public void SetCountLimit_Throw() { var sut = new CappedQueue <MyItem>(i => i == null ? 0 : i.Name == null ? 0 : i.Name.Length); sut.CountLimit = 3; sut.Handling = QueueLimitHandling.Throw; Aver.IsTrue(sut.TryEnqueue(new MyItem { Name = "Cat" })); Aver.AreEqual(1, sut.Count); Aver.IsTrue(sut.TryEnqueue(new MyItem { Name = "Dog" })); Aver.AreEqual(2, sut.Count); Aver.IsTrue(sut.TryEnqueue(null)); Aver.AreEqual(3, sut.Count); try { //Rabbit will not fit - will throw Aver.IsFalse(sut.TryEnqueue(new MyItem { Name = "Rabbit" })); } catch (AzosException error) { Aver.IsTrue(error.Message.Contains("limit is reached")); Conout.WriteLine("Expected and got: " + error.ToMessageWithType()); return; } Aver.Fail("No expected exception"); }
public void SeeConsoleDump() { Conout.NewLine(); Conout.Write("A"); Conout.Write("B"); Conout.WriteLine(); Conout.WriteLine("This is on another line"); "This is on another line".In("general_info").WriteLine(); "Message without parameters".See(); "Message with parameter {0}".SeeArgs(1); "".SeeArgs(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); new { x = 10 }.In("objects").See(); new { x = 10 }.In("objects").See("Header is shown in 'objects'"); "Name is: {0}".In("people").SeeArgs("Jack"); new { a = 1, b = 2 }.See(); new { a = 1, b = 2 }.See("With header"); new [] { 1, 2, 3 }.See(); "Info text".Info(); "Info text line".Info(5); "Warning text".Warning(); "Warning text line".Warning(5); "Error text".Error(); "Error text line".Error(5); }
public void TryMany(bool p, int cnt, int block, int delay) { var lst = new List <GDID>(); void body() { var gdids = m_Gen.TryGenerateManyConsecutiveGdids("scopeA", "seqA", block); if (!p) { gdids.See($"Size is: {gdids.Length}"); } lock (lst) lst.AddRange(gdids); if (!p) { m_Gen.GetSequenceInfos("scopeA").See(); } if (!p) { Conout.WriteLine("--------------------------------------"); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(delay); var gdid = m_Gen.GenerateOneGdid("scopeA", "seqA"); lock (lst) lst.Add(gdid); if (!p) { gdid.See(); } } if (p) { Parallel.For(0, cnt, i => body()); } else { for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { body(); } } Conout.WriteLine("--------------------------------------"); Conout.WriteLine("--------------------------------------"); var gdid2 = m_Gen.GenerateOneGdid("scopeA", "seqA"); lst.Add(gdid2); gdid2.See(); m_Gen.GetSequenceInfos("scopeA").See(); "Total: {0}".SeeArgs(lst.Count); Aver.AreEqual(lst.Count, lst.Distinct().Count()); }
public void TypedDoc_6() { var doc = new Doc1 { Field3 = "I can not be here" }; //NOT In list var ve = doc.Validate() as FieldValidationException; Aver.IsNotNull(ve); Conout.WriteLine(ve.ToMessageWithType()); Aver.AreEqual("Field3", ve.FieldName); doc.Field3 = "n";//'Nancy' obtained from dynamic imperative call Aver.IsNull(doc.Validate()); }
public void TypedDoc_4() { var doc = new Doc1 { Field1 = "Z" }; //NOT In list var ve = doc.Validate() as FieldValidationException; Aver.IsNotNull(ve); Conout.WriteLine(ve.ToMessageWithType()); Aver.AreEqual("Field1", ve.FieldName); doc.Field1 = "c"; Aver.IsNull(doc.Validate()); }
public void FromDecimalString_Distance_MOSCOW_CLE() { var cleveland = new LatLng("41.4868145,-81.6406292"); var moscow = new LatLng("55.7530361,37.6217305"); Conout.WriteLine(cleveland); Conout.WriteLine(moscow); var dist = moscow.HaversineEarthDistanceKm(cleveland); Conout.WriteLine(dist); Aver.AreEqual(7786, (int)dist); }
public void FromDegreeString_Distance_CLE_LA() { var cleveland = new LatLng("41°29'13'', -81°38'26''"); var losangeles = new LatLng("34°9'40'', -117°56'48''"); Conout.WriteLine(cleveland); Conout.WriteLine(losangeles); var dist = cleveland.HaversineEarthDistanceKm(losangeles); Conout.WriteLine(dist); Aver.AreEqual(3265, (int)dist); }
public void FromDecimalString_Distance_LA_CLE() { var cleveland = new LatLng("41.4868145,-81.6406292"); var losangeles = new LatLng("34.1610243,-117.9465513"); Conout.WriteLine(cleveland); Conout.WriteLine(losangeles); var dist = losangeles.HaversineEarthDistanceKm(cleveland); Conout.WriteLine(dist); Aver.AreEqual(3265, (int)dist); }
public void FromDegreeString_Distance_CLE_MELBOURNE() { var cleveland = new LatLng("41°29'13'', -81°38'26''"); var melbourne = new LatLng("-37°31'16'', 144°44'46''"); Conout.WriteLine(cleveland); Conout.WriteLine(melbourne); var dist = cleveland.HaversineEarthDistanceKm(melbourne); Conout.WriteLine(dist); Aver.AreEqual(16058, (int)dist); }
public void FromDecimalString_Distance_CLE_MELBOURNE() { var cleveland = new LatLng("41.4868145,-81.6406292"); var melbourne = new LatLng("-37.5210205,144.7461265"); Conout.WriteLine(cleveland); Conout.WriteLine(melbourne); var dist = cleveland.HaversineEarthDistanceKm(melbourne); Conout.WriteLine(dist); Aver.AreEqual(16058, (int)dist); }
public void FromDegreeString_Distance_CLE_MOSCOW() { var cleveland = new LatLng("41°29'13'', -81°38'26''"); var moscow = new LatLng("55°45'11'', 37°37'18''"); Conout.WriteLine(cleveland); Conout.WriteLine(moscow); var dist = cleveland.HaversineEarthDistanceKm(moscow); Conout.WriteLine(dist); Aver.AreEqual(7786, (int)dist); }
public void BadRefNotExists() { try { var schema = Schema.GetForTypedDoc <Bad_RefNotExistsDoc>(); } catch (Exception error) { Conout.WriteLine("Expected and got: " + error.ToMessageWithType()); Aver.IsNotNull(error.InnerException); Aver.IsTrue(error.InnerException.Message.Contains("no matching")); return; } Aver.Fail("Did not get expected exception"); }
public void OneByOne(int cnt) { var lst = new List <GDID>(); for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var gdid = m_Gen.GenerateOneGdid("scopeA", "seqA"); lst.Add(gdid); gdid.See(); m_Gen.GetSequenceInfos("scopeA").See(); Conout.WriteLine("--------------------------------------"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } Aver.AreEqual(lst.Count, lst.Distinct().Count()); }
public void BadRecursion() { try { var schema = Schema.GetForTypedDoc <Bad_RecurseDoc>(); } catch (Exception error) { Conout.WriteLine("Expected and got: " + error.ToMessageWithType()); Aver.IsNotNull(error.InnerException); Aver.IsTrue(error.InnerException.Message.Contains("Cyclical")); return; } Aver.Fail(Constants.ERR_NOT_THROWN); }