public void Initialize(IRequestCultureFeature culture, string username, string password, bool ensureDbIsDeleted = false) { // Resets the configuration file in case it was modified Configuration.GlobalWebsiteConfig.ThemeName = "Default"; /*---START Does not work on certain webhostings--- */ //if (ensureDbIsDeleted) DatabaseContext.Database.EnsureDeleted(); //DatabaseContext.Database.EnsureCreated(); /*---END Does not work on certain webhostings--- */ if (ensureDbIsDeleted) { DatabaseContext.Database.EnsureDeleted(); DatabaseContext.Database.EnsureCreated(); } else { DatabaseContext.Database.Migrate(); // creates the database - working solution for every webhosting } //Configuration.DbHelper = new DbHelper(DatabaseContext); // Old implementation without dependency injection // If there is at least one user, the DB was already seeded //if (DatabaseContext.Users.Any()) //{ // return; // DB has been seeded //} Category[] categories = new Category[] { new Category() { Name = "Uncategorized" }, }; foreach (Category c in categories) { DatabaseContext.Categories.Add(c); } //DatabaseContext.SaveChanges(); // Demo article StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Env.Hosting.ContentRootPath + "/Areas/Admin/DemoDataResources/DemoArticle.txt"); string articleContent = sr.ReadToEnd(); Article[] articles = new Article[] { new Article { Name = "Lorem Ipsum", Publish = true, HtmlContent = articleContent, PublishDate = DateTime.Now, Category = categories[0], Keywords = "lorem, ipsum, dolor, sit, amet" }, }; //for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; i++) //{ // Article a = new Article { Name = "Ukázkový článek", Publish = true, HtmlContent = articleContent, PublishDate = DateTime.Now, Category = categories[0], Keywords = "článek, ukázka, demo" }; // DatabaseContext.Articles.Add(a); //} foreach (Article a in articles) { DatabaseContext.Articles.Add(a); } //DatabaseContext.SaveChanges(); Role adminRole = new Role() { Name = "admin" }; Role redactorRole = new Role() { Name = "redactor" }; DatabaseContext.Roles.Add(adminRole); DatabaseContext.Roles.Add(redactorRole); //DatabaseContext.SaveChanges(); User admin = new User() { Nickname = username, Username = username, Role = adminRole }; string salt, hashedPassword; JasperSite.Models.Security.Authentication.HashPassword(password, out salt, out hashedPassword); admin.Password = hashedPassword; admin.Salt = salt; DatabaseContext.Users.Add(admin); //DatabaseContext.SaveChanges(); // Settings Setting websiteNameSetting = new Setting() { Key = "WebsiteName", Value = "Lorem Ipsum" }; _databaseContext.Settings.Add(websiteNameSetting); //DatabaseContext.SaveChanges(); // Text blocks List <ThemeInfo> themesInfo = Configuration.ThemeHelper.GetInstalledThemesInfoByNameAndActive(culture); foreach (ThemeInfo ti in themesInfo) { Theme theme = new Theme() { Name = ti.ThemeName }; _databaseContext.Themes.Add(theme); //_databaseContext.SaveChanges(); // Emulation of website configuration for every theme GlobalConfigDataProviderJson globalJsonProvider = new GlobalConfigDataProviderJson("jasper.json"); GlobalWebsiteConfig globalConfig = new GlobalWebsiteConfig(globalJsonProvider); globalConfig.SetTemporaryThemeName(ti.ThemeName); // This will not write enytihing to the underlying .json file ConfigurationObjectProviderJson configurationObjectJsonProvider = new ConfigurationObjectProviderJson(globalConfig, "jasper.json"); WebsiteConfig websiteConfig = new WebsiteConfig(configurationObjectJsonProvider); TextBlock textBlock1 = new TextBlock() { Name = "WelcomePageTextBlock", Content = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas ipsum velit, consectetuer eu lobortis ut, dictum at dui." }; TextBlock textBlock2 = new TextBlock() { Name = "AboutPageTextBlock", Content = "Mauris metus. Aliquam in lorem sit amet leo accumsan lacinia. Integer lacinia." }; TextBlock textBlock3 = new TextBlock() { Name = "FooterPageTextBlock", Content = "Aenean vel massa quis mauris vehicula lacinia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit." }; if (ti.ThemeName == "Default") { // Demo text blocks _databaseContext.TextBlocks.Add(textBlock1); _databaseContext.TextBlocks.Add(textBlock2); _databaseContext.TextBlocks.Add(textBlock3); //_databaseContext.SaveChanges(); // DemoImages string imgPath = Env.Hosting.ContentRootPath + "/Areas/Admin/DemoDataResources/demo_background.jpg"; byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imgPath); Image img = new Image(); img.Name = "Lorem ipsum"; img.InDb = true; ImageData imgData = new ImageData() { Data = bytes }; img.ImageData = imgData; _databaseContext.Images.Add(img); _databaseContext.ImageData.Add(imgData); //_databaseContext.SaveChanges(); } List <string> holders = websiteConfig.BlockHolders; foreach (string holderName in holders) { BlockHolder blockHolder = new BlockHolder() { Name = holderName, ThemeId = theme.Id }; _databaseContext.BlockHolders.Add(blockHolder); if (ti.ThemeName == "Default") { if (holderName.Contains("Main")) { Holder_Block hb1 = new Holder_Block() { BlockHolder = blockHolder, TextBlock = textBlock1, Order = 1 }; _databaseContext.Holder_Block.Add(hb1); } else if (holderName.Contains("About")) { Holder_Block hb2 = new Holder_Block() { BlockHolder = blockHolder, TextBlock = textBlock2, Order = 1 }; _databaseContext.Holder_Block.Add(hb2); } else { Holder_Block hb3 = new Holder_Block() { BlockHolder = blockHolder, TextBlock = textBlock3, Order = 1 }; _databaseContext.Holder_Block.Add(hb3); } //_databaseContext.SaveChanges(); } } } // Add URL rewriting for articles UrlRewrite rule1 = new UrlRewrite() { ArticleId = articles[0].Id, Url = "first_article" }; _databaseContext.UrlRewrite.Add(rule1); _databaseContext.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// All manually deleted themes will be removed from the database, /// all unregistered themes will be added to the database, /// blockHolders in database will be synchronized with jasper.json /// </summary> /// <param name="Database"></param> /// <exception cref="ThemeHelperException"></exception> public void UpdateAllThemeRelatedData(DatabaseContext Database, IRequestCultureFeature culture) { try { DbHelper dbHelper = new DbHelper(Database); // Firstly, this will add all unregistered themes to the database dbHelper.AddThemesFromFolderToDatabase(dbHelper.CheckThemeFolderAndDatabaseIntegrity(culture), culture); //Secondly, all manually deleted themes will be removed from the DB List <string> themesToDelete = dbHelper.FindManuallyDeletedThemes(culture); foreach (string name in themesToDelete) { dbHelper.DeleteThemeByName(name); } // All cached data will be updated Configuration.WebsiteConfig.RefreshData(); // All blockHolders will be checked: // if they don't exist in jasper.json, all related data will be deleted from the DB // if they exist in jasper.json, everything in the DB will remain as is // if there are new blockHolders in jasper.json, they will be added to the DB // All themes info, even those that were already registered List <ThemeInfo> themesInfo = Configuration.ThemeHelper.GetInstalledThemesInfo(culture); foreach (ThemeInfo ti in themesInfo) { // Find this theme in DB Theme themeInDB = dbHelper.GetAllThemes().Where(t => t.Name == ti.ThemeName).Single(); var allBlockHolders = dbHelper.GetAllBlockHolders(); var blockHoldersForThisTheme = allBlockHolders.Where(bh => bh.ThemeId == themeInDB.Id); // Emulation of website configuration for every theme GlobalConfigDataProviderJson globalJsonProvider = new GlobalConfigDataProviderJson("jasper.json"); GlobalWebsiteConfig globalConfig = new GlobalWebsiteConfig(globalJsonProvider); globalConfig.SetTemporaryThemeName(ti.ThemeName); // This will not write enytihing to the underlying .json file ConfigurationObjectProviderJson configurationObjectJsonProvider = new ConfigurationObjectProviderJson(globalConfig, "jasper.json"); WebsiteConfig websiteConfig = new WebsiteConfig(configurationObjectJsonProvider); List <string> holders = websiteConfig.BlockHolders; // excess holders will be removed from DB foreach (BlockHolder holderFromDb in blockHoldersForThisTheme) { if (!holders.Contains(holderFromDb.Name)) { Database.BlockHolders.Remove(holderFromDb); Database.SaveChanges(); } } // Newly added holders will be saved into the database foreach (string holderName in holders) { bool isHolderInDB = false; foreach (BlockHolder singleBlockHolderInDb in blockHoldersForThisTheme) { if (singleBlockHolderInDb.Name == holderName) { isHolderInDB = true; } } if (!isHolderInDB) { // New blockHolder will be registered into the DB Database.BlockHolders.Add(new BlockHolder() { Name = holderName, ThemeId = themeInDB.Id }); } } Database.SaveChanges(); } } catch { throw new ThemeHelperException(); } }