private bool ConnectWithForm() { ConnectForm form = new ConnectForm(); if (_connectionProfile == null) { form.ServerSettings = new ServerSettings(); } else { form.ProfileName = _connectionProfile.Name; form.ServerSettings = new ServerSettings() { ServerName = _connectionProfile.ServerSettings.ServerName, Port = ServerSettings.DefaultHttpPort, Transport = ServiceTransport.Http }; } if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { _connectionProfile = new ConnectionProfile() { ServerSettings = form.ServerSettings, SavePassword = form.SavePassword }; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(form.ProfileName)) { _connectionProfile.Name = form.ProfileName; ConnectionProfiles.Add(_connectionProfile); } RefreshFormTitle(); return(true); } return(false); }
private void GenerateDesignMode() { var random = new Random(); for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) { var connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo { AuthenticationType = RandomItem(AuthenticationTypes, random), EncryptionType = RandomItem(EncryptionTypes, random), ConnectivityLevel = RandomItem(ConnectivityLevels, random), DomainConnectivityLevel = RandomItem(DomainLevels, random), IncomingBitsPerSecond = random.Next(0, int.MaxValue), OutgoingBitsPerSecond = random.Next(0, int.MaxValue), IsWlan = random.Next(0, 1) == 0, IsWwan = random.Next(0, 1) == 0, Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', ' '), NetworkAdapterId = Guid.NewGuid(), NetworkType = RandomItem(NetworkTypeList, random), CostType = RandomItem(CostTypes, random), SignalBars = (short)random.Next(0, 5), Flags = string.Format( "{0} {1}", random.Next(0, 1) == 0 ? (random.Next(0, 1) == 0 ? "Approaching Data Limit" : "Over Data Limit") : string.Empty, random.Next(0, 1) == 0 ? "Roaming" : string.Empty) .Trim() }; if (random.Next(0, 1) == 0) { var dataPlan = new DataPlanInfo { DataLimitMegabytes = random.Next(0, int.MaxValue), InboundBitsPerSecond = (ulong)random.Next(0, int.MaxValue), OutboundBitsPerSecond = (ulong)random.Next(0, int.MaxValue) }; if (random.Next(0, 1) == 0) { dataPlan.NextBillingCycle = DateTime.Now.AddDays(random.Next(1, 30)); } if (random.Next(0, 1) == 0) { dataPlan.MegabytesUsed = random.Next(0, int.MaxValue); dataPlan.LastSyncTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1 * random.Next(2, 12)); } connectionInfo.DataPlan = dataPlan; } connectionInfo.BytesReceivedLastDay = (ulong)random.Next(0, int.MaxValue); connectionInfo.BytesSentLastDay = (ulong)random.Next(0, int.MaxValue); ConnectionProfiles.Add(connectionInfo); } CurrentConnectionInfo = ConnectionProfiles[random.Next(0, ConnectionProfiles.Count)]; }
private void DeleteServer(object cp) { if (!(cp is ConnectionProfile)) { throw new ArgumentException("connProfile is not of type ConnectionProfile.", "connProfile"); } var connProfile = (ConnectionProfile)cp; ConnectionProfiles.Remove(connProfile); }
private void EditServer(object cp) { if (!(cp is ConnectionProfile)) { throw new ArgumentException("connProfile is not of type ConnectionProfile.", "connProfile"); } var connProfile = (ConnectionProfile)cp; ConnectionProfiles[ConnectionProfiles.IndexOf(connProfile)] = connProfile; }
private void ExecuteDeleteProfile(object o) { var result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete connection profile '" + SelectedProfile.Name + "' ?" , "Question", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { MtRegistryManager.RemoveConnectionProfile(SelectedProfile.Name); ConnectionProfiles.Remove(SelectedProfile); } }
public void Initialize() { var profiles = MtRegistryManager.LoadConnectionProfiles(); if (profiles != null) { foreach (var prof in profiles) { ConnectionProfiles.Add(prof); } } }
private void _profilesDataGridView_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == _removeProfileColumn.Index) { IList <ConnectionProfile> list = (IList <ConnectionProfile>)_profilesBindingSource.DataSource; ConnectionProfiles.Remove(list[e.RowIndex].Name); ReloadProfiles(); } else if (e.ColumnIndex == _editProfileColumn.Index) { _editSelectedProfile = true; _profilesDataGridView_DoubleClick(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
private void ExecuteAddProfile(object o) { var dlg = new AddProfileDialog(App.Current.MainWindow); var result = dlg.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { var profile = new MtConnectionProfile(dlg.ProfileName); profile.Host = dlg.Host; profile.Port = int.Parse(dlg.Port); MtRegistryManager.AddConnectionProfile(profile); ConnectionProfiles.Add(profile); } }
private void ReloadProfiles() { List <ConnectionProfile> list = new List <ConnectionProfile>(ConnectionProfiles.GetList()); list.Add(new ConnectionProfile("New connection...", null, false)); _profilesBindingSource.DataSource = list; _profilesBindingSource.ResetBindings(false); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_selectedProfileName)) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in _profilesDataGridView.Rows) { ConnectionProfile profile = row.DataBoundItem as ConnectionProfile; if (profile.ServerSettings != null && profile.Name == _selectedProfileName) { row.Selected = true; break; } } } }
private void updateProfiles() { if (CPService != null) { ConnectionProfiles = CPService.getAvailableProfiles(); SelectedProfile = 0; } ConnectionProfile currentProfile = null; if (UserOptions != null) { var currentOptions = UserOptions.getOptions(); if (currentOptions != null) { currentProfile = currentOptions.CurrentConnection; Options = currentOptions; } else { Options = new DiversityUserOptions(); } } if (ConnectionProfiles != null && currentProfile != null) { var selectedIndices = from profile in ConnectionProfiles where profile.CompareTo(currentProfile) == 0 select ConnectionProfiles.IndexOf(profile); if (selectedIndices.Count() > 0) { SelectedProfile = selectedIndices.First(); } } }
public bool ConnectToArgusTVService(string currentProfileName, bool reconnect) { bool result = false; bool abortConnection = false; bool tryConnectionWithoutUI = !reconnect; bool skipSelectionForm = false; IList <ConnectionProfile> profiles = ConnectionProfiles.GetList(); if (!reconnect && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentProfileName)) { _connectionProfile = FindConnectionProfileByName(profiles, currentProfileName); skipSelectionForm = (_connectionProfile != null); } if (_connectionProfile != null) { currentProfileName = _connectionProfile.Name; } else { currentProfileName = Properties.Settings.Default.LastUsedConnectionProfile; } if (profiles.Count == 1) { _connectionProfile = profiles[0]; } else if (profiles.Count > 1 && !skipSelectionForm) { if (!reconnect) { Program.App.HideSplash(); } SelectProfileForm selectProfileForm = new SelectProfileForm(); selectProfileForm.SetSelectedProfileName(currentProfileName); if (selectProfileForm.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { _connectionProfile = selectProfileForm.SelectedProfile; if (_connectionProfile != null) { tryConnectionWithoutUI = !selectProfileForm.EditSelectedProfile; if (tryConnectionWithoutUI && !reconnect) { Program.App.ShowSplash(); } } } else { result = false; abortConnection = true; } } if (!abortConnection) { if (tryConnectionWithoutUI && _connectionProfile != null) { bool saveProfiles = false; if (_connectionProfile.ServerSettings.Transport == ServiceProxy.ServiceTransport.Https && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_connectionProfile.ServerSettings.Password)) { using (LogonForm logonForm = new LogonForm()) { logonForm.UserName = _connectionProfile.ServerSettings.UserName; Program.App.HideSplash(); if (DialogResult.OK == logonForm.ShowDialog(this)) { _connectionProfile.ServerSettings.UserName = logonForm.UserName; _connectionProfile.ServerSettings.Password = logonForm.Password; _connectionProfile.SavePassword = logonForm.SavePassword; saveProfiles = _connectionProfile.SavePassword; } } } try { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; string macAddresses = _connectionProfile.ServerSettings.WakeOnLan.MacAddresses; string ipAddress = _connectionProfile.ServerSettings.WakeOnLan.IPAddress; if (!Proxies.Initialize(_connectionProfile.ServerSettings, false)) { Program.App.HideSplash(); result = ConnectWithForm(); } else { if (saveProfiles || !String.Equals(macAddresses, _connectionProfile.ServerSettings.WakeOnLan.MacAddresses) || !String.Equals(ipAddress, _connectionProfile.ServerSettings.WakeOnLan.IPAddress)) { ConnectionProfiles.Save(); } RefreshFormTitle(); result = true; } } finally { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } else { if (!reconnect) { Program.App.HideSplash(); } result = ConnectWithForm(); } } if (result && Properties.Settings.Default.LastUsedConnectionProfile != _connectionProfile.Name) { Properties.Settings.Default.LastUsedConnectionProfile = _connectionProfile.Name; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } return(result); }