static void Main(string[] args) { ProgramTools.Setup(); var config = new Config(); ExecutableTools.LogArgs(new StderrWriteLine(), args, (arg) => { ConfigTools.SetProperty(config, arg); }); if (!config.Daemon) { Logger.TRACE = new StderrWriteLine(); } Stdio.SetStatus("Ready"); var line = Stdio.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { Logger.Trace("> {0}", line); if (line == "ping") { Stdio.WriteLine("pong"); Logger.Trace("< pong"); } //throw Exception Message if (line.StartsWith("throw")) { throw new Exception(line.Substring(6)); } if (line == "exit!") { return; } line = Stdio.ReadLine(); } Logger.Trace("Stdin closed"); Environment.Exit(0); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ProgramTools.Setup(); var config = new Config(); //args will always log to stderr because trace flag not loaded yet ExecutableTools.LogArgs(new StderrWriteLine(), args, (arg) => { ConfigTools.SetProperty(config, arg); }); AssertTools.NotEmpty(config.EndPoint, "Missing EndPoint"); AssertTools.NotEmpty(config.Root, "Missing Root"); if (!config.Daemon) { Logger.TRACE = new StderrWriteLine(); } var uri = string.Format("http://{0}/", config.EndPoint); var http = new HttpListener(); http.Prefixes.Add(uri); http.Start(); var accepter = new Runner(new Runner.Args { ThreadName = "Accepter" }); var handler = new Runner(new Runner.Args { ThreadName = "Handler" }); accepter.Run(() => { while (http.IsListening) { var ctx = http.GetContext(); handler.Run(() => { var request = ctx.Request; var response = ctx.Response; var pass = true; var file = ctx.Request.RawUrl.Substring(1); //remove leading / if (!PathTools.IsChildPath(config.Root, file)) { pass = false; } var path = PathTools.Combine(config.Root, file); Logger.Trace("File {0} {1}", file, path); if (!File.Exists(path)) { pass = false; } if (ctx.Request.HttpMethod != "GET") { pass = false; } if (pass) { var fi = new FileInfo(path); var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); ctx.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; ctx.Response.ContentLength64 = fi.Length; ctx.Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; var data = new byte[1024]; var count = fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length); while (count > 0) { ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write(data, 0, count); count = fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length); } } else { ctx.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; ctx.Response.ContentLength64 = 0; } ctx.Response.Close(); }); } }); Stdio.SetStatus("Listeninig on {0}", uri); using (var disposer = new Disposer()) { disposer.Push(handler); disposer.Push(accepter); disposer.Push(http.Stop); var line = Stdio.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { line = Stdio.ReadLine(); } } Logger.Trace("Stdin closed"); Environment.Exit(0); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ProgramTools.Setup(); var config = new Config(); config.IP = ""; config.Port = 22333; config.Delay = 5000; config.Timeout = 5000; config.Root = ExecutableTools.Relative("Root"); //args will always log to stderr because daemon flag not loaded yet ExecutableTools.LogArgs(new StderrWriteLine(), args, (arg) => { ConfigTools.SetProperty(config, arg); }); AssertTools.NotEmpty(config.Root, "Missing Root path"); AssertTools.NotEmpty(config.IP, "Missing IP"); AssertTools.Ip(config.IP, "Invalid IP"); var pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; var writers = new WriteLineCollection(); if (!config.Daemon) { writers.Add(new StderrWriteLine()); Logger.TRACE = new TimedWriter(writers); } Logger.Trace("Root {0}", config.Root); var dbpath = Path.Combine(config.Root, "SharpDaemon.LiteDb"); var logpath = Path.Combine(config.Root, "SharpDaemon.Log.txt"); var eppath = Path.Combine(config.Root, "SharpDaemon.Endpoint.txt"); var downloads = Path.Combine(config.Root, "Downloads"); Directory.CreateDirectory(downloads); //creates root as well //acts like mutex for the workspace var log = new StreamWriter(logpath, true); writers.Add(new TextWriterWriteLine(log)); ExecutableTools.LogArgs(new TextWriterWriteLine(log), args); var instance = new Instance(new Instance.Args { DbPath = dbpath, RestartDelay = config.Delay, Downloads = downloads, EndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(config.IP), config.Port), }); Stdio.SetStatus("Listening on {0}", instance.EndPoint); using (var disposer = new Disposer()) { //wrap to add to disposable count disposer.Push(new Disposable.Wrapper(log)); disposer.Push(instance); disposer.Push(() => Disposing(config.Timeout)); if (config.Daemon) { Logger.Trace("Stdin loop..."); var line = Stdio.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { Logger.Trace("> {0}", line); if ("exit!" == line) { break; } line = Stdio.ReadLine(); } Logger.Trace("Stdin closed"); } else { Logger.Trace("Stdin loop..."); var shell = instance.CreateShell(); var stream = new ShellStream(new StdoutWriteLine(), new ConsoleReadLine()); //disposer.Push(stream); //stdin.readline wont return even after close/dispose call var line = stream.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { if ("exit!" == line) { break; } Shell.ParseAndExecute(shell, stream, line); line = stream.ReadLine(); } Logger.Trace("Stdin closed"); } } Environment.Exit(0); }