private void RunSql(string sql) { using (var connection = ConnectionService.GetConnection(server, database)) { connection.Open(); NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, connection); NpgsqlDataAdapter adapter = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(command); DataSet queryResult = new DataSet(); try { adapter.Fill(queryResult); if (queryResult.Tables.Count > 0) { dgvSqlResult.DataSource = queryResult.Tables[0]; tcResults.SelectedTab = tpSqlResult; txtSqlError.Text = String.Empty; } } catch (NpgsqlException e) { txtSqlError.Text = e.Message; tcResults.SelectedTab = tpError; txtSqlError.Select(0, 0); } } }
public void ShowTable(TreeNode node) { DataTable table = (DataTable)node.Tag; TreeNode dbNode = GetSelectedDBNode(node); Database db = (Database)dbNode.Tag; Server server = (Server)dbNode.Parent.Tag; List <Column> columns; using (NpgsqlConnection connection = ConnectionService.GetConnection(server, db)) { connection.Open(); DatabaseService.fetchTableByName(connection, table); columns = DatabaseService.fetchTableColumns(connection, table.DataSet.DataSetName, table.TableName); table.ExtendedProperties[Database.TABLE_PROPERTY_COLUMNS] = columns; } // dehilight image of previous opened table if (openedTableNode != null) { openedTableNode.ImageKey = IMAGE_KEY_TABLE; openedTableNode.SelectedImageKey = IMAGE_KEY_TABLE; } // hilight image of selected table openedTableNode = node; openedTableNode.ImageKey = IMAGE_KEY_TABLE_OPEN; openedTableNode.SelectedImageKey = IMAGE_KEY_TABLE_OPEN; if (TableOpened != null) { TableOpened(table); } }
private void OpenDatabase(TreeNode dbNode) { Database db = (Database)dbNode.Tag; Server server = (Server)dbNode.Parent.Tag; using (NpgsqlConnection connection = ConnectionService.GetConnection(server, db)) { try { connection.Open(); } catch (NpgsqlException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, String.Format("Error {0}", e.ErrorCode), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } db.Schemas = DatabaseService.fetchAllSchemasWithTables(connection); } FillTreeViewWithTables(dbNode); dbNode.ImageKey = IMAGE_KEY_DATABASE_CONNECTED; dbNode.SelectedImageKey = IMAGE_KEY_DATABASE_CONNECTED; db.IsOpen = true; if (DatabaseOpened != null) { DatabaseOpened(); } }
private void FillDatabaseList() { using (var connection = ConnectionService.GetConnection(server, database)) { connection.Open(); cmbDatabase.DataSource = DatabaseService.fetchDbNames(connection); ctrlConnectionStatus.BackColor = COLOR_SUCCESS; } }
private void btnTestConnection_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints.Enabled)) { try { using (var connection = ConnectionService.GetConnection(server, database)) { connection.Open(); ctrlConnectionStatus.BackColor = COLOR_SUCCESS; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ctrlConnectionStatus.BackColor = COLOR_FAIL; } } }