예제 #1
        static Crc32_Castagnoli()
            #if Windows
                if (System.Environment.Is64BitProcess)
                    _nativeLibraryManager = new NativeLibraryManager("Assemblies/Library_Security_x64.dll");
                    _nativeLibraryManager = new NativeLibraryManager("Assemblies/Library_Security_x86.dll");

            #if Unix
                if (System.Environment.Is64BitProcess)
                    _nativeLibraryManager = new NativeLibraryManager("Assemblies/Library_Security_x64.so");
                    _nativeLibraryManager = new NativeLibraryManager("Assemblies/Library_Security_x86.so");

                _compute = _nativeLibraryManager.GetMethod<ComputeDelegate>("compute_Crc32_Castagnoli");
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #2
 /* Returns the sum of applying the delegate
  * method to the numbers from 1.0 to n.
 public double Test(int n, ComputeDelegate cd)
     double total = 0.0;
     for (double i = 1; i <= n; i++)
       total += cd(i);
     return total;
예제 #3
        void MulticastDelegate()
            ComputeDelegate compute = new ComputeDelegate(MulticastCompute);

            compute += MulticastComputeMultiply;
            compute += MulticastComputeDivide;
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nMulticast delegate:\n" + compute(4, 4));
예제 #4
        // Method naming convention: Start with upper case letters
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // the Compute method has a signature of: return int, take int as param
            //ComputeDelegate computeInstance = Compute;

            // instead of defining a Compute method, we can use anonymous methods
            // declare anon methods: delegate (params){body}
            // the anonymous method's signature has to match the delegate's signature. In this case return int, take int as param
            ComputeDelegate computeInstance = delegate(int x)
                return(x * 2);

            // when we defined ComputeDelegate, we already specified the signature of the methods it can reference
            // the compiler already knows what params a method should take and what its return type should be
            // so why do we need to specify the parameter's type?

            // we can use lambda expressions, which are anonymous functions written with less code
            // lambdas use the syntax: (param list) => { body} or (param list) => (return type)
            ComputeDelegate computeInstance2 = (x) => { return(x * 2); }; // or (x) => (x*2);
            // we don't need to specify x's type, because when we defined the ComputeDelegate type,
            // we specified that it takes one parameter of type int. So x must be an int

            // lambdas are just a quick way to define anonymous functions , a way of expressing a method/function
            // they're very convenient because we can pass them as parameters

            var studentList = new List <Student> {
                new Student("Genn", "Eric", 20), new Student("Bob", "Ross", 23)

            // the .Where() method is a LINQ method which takes a Func<Student, bool> as param
            // the type Func<T, R> refers to a method which takes a parameter of type T and returns a value of type R
            // since lambda expressions return methods, we can use them as parameters in the Where() method
            var filteredList = studentList.Where((student => (student.Age > 20))).ToList();

            // The line above is equivalent to the following 2 statements:

             * Func<Student, bool> explicitFunc = student => (student.Age > 20);
             * var filteredList = studentList.Where(explicitFunc).ToList();
             *  OR
             * Func<Student, bool> explicitFunc = delegate(Student student) { return student.Age > 20; } ;
             * var filteredList = studentList.Where(explicitFunc).ToList();

            // we now have a list of students where Age > 20
            foreach (Student student in filteredList)

예제 #5
 /* Tests with Sqrt and Square */
 public static void Main()
     Compute test = new Compute();
     ComputeDelegate compute = new ComputeDelegate(Math.Sqrt);
     Console.WriteLine(test.Test(5, compute));
     compute = new ComputeDelegate(test.Square);
     Console.WriteLine(test.Test(5, compute));
     Console.WriteLine(test.Test(5, (double x) => x*x*x));
예제 #6
        internal static void LoadPureUnsafeMethods()
            if (_nativeLibraryManager != null)
                _nativeLibraryManager = null;

            _compute = PureUnsafeMethods.Crc32_Castagnoli_Compute;
예제 #7
    static void Main()
        List <Employee> employees = new List <Employee>();

        employees.Add(new Employee(40));
        employees.Add(new Employee(65));
        employees.Add(new Employee(95));

        MethodInfo mi = typeof(Employee).GetMethod("ComputeSalary", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
        ComputeDelegate <Employee> applyRaise = (ComputeDelegate <Employee>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(ComputeDelegate <Employee>), mi);

        foreach (Employee e in employees)
            applyRaise(e, (Decimal)0.10);
예제 #8
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: erolca/Delegate
    static void Main()
        MyClass proc1 = new MyClass();
        MyClass proc2 = new MyClass();

        ComputeDelegate[] delegates = new ComputeDelegate[] {
            new ComputeDelegate(proc1.Add),
            new ComputeDelegate(proc2.Add),
            new ComputeDelegate(MyClass.Subtract)

        ComputeDelegate chained = (ComputeDelegate)Delegate.Combine(delegates);

        double combined = chained(4, 5);

        Console.WriteLine("Output: {0}", combined);
예제 #9
        static void DelegateIntro()
            // here we create an instance of our delegate
            // since HelloWorld() has the same signature (returns void, no params), we can assign it to our delegate
            MyDelegateType delegateInstance = HelloWorld;

            // calling delegateInstance() here will simply call HelloWorld()

            ComputeDelegate computeInstance = Compute;

            int result = computeInstance(5);

            Console.WriteLine("The result of computeInstance is: " + result);

예제 #10
        void SimpleDelegate()
            ComputeDelegate compute = new ComputeDelegate(Compute);

            Console.WriteLine("\nPassing method to delegate : " + compute(1, 2));

            compute = new ComputeDelegate(delegate(int a, int b) { return(a + b); });
            Console.WriteLine("\nPassing anonymous method to delegate : " + compute(1, 2));

            compute = new ComputeDelegate((a, b) => a + b);
            Console.WriteLine("\nPassing Lambda expression to delegate : " + compute(1, 2));

            Console.WriteLine("\nPassing method as an argument to a delegate parameter : " + PassingDelegateAsParameter(Compute));

            Console.WriteLine("\nPassing anonymous method as an argument to a delegate parameter : " + PassingDelegateAsParameter(delegate(int a, int b) { return(a + b); }));

            Console.WriteLine("\nPassing Lambda expression as an argument to a delegate parameter : " + PassingDelegateAsParameter((a, b) => a + b));
예제 #11
        internal static void LoadNativeMethods()

                if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                    if (RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.X64)
                        _nativeLibraryManager = new NativeLibraryManager("Assemblies/Omnix.Security.win-x64.dll");
                        throw new NotSupportedException();
                else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
                    if (RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.X64)
                        _nativeLibraryManager = new NativeLibraryManager("Assemblies/Omnix.Security.linux-x64.so");
                        throw new NotSupportedException();
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

                _compute = _nativeLibraryManager.GetMethod <ComputeDelegate>("compute_Crc32_Castagnoli");
            catch (Exception)
                _nativeLibraryManager = null;
예제 #12
        static Crc32_Castagnoli()
#if Mono
                if (System.Environment.Is64BitProcess)
                    _nativeLibraryManager = new NativeLibraryManager("Assemblies/Library_Security_x64.dll");
                    _nativeLibraryManager = new NativeLibraryManager("Assemblies/Library_Security_x86.dll");

                _compute = _nativeLibraryManager.GetMethod <ComputeDelegate>("compute_Crc32_Castagnoli");
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #13
        int PassingDelegateAsParameter(ComputeDelegate compute)
            int a = 2, b = 4;

            return(compute(a, b));