  cRest        = new ConsumeRest();
            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();
            Address      address      = new Address();

            object strResponse2;
            string endpoint2 = address.Endpoint + "DataSenders/" + PictureID;

            strResponse2 = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint2);
            IsValidJson  = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse2);
            if (IsValidJson == true)
                imageChats = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <imagesChat> >(strResponse2.ToString());
                Image      = imageChats[0].Picture;
                Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(Image, 0, Image.Length);
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem")
예제 #3
        public Android.Graphics.Bitmap Start(int i)
            bool         IsValidJson;
            ConsumeRest  cRest        = new ConsumeRest();
            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();

            Address address = new Address();
            //int k = 0;

            object strResponse2;
            string endpoint2 = address.Endpoint + "DataSenders/" + imageIds[i].DataSenderId;

            strResponse2 = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint2);
            IsValidJson  = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse2);
            if (IsValidJson == true)
                imageChats = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <imagesChat> >(strResponse2.ToString());

                ////// new code
                //bitmapList = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(imageChats[i].Picture, 0, imageChats[i].Picture.Length);
                //Allbitmap.Add(new lstBitmap() { BitMap = bitmapList });
                //bitmapList = null;
                /////   end new code
            bitmapList = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(imageChats[0].Picture, 0, imageChats[0].Picture.Length);
예제 #4
        private void AbrirNovaChamada()
            ConsumeRest postNovaChamada = new ConsumeRest();

            postNovaChamada.PostResponse <Retorno>("chamada/AbrirChamada", materia).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsCompleted)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Sucesso)
                            dadosMateria.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("328325");
                            scroll.Content = null;
                        else if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Erro)
                            dadosMateria.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("A63030");

                        Label lb = GetLabelDefaul();

                        lb.Text = t.Result.RetornoMensagem + ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Result.RetornoDescricao)) ?
                                                              (Environment.NewLine + t.Result.RetornoDescricao) : "");
                        dadosMateria.IsVisible = true;
                        dadosMateria.Content   = lb;
예제 #5
        private void GetMateriaNovaChamada()
            ConsumeRest getMateria = new ConsumeRest();

            getMateria.GetResponse <Retorno>("chamada/MateriaNovaChamada", string.Format("professorId={0}", usuario.Id)).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsCompleted)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Sucesso && t.Result.ObjRetorno != null)
                            if (t.Result.ObjTypeName == typeof(MateriaForChamadaVO).Name)
                                materia = Metodos.JsonToCustomObject <MateriaForChamadaVO>(t.Result.ObjRetorno);

                            dadosMateria.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("328325");
                        else if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Erro)
                            dadosMateria.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("A63030");

                        Label lb = GetLabelDefaul();

                        lb.Text = t.Result.RetornoMensagem + ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Result.RetornoDescricao)) ?
                                                              (Environment.NewLine + t.Result.RetornoDescricao) : "");
                        dadosMateria.IsVisible = true;
                        dadosMateria.Content   = lb;
예제 #6
        protected void Actions()
            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();
            ConsumeRest  cRest        = new ConsumeRest();
            Address      address      = new Address();
            Doctor2      demogr;
            bool         IsValidJson;
            object       strResponse;
            string       endpoint;

            endpoint    = address.Endpoint + "Doctors/" + myID;
            strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);
            IsValidJson = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);

            if (IsValidJson)
                demogr             = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Doctor2>(strResponse.ToString());
                txtFirstName.Text  = demogr.FirstName;
                txtLastName.Text   = demogr.LastName;
                txtSpeciality.Text = demogr.Speciality;
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem" + "\n" + strResponse)
예제 #7
        private void Autenticar()
            ConsumeRest autenticar = new ConsumeRest();

            autenticar.PostResponse <Retorno>("login/Autenticar", App.DataBase.GetUniqueUser()).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsFaulted)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        DisplayAlert("Falha", "Ocorreu um erro na Requisição.", "Ok");
                else if (t.IsCanceled)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        DisplayAlert("Falha", "Requisição Cancelada.", "Ok");
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Sucesso)
        private void Actions()
            List <string> ICD_Chapters = new List <string>();

            ICD_Codes  = new List <string>();
            ICD_Codes1 = new List <string>();
            ConsumeRest  cRest = new ConsumeRest();
            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();
            Address      address = new Address();
            object       strResponse, strResponse2;
            bool         IsValidJson, IsValidJson2;
            string       endpoint, endpoint2;

            endpoint  = address.Endpoint + "icd_chapters";
            endpoint2 = address.Endpoint + "icd_code";

            strResponse  = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);
            IsValidJson  = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);
            strResponse2 = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint2);
            IsValidJson2 = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse2);

            if (IsValidJson && IsValidJson2)
                icdchapters = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <icdChapters> >(strResponse.ToString());
                icdcodes    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <icd_codes> >(strResponse2.ToString());

                if (icdchapters.Count != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < icdchapters.Count; i++)
                    adapt        = new ArrayAdapter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, ICD_Chapters);
                    spin.Adapter = adapt;

                //icdcodesspecial = icdcodes;

                if (icdcodes.Count != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < icdcodes.Count; i++)
                        ICD_Codes.Add(icdcodes[i].col4.ToString() + ". " + icdcodes[i].col9.ToString());
                    adapt1        = new ArrayAdapter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, ICD_Codes);
                    spin1.Adapter = adapt1;
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem" + "\n" + strResponse)
예제 #9
        //private async void DeleteFromNew(int datasendID)
        //    Address address = new Address();
        //    PutRest putrest = new PutRest();
        //    string endpoint3;

        //    endpoint3 = address.Endpoint + "DataSenders/" + datasendID;
        //    var uri = new Uri(endpoint3);

        //    NewMessages newmessages = new NewMessages();
        //    newmessages.DataSenderID = datasendID;
        //    newmessages.Seen = true;

        //    string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newmessages);
        //    var StrRespPost = await PutRest.Put(output, uri);

        private string PersonalData(int?PersonID)
            ConsumeRest  cRest       = new ConsumeRest();
            Address      address     = new Address();
            string       endpoint    = address.Endpoint + "Demographics/" + PersonID;
            object       strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);
            demographics demogra     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <demographics>(strResponse.ToString());
            string       info        = "FirstName : " + demogra.FirstName + "\n" + "LastName : " + demogra.LastName + "\n" + "Gender : " + demogra.Sex + "\n" + "Living place : " + demogra.Country + " " + demogra.City + "\n" + "Dieuthinsh : " + demogra.StreetName + " " + demogra.StreetNumber + "\n" + "Birthday : " + demogra.Birthday;

        void methodInvokeAlertDialogWithListView(/*object sender, EventArgs e*/)
            bool IsValidJson1;

            _lstDataItem = new List <string>();
            _lstDataItem.Clear();                          // check it  ( it was changed )
            ConsumeRest cRest = new ConsumeRest();
            object      strResponse;
            Address     address  = new Address();
            string      endpoint = address.Endpoint + "ContactsList/" + receiverID;

            strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);

            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();

            IsValidJson1 = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);

            if (IsValidJson1)
                List <ContactsPerson> deserializedContacts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ContactsPerson> >(strResponse.ToString());

                Number = deserializedContacts.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < deserializedContacts.Count; i++)
                    string NAME = deserializedContacts[i].FirstName + " " + deserializedContacts[i].LastName;


                    selectChoice.Add(new SelectChoice
                        PersonId  = deserializedContacts[i].PersonId,
                        Contactid = deserializedContacts[i].Contactid,
                        FullName  = deserializedContacts[i].FirstName + " " + deserializedContacts[i].LastName

                var dlgAlert = (new AlertDialog.Builder(this)).Create();
                dlgAlert.SetTitle(" Contacts ");
                var listView = new ListView(this);
                listView.Adapter = new EHR_Application.AlertListViewAdapter(this, _lstDataItem);         // changed
                //listView.ItemClick += listViewItemClick;
                dlgAlert.SetButton("OK", handllerNotingButton);
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem" + "\n" + strResponse)
예제 #11
        protected void Actions()
            object      strResponse;
            bool        IsValidJson;
            string      endpoint;
            ConsumeRest cRest   = new ConsumeRest();
            Address     address = new Address();

            if (newImages == false)
                txtImage.Text = "No new images";
                txtImage.Text = " New images found!! " + "\n" + " Check for them at <New Images>";

            if (IsDoctor == false)
                endpoint = address.Endpoint + "PatientNewMessages/" + myID;
                endpoint = address.Endpoint + "DoctorNewMessages/" + myID;

            strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);

            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();

            IsValidJson = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);

            if (IsValidJson)
                newMessages = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <NewMessages2> >(strResponse.ToString());
                newMessages = newMessages.OrderBy(i => i.FirstName).ToList();

                newMessages = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <NewMessages2> >("[]".ToString());

                new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem " + "\n" + strResponse)
예제 #12
        void methodInvokeAlertDialogWithListView2()
            object strResponse;
            bool   IsValidJson1;

            _lstDataItem2 = new List <string>();
            ConsumeRest cRest   = new ConsumeRest();
            Address     address = new Address();

            string endpoint = address.Endpoint + "DoctorNewMessages/" + myID;

            strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);

            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();

            IsValidJson1 = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);

            if (IsValidJson1)
                deserializedContacts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <NewMessages2> >(strResponse.ToString());
                receivedMes          = deserializedContacts.OrderBy(c => c.LastName).ToList();

                for (int i = 0; i < receivedMes.Count; i++)
                    string NAME = "New Message from: " + receivedMes[i].FirstName + " " + receivedMes[i].LastName;

                var dlgAlert = (new AlertDialog.Builder(this)).Create();
                dlgAlert.SetTitle(" New Messages ");
                var listView = new ListView(this);
                listView.Adapter    = new EHR_Application.AlertListViewAdapter(this, _lstDataItem2);
                listView.ItemClick += ListView_ItemClick;
                dlgAlert.SetButton("OK", handllerNotingButton1);
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem" + "\n" + strResponse)
예제 #13
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            bool IsValid;


            // Data from previous activity
            Father  = Intent.GetStringExtra("MyData");
            VisitID = Intent.GetIntExtra("VisitID", -1);

            var toolbar = FindViewById <Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);

            // SupportActionBar.Title = "Expandable ListView";
            expandableListView = FindViewById <ExpandableListView>(Resource.Id.expandableListView);

            ConsumeRest cRest    = new ConsumeRest();
            Address     address  = new Address();
            string      endpoint = address.Endpoint + "DIagnosis/" /* + "Diagnosi/"*/ + VisitID;

            strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);

            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();

            IsValid = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);

            if (IsValid)
                Diagnosis = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DIagnosis> >(strResponse.ToString());
                SetData(out mAdapter);
                Diagnosis = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DIagnosis> >("[]".ToString());

                new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found do to unexpected problem" + "\n" + strResponse)
예제 #14
        private void GetMateriaChamada()
            Label lb = GetLabelDefaul();

            ConsumeRest getChamada = new ConsumeRest();

            string parametros = string.Format("alunoId={0}", usuario.Id);

            getChamada.GetResponse <Retorno>("alunoChamada/GetChamadaAberta", parametros).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsCompleted)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        Retorno obj;

                        if (t.Result is Retorno)
                            obj = (Retorno)t.Result;

                            if ((TpRetornoEnum)obj.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Sucesso && obj.ObjRetorno != null)
                                if (obj.ObjTypeName == typeof(ChamadaForPresencaVO).Name)
                                    chamada = Metodos.JsonToCustomObject <ChamadaForPresencaVO>(obj.ObjRetorno);

                                dadosChamada.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("328325");
                            else if ((TpRetornoEnum)obj.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Erro)
                                dadosChamada.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("A63030");

                            lb.Text = obj.RetornoMensagem + ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(obj.RetornoDescricao)) ?
                                                             (Environment.NewLine + obj.RetornoDescricao) : "");
                            dadosChamada.IsVisible = true;
                            dadosChamada.Content   = lb;
        private void Actions()
            string       endpoint;
            bool         IsValidJson;
            ConsumeRest  cRest        = new ConsumeRest();
            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();

            object  strResponse;
            Address address = new Address();

            RetrieveData retrieve = new RetrieveData();  // retrieve "IsDoctor"
            bool         IsDoctor = retrieve.RetreiveBool();

            if (IsDoctor == false)
                endpoint = address.Endpoint + "PatientNewPhotos/" + myID;
                endpoint = address.Endpoint + "DoctorNewPhotos/" + myID;

            strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);
            IsValidJson = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);
            if (IsValidJson == true)
                imageIds = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <imageIDs> >(strResponse.ToString());
                imageIds = imageIds.OrderBy(i => i.FirstName).ToList();
                imageIds = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <imageIDs> >("[]".ToString());

                new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem" + "\n" + strResponse)
예제 #16
        public void VerificaAcesso()
            ConsumeRest verificarAcesso = new ConsumeRest();

            verificarAcesso.PostResponse <VO.Retorno>("login/ValidaAcesso", usuario).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsCompleted)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno != TpRetornoEnum.Sucesso)

                            DisplayAlert(t.Result.RetornoMensagem, t.Result.RetornoDescricao, "OK");
예제 #17
        private void Actions()
            ConsumeRest cRest = new ConsumeRest();
            object      strResponse;
            string      endpoint;
            Address     address = new Address();

            if (IsDoctor == false)
                endpoint = address.Endpoint + "PatientFriends/" + myID;
                endpoint = address.Endpoint + "DoctorFriends/" + myID;
            strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);

            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();

            IsValidJson1 = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);

            if (IsValidJson1)
                deserializedFriends = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <friends> >(strResponse.ToString());
                deserializedFriends = deserializedFriends.OrderBy(i => i.FirstName).ToList();
                deserializedFriends = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <friends> >("[]".ToString());

                new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem " + strResponse)
예제 #18
        private void EncerrarChamada()
            ConsumeRest encerrarChamada = new ConsumeRest();

            encerrarChamada.PutResponse <Retorno>("chamada/EncerrarChamada", chamada).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsCompleted)
                    List <AlunoChamadaVO> alunos = null;

                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Sucesso)
                            dadosChamada.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("328325");

                            if (t.Result.ListRetorno != null)
                                alunos = Metodos.JsonToCustomObject <AlunoChamadaVO>(t.Result.ListRetorno);

                            App.Current.MainPage = new PageListViewAluno(chamada, alunos);
                        else if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Erro)
                            dadosChamada.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("A63030");

                        Label lb = GetLabelDefaul();

                        lb.Text = t.Result.RetornoMensagem + ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Result.RetornoDescricao)) ?
                                                              (Environment.NewLine + t.Result.RetornoDescricao) : "");
                        dadosChamada.IsVisible = true;
                        dadosChamada.Content   = lb;
        public void MainCode()
            ConsumeRest cRest = new ConsumeRest();

            object  strResponse;
            Address address  = new Address();
            string  endpoint = address.Endpoint + "DataSenders/2052";

            strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);

            /*List<RecievedImage> */
            if (strResponse != null)
                var deserializedContacts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RecievedImage>(strResponse.ToString());
                new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem" + "n/" + strResponse)
        private void Actions()
            bool         IsValidJson;
            ConsumeRest  cRest = new ConsumeRest();
            object       strResponse;
            Address      address = new Address();
            string       endpoint;
            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();

                endpoint = address.Endpoint + "AllergiesList/" + myID;
                if (IsDoctor == true)
                    endpoint = address.Endpoint + "AllergiesList/" + myID;

                strResponse           = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);
                IsValidJson           = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);
                deserializedAllergies = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Allergies> >(strResponse.ToString());
                mItems = new List <Allergies>();
                CustomAdapter3 adapter = new CustomAdapter3(this, mItems);

                mListView.Adapter = adapter;
                deserializedAllergies = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Allergies> >("[]".ToString());

                new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem")
예제 #21
        private void ResponderChamada(ChamadaForPresencaVO alunoChamada)
            Label lb = GetLabelDefaul();

            ConsumeRest putChamada = new ConsumeRest();

            putChamada.PutResponse <Retorno>("alunoChamada/ResponderChamada", alunoChamada).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsCompleted)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        Retorno obj;

                        if (t.Result is Retorno)
                            obj = (Retorno)t.Result;

                            if ((TpRetornoEnum)obj.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Sucesso)
                                dadosChamada.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("328325");
                                scroll.Content = null;
                            else if ((TpRetornoEnum)obj.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Erro)
                                dadosChamada.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("A63030");

                            lb.Text = obj.RetornoMensagem + ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(obj.RetornoDescricao)) ?
                                                             (Environment.NewLine + obj.RetornoDescricao) : "");
                            dadosChamada.IsVisible = true;
                            dadosChamada.Content   = lb;
예제 #22
        public string GetAll(string team)
            var              bu   = new ConsumeRest();
            bool             cent = true;
            int              page = 1;
            List <Component> cr   = new List <Component>();

            while (cent)
                var r = bu.HTTP_GET("http://devops/sonar/api/components/search?ps=500&qualifiers=TRK&p=", page, "5694ea7bf005d1bb38e98f9234f8b80c08853144");

                var resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ComponentResponse>(r.Result);
                cr.AddRange(resp.components.Where(w => w.project.Contains(team)));
                if ((resp.paging.pageIndex * resp.paging.pageSize) < resp.paging.total)
                    cent = false;
            return(cr.Count().ToString() + " " + cr.Where(w => w.project.Contains("-web")).Count());
예제 #23
        private void ConcluirChamada(ObservableCollection <AlunoChamadaVO> sourceList)
            List <AlunoChamadaAlteracaoVO> alunosPresentes = new List <AlunoChamadaAlteracaoVO>();

            foreach (AlunoChamadaVO aluno in sourceList)
                if (aluno.Selected)
                    alunosPresentes.Add(new AlunoChamadaAlteracaoVO
                        Id                = aluno.Id,
                        chamadaId         = chamada.Id,
                        sitAlunoChamadaId = (int)SitAlunoChamadaEnum.PresencaConfirmada

            Retorno param = new Retorno();

            param.ObjRetorno  = chamada;
            param.ListRetorno = alunosPresentes.Cast <object>().ToList();

            ConsumeRest concluirChamada = new ConsumeRest();

            concluirChamada.PostResponse <Retorno>("chamada/ConcluirChamada", param).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsCompleted && t.Result != null)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                        if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Sucesso)
                            conteudo = new StackLayout
                                Padding  = new Thickness(10, Device.OnPlatform(20, 0, 0), 10, 5),
                                Children =

                            Label lb = GetLabelDefaul();

                            lb.Text = t.Result.RetornoMensagem + ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Result.RetornoDescricao)) ?
                                                                  (Environment.NewLine + t.Result.RetornoDescricao) : "");

                            info.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("328325");
                            info.IsVisible       = true;
                            info.Content         = lb;

                            await Task.Delay(500);
                        else if ((TpRetornoEnum)t.Result.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Erro)
                            await DisplayAlert(t.Result.RetornoMensagem, t.Result.RetornoDescricao, "OK");
예제 #24
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            bool         IsValidJson;
            ConsumeRest  cRest        = new ConsumeRest();
            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();

            object  strResponse;
            Address address  = new Address();
            string  endpoint = address.Endpoint + "Messages2/" + 1000 + "/" + 10001;

            strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);
            IsValidJson = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);
            if (IsValidJson == true)
                imageIds = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <imageIDs> >(strResponse.ToString());

            for (int i = 0; i < imageIds.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    bitmap4 = Start(i);
                    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap44 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap4, 600, 200);
                    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap12 = scaleDown(bitmap4, 200, true);
                    IM1 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap12);
                if (i == 1)
                    bitmap5 = Start(i);
                    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap55 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap5, 600, 200);
                    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap13 = scaleDown(bitmap55, 200, true);
                    IM2 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap13);
                if (i == 2)
                    bitmap6 = Start(i);
                    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap66 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap6, 600, 200);
                    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap14 = scaleDown(bitmap66, 200, true);
                    IM3 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap14);
                if (i == 3)
                    bitmap7 = Start(i);
                    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap77 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap7, 600, 200);
                    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap15 = scaleDown(bitmap77, 200, true);
                    IM4 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap15);
                if (i == 3)
                    bitmap8 = Start(i);
                    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap88 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap8, 600, 200);
                    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap16 = scaleDown(bitmap88, 200, true);
                    IM5 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap16);

            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap44 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap4, 600, 200);
            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap12 = scaleDown(bitmap4, 200, true);
            //IM1 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap12);

            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap55 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap5, 600, 200);
            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap13 = scaleDown(bitmap55, 200, true);
            //IM2 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap13);

            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap66 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap6, 600, 200);
            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap14 = scaleDown(bitmap66, 200, true);
            //IM3 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap14);

            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap77 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap7, 600, 200);
            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap15 = scaleDown(bitmap77, 200, true);
            //IM4 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap15);

            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap88 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap8, 600, 200);
            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap16 = scaleDown(bitmap88, 200, true);
            //IM5 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap16);

            //int count = Allbitmap.Count;
            //for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
            //    Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmapitem = scaleDown(Allbitmap[i].BitMap, 300, true);
            //    //Allbitmap2.Add(new lstBitmap() { BitMap = bitmapitem });
            //    Drawable imageRecycle23 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmapitem);
            //    Allimages.Add(new imageViews() {Image = imageRecycle23 });


             * object JsonText = LoadJson();
             * imageRecycle = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<imagesChat>(JsonText.ToString());
             * Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(imageRecycle.Picture, 0, imageRecycle.Picture.Length);
             * //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap1 = ResizeBitmap(bitmap, 600, 400);

            Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap1 = scaleDown(bitmap4, 2200, true);  // scale of image
            imageRecycle1 = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap1);

            //System.Drawing.Image Image42 = byteArrayToImage(imaGg.Picture);
            //Android.Graphics.Bitmap bitmap22 = bytesToBitmap(imaGg.Picture);
            //Android.Media.Image i = (Android.Media.Image)bitmap22;


            recycler = FindViewById <RecyclerView>(Resource.Id.recycler);
            recycler.HasFixedSize = true;
            layoutManager         = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
            adapter = new RecyclerViewAdapter(lstData);
        public void actions()
            bool         IsValidJson;
            ConsumeRest  cRest = new ConsumeRest();
            object       strResponse;
            Address      address = new Address();
            string       endpoint;
            ValidateJson validateJson = new ValidateJson();

            ///////////// telephones
                List <string> Teleph = new List <string>();
                List <string> emails = new List <string>();
                endpoint    = address.Endpoint + "CommunicationList/" + myID; //1001;
                strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);
                IsValidJson = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);
                List <Communication> communication = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Communication> >(strResponse.ToString());
                if (communication.Any())
                    for (int i = 0; i < communication.Count; i++)
                adapt         = new ArrayAdapter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, Teleph);
                adapt1        = new ArrayAdapter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, emails);
                spin.Adapter  = adapt;
                spin1.Adapter = adapt1;
            catch (Exception e)

            txt1.Text = "Patient";
            demographics demogr;

            endpoint    = address.Endpoint + "Demographics/" + receiverID;
            strResponse = cRest.makeRequest(endpoint);

            IsValidJson = validateJson.IsValidJson(strResponse);

            if (IsValidJson)
                demogr     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <demographics>(strResponse.ToString());
                txt13.Text = demogr.FirstName;
                txt14.Text = demogr.LastName;
                txt15.Text = demogr.Country;
                txt16.Text = demogr.City;
                txt24.Text = demogr.StreetName;
                txt17.Text = demogr.StreetNumber.ToString();
                txt18.Text = demogr.Sex;
                txt19.Text = demogr.Birthday.ToString();
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .SetTitle("An error has occured")
                .SetMessage("No data found due to unexpected problem" + "n/" + strResponse)
예제 #26
        private void Autenticar(string login, string senha)
            ConsumeRest autenticar = new ConsumeRest();

            UsuarioVO usuario = new UsuarioVO();

            usuario.Login = login;
            usuario.Senha = senha;

            autenticar.PostResponse <Retorno>("login/Autenticar", usuario).ContinueWith(t =>
                //O ContinueWith é responsavel por fazer algo após o request finalizar
                //Aqui verificamos se houve problema ne requisição
                if (t.IsFaulted)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        DisplayAlert("Falha", "Ocorreu um erro na Requisição.", "Ok");
                //Aqui verificamos se a requisição foi cancelada por algum Motivo
                else if (t.IsCanceled)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        DisplayAlert("Cancela", "Requisição Cancelada.", "Ok");
                //Caso a requisição ocorra sem problemas, cairemos aqui
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        Retorno obj;
                        UsuarioVO user = new UsuarioVO();

                        if (t.Result is Retorno)
                            obj = (Retorno)t.Result;

                            if ((TpRetornoEnum)obj.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.Sucesso && obj.ObjRetorno != null)
                                if (obj.ObjTypeName == user.GetType().Name)
                                    user = Metodos.JsonToCustomObject <UsuarioVO>(obj.ObjRetorno);

                                if (App.DataBase.GetUsuario(user.Id) == null)

                            else if ((TpRetornoEnum)obj.TpRetorno == TpRetornoEnum.SemRetorno)
                                DisplayAlert(obj.RetornoMensagem, obj.RetornoDescricao, "Ok");
                                DisplayAlert(obj.RetornoMensagem, obj.RetornoDescricao, "Ok");