//Validate User private void buttonLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxUserName.IsFocused) { // Password text box will be disabled for biometric login if (textBoxPassword.IsEnabled != false) { textBoxPassword.Focus(); return; } else { // It means biometric login buttonLogin.Focus(); } } try { //#region Check plaza id mismatch in lane computer //try //{ // //Current computer plaza id which is mentioned in text file and plaza id in all tables must be same. // if (!VaaaN.ATMS.Libraries.CommonLibrary.Constants.IsCurrentComputerLane() && !VaaaN.TollMax.Library.Constants.IsCurrentComputerHQMS()) // { // bool plazaIdMismatch = false; // //Get list of all tables // ArrayList alTables = VaaaN.TollMax.Library.Constants.GetListOfAllDatabaseTables(); // //Check plaza id mismatch in all tables // for (int i = 0; i < alTables.Count; i++) // { // string tableName = alTables[i].ToString(); // string query = "select count(*) from " + tableName + " where plaza_id <> " + plazaId; // DbCommand cmd = VaaaN.TollMax.Library.DBF.DatabaseFunctions.GetSqlStringCommand(query); // DataSet ds = VaaaN.TollMax.Library.DBF.DatabaseFunctions.LoadDataSet(cmd, tableName); // if (tableName.ToLower() != "tbl_journey_plaza") // { // if (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]) > 0) // { // VaaaN.ATMS.Libraries.CommonLibrary.Logger.Log.Write("Plaza id is mismatched in table " + tableName, logModuleName); // plazaIdMismatch = true; // } // } // } // if (plazaIdMismatch) // { // labelErrorMessage.Content = "Plaza ID is mismatched, please contact to system administrator."; // return; // } // } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // VaaaN.ATMS.Libraries.CommonLibrary.Logger.Log.Write("Failed to check plaza id mismatch." + ex.ToString(), logModuleName); //} //#endregion if (textBoxUserName.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { labelErrorMessage.Content = hrm.GetString("Login_UserNameNotblank"); return; } if (textBoxPassword.Password.Trim().Length == 0 && checkBoxIsBiometricLogin.IsChecked != true) { labelErrorMessage.Content = hrm.GetString("Login_PasswordNotblank"); return; } //Case insensensitive user name string loginName = this.textBoxUserName.Text.Trim().ToLower(); //Case sensitive password string password = this.textBoxPassword.Password; Constants.LoginResult result = Constants.LoginResult.InvalidUser; try { if (checkBoxIsBiometricLogin.IsChecked == true) { checkBoxIsBiometricLogin.IsChecked = false; //If biometric login only if (VerifyFingerPrint()) { result = VaaaN.MLFF.Libraries.CommonLibrary.Constants.LoginResult.Successful; } else { result = VaaaN.MLFF.Libraries.CommonLibrary.Constants.LoginResult.FingerPrintNotMatched; checkBoxIsBiometricLogin.IsChecked = true; checkBoxIsBiometricLogin.IsEnabled = false; } } else { //Check server connectivity bool isPingSuccessful = true; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //isPingSuccessful = VaaaN.MLFF.Libraries.CommonLibrary.Constants.IsPingSuccessful(generalConfig.AtmsServerIPAddress); if (isPingSuccessful) { break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } isPingSuccessful = true; if (isPingSuccessful) { result = VaaaN.MLFF.Libraries.CommonLibrary.BLL.LoginBLL.ValidateUser(loginName, password, ref currentUser); } else { result = VaaaN.MLFF.Libraries.CommonLibrary.Constants.LoginResult.DatabaseServerNotConnected; } } switch (result) { case Constants.LoginResult.Successful: this.DialogResult = true; break; case Constants.LoginResult.InvalidUser: this.labelErrorMessage.Content = hrm.GetString("Login_InvalidUser"); this.UnsuccessfulLogin(); break; case Constants.LoginResult.DatabaseError: this.labelErrorMessage.Content = hrm.GetString("CMN_LBL_DBError"); this.UnsuccessfulLogin(); break; case Constants.LoginResult.InvalidPassword: this.labelErrorMessage.Content = hrm.GetString("Login_InvalidPassword"); this.UnsuccessfulLogin(false); break; case Constants.LoginResult.CannotLogin: this.labelErrorMessage.Content = hrm.GetString("Login_CanNotLogin"); this.UnsuccessfulLogin(); break; case Constants.LoginResult.AccountExpired: this.labelErrorMessage.Content = hrm.GetString("Login_UserAccountExpired"); this.UnsuccessfulLogin(); break; case Constants.LoginResult.FingerPrintNotMatched: this.labelErrorMessage.Content = "Finger Print Mismatched"; this.UnsuccessfulLogin(); break; case Constants.LoginResult.DatabaseServerNotConnected: this.labelErrorMessage.Content = "Database server not connected."; this.UnsuccessfulLogin(); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { VaaaN.MLFF.Libraries.CommonLibrary.Logger.Log.Write("Failed to validate user." + ex.ToString(), logModuleName); //VaaaN.TollMax.Library.CustomMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, trm.GetString("CMN_LBL_Error"), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); labelErrorMessage.Content = "Failed to validate user." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; this.UnsuccessfulLogin(); } if (loginAttempt == maxLoginAttempt) { this.labelErrorMessage.Content = "Maximum login limit reached."; this.loginAttempt = 0; } #region Delete 10 days older log files //try //{ // VaaaN.TollMax.Library.Constants.LogFileRemover(); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // VaaaN.ATMS.Libraries.CommonLibrary.Logger.Log.Write("Failed to delete log file. " + ex.ToString(), VaaaN.TollMax.SharedLibrary.FileIO.Log.ErrorLogModule.Login); //} #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { VaaaN.MLFF.Libraries.CommonLibrary.Logger.Log.Write("Failed to initialize login form" + ex.ToString(), logModuleName); } }
public static BO_Users Login(HttpSessionStateBase session, string UserName, string Password, out Constants.LoginResult result) { using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities()) { BO_Users user = new BO_Users(); var obj = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == UserName && x.Password == Password && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault(); if (obj != null) { result = Constants.LoginResult.Success; user.firstName = obj.FirstName; user.lastName = obj.LastName; user.id = obj.Id; user.phone = obj.Phone; user.userId = obj.UserName; // user.adminRights = obj.AdminRights??false; } else { result = Constants.LoginResult.WrongPwd; } return(user); } }