protected void btnAddCom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create variables to pass convert string values
            int    ciid    = 0;
            int    version = 0;
            int    userid  = 0;
            string user    = Session["UserID"].ToString();
            string comment = "";

                Int32.TryParse(txtComCIID.Text, out ciid);
                Int32.TryParse(txtComVer.Text, out version);
                Int32.TryParse(user, out userid);
                comment = txtComment.Text;

                if (ciid == null || version == null || userid == null || comment == "")
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert", "alert('Must fill out all information');", true);
                    Configuration_Items ci = new Configuration_Items();

                    ci.AddComment(ciid, version, userid, comment);

                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Comment Added.. Returning to View page');window.location = 'ConfigurationItem_View.aspx';", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public static void CreateCI(string description, string category, string duedate, string status, string priority, string audience)
            //create ci object and variables
            Configuration_Items ci = new Configuration_Items();
            int projid             = 0;
            int userid             = 0;
            int stat = 0;
            int pri  = 0;

            Int32.TryParse(HttpContext.Current.Session["ProjectID"].ToString(), out projid);
            Int32.TryParse(HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"].ToString(), out userid);
            Int32.TryParse(status, out stat);
            Int32.TryParse(priority, out pri);

            ci.CreateCI(projid, description, category, duedate, userid, stat, pri, audience);
        protected void btnEditCI_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create temp variables to pass convert string values
            int version  = 0;
            int ciid     = 0;
            int userid   = 0;
            int status   = 0;
            int priority = 0;

                //pass values to variables
                Int32.TryParse(txtCiid.Text, out ciid);
                string description = txtDescrip.Text;
                string category    = txtCategory.Text;
                Int32.TryParse(txtUser.Text, out userid);
                string duedate = txtDueDate.Text;
                Int32.TryParse(txtVersion.Text, out version);
                Int32.TryParse(Session["UserID"].ToString(), out userid);
                Int32.TryParse(lstPriority.SelectedValue, out status);
                Int32.TryParse(lstPriority.SelectedValue, out priority);
                string audience = lstAudience.SelectedValue;

                if (ciid == null || description == "" || category == "" || userid == null || duedate == "" || version == null || status == null || priority == 0 || audience == "")
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert", "alert('Must fill out all information');", true);
                    Configuration_Items ci = new Configuration_Items();

                    ci.EditCI(ciid, description, category, userid, duedate, version, status, priority, audience);

                    editDiv.Visible = false;

                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Configuration Item Edited.. Returning to View page');window.location = 'ConfigurationItem_View.aspx';", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert", "alert('An error has occured. If the error persists, contact the system admin.');", true);
예제 #4
        protected void gvGetOldCI_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "ReactivateCI")
                //retrieve row index
                int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

                int ciid = Convert.ToInt32(gvGetOldCI.Rows[index].Cells[0].Text);

                if (ciid == null)
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert", "alert('Something has gone wrong');", true);
                    Configuration_Items ci = new Configuration_Items();


                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Configuration Item Reactivated... Refreshing page');window.location = 'ConfigurationItem_Old.aspx';", true);
        protected void gvGetNewCI_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            //run code based on command name
            if (e.CommandName == "EditCI")
                //retrieve row index
                int    index       = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
                int    version     = 0;
                string userid      = Session["UserID"].ToString();
                string ciid        = gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[1].Text;
                string description = gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[2].Text;
                string category    = gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[3].Text;
                string duedate     = gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[4].Text;
                Int32.TryParse(gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[10].Text, out version);

                version = version + 1;

                txtCiid.Text     = ciid;
                txtVersion.Text  = version.ToString();
                txtDescrip.Text  = description;
                txtCategory.Text = category;
                txtDueDate.Text  = duedate;
                txtUser.Text     = userid;

                editDiv.Visible = true;
            else if (e.CommandName == "DisableCI")
                //retrieve row index
                int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

                int ciid = Convert.ToInt32(gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[1].Text);

                Configuration_Items ci = new Configuration_Items();


                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Configuration Item Disabled... Refreshing page');window.location = 'ConfigurationItem_View.aspx';", true);
            else if (e.CommandName == "CommentCI")
                //retrieve row index
                int index   = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
                int version = 0;

                string ciid = gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[1].Text;
                Int32.TryParse(gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[5].Text, out version);

                version = version + 1;

                txtComCIID.Text = ciid;
                txtComVer.Text  = version.ToString();

                commentDiv.Visible = true;
            else if (e.CommandName == "ViewCIComment")
                int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
                //int ciid = 0;

                Session["CIID"] = gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[1].Text;

            else if (e.CommandName == "ReviewCI")
                int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

                int ciid = Convert.ToInt32(gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[1].Text);

                Configuration_Items ci = new Configuration_Items();


                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Configuration Item Reviewed... Refreshing page');window.location = 'ConfigurationItem_View.aspx';", true);
            else if (e.CommandName == "CIVersions")
                int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

                Session["CIID"] = gvGetNewCI.Rows[index].Cells[1].Text;
