예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for adding multiple choice and true/false questions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="questionType">The question type: KeyTerm, MultipleChoice, TrueFalse.</param>
 /// <param name="question">The final test question. Determined by code and settings for key terms/definitions.</param>
 /// <param name="mediaType">The media type: None, Audio, Image, Video.</param>
 /// <param name="mediaFileName">The media file name or null if no media is associated with the question.</param>
 /// <param name="numberOfChoices">The final number of possible answers for the question. Must be less than six.</param>
 /// <param name="choices">An array of possible answers to the test question.</param>
 /// <param name="correctAnswerIndex">The location of the correct answer in the choices array.</param>
 /// <param name="explanation">The explanation for the correct answer of the test question.</param>
 public TestQuestion(Constants.QuestionType questionType, string question, Constants.MediaType mediaType, string mediaFileName, int numberOfChoices, List <string> choices, int correctAnswerIndex, string explanation)
     QuestionType       = questionType;
     Question           = question;
     MediaType          = mediaType;
     MediaFileName      = mediaFileName;
     NumberOfChoices    = numberOfChoices;
     Choices            = choices;
     CorrectAnswerIndex = correctAnswerIndex;
     Explanation        = explanation;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an array list of test questions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testFileName">The name of the test data file</param>
        /// <param name="questionOrder">Question order setting: Default to display questions as read from the file, Random to randomize the order.</param>
        /// <param name="termDisplay">Term display settings: TermAsQuestion to display terms as question (Default); DefinitionAsQuestion to display definitions as question; Mixed to mix it up.</param>
        /// <returns>A formatted list of test questions created from test data objects.</returns>
        public static List <TestQuestion> GetTest(string testFileName, Constants.QuestionOrder questionOrder, Constants.TermDisplay termDisplay)
            List <TestQuestion> testQuestions = new List <TestQuestion>();
            List <Question>     testData      = ReadFile(testFileName);
            List <int>          ktIndex       = new List <int>();

            for (int x = 0; x < testData.Count; x++)
                if (testData[x].QuestionType == Constants.QuestionType.K)
            int ktCount = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < testData.Count; x++)
                Constants.QuestionType qt = testData[x].QuestionType;
                RandomNumbers          rn;
                switch (qt)
                case Constants.QuestionType.K:
                    KeyTermQuestion kt = (KeyTermQuestion)testData[x];
                    int             ktNumberOfChoices = ((ktIndex.Count - 1) < 3 ? (ktIndex.Count - 1) : 3);
                    List <string>   ktTempChoices     = new List <string>();
                    rn = new RandomNumbers((ktIndex.Count - 1), ktCount, ktNumberOfChoices);
                    bool displayTermAsQuestion = true;
                    switch (termDisplay)
                    case Constants.TermDisplay.DefinitionAsQuestion:
                        displayTermAsQuestion = false;

                    case Constants.TermDisplay.Mixed:
                        displayTermAsQuestion = (Random.Next(2) == 0 ? false : true);

                    case Constants.TermDisplay.TermAsQuestion:
                    if (displayTermAsQuestion)
                        for (int y = 0; y <= ktNumberOfChoices; y++)
                        testQuestions.Add(new TestQuestion(qt, kt.KeyTerm, kt.MediaType, kt.MediaFileName, ktNumberOfChoices, ktTempChoices, rn.IndexLocation, kt.Explanation));
                        for (int y = 0; y <= ktNumberOfChoices; y++)
                        testQuestions.Add(new TestQuestion(qt, kt.Definition, kt.MediaType, kt.MediaFileName, ktNumberOfChoices, ktTempChoices, rn.IndexLocation, kt.Explanation));

                case Constants.QuestionType.M:
                    MultipleChoiceQuestion mc            = (MultipleChoiceQuestion)testData[x];
                    List <string>          mcTempChoices = new List <string>();
                    rn = new RandomNumbers(mc.NumberOfChoices, 0, mc.NumberOfChoices);
                    for (int i = 0; i <= mc.NumberOfChoices; i++)
                    testQuestions.Add(new TestQuestion(qt, mc.Question, mc.MediaType, mc.MediaFileName, mc.NumberOfChoices, mcTempChoices, rn.IndexLocation, mc.Explanation));

                case Constants.QuestionType.T:
                    TrueFalseQuestion tf            = (TrueFalseQuestion)testData[x];
                    List <string>     tfTempChoices = new List <string> {
                    testQuestions.Add(new TestQuestion(qt, tf.Question, tf.MediaType, tf.MediaFileName, 1, tfTempChoices, (tf.Answer ? 0 : 1), tf.Explanation));

                    throw new ArgumentException("Corrupt data. Check structure and values.");
            if (questionOrder == Constants.QuestionOrder.Random)
                RandomNumbers qoArray = new RandomNumbers(testQuestions.Count);
                for (int x = 0; x < testQuestions.Count; x++)
                    TestQuestion temp = testQuestions[x];
                    testQuestions[x] = testQuestions[qoArray.UniqueArray[x]];
                    testQuestions[qoArray.UniqueArray[x]] = temp;