private void ExecuteAddJAVA_HOMEInstallationCommand(object parameter)
            bool add = true;

                if (!Properties.Settings.Default.JavaHomeWarningHasBeenDisplayed &&
                    (machine.DiscoverMachineWideInstallations || machine.DiscoverUserScopeInstallations)
                    var ans = MessageBox.Show(
                        "Generally, you don't need adding JAVA_HOME, if you have auto-discovery turned on. Auto-discovery will monitor all your installations for updates." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                        "Add JAVA_HOME **only** if you need to override something, or to switch to Latest (LTS) feature branch, or if your know what are you doing." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                        "Proceed with adding JAVA_HOME? ",
                        Branding.ProductName, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning, MessageBoxResult.No);
                    if (ans == MessageBoxResult.No)
                        add = false;

                    Properties.Settings.Default.JavaHomeWarningHasBeenDisplayed = true;
            catch (Exception) { }

            if (add)
                Installation new_installation = new Installation(true);
        private void ExecuteAddInstallationCommand(object parameter)
            var path = BrowseAndCheckForPath(ConfiguredInstallations);

            if (path != null)
                Installation new_installation = new Installation(path);
        private void ExecuteConvertToUserOverriddenInstallationCommand(object parameter)
            if (null != SelectedItem)
                if (SelectedItem.Path != null)
                    Installation new_installation = new Installation(SelectedItem.Path);

                    bool disable_updates = ((string)parameter ?? "").ToLowerInvariant() == "disableupdatescheck";
                    if (disable_updates)
                        new_installation.CheckForUpdatesFlag = false;

        private void ExecuteRemoveSelectedInstallationCommand(object parameter)
            if (null != SelectedItem)
                bool   is_java_home     = SelectedItem.IsJavaHomeInstance;
                string itemToRemoveName = (is_java_home ? "JAVA_HOME instance" : "[" + SelectedItem.DisplayPath + "]");

                string question = SelectedItem.OverridesAutodiscovered ?
                                  $"Remove user override for {itemToRemoveName}?{Environment.NewLine+Environment.NewLine}API params will be reset to defaults, and an auto-discovered instance should appear in the list." :
                                  $"Remove {itemToRemoveName} from the list of monitored installations?";

                var result =
                    String.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedItem.Path) ? MessageBoxResult.Yes :
                    MessageBox.Show(question, "Confirm removal", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);

                if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)