public void BindType() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "select sub_id cid,cname value from cost_base_data where module_id = 2"; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(sql); DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow(); dr[0] = 0; dr[1] = "请选择"; //插在第一位 ds.Tables[0].Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); comboBoxType.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; comboBoxType.DisplayMember = "value"; comboBoxType.ValueMember = "CID"; conn.Close(); }
public void BindDept1() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "select distinct dept1 from COST_DEPT_LIST"; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(sql); DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow(); //dr[0] = "0"; //dr[1] = "请选择"; ////插在第一位 //ds.Tables[0].Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); comboBoxDept1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; comboBoxDept1.DisplayMember = "dept1"; comboBoxDept1.ValueMember = "dept1"; conn.Close(); }
public void BindDept2() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "select distinct dept2 as id,dept2 as name from COST_DEPT_LIST where dept1 = '" + comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue + "'"; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(sql); DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow(); dr[0] = "0"; dr[1] = "请选择"; //插在第一位 ds.Tables[0].Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); comboBoxDept2.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; comboBoxDept2.DisplayMember = "name"; comboBoxDept2.ValueMember = "id"; conn.Close(); }
public void BindShift() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "select cname cid,cname value from cost_shift where isnull(forbidden,'false') != 'true'"; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(sql); DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow(); dr[0] = "";//其实这里也许设置为"null"更好 dr[1] = "请选择"; //插在第一位 ds.Tables[0].Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); comboBoxShift.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; comboBoxShift.DisplayMember = "value"; comboBoxShift.ValueMember = "CID"; conn.Close(); }
private void showDetail() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql; strsql = "select CMONTH 月份,MAT_CODE 新物料编码,CUSTOMER 客户,PRODUCT_MODEL 产品型号,STANDARD_HOURS 标工 from COST_HH_STANDARD_HOURS where cmonth = '" + dateTimePickerMonth.Text + "'"; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; gridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[3].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[4].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; conn.Close(); }
public void BindDept() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "select d.cid,d.cname from COST_DEPT d where d.saletype_id = 14"; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(sql); DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow(); dr[0] = "0"; dr[1] = "请选择"; //插在第一位 ds.Tables[0].Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); comboBoxDept.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; comboBoxDept.DisplayMember = "CNAME"; comboBoxDept.ValueMember = "CID"; conn.Close(); }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string password; password = Common.MD5Encrypt(textEditAgain.Text.ToString().Trim()); string sql = "update cost_user set password ='******' where cname = '" + Logon.GetCname() + "'"; string sql2 = "select cname from cost_user where cname = '" + Logon.GetCname() + "' and password ='******'"; if (textEditNew.Text.ToString().Trim() != "" && textEditAgain.Text.ToString().Trim() != "") { if (textEditNew.Text.ToString().Trim() == textEditAgain.Text.ToString().Trim()) { int rows = conn.ReturnRecordCount(sql2); if (rows > 0) { MessageBox.Show("不能和旧密码相同!"); } else { bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("两次输入的不一致!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("不能为空值!"); } conn.Close(); }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string dept11, dept22, dept33; dept11 = comboBoxDept1.Text; dept22 = comboBoxDept2.Text; dept33 = comboBoxDept3.Text; if (dept11 == "请选择") { dept11 = ""; } if (dept22 == "请选择") { dept22 = ""; } if (dept33 == "请选择") { dept33 = ""; } string sql = "update cost_check_dept set dept1 ='" + dept11 + "',dept2 ='" + dept22 + "',dept3 ='" + dept33; sql = sql + "' where log_name = '" + logname + "' and dept1 = '" + dept1 + "' and dept2 = '" + dept2 + "' and dept3 = '" + dept3 + "'"; // string sql2 = "select cname from cost_user where cname = '" + textEditLogName.Text.ToString().Trim() + "' and password ='******'"; if (textEditLogName.Text.ToString().Trim() != "") { bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); UserDeptCheckQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("登录名不能为空值!"); } conn.Close(); }
private void BindIndirectLabour() { if (comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() != "System.Data.DataRowView") { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "select CID,CNO + ' ' + CNAME as CNAME from cost_direct_labour where person_type_id = 4 and isnull(forbidden,'false') != 'true' and dept_id = " + comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString(); DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(sql); DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow(); dr[0] = "0"; dr[1] = "请选择"; //插在第一位 ds.Tables[0].Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); comboBoxIndirectLabour.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; comboBoxIndirectLabour.DisplayMember = "CNAME"; comboBoxIndirectLabour.ValueMember = "CID"; conn.Close(); } }
private void ShowDetail() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql, yyyymm; yyyymm = dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString(); strsql = "select i.yyyymm 年月,j.CID,j.CNAME 上班类型,i.price '费率(元/小时)' from (select * from cost_direct_labour_price where isnull(YYYYMM,'') ='" + yyyymm + "') i left join (select * from COST_WORK_TYPE where forbidden = 'false') j on i.WORK_TYPE = j.cid "; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; gridView1.Columns[1].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[3].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; conn.Close(); }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql, strsql2; int rows; strsql = "insert into cost_rate(yyyy,quarter_id,sale_type_id,dept_id,cost_rate) values('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "'," + comboBoxQuarter.SelectedValue.ToString() + "," + comboBoxSaleType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "," + comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() + ",ltrim(rtrim(" + Common.IsNull(textEditCostRate.Text.ToString()) + ")))"; strsql2 = "select * from cost_rate where yyyy ='" + dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "' and sale_type_id = " + Common.IsZero(comboBoxSaleType.SelectedValue.ToString()) + " and quarter_id = " + Common.IsZero(comboBoxQuarter.SelectedValue.ToString()) + " and dept_id = " + comboBoxDept.SelectedValue; if (comboBoxQuarter.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0") { MessageBox.Show("请选择季度"); } else if (comboBoxSaleType.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0") { MessageBox.Show("请选择营业类型"); } else if (comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0") { MessageBox.Show("部门不能为空!"); } else if (textEditCostRate.Text.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("成本比率不能为空!"); } else { rows = conn.ReturnRecordCount(strsql2); if (rows > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该部门成本比率已经存在!"); } else { bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(strsql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); CostDeptRateQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } } } conn.Close(); }
private void showDetail() { gridView1.Columns.Clear(); ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string month, group; string table_name = "status"; DataSet ds; month = dateTimePickerMonth.Text.ToString(); group = comboBoxGroup.Text.ToString(); bool success = true; IDataParameter[] parameters = new IDataParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@month", month), new SqlParameter("@group", group) }; try { ds = conn.RunProcedure("COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE_STATUS", parameters, table_name); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; } catch { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); success = false; } if (success) { gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[3].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[4].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; } //表头设置 //gridView1.ColumnPanelRowHeight = 35; //gridView1.OptionsView.AllowHtmlDrawHeaders = true; //gridView1.Appearance.HeaderPanel.TextOptions.WordWrap = DevExpress.Utils.WordWrap.Wrap; //表头及行内容居中显示 //gridView1.Appearance.Row.TextOptions.HAlignment = DevExpress.Utils.HorzAlignment.Center; gridView1.Appearance.HeaderPanel.TextOptions.HAlignment = DevExpress.Utils.HorzAlignment.Center; conn.Close(); }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql, strsql2; int rows; strsql = "insert into cost_dept_standard_point(yyyymm,sale_type_id,dept_id,dept_standard_point) values('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "'," + comboBoxSaleType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "," + comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() + ",ltrim(rtrim(" + textEditDeptStandardPoint.Text.ToString() + ")))"; strsql2 = "select * from cost_dept_standard_point where yyyymm ='" + dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "' and sale_type_id = " + Common.IsZero(comboBoxSaleType.SelectedValue.ToString()) + " and dept_id = " + Common.IsZero(comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (comboBoxSaleType.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0") { MessageBox.Show("请选择营业分类!"); } else if (comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0") { MessageBox.Show("请选择部门!"); } else if (textEditDeptStandardPoint.Text.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("部门标准单点成本不能为空!"); } else { rows = conn.ReturnRecordCount(strsql2); if (rows > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该单点标准成本已经存在!"); } else { bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(strsql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); DeptStandardPointQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } } conn.Close(); }
public static void Delete() { string sql; bool isdone = true; ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); if (ilpqform == null || ilpqform.IsDisposed) { MessageBox.Show("没有要删除的数据!"); } else if (ilpqform.gridView1.SelectedRowsCount == 0) { MessageBox.Show("没有要删除的数据!"); } else { MessageBoxButtons messButton = MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel; string ms = "确定要删除查询出来的所有数据吗?"; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(ms, "间接人工费率删除", messButton); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { if (ilpqform.comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0") { sql = "delete from cost_indirect_labour_price where YYYYMM = '" + ilpqform.dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "'"; } else if (ilpqform.comboBoxIndirectLabour.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0") { sql = "delete i from cost_indirect_labour_price i left join cost_direct_labour j on i.indirect_labour_id = j.cid where YYYYMM = '" + ilpqform.dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "' and j.dept_id = " + ilpqform.comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString(); } else { sql = "delete i from cost_indirect_labour_price i where YYYYMM = '" + ilpqform.dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "' and i.indirect_labour_id = " + ilpqform.comboBoxIndirectLabour.SelectedValue.ToString(); } isdone = conn.DeleteDatabase(sql); if (isdone) { MessageBox.Show("删除成功!"); } } } conn.Close(); }
private void ShowDetail() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql, month, sqlsum; month = dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString(); strsql = "select SALE_TYPE_NAME 营业类型,CONVERT(varchar(100), CDATE, 23) 日期,DIRECT_HOURS 直接人工小时数,cast(round(DIRECT_COST, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 直接人工成本,INDIRECT_HOURS 间接人工小时数,cast(round(INDIRECT_COST, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 间接人工成本,cast(round(DEPRECIATION, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 折旧费,cast(round(OPERATION_TRANSFER, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 运营部费用转嫁,cast(round(TRIAL_TRANSFER, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 试产费用转嫁,cast(round(COMPOSITE_EXPENSE, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 主营综合费用,cast(round(POINTCOUNT, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 产出信道数,cast(round(COST, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 预估成本,COST_POINT 预估单信道成本,STANDARD_POINT 标准单信道成本,cast(round(STANDARD_COST, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 标准成本,cast(round(PROFIT, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 盈亏 from COST_DAY_CALCULATE where cdate like '" + month + "%' and sale_type_id =15 order by cdate"; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); sqlsum = "select SALE_TYPE_NAME 营业类型,'汇总:' 日期,DIRECT_HOURS 直接人工小时数,cast(round(DIRECT_COST, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 直接人工成本,INDIRECT_HOURS 间接人工小时数,cast(round(INDIRECT_COST, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 间接人工成本,cast(round(DEPRECIATION, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 折旧费,cast(round(OPERATION_TRANSFER, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 运营部费用转嫁,cast(round(TRIAL_TRANSFER, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 试产费用转嫁,cast(round(COMPOSITE_EXPENSE, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 主营综合费用,cast(round(POINTCOUNT, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 产出信道数,cast(round(COST, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 预估成本,COST_POINT 预估单信道成本,STANDARD_POINT 标准单信道成本,cast(round(STANDARD_COST, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 标准成本,cast(round(PROFIT, 2) as decimal(18, 2)) 盈亏 from COST_MONTH_CALCULATE where cmonth = '" + month + "' and sale_type_id =15"; DataSet ds2 = conn.ReturnDataSet(sqlsum); ds.Merge(ds2, true, MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; gridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; //gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; //gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; conn.Close(); }
private bool costing() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string month = dateTimePicker1.Text; string sql; int i, rows; bool isok; bool success = false; isok = CheckData(false); if (isok) { sql = "select * from COST_MONTH_CALCULATE where cmonth ='" + dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "' and sale_type_id = 10"; IDataParameter[] parameters = new IDataParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@cmonth", month), new SqlParameter("@saletypeid", "10") }; rows = conn.ReturnRecordCount(sql); if (rows > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该月已经存在成本计算结果,如要重新计算,请先清空该月计算结果!"); } else { try { conn.RunProcedure("costing", parameters, out i); success = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); success = false; } if (success) { MessageBox.Show("计算完成!"); ShowDetail(); } } } conn.Close(); return(success); }
private void ShowDetail() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql, yyyymm; yyyymm = dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString(); strsql = "select '" + comboBoxIndirectLabour.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'as labour_id,'" + ((DataRowView)comboBoxIndirectLabour.SelectedItem).Row["CNAME"].ToString() + "' as 人员,j.CID,j.CNAME 上班类型,i.price '费率(元/小时)' from (select i.* from cost_indirect_labour_price i left join cost_direct_labour j on i.indirect_labour_id = j.cid where isnull(YYYYMM,'') ='" + yyyymm + "' and j.dept_id = " + comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and indirect_labour_id = " + comboBoxIndirectLabour.SelectedValue.ToString() + ") i right join (select * from COST_WORK_TYPE where forbidden = 'false') j on i.WORK_TYPE_id = j.cid "; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; gridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[2].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[3].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].Width = 130; conn.Close(); }
private void simpleButton全选_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql; int cid = RoleQuery.GetCid(); strsql = "select i.cid,p.cid,p.module_name 模块,p.permission 权限, cast('true' as bit) ' ' from COST_ROLE i cross join COST_MODULE_PERMISSION p left join COST_ROLE_PERMISSION r on i.CID = r.ROLE_ID and p.CID = r.PERMISSION_ID where i.cid = " + cid; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; gridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[1].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[3].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; ischange = true; conn.Close(); }
private void showDetail() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql; int cid = RoleQuery.GetCid(); strsql = "select i.cid,p.cid,p.module_name 模块,p.permission 权限,isnull(r.have_right,'false') ' ' from COST_ROLE i cross join COST_MODULE_PERMISSION p left join COST_ROLE_PERMISSION r on i.CID = r.ROLE_ID and p.CID = r.PERMISSION_ID where i.cid = " + cid; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; gridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[1].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[3].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; conn.Close(); }
private void showDetail() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql, yyyymm; yyyymm = dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString(); strsql = "select i.cid,i.yyyymm 年月,i.sale_type_id 营业类型id,j.cname 营业类型,i.expense 费用 from COST_COMPOSITE_EXPENSE i left join cost_saletype j on i.sale_type_id = j.cid where i.yyyymm = '" + yyyymm + "'"; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; gridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[2].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[3].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[4].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; conn.Close(); }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "update cost_direct_labour set cno = ltrim(rtrim('" + textEditNo.Text.ToString().Trim() + "')),cname = ltrim(rtrim('" + textEditName.Text.ToString().Trim() + "')),position_id = " + Common.IsZero(comboBoxPosition.SelectedValue.ToString()) + ",linetype_id =" + Common.IsZero(comboBoxLineType.SelectedValue.ToString()) + ",dept_id =" + comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString(); sql = sql + " where cid = " + textEditID.Text.ToString(); string sql2 = "select cname from cost_direct_labour where cno = '" + textEditNo.Text.ToString().Trim() + "' and cid <> " + textEditID.Text; string sql3 = "select * from cost_direct_labour where cno = '" + textEditNo.Text.ToString().Trim() + "' and cname ='" + textEditName.Text.ToString().Trim() + "' and position_id = " + comboBoxPosition.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and linetype_id =" + comboBoxLineType.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and dept_id =" + comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString(); if (textEditNo.Text.ToString().Trim() != "" && textEditName.Text.ToString().Trim() != "" && comboBoxPosition.SelectedValue.ToString() != "0" && comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() != "0") { int rows = conn.ReturnRecordCount(sql2); int rows2 = conn.ReturnRecordCount(sql3); if (rows > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该工号已经存在!"); } else if (rows2 > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该人员已经存在!"); } else { bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); DirectLabourQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("不能为空值!"); } conn.Close(); }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string leave_date, sql; if ((comboBoxStatus.Text.ToString() == "离职" || comboBoxStatus.Text.ToString() == "转正") && textEditLeaveDate.Text.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("请先填写离职日期!"); } else if (comboBoxStatus.Text.ToString() == "在职" && textEditLeaveDate.Text.ToString() != "") { MessageBox.Show("请去掉离职日期!"); } else { if (textEditLeaveDate.Text.ToString() == "") { sql = "update COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE set cname = '" + textEditName.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',sex = '" + comboBoxSex.Text + "',register_date='" + dateTimePickerRegister.Text + "',leave_date=NULL,cfrom = '" + textEditFrom.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',from_type = '" + comboBoxType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "',dept1 = '" + comboBoxDept1.Text + "',dept2 = '" + comboBoxDept2.Text + "',dept3 = '" + comboBoxDept3.Text + "',dept = '" + comboBoxDept.Text + "',id_number = '" + textEditIdNumber.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',phone_no = '" + textEditPhone.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',shift = '" + comboBoxShift.Text + "',status = '" + comboBoxStatus.SelectedItem + "'"; sql = sql + " where cno = '" + textEditCno.Text.ToString() + "'"; } else { leave_date = textEditLeaveDate.Text.ToString(); sql = "update COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE set cname = '" + textEditName.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',sex = '" + comboBoxSex.Text + "',register_date='" + dateTimePickerRegister.Text + "',leave_date='" + leave_date + "',cfrom = '" + textEditFrom.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',from_type = '" + comboBoxType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "',dept1 = '" + comboBoxDept1.Text + "',dept2 = '" + comboBoxDept2.Text + "',dept3 = '" + comboBoxDept3.Text + "',dept = '" + comboBoxDept.Text + "',id_number = '" + textEditIdNumber.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',phone_no = '" + textEditPhone.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',shift = '" + comboBoxShift.Text + "',status = '" + comboBoxStatus.SelectedItem + "'"; sql = sql + " where cno = '" + textEditCno.Text.ToString() + "'"; } bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); TempEmpQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } conn.Close(); }
private void showDetail() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql; int deptid; deptid = (int)comboBoxDept.SelectedValue; if (deptid > 0) { strsql = "select isnull(i.cid,0) id,'" + dateEditDate.Text + "' 日期,d.cid 部门id,d.cname 部门,j.cid 直接人工id,j.cno 工号,j.cname 姓名,i.work_type_id 上班类型id,w.cname 上班类型,i.hours 小时数 from (select * from COST_DIRECT_LABOUR_ATTENDANCE where cdate = '" + dateEditDate.Text + "') i right join COST_DIRECT_LABOUR j on i.DIRECT_LABOUR_ID = j.CID left join COST_DEPT D on j.DEPT_ID = D.CID left join cost_work_type w on i.work_type_id = w.cid where j.person_type_id = 4 and D.cid = " + Common.IsZero(deptid.ToString()) + " order by d.cname"; } else { strsql = "select isnull(i.cid,0) id,'" + dateEditDate.Text + "' 日期,d.cid 部门id,d.cname 部门,j.cid 直接人工id,j.cno 工号,j.cname 姓名,i.work_type_id 上班类型id,w.cname 上班类型,i.hours 小时数 from(select * from COST_DIRECT_LABOUR_ATTENDANCE where cdate = '" + dateEditDate.Text + "') i right join COST_DIRECT_LABOUR j on i.DIRECT_LABOUR_ID = j.CID left join COST_DEPT D on j.DEPT_ID = D.CID left join cost_work_type w on i.work_type_id = w.cid where j.person_type_id = 4 order by d.cname"; } DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; gridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[2].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[4].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[7].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[3].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[4].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[5].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[6].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[7].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[8].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; if (gridView1.GetDataRow(0) != null && gridView1.GetDataRow(0).ItemArray[7].ToString() != "0" && gridView1.GetDataRow(0).ItemArray[7].ToString() != "") { comboBoxWorkType.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBoxWorkType.SelectedValue = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetDataRow(0).ItemArray[7].ToString()); } conn.Close(); }
public static void Save() { if (dlpiform == null || dlpiform.IsDisposed) { } else { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql; bool isok = false; DateTime dt1 = Convert.ToDateTime(dlpiform.dateTimePicker1.Text); DateTime dt2 = System.DateTime.Now; int month = (dt2.Year - dt1.Year) * 12 + (dt2.Month - dt1.Month); if (!dlpiform.Exist()) { if (month < -1) { MessageBox.Show("月份错误!"); } else { dlpiform.gridView1.FocusInvalidRow(); for (int i = 0; i < dlpiform.gridView1.RowCount; i++) { strsql = "insert into cost_direct_labour_price(yyyymm,work_type,price) values('" + dlpiform.dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "'," + dlpiform.gridView1.GetDataRow(i).ItemArray[0].ToString() + "," + Common.IsNull(dlpiform.gridView1.GetDataRow(i).ItemArray[2].ToString()) + ")"; isok = conn.EditDatabase(strsql); } if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("保存成功!"); DirectLabourPriceQuery.RefreshEX(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } } dlpiform.ischange = false; conn.Close(); } }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "update cost_standard_point set standard_point = ltrim(rtrim('" + textEditStandardPoint.Text.ToString() + "'))"; sql = sql + " where cid = " + textEditID.Text.ToString(); bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); StandardPointQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } conn.Close(); }
private void Clear() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql; strsql = "delete from COST_EMS_HH_HOURS where cdate like '" + dateTimePickerMonth.Text + "%'"; bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(strsql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("该月HH产出工时已成功清空!"); showDetail(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } conn.Close(); }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "update COST_COMPOSITE_EXPENSE set expense = ltrim(rtrim('" + textEditExpense.Text.ToString() + "'))"; sql = sql + " where cid = " + textEditID.Text.ToString(); bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); CompositeExpenseQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } conn.Close(); }
private void showDetail() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql; string logname = "", personname = "", dept1 = "", dept2 = "", dept3 = "", dept = "", remark = ""; int cid = 0; UserQuery.GetInfo(ref cid, ref logname, ref personname, ref dept1, ref dept2, ref dept3, ref dept, ref remark); strsql = "select i.cid,p.cid,p.cname 角色,isnull(r.have_right,'false') ' ' from COST_user i cross join COST_role p left join COST_user_role r on i.CID = r.user_ID and p.CID = r.role_ID where i.cid = " + cid; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; gridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[1].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; conn.Close(); }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "update cost_rate set cost_rate = ltrim(rtrim('" + Common.IsNull(textEditCostRate.Text.ToString()) + "'))"; sql = sql + " where cid = " + textEditID.Text.ToString(); bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); CostRateQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } conn.Close(); }
private void showDetail() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql; strsql = "select cname as 名称,cbegin 开始时间,cend 结束时间,isnull(rest_hours,0) 休息时数,isnull(overtime_rest_hours,0) 加班后休息时数,overtime_begin 加班开始时间,forbidden 禁用 from cost_shift"; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; //gridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[3].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[4].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[5].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[6].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; IsForbidden(); conn.Close(); }