public virtual void OnNPCSpokenTo(Constants.People person) //! Called when an NPC is spoken to. /*! * \param npc Constants.People npc constant spoken to. */ { /* Called when the player begins speaking to an NPC. */ Debug.Log("NPC spoken to " + person.ToString()); }
public virtual void OnNPCSpokenTo(Constants.People person, string topic) //! Called when an NPC is spoken to about a particular topic. /*! * \param person Constants.People * \param topic string */ { /* Called when the player speaks to an NPC about a certain topic */ Debug.LogFormat("NPC spoken to {0} about topic {1}", person.ToString(), topic); }
//! Sets the player icon for the person selected. /*! * \param person Person object. */ public void SetPlayerIcon(Constants.People person) { Sprite img = Resources.Load(person.ToString()) as Sprite; PlayerIcon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = img; }