private void OnRiderGetStateAttempt(EntityUid uid, RiderComponent component, ref ComponentGetStateAttemptEvent args)
     if (uid != args.Player.AttachedEntity)
         args.Cancelled = true;
 private void OnGetStateAttempt(EntityUid uid, PilotComponent component, ref ComponentGetStateAttemptEvent args)
     if (args.Cancelled || !TryComp <ActorComponent>(uid, out var actor) || actor.PlayerSession != args.Player)
         args.Cancelled = true;
 private void OnCanGetState(EntityUid uid, ActionsComponent component, ref ComponentGetStateAttemptEvent args)
     // Only send action state data to the relevant player.
     if (args.Player.AttachedEntity != uid)
         args.Cancelled = true;
 private void OnGetStateAttempt(EntityUid uid, SharedFlashableComponent component, ComponentGetStateAttemptEvent args)
     // Only send state to the player attached to the entity.
     if (args.Player.AttachedEntity != uid)