예제 #1
파일: BPCM.cs 프로젝트: KyodaiKen/BPCM2
        public static void EncodeWaveFile(string WaveIn, string BPCMOut, Parameters Parameters, dgUpdate StatusCallback = null, double UpdateInterval = 250, dgFrameEncoded FrameEncodedCallback = null)
            using (FileStream streamIn = new FileStream(WaveIn, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 1048576, FileOptions.RandomAccess))
                WAVEReader w = new WAVEReader(streamIn);

                //Check parameters and if in doubt, set default ones
                if (Parameters.BlockSize < 10)
                    Parameters.BlockSize = 10;
                if (Parameters.BlockSize > 1000)
                    Parameters.BlockSize = 1000;
                //Check if wFormatTag is 1 (PCM signed integer) and if not, crash!
                if (w.Info.fmtHeader.wFormatTag != 1)
                    throw new Exception("BPCM 2.0 only supports PCM integer input (wFormatTag = 0x1)");
                //Check if bits per sample is 16, if not crash!
                if (w.Info.fmtHeader.nBitsPerSample != 16)
                    throw new Exception("BPCM 2.0 only supports 16 bit signed short integer input");
                //Check if sampling rate is supported
                if (!new uint[] { 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000 }.Contains(w.Info.fmtHeader.nSamplesPerSec))
                    throw new Exception("BPCM 2.0 only supports the sampling rates 48000, 44100, 32000 and 24000 Hz.");
                //Check number of channels to be either mono or stereo
                if (!new ushort[] { 1, 2 }.Contains(w.Info.fmtHeader.nChannels))
                    throw new Exception("BPCM 2.0 only supports mono or stereo source wave files.");

                if (Parameters.SilenceThreshold == 0)
                    Parameters.SilenceThreshold = 4;

                //Create BPCM output file stream
                using (FileStream f = new FileStream(BPCMOut, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, 1048576, FileOptions.SequentialScan))
                    //Data for the frame builder to use later
                    byte[] data        = null;
                    byte   compression = (byte)Parameters.Compression;

                    //Init ADPCM codec
                    ADPCM4BIT      a  = new ADPCM4BIT();
                    ADPCM4BIT_MONO am = new ADPCM4BIT_MONO();

                    //Stopwatch for the status callback
                    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

                    int      currentFrame  = 0;
                    long     samplets      = 0;
                    int      silentSamples = 0;
                    double   precisepos    = 0;
                    TimeSpan pos;

                    while (w.Position < streamIn.Length)
                        //Read the PCM data from the WAVE file, encode it with ADPCM and then wether requested compress it!
                        w.Read(out byte[] pcmBuffer, (uint)Parameters.BlockSize);

                        bool   afterSilence = false;
                        byte[] compressedADPCM;
                        byte[] frame = new byte[0];
                        int    nSamplesFromPCMBuffer;
                        int    nSamplesSilent           = 0;
                        int    nSamplesFromMilliSeconds = (int)((Parameters.BlockSize / 1000.0) * w.Info.fmtHeader.nSamplesPerSec);

                        Compression.Compressed c = new Compression.Compressed();

                        Tunings.SilenceInfoBean silence_inf = Tunings.GetSilenceInfo(pcmBuffer, Parameters.SilenceThreshold);

                        switch (silence_inf.is_silent)
                        case Tunings.Silence.TotalSilence:
                            silentSamples        += pcmBuffer.Length / ((w.Info.fmtHeader.nBitsPerSample / 8) * w.Info.fmtHeader.nChannels);
                            nSamplesSilent        = silentSamples;
                            nSamplesFromPCMBuffer = silentSamples;
                            goto skip_write;

                        case Tunings.Silence.PartiallySilent:
                        case Tunings.Silence.FullSignal:
                            if (silence_inf.is_silent == Tunings.Silence.PartiallySilent &&
                                (silence_inf.silence_from == Tunings.SilenceAt.Beginning ||
                                 silentSamples + silence_inf.buffer_pos / ((w.Info.fmtHeader.nBitsPerSample / 8) * w.Info.fmtHeader.nChannels) >= 16777215) &&
                                silentSamples > 0)
                                //We just have silence at the beginning of the frame, but pathway through there is signal
                                //Output a silent frame with extended length information
                                frame = Composer.ComposeFrame(null, (int)w.Info.fmtHeader.nSamplesPerSec, w.Info.fmtHeader.nChannels, InfoByte.CompressionType.None, true, (UInt32)silentSamples);
                                f.Write(frame, 0, frame.Length);
                                if (silentSamples != nSamplesFromMilliSeconds)
                                    afterSilence = true;
                                    afterSilence = false;
                                nSamplesSilent = silentSamples;
                                silentSamples  = 0;
                                afterSilence = false;

                            //Prepare regular data
                            if (w.Info.fmtHeader.nChannels == 2)
                                compressedADPCM = a.encode(pcmBuffer, false);
                                compressedADPCM = am.encode(pcmBuffer);

                            c           = Compression.Compress(compressedADPCM, Parameters.Compression);
                            data        = c.data;
                            compression = (byte)c.usedAlgo;

                        //Recalculate the blocksize when it differs from the setting, in example when the stream ends.
                        nSamplesFromPCMBuffer    = (int)(pcmBuffer.LongLength / w.Info.fmtHeader.nChannels / (w.Info.fmtHeader.nBitsPerSample / 8));
                        nSamplesFromMilliSeconds = (int)((Parameters.BlockSize / 1000.0) * w.Info.fmtHeader.nSamplesPerSec);

                        frame = Composer.ComposeFrame(data, (int)w.Info.fmtHeader.nSamplesPerSec, w.Info.fmtHeader.nChannels, (InfoByte.CompressionType)compression, currentFrame == 0 || nSamplesFromPCMBuffer != nSamplesFromMilliSeconds || afterSilence, (UInt16)nSamplesFromPCMBuffer);
                        f.Write(frame, 0, frame.Length);

                        samplets   = w.PCMPosition / w.Info.fmtHeader.nBlockAlign;
                        precisepos = (double)samplets / w.Info.fmtHeader.nSamplesPerSec;
                        pos        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(precisepos);

                        //Fire the frame encoded event
                        FrameEncodedCallback?.Invoke(new Stats()
                            FrameNumber     = currentFrame
                            , TimeStamp     = samplets
                            , FrameDuration = (nSamplesSilent > 0) ? nSamplesSilent / (double)w.Info.fmtHeader.nSamplesPerSec : nSamplesFromPCMBuffer / (double)w.Info.fmtHeader.nSamplesPerSec
                            , Bytes         = frame.Length
                            , Bitrate       = (int)Math.Round((double)frame.Length / (pcmBuffer.Length / w.Info.fmtHeader.nAvgBytesPerSeconds) * 8, 0)
                            , Compression   = (Compression.Algorithm)compression

                        frame = null;

                        //Do the status callback after the interval has elapsed and reset the stopwatch
                        if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= UpdateInterval || w.Position >= streamIn.Length)
                            StatusCallback?.Invoke(new Status()
                                FramesEncoded     = currentFrame
                                , AvgBitrate      = (int)Math.Round((f.Length / precisepos) * 8.0, 0)
                                , Position        = precisepos
                                , PositionSamples = samplets
                                , PositionString  = String.Format("{0:00}d {1:00}h {2:00}m {3:00}s {4:000.000}ms", pos.Days, pos.Hours, pos.Minutes, pos.Seconds, (precisepos - Math.Floor(precisepos)) * 1000)
                                , BytesWritten    = f.Length
                                , Duration        = w.Info.PCMDataLength / w.Info.fmtHeader.nAvgBytesPerSeconds
                                , DurationSamples = w.Info.PCMDataLength / w.Info.fmtHeader.nBlockAlign

                    //Check if silence was collected first and flush this as a silent frame before composing the current frame
                    if (silentSamples > 0)
                        byte[] frame = Composer.ComposeFrame(null, (int)w.Info.fmtHeader.nSamplesPerSec, w.Info.fmtHeader.nChannels, InfoByte.CompressionType.None, true, (UInt32)silentSamples);
                        f.Write(frame, 0, frame.Length);