예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Display constraint window
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Start_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Create a resultGraph instance
            StartWindow startWindow = new StartWindow(graph.CommonAttributes);

            if (startWindow.ShowDialog() != true)
                MessageBox.Show("Task imcompleted.\nAborted.", "Algorithm not running.");
                logTab.IsSelected = true;
                logger.Content    = "";
                logger.Content   += "\nStart Checking observability....\n";

                var observers = graph.Call(graph => graph.AllNodes.Values.Where(node => node.IsObserver)).ToArray();

                AllPaths algorithm = new AllPaths();
                var      result    = new ConnectivityObserver().Observe(graph.Impl, observers, startWindow.returnValue, algorithm);

                logger.Content += "Observation Completed.\n";
                ResultGraph resultGraph = new ResultGraph();

                foreach (var pair in result)
                    INode from = pair.Key.From, to = pair.Key.To;
                    IEnumerable <Route> observedRoutes = pair.Value.Item1;
                    IEnumerable <Route> unobservedRoutes = pair.Value.Item2;
                    if (observedRoutes.Count() > 0)
                        Route      shortestObRoute = observedRoutes.OrderBy(p => p.PathCost).First();
                        CanvasNode tempSrcNode     = new CanvasNode(graph[from]);
                        CanvasNode tempDestNode    = new CanvasNode(graph[to]);
                        if (resultGraph.CGraph.Call(graph => !graph.Contains(from)))
                            resultGraph.CGraph.Call(graph => graph.Add(from));
                            resultGraph.CGraph[from] = tempSrcNode;
                            tempSrcNode = resultGraph.CGraph[from];

                        if (resultGraph.CGraph.Call(graph => !graph.Contains(to)))
                            resultGraph.CGraph.Call(graph => graph.Add(to));
                            resultGraph.CGraph[to] = tempDestNode;
                            tempDestNode = resultGraph.CGraph[to];

                        double shortestDistance = Double.MaxValue;
                        if (unobservedRoutes.Count() > 0)
                            Route shortestUnobRoute = unobservedRoutes.OrderBy(p => p.PathCost).First();
                            shortestDistance = shortestUnobRoute.PathCost;

                        if ((from.IsVisible && to.IsVisible) && shortestObRoute.PathCost < shortestDistance)
                            //resultGraph.logger.Content += String.Format("\nNode {0} to Node {1} : observed\n", from.Id, to.Id);
                            //logger.Content += String.Format("The path from Node {0} to Node {1} is : {2}\n", from.Id, to.Id, shortestObRoute);
                            resultGraph.observedLog.Content += String.Format("{0} (This is the shortest path)\n", shortestObRoute);
                            AddOutputEdge(resultGraph, tempSrcNode, tempDestNode, unobservedRoutes.Count() == 0);
                            resultGraph.observedLog.Content += String.Format("{0}\n", shortestObRoute);

                    //               foreach (Route through in observedRoutes)
                    //	logger.Content += String.Format("Node {0} to Node {1} : observed\n", from.Id, to.Id);
                    //	logger.Content += String.Format("The path from Node {0} to Node {1} is : {2}\n", from.Id, to.Id, through);

                    //CanvasNode tempSrcNode = new CanvasNode(graph[from]);
                    //CanvasNode tempDestNode = new CanvasNode(graph[to]);

                    //DrawNode(tempSrcNode, resultGraph.ResultCanvas);
                    //DrawNode(tempDestNode, resultGraph.ResultCanvas);
                    //                  if (from.IsVisible && to.IsVisible)
                    //                  {
                    //                      DrawOutputEdge(resultGraph, tempSrcNode, tempDestNode);
                    //                  }

                    foreach (Route through in unobservedRoutes)
                        //		logger.Content += String.Format("\nNode {0} to Node {1} : not observed\n", from.Id, to.Id);
                        resultGraph.unobservedLog.Content += String.Format("{0}\n", through);

                foreach (var node in resultGraph.CGraph.Call(graph => graph.AllNodes.Values))
                    var cnode = resultGraph.CGraph[node];
                    DrawNode(cnode, resultGraph.ResultCanvas);
                foreach (var edge in resultGraph.CGraph.Call(graph => graph.AllEdges.Values))
                    var cedge = resultGraph.CGraph[edge];

                    DrawOutputEdge(resultGraph, cedge);

                logger.Content += "Task Finished.";
                // Display the resultGraph window
예제 #2
        public void TestObserveConnectivity()
            Graph graph = new Graph();

            var A = new Node()
                Label = "A"
            var B = new Node()
                Label = "B"
            var C = new Node()
                Label = "C"
            var D = new Node()
                Label = "D"
            var E = new Node()
                Label = "E"


            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(A, B, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 4
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(B, E, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 5
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(A, C, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 5
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(C, E, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 4
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(A, D, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 9
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(D, E, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 7
            B.IsObserver = true;

             * graph.ConnectNodeToWith(B, C, new Edge({Name="Weight", Attribute=)(1));
             * graph.ConnectNodeToWith(C, D, new Edge({Name="Weight", Attribute=)(3));
             * graph.ConnectNodeToWith(D, C, new Edge({Name="Weight", Attribute=)(2));
             * graph.ConnectNodeToWith(E, C, new Edge({Name="Weight", Attribute=)(1));

            var result = new ConnectivityObserver().Observe(graph,
                                                            new List <INode>()
                                                            Tuple.Create("Weight", Constraint <IEdge> .Default),
                                                            new AllPaths());

            foreach (var pair in result)
                var observedRoutes   = pair.Value.Item1;
                var unobservedRoutes = pair.Value.Item2;
                foreach (var route in observedRoutes)
                    if (!route.Contains(B))
                foreach (var route in unobservedRoutes)
                    if (route.Contains(B))
        public void Initialize()
            co    = new ConnectivityObserver();
            graph = new Graph();

            var A = new TestSubNode()
                Label = "A"
            var B = new Node()
                Label = "B"
            var C = new Node()
                Label = "C"
            var D = new TestSubNode()
                Label = "D"
            var E = new TesteSubNode2()
                Label = "E"

            E.DescriptiveAttributes["test"] = "test";
            B["dummy"] = 15;
            C.DescriptiveAttributes["time"] = "NOthing";
            A["3"] = 0.99;


            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(A, B, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 8
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(A, D, new TestSubEdge(9));
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(A, E, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 4
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(B, C, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 1
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(C, B, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 2
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(C, D, new TestSubEdge(3));
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(D, C, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 2
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(D, E, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 7
            graph.ConnectNodeToWith(E, C, new Edge(new AttributePair <Double> {
                Name = "Weight", Attribute = 1
            observers = new List <INode>();