예제 #1
파일: InterestRate.cs 프로젝트: agryb/XBTQ
        public static InterestRate ImpliedRate(IDayCounter dc, double compoundFactor, Compounding c, Frequency f, double time)
            double r;
            if (Helper.Equals(compoundFactor, 1.0))
                r = 0.0;
                switch (c)
                    case Compounding.Simple:
                        r = (compoundFactor - 1.0)/time;
                    case Compounding.Compounded:
                        r = (Math.Pow(compoundFactor, 1.0 / ((double)f * time)) - 1.0) * (double)f;
                    case Compounding.Continuous:
                        r = Math.Log(compoundFactor)/time;
                        throw new NotImplementedException($"Unknown Compounding {c}");

            return new InterestRate(dc, r, c, f);
예제 #2
 public FlatForward(Date referenceDate, double forward, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency)
     : base(referenceDate, new Calendar(), dayCounter)
     forward_ = new SimpleQuote(forward);
     compounding_ = compounding;
     frequency_ = frequency;
예제 #3
파일: InterestRate.cs 프로젝트: agryb/XBTQ
 public InterestRate EquivalentRate(IDayCounter dc, Compounding c, Frequency f, DateTimeOffset d1, DateTimeOffset d2)
     var t1 = _dc.YearFraction(d1, d2);
     var t2 = dc.YearFraction(d1, d2);
     var compoundFactor = CompoundFactor(t1);
     return ImpliedRate(dc, compoundFactor, c, f, t2);
예제 #4
파일: InterestRate.cs 프로젝트: agryb/XBTQ
 public InterestRate(IDayCounter dc, double r, Compounding c, Frequency f)
     _dc = dc;
     _r = r;
     _c = c;
     _f = f;
         // setup
         public CommonVars()
            // force garbage collection
            // garbage collection in .NET is rather weird and we do need when we run several tests in a row

            // data
            calendar = new TARGET();
            settlementDays = 2;
            today = new Date(9, Month.June, 2009);
            compounding = Compounding.Continuous;
            dayCount = new Actual360();
            settlementDate = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);


            int[] ts = new int[] { 13, 41, 75, 165, 256, 345, 524, 703 };
            double[] r = new double[] { 0.035, 0.033, 0.034, 0.034, 0.036, 0.037, 0.039, 0.040 };
            List<double> rates = new List<double>() { 0.035 };
            List<Date> dates = new List<Date>() { settlementDate };
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
               dates.Add(calendar.advance(today, ts[i], TimeUnit.Days));
            termStructure = new InterpolatedZeroCurve<Linear>(dates, rates, dayCount);
예제 #6
 static YieldTermStructure flatRate(Date today,
                           double forward,
                           DayCounter dc,
                           Compounding compounding,
                           Frequency frequency)
     return new FlatForward(today, forward, dc, compounding, frequency);
      //FlatForward flatRate = new FlatForward(settlementDate, r.rate(), r.dayCounter(), r.compounding(), r.frequency());
예제 #7
        public FlatForward(Date referenceDate, Quote forward, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency)
            : base(referenceDate, new Calendar(), dayCounter)
            forward_ = forward;
            compounding_ = compounding;
            frequency_ = frequency;

예제 #8
 public YieldFinder(double faceAmount, List<CashFlow> cashflows, double dirtyPrice, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlement)
     _faceAmount = faceAmount;
     _cashflows = cashflows;
     _dirtyPrice = dirtyPrice;
     _compounding = compounding;
     _dayCounter = dayCounter;
     _frequency = frequency;
     _settlement = settlement;
 public InterestRateData(double _r, Compounding _comp, Frequency _freq, double _t, Compounding _comp2, Frequency _freq2, double _expected, int _precision)
    r = _r;
    comp = _comp;
    freq = _freq;
    t = _t;
    comp2 = _comp2;
    freq2 = _freq2;
    expected = _expected;
    precision = _precision;
        public InterestRate(double? r, DayCounter dc, Compounding comp, Frequency freq) {
            r_ = r;
            dc_ = dc;
            comp_ = comp;

            if (comp_ == Compounding.Compounded || comp_ == Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded)
                freqMakesSense_ = true;
                if (!(freq != Frequency.Once && freq != Frequency.NoFrequency))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Frequency not allowed for this interest rate");
                freq_ = (double)freq;
 public ZeroSpreadedTermStructure(Handle<YieldTermStructure> h, Quote spread, Compounding comp, Frequency freq, DayCounter dc) {
     originalCurve_ = h;
     spread_ = spread;
     comp_ = comp;
     freq_ = freq;
     dc_ = dc;
     //           "spread daycounter (" << dc_ <<
     //           ") must be the same of the curve to be spreaded (" <<
     //           originalCurve_->dayCounter() <<
     //           ")");
 public InterestRate zeroRate(Date d, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding comp, Frequency freq, bool extrapolate)
     if (d == referenceDate())
         double t = 0.0001;
         double compound = 1 / discount(t, extrapolate);
         return InterestRate.impliedRate(compound, t, dayCounter, comp, freq);
         double compound = 1 / discount(d, extrapolate);
         return InterestRate.impliedRate(compound, referenceDate(), d, dayCounter, comp, freq);
예제 #13
        //! Standard constructor
        public InterestRate(double r, DayCounter dc, Compounding comp, Frequency freq)
            r_ = r;
             dc_ = dc;
             comp_ = comp;
             freqMakesSense_ = false;

             if (comp_ == Compounding.Compounded || comp_ == Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded)
            freqMakesSense_ = true;
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(freq != Frequency.Once && freq != Frequency.NoFrequency, "frequency not allowed for this interest rate");
            freq_ = (double)freq;

예제 #14
        public ZeroSpreadedTermStructure(Handle<YieldTermStructure> h,
                                       Handle<Quote> spread,
                                       Compounding comp = Compounding.Continuous,
                                       Frequency freq = Frequency.NoFrequency,
                                       DayCounter dc = null)
            originalCurve_ = h;
             spread_ = spread;
             comp_ = comp;
             freq_ = freq;
             dc_ = dc;

예제 #15
 public InterestRate zeroRate(double t, Compounding comp, Frequency freq)
     return(zeroRate(t, comp, freq, false));
예제 #16
        public static double yieldRidder(Ridder solver, Bond bond, double cleanPrice, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlementDate)
            double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_yieldRidder__SWIG_2(Ridder.getCPtr(solver), Bond.getCPtr(bond), cleanPrice, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency, Date.getCPtr(settlementDate));

            if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
 public FlatForward(Date referenceDate, QuoteHandle forward, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_FlatForward__SWIG_0(Date.getCPtr(referenceDate), QuoteHandle.getCPtr(forward), DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
 public ZeroSpreadedTermStructure(Handle <YieldTermStructure> h, Quote spread, Compounding comp, Frequency freq, DayCounter dc)
     originalCurve_ = h;
     spread_        = spread;
     comp_          = comp;
     freq_          = freq;
     dc_            = dc;
     //           "spread daycounter (" << dc_ <<
     //           ") must be the same of the curve to be spreaded (" <<
     //           originalCurve_->dayCounter() <<
     //           ")");
예제 #19
        public static double yieldSecant(Secant solver, Bond bond, double cleanPrice, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency)
            double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_yieldSecant__SWIG_3(Secant.getCPtr(solver), Bond.getCPtr(bond), cleanPrice, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency);

            if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #20
        public static double yieldFalsePosition(FalsePosition solver, Bond bond, double cleanPrice, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlementDate, double accuracy, double guess)
            double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_yieldFalsePosition__SWIG_0(FalsePosition.getCPtr(solver), Bond.getCPtr(bond), cleanPrice, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency, Date.getCPtr(settlementDate), accuracy, guess);

            if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #21
        public static double duration(Bond bond, double yield, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Duration.Type type)
            double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_duration__SWIG_4(Bond.getCPtr(bond), yield, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency, (int)type);

            if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #22
 public static double yieldValueBasisPoint(Bond bond, double yield, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency) {
   double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_yieldValueBasisPoint__SWIG_3(Bond.getCPtr(bond), yield, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency);
   if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
예제 #23
파일: T_Bonds.cs 프로젝트: akasolace/qlnet
        public void testYield()
            //"Testing consistency of bond price/yield calculation...");

             CommonVars vars = new CommonVars();

             double tolerance = 1.0e-7;
             int maxEvaluations = 100;

             int[] issueMonths = new int[] { -24, -18, -12, -6, 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 };
             int[] lengths = new int[] { 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 };
             int settlementDays = 3;
             double[] coupons = new double[] { 0.02, 0.05, 0.08 };
             Frequency[] frequencies = new Frequency[] { Frequency.Semiannual, Frequency.Annual };
             DayCounter bondDayCount = new Thirty360();
             BusinessDayConvention accrualConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
             BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
             double redemption = 100.0;

             double[] yields = new double[] { 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07 };
             Compounding[] compounding = new Compounding[] { Compounding.Compounded, Compounding.Continuous };

             for (int i = 0; i < issueMonths.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < lengths.Length; j++)
               for (int k = 0; k < coupons.Length; k++)
                  for (int l = 0; l < frequencies.Length; l++)
                     for (int n = 0; n < compounding.Length; n++)

                        Date dated = vars.calendar.advance(vars.today, issueMonths[i], TimeUnit.Months);
                        Date issue = dated;
                        Date maturity = vars.calendar.advance(issue, lengths[j], TimeUnit.Years);

                        Schedule sch = new Schedule(dated, maturity, new Period(frequencies[l]), vars.calendar,
                                                    accrualConvention, accrualConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Backward, false);

                        FixedRateBond bond = new FixedRateBond(settlementDays, vars.faceAmount, sch,
                                                               new List<double>() { coupons[k] },
                                                               bondDayCount, paymentConvention,
                                                               redemption, issue);

                        for (int m = 0; m < yields.Length; m++)

                           double price = bond.cleanPrice(yields[m], bondDayCount, compounding[n], frequencies[l]);
                           double calculated = bond.yield(price, bondDayCount, compounding[n], frequencies[l], null,
                                                          tolerance, maxEvaluations);

                           if (Math.Abs(yields[m] - calculated) > tolerance)
                              // the difference might not matter
                              double price2 = bond.cleanPrice(calculated, bondDayCount, compounding[n], frequencies[l]);
                              if (Math.Abs(price - price2) / price > tolerance)
                                 Assert.Fail("yield recalculation failed:\n"
                                     + "    issue:     " + issue + "\n"
                                     + "    maturity:  " + maturity + "\n"
                                     + "    coupon:    " + coupons[k] + "\n"
                                     + "    frequency: " + frequencies[l] + "\n\n"
                                     + "    yield:  " + yields[m] + " "
                                     + (compounding[n] == Compounding.Compounded ? "compounded" : "continuous") + "\n"
                                     + "    price:  " + price + "\n"
                                     + "    yield': " + calculated + "\n"
                                     + "    price': " + price2);
예제 #24
 // The resulting interest rate has the same day-counting rule  used by the term structure. The same rule should be used for calculating the passed time t.
 public InterestRate zeroRate(double t, Compounding comp)
     return(zeroRate(t, comp, Frequency.Annual, false));
예제 #25
        public static double yieldValueBasisPoint(Bond bond, double yield, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlementDate)
            double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_yieldValueBasisPoint__SWIG_2(Bond.getCPtr(bond), yield, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency, Date.getCPtr(settlementDate));

            if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #26
        public static double basisPointValue(Bond bond, double yield, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency)
            double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_basisPointValue__SWIG_3(Bond.getCPtr(bond), yield, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency);

            if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #27
 public static double duration(Bond bond, double yield, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Duration.Type type) {
   double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_duration__SWIG_4(Bond.getCPtr(bond), yield, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency, (int)type);
   if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
예제 #28
 public InterestRate forwardRate(Date d1, Date d2, DayCounter resultDayCounter, Compounding comp, Frequency freq)
     return(forwardRate(d1, d2, resultDayCounter, comp, freq, false));
예제 #29
            //public IndexHistoryCleaner indexCleaner;
            // initial setup
            public CommonVars()
                backup = new SavedSettings();
                //indexCleaner = new IndexHistoryCleaner();
                termStructure = new RelinkableHandle<YieldTermStructure>();
                int swapSettlementDays = 2;
                faceAmount = 100.0;
                BusinessDayConvention fixedConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
                compounding = Compounding.Continuous;
                Frequency fixedFrequency = Frequency.Annual;
                Frequency floatingFrequency = Frequency.Semiannual;
                iborIndex = new Euribor(new Period(floatingFrequency), termStructure);
                Calendar calendar = iborIndex.fixingCalendar();
                swapIndex=  new SwapIndex("EuriborSwapIsdaFixA", new Period(10,TimeUnit.Years), swapSettlementDays,
                                      iborIndex.currency(), calendar,
                                      new Period(fixedFrequency), fixedConvention,
                                      iborIndex.dayCounter(), iborIndex);
                spread = 0.0;
                nonnullspread = 0.003;
                Date today = new Date(24,Month.April,2007);

                //Date today = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(today, 0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));

                pricer = new BlackIborCouponPricer();
                Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> swaptionVolatilityStructure =
                   new Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure>(new ConstantSwaptionVolatility(today,
                   new NullCalendar(),BusinessDayConvention.Following, 0.2, new Actual365Fixed()));

                Handle<Quote> meanReversionQuote = new Handle<Quote>(new SimpleQuote(0.01));
                cmspricer = new AnalyticHaganPricer(swaptionVolatilityStructure, GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel.Standard, meanReversionQuote);
예제 #30
 public InterestRate forwardRate(Date d1, Date d2, DayCounter resultDayCounter, Compounding comp, Frequency freq, bool extrapolate)
     if (d1 == d2)
         double t1       = timeFromReference(d1);
         double t2       = t1 + 0.0001;
         double compound = discount(t1, extrapolate) / discount(t2, extrapolate);
         return(InterestRate.impliedRate(compound, t2 - t1, resultDayCounter, comp, freq));
         if (!(d1 < d2))
             throw new ArgumentException(d1 + " later than " + d2);
         double compound = discount(d1, extrapolate) / discount(d2, extrapolate);
         return(InterestRate.impliedRate(compound, d1, d2, resultDayCounter, comp, freq));
예제 #31
 public LogCubicZeroCurve(DateVector dates, DoubleVector yields, DayCounter dayCounter, Calendar calendar, DefaultLogCubic i, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_LogCubicZeroCurve__SWIG_0(DateVector.getCPtr(dates), DoubleVector.getCPtr(yields), DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), Calendar.getCPtr(calendar), DefaultLogCubic.getCPtr(i), (int)compounding, (int)frequency), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #32
 // The resulting interest rate has the required day-counting rule.
 // warning dates are not adjusted for holidays
 public InterestRate forwardRate(Date d, Period p, DayCounter resultDayCounter, Compounding comp)
     return(forwardRate(d, d + p, resultDayCounter, comp, Frequency.Annual, false));
예제 #33
        public static double zSpread(Bond bond, double cleanPrice, YieldTermStructure discountCurve, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlementDate, double accuracy, uint maxIterations, double guess)
            double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_zSpread__SWIG_0(Bond.getCPtr(bond), cleanPrice, YieldTermStructure.getCPtr(discountCurve), DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency, Date.getCPtr(settlementDate), accuracy, maxIterations, guess);

            if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #34
 public InterestRate forwardRate(Date d, Period p, DayCounter resultDayCounter, Compounding comp, Frequency freq, bool extrapolate)
     return(forwardRate(d, d + p, resultDayCounter, comp, freq, extrapolate));
예제 #35
 public FixedRateLeg withCouponRates(List <double> couponRates, DayCounter paymentDayCounter, Compounding comp)
     return(withCouponRates(couponRates, paymentDayCounter, comp, Frequency.Annual));
예제 #36
 public InterestRate forwardRate(double t1, double t2, Compounding comp, Frequency freq)
     return(forwardRate(t1, t2, comp, freq, false));
 public FlatForward(int settlementDays, Calendar calendar, QuoteHandle forward, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_FlatForward__SWIG_7(settlementDays, Calendar.getCPtr(calendar), QuoteHandle.getCPtr(forward), DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #38
 public InterestRate zeroRate(Date d, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding comp, Frequency freq)
     return(zeroRate(d, dayCounter, comp, freq, false));
 public FlatForward(Date referenceDate, double forward, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_FlatForward__SWIG_4(Date.getCPtr(referenceDate), forward, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #40
파일: Utils.cs 프로젝트: jmptrader/QLNet-1
        public static double dirtyPriceFromYield(double faceAmount, List <CashFlow> cashflows, double yield, DayCounter dayCounter,
                                                 Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlement)
            if (frequency == Frequency.NoFrequency || frequency == Frequency.Once)
                frequency = Frequency.Annual;

            InterestRate y = new InterestRate(yield, dayCounter, compounding, frequency);

            double price    = 0.0;
            double discount = 1.0;
            Date   lastDate = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < cashflows.Count - 1; ++i)
                if (cashflows[i].hasOccurred(settlement))

                Date   couponDate = cashflows[i].Date;
                double amount     = cashflows[i].amount();
                if (lastDate == null)
                    // first not-expired coupon
                    if (i > 0)
                        lastDate = cashflows[i - 1].Date;
                        if (cashflows[i].GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Coupon)))
                            lastDate = ((Coupon)cashflows[i]).accrualStartDate();
                            lastDate = couponDate - new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years);
                    discount *= y.discountFactor(settlement, couponDate, lastDate, couponDate);
                    discount *= y.discountFactor(lastDate, couponDate);
                lastDate = couponDate;

                price += amount * discount;

            CashFlow redemption = cashflows.Last();

            if (!redemption.hasOccurred(settlement))
                Date   redemptionDate = redemption.Date;
                double amount         = redemption.amount();
                if (lastDate == null)
                    // no coupons
                    lastDate  = redemptionDate - new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years);
                    discount *= y.discountFactor(settlement, redemptionDate, lastDate, redemptionDate);
                    discount *= y.discountFactor(lastDate, redemptionDate);

                price += amount * discount;

            return(price / faceAmount * 100.0);
 public FlatForward(int settlementDays, Calendar calendar, double forward, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_FlatForward__SWIG_9(settlementDays, Calendar.getCPtr(calendar), forward, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #42
 public LogLinearZeroCurve(DateVector dates, DoubleVector yields, DayCounter dayCounter, Calendar calendar, LogLinear i, Compounding compounding) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_LogLinearZeroCurve__SWIG_1(DateVector.getCPtr(dates), DoubleVector.getCPtr(yields), DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), Calendar.getCPtr(calendar), LogLinear.getCPtr(i), (int)compounding), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #43
파일: FlatForward.cs 프로젝트: minikie/test
 public FlatForward(int settlementDays, Calendar calendar, double forward, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_FlatForward__SWIG_10(settlementDays, Calendar.getCPtr(calendar), forward, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding), true) {
   if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #44
 public static double yieldValueBasisPoint(Leg leg, double yield, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding,
                                           Frequency frequency, bool includeSettlementDateFlows, Date settlementDate = null,
                                           Date npvDate = null)
    return yieldValueBasisPoint(leg, new InterestRate(yield, dayCounter, compounding, frequency),
                                includeSettlementDateFlows, settlementDate, npvDate);
예제 #45
 public static double yield(Bond bond, double cleanPrice, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlementDate, double accuracy) {
   double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_yield__SWIG_2(Bond.getCPtr(bond), cleanPrice, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency, Date.getCPtr(settlementDate), accuracy);
   if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
예제 #46
      //! implied Z-spread.
      public static double zSpread(Leg leg, double npv, YieldTermStructure discount, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding,
                                   Frequency frequency, bool includeSettlementDateFlows, Date settlementDate = null,
                                   Date npvDate = null, double accuracy = 1.0e-10, int maxIterations = 100, double guess = 0.0)
         if (settlementDate == null)
            settlementDate = Settings.evaluationDate();

         if (npvDate == null)
            npvDate = settlementDate;

         Brent solver = new Brent();
         ZSpreadFinder objFunction = new ZSpreadFinder(leg,discount,npv,dayCounter, compounding, frequency, 
            includeSettlementDateFlows, settlementDate, npvDate);
         double step = 0.01;
         return solver.solve(objFunction, accuracy, guess, step);
예제 #47
 public static double basisPointValue(Bond bond, double yield, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlementDate) {
   double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_basisPointValue__SWIG_2(Bond.getCPtr(bond), yield, DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency, Date.getCPtr(settlementDate));
   if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
예제 #48
         public IrrFinder(Leg leg, double npv,DayCounter dayCounter,Compounding comp,Frequency freq,
                          bool includeSettlementDateFlows,Date settlementDate,Date npvDate)
            leg_ = leg; 
            npv_ = npv;
            dayCounter_ = dayCounter;
            compounding_= comp;
            frequency_ = freq;
            includeSettlementDateFlows_ = includeSettlementDateFlows;

            if (settlementDate == null)
               settlementDate = Settings.evaluationDate();

            if (npvDate == null)
               npvDate = settlementDate;

		/*! Simple yield calculation based on underlying spot and
		forward values, taking into account underlying income.
		When \f$ t>0 \f$, call with:
		forwardValue=strikePrice, to get current yield. For a
		repo, if \f$ t=0 \f$, impliedYield should reproduce the
		spot repo rate. For FRA's, this should reproduce the
		relevant zero rate at the FRA's maturityDate_;
		public InterestRate impliedYield(double underlyingSpotValue, double forwardValue, Date settlementDate,
                                         Compounding compoundingConvention, DayCounter dayCounter) {

			double tenor = dayCounter.yearFraction(settlementDate,maturityDate_) ;
			double compoundingFactor = forwardValue/ (underlyingSpotValue-spotIncome(incomeDiscountCurve_)) ;
			return InterestRate.impliedRate(compoundingFactor,
예제 #50
 //! Implied internal rate of return.
 // The function verifies
 // the theoretical existance of an IRR and numerically
 // establishes the IRR to the desired precision.
 public static double yield(Leg leg, double npv, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency,
                            bool includeSettlementDateFlows, Date settlementDate = null, Date npvDate = null,
                            double accuracy = 1.0e-10, int maxIterations = 100, double guess = 0.05)
   NewtonSafe solver = new NewtonSafe();
   IrrFinder objFunction = new IrrFinder(leg, npv,
                         dayCounter, compounding, frequency,
                         settlementDate, npvDate);
   return solver.solve(objFunction, accuracy, guess, guess/10.0);
예제 #51
        private void ParseItem(string text)
            // Start off optimistic with the results. Change the properties as necessary.
            var result = new ImportResult
                Status = ImportStatus.Succeeded,
                Text   = text.Trim()

            // Add the result to the results list.

            // See if there might be at least a token to parse, i.e., "t:text", the bare minimum.
            if (!text.ToLowerInvariant().Contains($"{Key.Text}{Delimiter.KeyValue}"))
                // "t:" was not found, does it contain "e:", the alt?
                if (!text.ToLowerInvariant().Contains($"{Key.Text}{Delimiter.KeyValue}"))
                    result.Status = ImportStatus.Error;
                    result.AddMessage($"{MessageType.ItemError} There were no recognizable tokens found.");
                    result.AddMessage($" The mandatory token ('t:' or 'e:') was not found.");


                // If we get here, the "e:" was used to specify the text

            // Extract token of data from the text. Return if an error was found.
            var tokens = Tokenize(text, ref result);

            if (result.Status == ImportStatus.Error)

            // Now we can bother to create a stem since the text is passed error checks. Anything
            // found beyond this point is a warning, except for a missing value for the text key.
            Stem stem = new Stem();

            foreach (var token in tokens)
                switch (token.Key)
                case Key.Id:
                    if (Guid.TryParse(token.Value, out Guid guid))
                        result.Id = stem.Id = guid;

                case Key.RootId:
                    if (Guid.TryParse(token.Value, out Guid rid))
                        stem.RootId = rid;

                case Key.BaseId:
                    if (Guid.TryParse(token.Value, out Guid bid))
                        stem.BaseId = bid;

                case Key.Text:
                case Key.TextAlt:
                    stem.Form = token.Value;

                case Key.Category:
                    stem.Category = token.Value.ParseTag();

                case Key.Root:

                    // Put the Id of this stem in the lookingForRoot
                    _lookingForRoot.Add(stem.Id, token.Value);

                case Key.Base:

                    // Put the Id of this stem in the lookingForBase
                    _lookingForBase.Add(stem.Id, token.Value);

                case Key.Requisite:
                    stem.RequisiteValues |= Requisites.ToValue(token.Value);

                case Key.Suggestion:
                    stem.SuggestionValues |= Suggestion.ToValue(token.Value);

                case Key.Compounding:
                    stem.CompoundingValues |= Compounding.ToValue(token.Value);

                case Key.Affixes:
                case Key.AffixesAlt:
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token.Value))

                    stem.Affixes = new List <string>(token
                                                     .Split(new string[] { Delimiter.Item }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                                     .Select(t => t.Trim())

                    foreach (var affix in stem.Affixes)
                        if (!AffixExists(affix))
                            result.Status = ImportStatus.Warning;
                            result.AddMessage($"{MessageType.TokenWarning} Affix not found ('{affix}').");


                case Key.Sense:

                    // Replace any space, ' ', with a period, '.'.
                    stem.Sense = token.Value?.Replace(Delimiter.Space, Delimiter.Morpheme)
                                 .Replace(Delimiter.Pipe, Delimiter.SemiColon);

                case Key.Comments:
                    stem.Comments = token.Value?.Unescape()
                                    .Replace(Delimiter.Pipe, Delimiter.SemiColon);

                    result.Status = ImportStatus.Warning;
                    result.AddMessage($"{MessageType.TokenWarning} Unrecognized key ('{token}').");

            // Set the ID for the results for tracking. This is late as the ID might have been parsed
            // from the text.
            if (result.Id == Guid.Empty)
                result.Id = stem.Id;

            // Duplicate check
            if (_referenceStems.Where(s => s.Form == stem.Form & s.Category == stem.Category).Count() > 0)
                result.Status = ImportStatus.Warning;
                result.AddMessage($"{MessageType.TokenWarning} Possible duplicate ('{stem.Form}').");


            DebugHelper.Info($"Adding stem (text: '{stem.Form}')...");

예제 #52
        public static double zSpread(Bond bond, double cleanPrice, YieldTermStructure discountCurve, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency)
            double ret = NQuantLibcPINVOKE.BondFunctions_zSpread__SWIG_4(Bond.getCPtr(bond), cleanPrice, YieldTermStructure.getCPtr(discountCurve), DayCounter.getCPtr(dayCounter), (int)compounding, (int)frequency);

            if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #53
      // NPV of the cash flows.
      //  The NPV is the sum of the cash flows, each discounted
      //  according to the z-spreaded term structure.  The result
      //  is affected by the choice of the z-spread compounding
      //  and the relative frequency and day counter.
      public static double npv(Leg leg,YieldTermStructure discountCurve,double zSpread,DayCounter dc,Compounding comp,
                               Frequency freq,bool includeSettlementDateFlows,
                               Date settlementDate = null,Date npvDate = null) 
         if (leg.empty())
            return 0.0;

         if (settlementDate == null)
            settlementDate = Settings.evaluationDate();

         if (npvDate == null)
            npvDate = settlementDate;

         Handle<YieldTermStructure> discountCurveHandle = new Handle<YieldTermStructure>(discountCurve);
         Handle<Quote> zSpreadQuoteHandle = new Handle<Quote>(new SimpleQuote(zSpread));

         ZeroSpreadedTermStructure spreadedCurve = new ZeroSpreadedTermStructure(discountCurveHandle,zSpreadQuoteHandle,
            comp, freq, dc);


         return npv(leg, spreadedCurve, includeSettlementDateFlows, settlementDate, npvDate);
예제 #54
        // Calculate dirty price from yield, adapting
        public static double FullPriceFromYield(double yield, Date[] CashFlowsDate, double[] CashFlows,
                                                int freq, Dc dc, Date SettlementDate, Compounding compounding, double FaceValue)
            // initial discount
            double df = 1.0;  // discount
            double yf = 0.0;

            // find next payment date that is greater than settlement date, previous payments will no more need
            int iStart = Array.FindIndex(CashFlowsDate, n => n > SettlementDate); // index of next payment
            int iEnd   = CashFlowsDate.GetLength(0);                              // total payments (past+ future)
            int dim    = iEnd - iStart;                                           // number of payments in the future

            // myCFs vector of future payments(after settlement date)
            // myCFsDates vector of date of each element of myCFs, starting from settlement date
            Date[]   myCFsDates = new Date[dim + 1];                          // start from settlement date + future dates of payment
            double[] myCFs      = new double[dim];                            // future payments
            Array.ConstrainedCopy(CashFlowsDate, iStart, myCFsDates, 1, dim); // populate myCFsDates 1 to dim index
            myCFsDates[0] = SettlementDate;                                   // first element of myCFsDates is settlement date
            Array.ConstrainedCopy(CashFlows, iStart, myCFs, 0, dim);          // populate myCFs

            // Iterate to add each cash flow discounted, according to given convention
            double fullPrice = 0.0; // starting value

            for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                yf         = myCFsDates[i].YF(myCFsDates[i + 1], dc); // calculate new yf
                df        *= CalCDF(yield, yf, freq, compounding);    // calculate new df
                fullPrice += myCFs[i] * df;

            // Adding discounted face amount
            fullPrice += FaceValue * df;

            // final result
예제 #55
 //! deprecated implied Z-spread.
 public static double zSpread(Leg leg, YieldTermStructure d, double npv, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding,
                              Frequency frequency, bool includeSettlementDateFlows, Date settlementDate = null,
                              Date npvDate = null, double accuracy = 1.0e-10, int maxIterations = 100,
                              double guess = 0.0)
    return zSpread(leg, npv, d, dayCounter, compounding, frequency,
                   includeSettlementDateFlows, settlementDate, npvDate,
                   accuracy, maxIterations, guess);
예제 #56
        // Calculate Yield from dirty price
        public static double YieldFromFullPrice(double fullPrice, double yieldGuess, Date[] CashFlowsDate, double[] CashFlows,
                                                int freq, Dc dc, Date SettlementDate, Compounding compounding, double FaceValue)
            int N = CashFlowsDate.GetLength(0);                              // number of Cash flows dates
            int k = Array.FindIndex(CashFlowsDate, n => n > SettlementDate); // get index of first cash flow after settlement date

            Date[]   Dates = new Date[N - k];                                // array with pay dates after settlement
            double[] Flows = new double[N - k];                              // flows after settlement
            Array.Copy(CashFlowsDate, k, Dates, 0, N - k);                   // fill array with needed data
            Array.Copy(CashFlows, k, Flows, 0, N - k);                       // fill array with needed data

            // define my function: we should find yield that match starting price
            NumMethod.myMethodDelegate fname =
                y_ => fullPrice - FullPriceFromYield(y_, Dates, Flows,
                                                     freq, dc, SettlementDate, compounding, FaceValue);

            // return yield
            return(NumMethod.NewRapNum(fname, yieldGuess));
예제 #57
         public ZSpreadFinder(Leg leg,YieldTermStructure discountCurve,double npv,DayCounter dc,Compounding comp,Frequency freq,
                              bool includeSettlementDateFlows, Date settlementDate, Date npvDate)
            leg_ = leg;
            npv_ = npv;
            zSpread_ = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            curve_ = new ZeroSpreadedTermStructure(new Handle<YieldTermStructure>(discountCurve),
                                                   new Handle<Quote>(zSpread_), comp, freq, dc);
            includeSettlementDateFlows_ = includeSettlementDateFlows;
            settlementDate_ = settlementDate;
            npvDate_ = npvDate;

            if (settlementDate == null)
               settlementDate = Settings.evaluationDate();

            if (npvDate == null)
               npvDate = settlementDate;

            // if the discount curve allows extrapolation, let's
            // the spreaded curve do too.
예제 #58
 public SpreadedBackwardFlatZeroInterpolatedTermStructure(YieldTermStructureHandle curveHandle, QuoteHandleVector spreadHandles, DateVector dates, Compounding comp) : this(NQuantLibcPINVOKE.new_SpreadedBackwardFlatZeroInterpolatedTermStructure__SWIG_3(YieldTermStructureHandle.getCPtr(curveHandle), QuoteHandleVector.getCPtr(spreadHandles), DateVector.getCPtr(dates), (int)comp), true)
     if (NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NQuantLibcPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #59
 public static double duration(Leg leg, double yield, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency,
                               Duration.Type type, bool includeSettlementDateFlows, Date settlementDate = null,
                               Date npvDate = null)
    return duration(leg, new InterestRate(yield, dayCounter, compounding, frequency),
                    type, includeSettlementDateFlows,   settlementDate, npvDate);
예제 #60
 /*! The resulting interest rate has the required day-counting
  *  rule.
  *  \warning dates are not adjusted for holidays
 public InterestRate forwardRate(Date d, Period p, DayCounter dayCounter, Compounding comp,
                                 Frequency freq = Frequency.Annual, bool extrapolate = false)
     return(forwardRate(d, d + p, dayCounter, comp, freq, extrapolate));