public Example_25() { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_25.pdf", FileMode.Create))); Font f1 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); Font f2 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_BOLD); Font f3 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); Font f4 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_BOLD); Font f5 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); Font f6 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_BOLD); Page page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); CompositeTextLine composite = new CompositeTextLine(50f, 50f); composite.SetFontSize(14f); TextLine text1 = new TextLine(f1, "C"); TextLine text2 = new TextLine(f2, "6"); TextLine text3 = new TextLine(f3, "H"); TextLine text4 = new TextLine(f4, "12"); TextLine text5 = new TextLine(f5, "O"); TextLine text6 = new TextLine(f6, "6"); text1.SetColor(Color.dodgerblue); text3.SetColor(Color.dodgerblue); text5.SetColor(Color.dodgerblue); text2.SetTextEffect(Effect.SUBSCRIPT); text4.SetTextEffect(Effect.SUBSCRIPT); text6.SetTextEffect(Effect.SUBSCRIPT); composite.AddComponent(text1); composite.AddComponent(text2); composite.AddComponent(text3); composite.AddComponent(text4); composite.AddComponent(text5); composite.AddComponent(text6); float[] xy = composite.DrawOn(page); Box box = new Box(); box.SetLocation(xy[0], xy[1]); box.SetSize(20f, 20f); box.DrawOn(page); CompositeTextLine composite2 = new CompositeTextLine(50f, 100f); composite2.SetFontSize(14f); text1 = new TextLine(f1, "SO"); text2 = new TextLine(f2, "4"); text3 = new TextLine(f4, "2-"); // Use bold font here text2.SetTextEffect(Effect.SUBSCRIPT); text3.SetTextEffect(Effect.SUPERSCRIPT); composite2.AddComponent(text1); composite2.AddComponent(text2); composite2.AddComponent(text3); composite2.DrawOn(page); composite2.SetLocation(100f, 150f); composite2.DrawOn(page); float[] yy = composite2.GetMinMax(); Line line1 = new Line(50f, yy[0], 200f, yy[0]); Line line2 = new Line(50f, yy[1], 200f, yy[1]); line1.DrawOn(page); line2.DrawOn(page); pdf.Complete(); }
public Example_23() { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_23.pdf", FileMode.Create))); Page page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); Font f1 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_BOLD); Font f2 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); Font f3 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_BOLD); f3.SetSize(7f * 0.583f); List <List <Cell> > tableData = new List <List <Cell> >(); List <Cell> row = new List <Cell>(); Cell cell = new Cell(f1, "Hello"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); cell = new Cell(f1, "World"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); cell = new Cell(f1, "Next Column"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); cell = new Cell(f1, "CompositeTextLine"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); tableData.Add(row); row = new List <Cell>(); cell = new Cell(f2, "This is a test:"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); cell = new Cell(f2, "Here we are going to test the WrapAroundCellText method.\n\nWe will create a table and place it near the bottom of the page. When we draw this table the text will wrap around the column edge and stay within the column.\n\nSo - let's see how this is working?"); cell.SetColSpan(2); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new Cell(f2)); // We need an empty cell here because the previous cell had colSpan == 2 cell = new Cell(f2, "Test 456"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); tableData.Add(row); row = new List <Cell>(); row.Add(new Cell(f2, "Another row.\n\n\nMake sure that this line of text will be wrapped around correctly too.")); row.Add(new Cell(f2, "Yahoo!")); row.Add(new Cell(f2, "Test 789")); CompositeTextLine composite = new CompositeTextLine(0f, 0f); composite.SetFontSize(12f); TextLine line1 = new TextLine(f1, "Composite Text Line"); TextLine line2 = new TextLine(f3, "Superscript"); TextLine line3 = new TextLine(f3, "Subscript"); line2.SetTextEffect(Effect.SUPERSCRIPT); line3.SetTextEffect(Effect.SUBSCRIPT); composite.AddComponent(line1); composite.AddComponent(line2); composite.AddComponent(line3); cell = new Cell(f2); cell.SetCompositeTextLine(composite); cell.SetBgColor(Color.peachpuff); row.Add(cell); tableData.Add(row); Table table = new Table(); table.SetData(tableData, Table.DATA_HAS_1_HEADER_ROWS); // table.SetLocation(70f, 730f); table.SetLocation(70f, 70f); table.SetColumnWidth(0, 100f); table.SetColumnWidth(1, 100f); table.SetColumnWidth(2, 100f); table.SetColumnWidth(3, 150f); table.WrapAroundCellText(); int numOfPages = table.GetNumberOfPages(page); while (true) { table.DrawOn(page); if (!table.HasMoreData()) { break; } page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); table.SetLocation(70f, 30f); } pdf.Close(); }
public Example_23() { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_23.pdf", FileMode.Create))); Page page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); Font f1 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_BOLD); Font f2 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); Font f3 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_BOLD); f3.SetSize(7f * 0.583f); Image image1 = new Image( pdf, new BufferedStream(new FileStream( "images/mt-map.png", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)), ImageType.PNG); image1.ScaleBy(0.75f); List <List <Cell> > tableData = new List <List <Cell> >(); List <Cell> row = new List <Cell>(); Cell cell = new Cell(f1, "Hello"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); cell = new Cell(f1, "World"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); cell = new Cell(f1, "Next Column"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); cell = new Cell(f1, "CompositeTextLine"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); tableData.Add(row); row = new List <Cell>(); cell = new Cell(f2, "This is a test:"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); cell = new Cell(f2, "Here we are going to test the WrapAroundCellText method.\n\nWe will create a table and place it near the bottom of the page. When we draw this table the text will wrap around the column edge and stay within the column.\n\nSo - let's see how this is working?"); cell.SetColSpan(2); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new Cell(f2)); // We need an empty cell here because the previous cell had colSpan == 2 cell = new Cell(f2, "Test 456"); cell.SetTopPadding(5f); cell.SetBottomPadding(5f); row.Add(cell); tableData.Add(row); row = new List <Cell>(); row.Add(new Cell(f2, "Another row.\n\n\nMake sure that this line of text will be wrapped around correctly too.")); row.Add(new Cell(f2, "Yahoo!")); row.Add(new Cell(f2, "Test 789")); CompositeTextLine composite = new CompositeTextLine(0f, 0f); composite.SetFontSize(12f); TextLine line1 = new TextLine(f1, "Composite Text Line"); TextLine line2 = new TextLine(f3, "Superscript"); TextLine line3 = new TextLine(f3, "Subscript"); line2.SetTextEffect(Effect.SUPERSCRIPT); line3.SetTextEffect(Effect.SUBSCRIPT); composite.AddComponent(line1); composite.AddComponent(line2); composite.AddComponent(line3); cell = new Cell(f2); cell.SetCompositeTextLine(composite); cell.SetBgColor(Color.peachpuff); row.Add(cell); tableData.Add(row); Table table = new Table(); table.SetData(tableData, Table.DATA_HAS_1_HEADER_ROWS); table.SetLocation(50f, 50f); table.SetColumnWidth(0, 100f); table.SetColumnWidth(1, 100f); table.SetColumnWidth(2, 100f); table.SetColumnWidth(3, 150f); table.WrapAroundCellText(); int numOfPages = table.GetNumberOfPages(page); while (true) { table.DrawOn(page); if (!table.HasMoreData()) { break; } page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); table.SetLocation(50f, 50f); } tableData = new List <List <Cell> >(); row = new List <Cell>(); row.Add(new Cell(f1)); row.Add(new Cell(f2)); tableData.Add(row); row = new List <Cell>(); row.Add(new Cell(f1, "Hello, World!")); row.Add(new Cell(f2, "This is a test.")); tableData.Add(row); tableData[0][0].SetImage(image1); table = new Table(); table.SetData(tableData); table.SetLocation(50f, 450f); table.SetColumnWidth(0, 260f); table.SetColumnWidth(1, 260f); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.Append("Name: 20200306_050741\n"); buf.Append("Recorded: 2018:09:28 18:28:43\n"); TextBox textBox = new TextBox(f1, buf.ToString()); textBox.SetWidth(400f); textBox.SetNoBorders(); tableData[0][1].SetDrawable(textBox); table.DrawOn(page); pdf.Complete(); }
public Example_15() { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_15.pdf", FileMode.Create))); Font f1 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_BOLD); Font f2 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); Font f3 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); Font f4 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_BOLD); Font f5 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); Page page = new Page(pdf, A4.PORTRAIT); List <List <Cell> > tableData = new List <List <Cell> >(); List <Cell> row = null; Cell cell = null; for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { row = new List <Cell>(); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (i == 0) { cell = new Cell(f1); } else { cell = new Cell(f2); } cell.SetTopPadding(10f); cell.SetBottomPadding(10f); cell.SetLeftPadding(10f); cell.SetRightPadding(10f); // cell.SetNoBorders(); cell.SetText("Hello " + i + " " + j); CompositeTextLine composite = new CompositeTextLine(0f, 0f); composite.SetFontSize(12.0f); TextLine line1 = new TextLine(f3, "H"); TextLine line2 = new TextLine(f4, "2"); TextLine line3 = new TextLine(f5, "O"); line2.SetTextEffect(Effect.SUBSCRIPT); composite.AddComponent(line1); composite.AddComponent(line2); composite.AddComponent(line3); if (i == 0 || j == 0) { cell.SetCompositeTextLine(composite); cell.SetBgColor(Color.deepskyblue); } else { cell.SetBgColor(Color.dodgerblue); } cell.SetPenColor(Color.lightgray); cell.SetBrushColor(; row.Add(cell); } tableData.Add(row); } Table table = new Table(); table.SetData(tableData, Table.DATA_HAS_2_HEADER_ROWS); table.SetCellBordersWidth(0.2f); table.SetLocation(70f, 30f); table.AutoAdjustColumnWidths(); while (true) { Point point = table.DrawOn(page); TextLine text = new TextLine(f1, "Hello, World."); text.SetLocation(point.GetX() + table.GetWidth(), point.GetY()); text.DrawOn(page); if (!table.HasMoreData()) { break; } page = new Page(pdf, A4.PORTRAIT); } pdf.Close(); }