public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { try { ModalKeyboard modalKeyboard = componentType.component as ModalKeyboard; if ("clearOnOpen", out string clearOnOpen)) { modalKeyboard.clearOnOpen = bool.Parse(clearOnOpen); } if ("value", out string value)) { if (!parserParams.values.TryGetValue(value, out BSMLValue associatedValue)) { throw new Exception("value '" + value + "' not found"); } modalKeyboard.associatedValue = associatedValue; } if ("onEnter", out string onEnter)) { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(onEnter, out BSMLAction onEnterAction)) { throw new Exception("on-enter action '" + onEnter + "' not found"); } modalKeyboard.onEnter = onEnterAction; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.log?.Error(ex); } }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { base.HandleType(componentType, parserParams); ClickableImage clickableImage = componentType.component as ClickableImage; if ("onClick", out string onClick)) { clickableImage.OnClickEvent += delegate { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(onClick, out BSMLAction onClickAction)) { throw new Exception("on-click action '" + onClick + "' not found"); } onClickAction.Invoke(); }; } if ("clickEvent", out string clickEvent)) { clickableImage.OnClickEvent += delegate { parserParams.EmitEvent(clickEvent); }; } }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { SliderSetting sliderSetting = componentType.component as SliderSetting; if ("isInt", out string isInt)) { sliderSetting.isInt = Parse.Bool(isInt); } if ("increment", out string increment)) { sliderSetting.increments = Parse.Float(increment); } if ("minValue", out string minValue)) { sliderSetting.slider.minValue = Parse.Float(minValue); } if ("maxValue", out string maxValue)) { sliderSetting.slider.maxValue = Parse.Float(maxValue); } if ("showButtons", out string showButtons)) { sliderSetting.showButtons = Parse.Bool(showButtons); } }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { base.HandleType(componentType, parserParams); TabSelector tabSelector = (componentType.component as TabSelector); tabSelector.parserParams = parserParams; if (!"tabTag", out string tabTag)) { throw new Exception("Tab Selector must have a tab-tag"); } tabSelector.tabTag = tabTag; parserParams.AddEvent("post-parse", tabSelector.Setup); }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { try { ModalColorPicker colorPicker = componentType.component as ModalColorPicker; if ("value", out string value)) { if (!parserParams.values.TryGetValue(value, out BSMLValue associatedValue)) { throw new Exception("value '" + value + "' not found"); } colorPicker.associatedValue = associatedValue; } if ("onCancel", out string onCancel)) { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(onCancel, out BSMLAction action)) { throw new Exception("on-cancel action '" + onCancel + "' not found"); } colorPicker.onCancel = action; } if ("onDone", out string onDone)) { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(onDone, out BSMLAction action)) { throw new Exception("on-done action '" + onDone + "' not found"); } colorPicker.onDone = action; } if ("onChange", out string onChange)) { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(onChange, out BSMLAction action)) { throw new Exception("color-change action '" + onChange + "' not found"); } colorPicker.onChange = action; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.log?.Error(ex); } }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { LayoutGroup layoutGroup = (componentType.component as LayoutGroup); if ("pad", out string pad)) { int padding = Parse.Int(pad); layoutGroup.padding = new RectOffset(padding, padding, padding, padding); } layoutGroup.padding = new RectOffset("padLeft", out string padLeft) ? Parse.Int(padLeft) : layoutGroup.padding.left,"padRight", out string padRight) ? Parse.Int(padRight) : layoutGroup.padding.right,"padTop", out string padTop) ? Parse.Int(padTop) :,"padBottom", out string padBottom) ? Parse.Int(padBottom) : layoutGroup.padding.bottom); if ("childAlign", out string childAlign)) { layoutGroup.childAlignment = (TextAnchor)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextAnchor), childAlign); } }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { GenericSetting genericSetting = componentType.component as GenericSetting; if ("formatter", out string formatterId)) { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(formatterId, out BSMLAction formatter)) { throw new Exception("formatter action '" + formatter + "' not found"); } genericSetting.formatter = formatter; } if ("applyOnChange", out string applyOnChange)) { genericSetting.updateOnChange = Parse.Bool(applyOnChange); } if ("onChange", out string onChange)) { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(onChange, out BSMLAction onChangeAction)) { throw new Exception("on-change action '" + onChange + "' not found"); } genericSetting.onChange = onChangeAction; } if ("value", out string value)) { if (!parserParams.values.TryGetValue(value, out BSMLValue associatedValue)) { throw new Exception("value '" + value + "' not found"); } genericSetting.associatedValue = associatedValue; if ("bindValue", out string bindValue) && Parse.Bool(bindValue)) { BindValue(componentType, parserParams, associatedValue, _ => genericSetting.ReceiveValue()); } } parserParams.AddEvent("setEvent", out string setEvent) ? setEvent : "apply", genericSetting.ApplyValue); parserParams.AddEvent("getEvent", out string getEvent) ? getEvent : "cancel", genericSetting.ReceiveValue); }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { DropDownListSetting listSetting = componentType.component as DropDownListSetting; if ("options", out string options)) { if (!parserParams.values.TryGetValue(options, out BSMLValue values)) { throw new Exception("options '" + options + "' not found"); } listSetting.values = values.GetValue() as List <object>; } else { throw new Exception("list must have associated options"); } }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { try { Button button = componentType.component as Button; if ("onClick", out string onClick)) { button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(onClick, out BSMLAction onClickAction)) { throw new Exception("on-click action '" + onClick + "' not found"); } onClickAction.Invoke(); }); }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { try { ModalView modalView = componentType.component as ModalView; Transform originalParent = modalView.transform.parent; bool moveToCenter = true; if ("moveToCenter", out string moveToCenterString)) { moveToCenter = bool.Parse(moveToCenterString); } if ("showEvent", out string showEvent)) { parserParams.AddEvent(showEvent, delegate { modalView.Show(true, moveToCenter); }); } if ("hideEvent", out string hideEvent)) { parserParams.AddEvent(hideEvent, delegate { modalView.Hide(true, () => modalView.transform.SetParent(originalParent, true)); }); } if ("clickOffCloses", out string clickOffCloses) && Parse.Bool(clickOffCloses)) { modalView._blockerClickedEvent += delegate { modalView.Hide(true, () => modalView.transform.SetParent(originalParent, true)); }; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.log?.Error(ex); } }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { IncrementSetting incrementSetting = componentType.component as IncrementSetting; if ("isInt", out string isInt)) { incrementSetting.isInt = Parse.Bool(isInt); } if ("increment", out string increment)) { incrementSetting.increments = Parse.Float(increment); } if ("minValue", out string minValue)) { incrementSetting.minValue = Parse.Float(minValue); } if ("maxValue", out string maxValue)) { incrementSetting.maxValue = Parse.Float(maxValue); } }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { TextSegmentedControl textControl = componentType.component as TextSegmentedControl; if ("data", out string value)) { if (!parserParams.values.TryGetValue(value, out BSMLValue contents)) { throw new Exception("value '" + value + "' not found"); } textControl.SetTexts((contents.GetValue() as IEnumerable).Cast <object>().Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()); } if ("selectCell", out string selectCell)) { textControl.didSelectCellEvent += (SegmentedControl control, int index) => { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(selectCell, out BSMLAction action)) { throw new Exception("select-cell action '" +["selectCell"] + "' not found"); } action.Invoke(control, index); }; } }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { IconSegmentedControl iconControl = componentType.component as IconSegmentedControl; if ("data", out string value)) { if (!parserParams.values.TryGetValue(value, out BSMLValue contents)) { throw new Exception("value '" + value + "' not found"); } iconControl.SetData((contents.GetValue() as List <IconSegmentedControl.DataItem>).ToArray()); } if ("selectCell", out string selectCell)) { iconControl.didSelectCellEvent += (SegmentedControl control, int index) => { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(selectCell, out BSMLAction action)) { throw new Exception("select-cell action '" +["selectCell"] + "' not found"); } action.Invoke(control, index); }; } }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { CustomCellListTableData tableData = componentType.component as CustomCellListTableData; if ("selectCell", out string selectCell)) { tableData.tableView.didSelectCellWithIdxEvent += delegate(TableView table, int index) { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(selectCell, out BSMLAction action)) { throw new Exception("select-cell action '" +["selectCell"] + "' not found"); } action.Invoke(table, (table.dataSource as CustomCellListTableData).data[index]); }; } if ("listDirection", out string listDirection)) { tableData.tableView.SetField <TableView, TableType>("_tableType", (TableType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TableType), listDirection)); } if ("cellSize", out string cellSize)) { tableData.cellSize = Parse.Float(cellSize); } if ("cellTemplate", out string cellTemplate)) { tableData.cellTemplate = "<bg>" + cellTemplate + "</bg>"; } if ("cellClickable", out string cellClickable)) { tableData.clickableCells = Parse.Bool(cellClickable); } if ("alignCenter", out string alignCenter)) { tableData.tableView.SetField <TableView, bool>("_alignToCenter", Parse.Bool(alignCenter)); } if ("data", out string value)) { if (!parserParams.values.TryGetValue(value, out BSMLValue contents)) { throw new Exception("value '" + value + "' not found"); } = contents.GetValue() as List <object>; tableData.tableView.ReloadData(); } switch (tableData.tableView.tableType) { case TableType.Vertical: (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector2("listWidth", out string vListWidth) ? Parse.Float(vListWidth) : 60, tableData.cellSize * ("visibleCells", out string vVisibleCells) ? Parse.Float(vVisibleCells) : 7)); break; case TableType.Horizontal: (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector2(tableData.cellSize * ("visibleCells", out string hVisibleCells) ? Parse.Float(hVisibleCells) : 4),"listHeight", out string hListHeight) ? Parse.Float(hListHeight) : 40); break; } componentType.component.gameObject.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().preferredHeight = (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta.y; componentType.component.gameObject.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().preferredWidth = (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta.x; tableData.tableView.gameObject.SetActive(true); tableData.tableView.LazyInit(); if ("id", out string id)) { ScrollView scroller = tableData.tableView.GetField <ScrollView, TableView>("_scrollView"); parserParams.AddEvent(id + "#PageUp", scroller.PageUpButtonPressed); parserParams.AddEvent(id + "#PageDown", scroller.PageDownButtonPressed); } }
private void HandleTagNode(XmlNode node, GameObject parent, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { if (!tags.TryGetValue(node.Name, out BSMLTag currentTag)) { throw new Exception("Tag type '" + node.Name + "' not found"); } //TEMPORARY if (node.Name == "image") { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Logger.log.Critical("do not use image tag for raw images please switch to raw-image"); } } // GameObject currentNode = currentTag.CreateObject(parent.transform); List <ComponentTypeWithData> componentTypes = new List <ComponentTypeWithData>(); foreach (TypeHandler typeHandler in typeHandlers) { Type type = (typeHandler.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ComponentHandler), true).FirstOrDefault() as ComponentHandler).type; Component component = GetExternalComponent(currentNode, type); if (component != null) { ComponentTypeWithData componentType = new ComponentTypeWithData(); = GetParameters(node, typeHandler.CachedProps, parserParams, out Dictionary <string, BSMLPropertyValue> propertyMap); componentType.propertyMap = propertyMap; componentType.typeHandler = typeHandler; componentType.component = component; componentTypes.Add(componentType); } } foreach (ComponentTypeWithData componentType in componentTypes) { componentType.typeHandler.HandleType(componentType, parserParams); } object host =; if (host != null && node.Attributes["id"] != null) { foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in host.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public)) { UIComponent uicomponent = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UIComponent), true).FirstOrDefault() as UIComponent; if (uicomponent != null && == node.Attributes["id"].Value) { fieldInfo.SetValue(host, GetExternalComponent(currentNode, fieldInfo.FieldType)); } UIObject uiobject = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UIObject), true).FirstOrDefault() as UIObject; if (uiobject != null && == node.Attributes["id"].Value) { fieldInfo.SetValue(host, currentNode); } } } if (node.Attributes["tags"] != null) { parserParams.AddObjectTags(currentNode, node.Attributes["tags"].Value.Split(',')); } if (currentTag.AddChildren) { foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes) { HandleNode(childNode, currentNode, parserParams); } } foreach (ComponentTypeWithData componentType in componentTypes) { componentType.typeHandler.HandleTypeAfterChildren(componentType, parserParams); } }
public virtual void HandleTypeAfterParse(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { }
public abstract void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams);
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { CustomListTableData tableData = componentType.component as CustomListTableData; ScrollView scrollView = tableData.tableView.GetField <ScrollView, TableView>("_scrollView"); if ("selectCell", out string selectCell)) { tableData.tableView.didSelectCellWithIdxEvent += delegate(TableView table, int index) { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(selectCell, out BSMLAction action)) { throw new Exception("select-cell action '" +["onClick"] + "' not found"); } action.Invoke(table, index); }; } bool verticalList = true; if ("listDirection", out string listDirection)) { tableData.tableView.SetField <TableView, TableType>("_tableType", (TableType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TableType), listDirection)); scrollViewDirectionField.SetValue(scrollView, Enum.Parse(scrollViewDirectionField.FieldType, listDirection)); verticalList = listDirection.ToLower() != "horizontal"; } if ("listStyle", out string listStyle)) { tableData.Style = (ListStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(ListStyle), listStyle); } if ("cellSize", out string cellSize)) { tableData.cellSize = Parse.Float(cellSize); } if ("expandCell", out string expandCell)) { tableData.expandCell = Parse.Bool(expandCell); } if ("alignCenter", out string alignCenter)) { tableData.tableView.SetField <TableView, bool>("_alignToCenter", Parse.Bool(alignCenter)); } if ("stickScrolling", out string stickScrolling)) { if (Parse.Bool(stickScrolling)) { scrollView.SetField("_platformHelper", BeatSaberUI.PlatformHelper); } } // We can only show the scroll bar for vertical lists if (verticalList &&"showScrollbar", out string showScrollbar)) { if (Parse.Bool(showScrollbar)) { TextPageScrollView textScrollView = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(ScrollViewTag.ScrollViewTemplate, componentType.component.transform); Button pageUpButton = textScrollView.GetField <Button, ScrollView>("_pageUpButton"); Button pageDownButton = textScrollView.GetField <Button, ScrollView>("_pageDownButton"); VerticalScrollIndicator verticalScrollIndicator = textScrollView.GetField <VerticalScrollIndicator, ScrollView>("_verticalScrollIndicator"); RectTransform scrollBar = verticalScrollIndicator.transform.parent as RectTransform; scrollView.SetField("_pageUpButton", pageUpButton); scrollView.SetField("_pageDownButton", pageDownButton); scrollView.SetField("_verticalScrollIndicator", verticalScrollIndicator); scrollBar.SetParent(componentType.component.transform); GameObject.Destroy(textScrollView.gameObject); // Need to adjust scroll bar positioning scrollBar.anchorMin = new Vector2(1, 0); scrollBar.anchorMax =; scrollBar.offsetMin =; scrollBar.offsetMax = new Vector2(8, 0); } } if ("data", out string value)) { if (!parserParams.values.TryGetValue(value, out BSMLValue contents)) { throw new Exception("value '" + value + "' not found"); } var tableDataValue = contents.GetValue(); if (!(tableDataValue is List <CustomCellInfo> tableDataList)) { throw new Exception($"Value '{value}' is not a List<CustomCellInfo>, which is required for custom-list"); } = tableDataList; tableData.tableView.ReloadData(); } switch (tableData.tableView.tableType) { case TableType.Vertical: (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector2("listWidth", out string vListWidth) ? Parse.Float(vListWidth) : 60, tableData.cellSize * ("visibleCells", out string vVisibleCells) ? Parse.Float(vVisibleCells) : 7)); break; case TableType.Horizontal: (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector2(tableData.cellSize * ("visibleCells", out string hVisibleCells) ? Parse.Float(hVisibleCells) : 4),"listHeight", out string hListHeight) ? Parse.Float(hListHeight) : 40); break; } componentType.component.gameObject.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().preferredHeight = (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta.y; componentType.component.gameObject.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().preferredWidth = (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta.x; tableData.tableView.gameObject.SetActive(true); tableData.tableView.LazyInit(); if ("id", out string id)) { parserParams.AddEvent(id + "#PageUp", scrollView.PageUpButtonPressed); parserParams.AddEvent(id + "#PageDown", scrollView.PageDownButtonPressed); } }
public override void HandleTypeAfterChildren(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { (componentType.component as GenericSetting).Setup(); }
public override void HandleType(ComponentTypeWithData componentType, BSMLParserParams parserParams) { CustomCellListTableData tableData = componentType.component as CustomCellListTableData; if ("selectCell", out string selectCell)) { tableData.tableView.didSelectCellWithIdxEvent += delegate(TableView table, int index) { if (!parserParams.actions.TryGetValue(selectCell, out BSMLAction action)) { throw new Exception("select-cell action '" +["selectCell"] + "' not found"); } action.Invoke(table, (table.dataSource as CustomCellListTableData).data[index]); }; } if ("listDirection", out string listDirection)) { //temp FieldInfo fieldInfo = typeof(TableView).GetField("_tableType", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); fieldInfo.SetValue(tableData.tableView, (TableType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TableType), listDirection)); // /* * tableData.tableView.SetPrivateField("_tableType", (TableType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TableType), listDirection)); */ } if ("cellSize", out string cellSize)) { tableData.cellSize = Parse.Float(cellSize); } if ("cellTemplate", out string cellTemplate)) { tableData.cellTemplate = "<bg>" + cellTemplate + "</bg>"; } if ("cellClickable", out string cellClickable)) { tableData.clickableCells = Parse.Bool(cellClickable); } if ("data", out string value)) { if (!parserParams.values.TryGetValue(value, out BSMLValue contents)) { throw new Exception("value '" + value + "' not found"); } = contents.GetValue() as List <object>; tableData.tableView.ReloadData(); } switch (tableData.tableView.tableType) { case TableType.Vertical: (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector2("listWidth", out string vListWidth) ? Parse.Float(vListWidth) : 60, tableData.cellSize * ("visibleCells", out string vVisibleCells) ? Parse.Float(vVisibleCells) : 7)); tableData.tableView.contentTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 1); break; case TableType.Horizontal: (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector2(tableData.cellSize * ("visibleCells", out string hVisibleCells) ? Parse.Float(hVisibleCells) : 4),"listHeight", out string hListHeight) ? Parse.Float(hListHeight) : 40); break; } componentType.component.gameObject.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().preferredHeight = (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta.y; componentType.component.gameObject.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().preferredWidth = (componentType.component.gameObject.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta.x; tableData.tableView.gameObject.SetActive(true); if ("id", out string id)) { //temp FieldInfo fieldInfo = typeof(TableView).GetField("_scroller", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); TableViewScroller scroller = fieldInfo.GetValue(tableData.tableView) as TableViewScroller; // /* * TableViewScroller scroller = tableData.tableView.GetPrivateField<TableViewScroller>("_scroller"); */ parserParams.AddEvent(id + "#PageUp", scroller.PageScrollUp); parserParams.AddEvent(id + "#PageDown", scroller.PageScrollDown); } }
private void HandleTagNode(XmlNode node, GameObject parent, BSMLParserParams parserParams, out IEnumerable <ComponentTypeWithData> componentInfo) { if (!tags.TryGetValue(node.Name, out BSMLTag currentTag)) { throw new Exception("Tag type '" + node.Name + "' not found"); } GameObject currentNode = currentTag.CreateObject(parent.transform); List <ComponentTypeWithData> componentTypes = new List <ComponentTypeWithData>(); foreach (TypeHandler typeHandler in typeHandlers) { Type type = (typeHandler.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ComponentHandler), true).FirstOrDefault() as ComponentHandler)?.type; if (type == null) { continue; } Component component = GetExternalComponent(currentNode, type); if (component != null) { ComponentTypeWithData componentType = new ComponentTypeWithData(); = GetParameters(node, typeHandler.CachedProps, parserParams, out Dictionary <string, BSMLValue> valueMap); componentType.valueMap = valueMap; componentType.typeHandler = typeHandler; componentType.component = component; componentTypes.Add(componentType); } } foreach (ComponentTypeWithData componentType in componentTypes) { componentType.typeHandler.HandleType(componentType, parserParams); } object host =; if (host != null && node.Attributes["id"] != null) { foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in host.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public)) { UIComponent uicomponent = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UIComponent), true).FirstOrDefault() as UIComponent; if (uicomponent != null && == node.Attributes["id"].Value) { fieldInfo.SetValue(host, GetExternalComponent(currentNode, fieldInfo.FieldType)); } UIObject uiobject = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UIObject), true).FirstOrDefault() as UIObject; if (uiobject != null && == node.Attributes["id"].Value) { fieldInfo.SetValue(host, currentNode); } } } if (node.Attributes["tags"] != null) { parserParams.AddObjectTags(currentNode, node.Attributes["tags"].Value.Split(',')); } IEnumerable <ComponentTypeWithData> childrenComponents = Enumerable.Empty <ComponentTypeWithData>(); if (currentTag.AddChildren) { foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes) { HandleNode(childNode, currentNode, parserParams, out IEnumerable <ComponentTypeWithData> children); childrenComponents = childrenComponents.Concat(children); } } foreach (ComponentTypeWithData componentType in componentTypes) { componentType.typeHandler.HandleTypeAfterChildren(componentType, parserParams); } componentInfo = componentTypes.Concat(childrenComponents); }