예제 #1
 public void Update(string emailAddress, string newEmailAddress,
                    string name, List <SubscriberCustomField> customFields,
                    bool resubscribe, ConsentToTrack consentToTrack)
     Update(emailAddress, newEmailAddress, name, customFields,
            resubscribe, false, consentToTrack);
예제 #2
 public SmartEmail(EmailAddress[] to, EmailAddress[] cc, EmailAddress[] bcc, Attachment[] attachments,
                   IDictionary <string, object> data, bool addRecipientsToList, ConsentToTrack consentToTrack)
     To                  = to;
     CC                  = cc;
     BCC                 = bcc;
     Attachments         = attachments;
     Data                = data;
     AddRecipientsToList = addRecipientsToList;
     ConsentToTrack      = consentToTrack;
예제 #3
 public string Add(string emailAddress, string name,
                   List <SubscriberCustomField> customFields, bool resubscribe,
                   bool restartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders, ConsentToTrack consentToTrack)
     return(HttpPost <Dictionary <string, object>, string>(
                string.Format("/subscribers/{0}.json", ListID), null,
                new Dictionary <string, object>()
         { "EmailAddress", emailAddress },
         { "Name", name },
         { "CustomFields", customFields },
         { "Resubscribe", resubscribe },
         { "RestartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders", restartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders },
         { "ConsentToTrack", consentToTrack }
예제 #4
        public void Update(string emailAddress, string newEmailAddress,
                           string name, List <SubscriberCustomField> customFields, bool resubscribe,
                           bool restartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders, ConsentToTrack consentToTrack)
            NameValueCollection queryArguments = new NameValueCollection();

            queryArguments.Add("email", emailAddress);

            HttpPut <Dictionary <string, object>, string>(
                string.Format("/subscribers/{0}.json", ListID), queryArguments,
                new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "EmailAddress", newEmailAddress },
                { "Name", name },
                { "CustomFields", customFields },
                { "Resubscribe", resubscribe },
                { "RestartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders", restartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders },
                { "ConsentToTrack", consentToTrack }
예제 #5
 public ClassicEmail(EmailAddress from, EmailAddress replyTo, EmailAddress[] to, EmailAddress[] cc,
                     EmailAddress[] bcc, string subject, string html, string text, Image[] images, Attachment[] attachments,
                     bool trackOpens, bool trackClicks, bool inlineCss, string @group, string addRecipientsToListId, ConsentToTrack consentToTrack)
     From                  = from;
     ReplyTo               = replyTo;
     To                    = to;
     CC                    = cc;
     BCC                   = bcc;
     Subject               = subject;
     Html                  = html;
     Text                  = text;
     Images                = images;
     Attachments           = attachments;
     TrackOpens            = trackOpens;
     TrackClicks           = trackClicks;
     InlineCss             = inlineCss;
     Group                 = @group;
     AddRecipientsToListId = addRecipientsToListId;
     ConsentToTrack        = consentToTrack;
예제 #6
 public RateLimited <RecipientStatus[]> Send(Guid smartEmailId, ConsentToTrack consentToTrack, EmailAddress[] cc = null, EmailAddress[] bcc = null, Attachment[] attachments = null,
                                             IDictionary <string, object> data = null, bool addRecipientsToList = true, params EmailAddress[] to)
     return(Send(smartEmailId, new SmartEmail(to, cc, bcc, attachments, data, addRecipientsToList, consentToTrack), new NameValueCollection()));
예제 #7
        public RateLimited <RecipientStatus[]> Send(string clientId, EmailAddress from, string subject, string html, string text, ConsentToTrack consentToTrack, EmailAddress replyTo = null, EmailAddress[] cc = null, EmailAddress[] bcc = null, Image[] images = null, Attachment[] attachments = null, bool trackOpens = true, bool trackClicks = true, bool inlineCss = true, string @group = null, string addRecipientsToListId = null, params EmailAddress[] to)
            if (clientId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("clientId");

            return(Send(new ClassicEmail(from, replyTo, to, cc, bcc, subject, html, text, images, attachments, trackOpens, trackClicks, inlineCss, @group, addRecipientsToListId, consentToTrack), this.CreateQueryString(clientId)));
        public IMessageBuilder ConsentToTrack(ConsentToTrack consentToTrack)
            this.consentToTrack = consentToTrack;

예제 #9
 public string Add(string emailAddress, string name,
                   List <SubscriberCustomField> customFields, bool resubscribe,
                   ConsentToTrack consentToTrack)
     return(Add(emailAddress, name, customFields, resubscribe, false, consentToTrack));