public RoomChangeForm(int _id, MainForm _owner) { id = _id; InitializeComponent(); owner = _owner; if (id != 0) { ConectionDB.Connection("select type_id, price, type_of_number.type from type_of_number ", cmType); cmType.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_of_number.type from type_of_number where type_id = (select type_id from hotel_room where room_id = {0})", id)); tbNum.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select number_of_room from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id)); nudSleepPoint.Value = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select amount_of_sleeppoint from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id))); nupFloor.Value = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select floor_of_room from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id))); ConectionDB.ConnectionSecondCMB("select name_type from type_of_bed", cbBed); cmType.Text = ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select name_type from type_of_bed where type_id = (select type_of_bed_id from hotel_room where room_id = {0})", id)); } string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + @"\Images\"; DataTable result = ConectionDB.ReturnResult(String.Format("select images_path from rooms_images where rooms_id={0}", id)); int y = result.Rows.Count; foreach (DataRow item in result.Rows) { listOfStr.Add(item[0].ToString()); PictureBox pb = new PictureBox(); pb.Name = count.ToString(); pb.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; pb.Image = new Bitmap(appPath + listOfStr.Last()); flpPhotos.Controls.Add(pb); globalPBList.Add(pb); pb.Click += new EventHandler(pb_Click); count++; } }
private void ShowResult() { //проверка на дату dgvMain.Columns.Clear(); queryLong = @"select * from hotel_room where state = 'Свободен' "; if (clbType.CheckedItems.Count != 0) { queryLong = queryLong.Insert(queryLong.Length, " and type_id in (select type_id from type_of_number where type_of_number.type in(" + GetQueryLikeStrinOr(clbType) + "))"); } if (clbServices.CheckedItems.Count != 0) { queryLong += GetQueryLikeStringAnd(clbServices); } if (rbTwo.Checked || rbThree.Checked || rbOne.Checked) { queryLong = queryLong.Insert(queryLong.Length, " and amount_of_sleeppoint = " + GetCheckRadioButton() + ""); } queryLong += timeQuery; ConectionDB.Connection(queryLong, dgvMain); flpMain.Controls.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < dgvMain.Rows.Count; i++) { flpMain.Controls.Add(new ResultForSearchPanelControl(Convert.ToInt32(dgvMain[0, i].Value))); } }
private void btClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (newClient) { if (tbSurname.Text != "" && tbFirstName.Text != "" && rtbIdentify.Text != "" && tbPhone.MaskCompleted) { ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("insert into clients (surname, first_name, last_name, identify, email, phone) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}')", tbSurname.Text, tbFirstName.Text, tbLastName.Text, rtbIdentify.Text, tbEmail.Text, tbPhone.Text)); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Введены не все данные", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } else { if (tbSurname.Text != "" && tbFirstName.Text != "" && rtbIdentify.Text != "" && tbPhone.MaskCompleted) { ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("update clients set surname = '{0}', first_name ='{1}', last_name = '{2}', identify = '{3}', email = '{4}', phone = '{5}' where clients_id = {6}", tbSurname.Text, tbFirstName.Text, tbLastName.Text, rtbIdentify.Text, tbEmail.Text, tbPhone.Text, id)); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Введены не все данные", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } }
public void TakeQueryList() { foreach (AddServices items in flpServces.Controls) { int servId = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select service_id from services where service_name = '{0}'", items.cmServices.Text.ToString()))); ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("insert into bill (service_id, amount, summa, main_bill_id) values ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})", servId, items.nudAmount.Value, Convert.ToInt32(items.tbPrice.Text.ToString()), id)); } }
private void btDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (selectedId != 0) { ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("delete from services where service_id = {0}", selectedId)); MainForm mf = (MainForm)Application.OpenForms["MainForm"]; mf.TablesUpload("services"); } }
private void FillFields(int id) { labelType.Text += ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_of_number.type from type_of_number where type_id = (select type_id from hotel_room where room_id = {0})", id)); labelFloor.Text += ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select floor_of_room from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id)); labelNum.Text += ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select number_of_room from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id)); labelSleep.Text += ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select amount_of_sleeppoint from hotel_room where room_id = {0}", id)) + ", " + ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select name_type from type_of_bed where type_id = (select type_of_bed_id from hotel_room where room_id = {0})", id)); ConectionDB.Connection("select name_services from list_of_free_services where service_id in (select service_id from rooms_services where id in (select id from rooms_services where room_id = " + id.ToString() + "))", lbFreeServices); ShowImages(); }
private void btCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InformationClass.queryNew != "") { InformationClass.clientId = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(InformationClass.queryNew)); } ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("insert into card_of_registration (clients_id, room_id, data_set, data_out, type_pay_id) values ({0}, {1}, '{2}', '{3}', {4})", InformationClass.clientId, InformationClass.roomId, InformationClass.start.ToShortDateString(), InformationClass.finish.ToShortDateString(), ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_id from type_of_pay where name_type = '{0}'", cmPay.Text.ToString())))); ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("insert into final_bill (clients_id, number_of_days, final_summa, room_id) values ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})", InformationClass.clientId, Convert.ToInt32(lbDays.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lbSum.Text), InformationClass.roomId)); this.Close(); }
private void btChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConectionDB.Connection("Delete from rooms_services where room_id = (select room_id from hotel_room where number_of_room = '" + cbNumber.Text + "');"); for (int i = 0; i < clbFreeServices.Items.Count; i++) { if (clbFreeServices.GetItemChecked(i)) { ConectionDB.Connection("Insert into rooms_services (room_id, service_id) values (" + ConectionDB.ReturnResult("select room_id from hotel_room where number_of_room = '" + cbNumber.Text + "';").Rows[0]["room_id"].ToString() + ", " + (i + 1) + ")"); } } }
public HardQueryControl() { InitializeComponent(); ConectionDB.Connection("Select * from type_of_number;", clbType); ConectionDB.Connection("Select * from list_of_free_services;", clbServices); dtpStart.MinDate = DateTime.Today; dtpStart.Value = DateTime.Today; dtpEnd.MinDate = DateTime.Today.AddHours(24).AddDays(DateTime.Today.Hour >= 12 ? 1 : 0); InformationClass.start = startDate; InformationClass.finish = finishDate; }
private void rbDBClient_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { dgvClients.Enabled = true; gbClients.Enabled = false; gbClients.Enabled = false; flagNewClient = false; if (dgvClients != null) { ConectionDB.Connection(@"SELECT clients_id, surname as ""Фамилия"", first_name as ""Имя"", last_name as ""Отчество"", identify as ""Документ"", email as ""E-mail"", phone as ""Телефон"" from clients", dgvClients); } dgvClients.Columns[0].Visible = false; }
private void tbControlPayServices_Selecting(object sender, TabControlCancelEventArgs e) { if (tbControlPayServices.SelectedTab == tbControlFreeServices) { ConectionDB.Connection("Select * from hotel_room;", cbNumber); ConectionDB.Connection("Select * from list_of_free_services;", clbFreeServices); listOfString = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in clbFreeServices.Items) { listOfString.Add(((DataRowView)item)[1].ToString()); } } }
private void btNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (countPanel == 0) { if (selectClientNewRequestControl1.isFullField()) { hardQueryControl1.Show(); hardQueryControl1.BringToFront(); dgv = (DataGridView)hardQueryControl1.Controls["dgvMain"]; grpbx = (GroupBox)hardQueryControl1.Controls["gbSleepPoint"]; clbType = (CheckedListBox)hardQueryControl1.Controls["clbType"]; clbSer = (CheckedListBox)hardQueryControl1.Controls["clbServices"]; one = (RadioButton)hardQueryControl1.Controls["rbOne"]; two = (RadioButton)hardQueryControl1.Controls["rbTwo"]; three = (RadioButton)hardQueryControl1.Controls["rbThree"]; btPrev.Visible = true; ConectionDB.Connection(queryLong, dgv); countPanel++; btNext.Text = "Показать результаты"; mainLabel.Text = "Выберите номер"; btNext.Visible = false; if (selectClientNewRequestControl1.flagNewClient) { queryNewClient = String.Format("insert into clients (surname, first_name, last_name, identify, email, phone) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}') RETURNING clients_id", selectClientNewRequestControl1.tbSurname.Text, selectClientNewRequestControl1.tbFirstName.Text, selectClientNewRequestControl1.tbLastName.Text, selectClientNewRequestControl1.rtbIdentify.Text, selectClientNewRequestControl1.tbEmail.Text, selectClientNewRequestControl1.tbPhone.Text); InformationClass.queryNew = queryNewClient; InformationClass.surname = selectClientNewRequestControl1.tbFirstName.Text; InformationClass.firstName = selectClientNewRequestControl1.tbSurname.Text; } else { indexClient = selectClientNewRequestControl1.idForNewForm; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Введены не все данные", " Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } else if (countPanel == 1) { mainLabel.Text = "Выберите номер"; countPanel++; } }
private void btOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbPrice.Text != "" && tbName.Text != "") { if (isNew) { ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("insert into services (service_name, price_of_service) values ('{0}', {1})", tbName.Text, tbPrice.Text)); } else { ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("update services set service_name = '{0}', price_of_service = {1} where service_id = {2}", tbName.Text, tbPrice.Text, id)); } this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните все данные", "Ошибка"); } }
private void ShowResult() { //проверка на дату dgv.Columns.Clear(); queryLong = @"select * from hotel_room where state = 'Свободен' and "; if (clbType.CheckedItems.Count != 0) { queryLong = queryLong.Insert(queryLong.Length, " and type_id in (select type_id from type_of_number where type_of_number.type in(" + GetQueryLikeStrinOr(clbType) + "))"); } if (clbSer.CheckedItems.Count != 0) { queryLong += GetQueryLikeStringAnd(clbSer); } if (one.Checked || two.Checked || three.Checked) { queryLong = queryLong.Insert(queryLong.Length, " and amount_of_sleeppoint = " + GetCheckRadioButton() + ""); } ConectionDB.Connection(queryLong, dgv); }
private void btChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int buf = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_id from type_of_number where type_of_number.type = '{0}'", cmType.Text.ToString()))); int bufBed = Convert.ToInt32(ConectionDB.ReturnResultLikeString(String.Format("select type_id from type_of_bed where name_type = '{0}'", cbBed.Text.ToString()))); ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("update hotel_room set type_id = '{0}', number_of_room ='{1}', amount_of_sleeppoint = '{2}', floor_of_room = '{3}', type_of_bed_id = {5} where room_id = {4}", buf, tbNum.Text, nudSleepPoint.Value, nupFloor.Value, id, bufBed)); try { int count = 0; foreach (var item in listOfPB) { Image oldImg = item.Image; // save to a memorystream MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); oldImg.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); // dispose old image oldImg.Dispose(); // save new image to same filename Image newImage = Image.FromStream(ms); newImage.Save(appPath + listOfPaths[count]); //item.Image.Save(appPath + listOfPaths[count], System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("insert into rooms_images (rooms_id, images_path) values ({0}, '{1}')", id, listOfPaths[count])); count++; } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Невозможно сохранить изображение", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } this.Close(); }
private void btChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("update type_of_number set type = '{0}', price = {1} where type_id = {2}", cmType.Text, tbPrice.Text, id)); this.Close(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConectionDB.Connection(String.Format("update final_bill set final_summa = {0} where final_bill_id = {1}", Convert.ToInt32(tbSum.Text.ToString()), id)); TakeQueryList(); this.Close(); }